Buddhism helps us to experience the reality, without beliefs.

Buddhism helps us to experience the reality, without beliefs.
Buddhism helps us to experience the reality, without beliefs.

සංවාද සහ මාගේ පිළිතුරු (Comments & Replies) - Page 21

රූපයක් දැකීමේදී එක මොහොතක ඇස් දෙකේම හිත පහල වෙනවද ?

Scientific Buddhist Teachings and Buddhist Science

ජාතිය අවබෝධ නම් මරණයෙන් නිදහස්#ven.Hadapangoda Niwathapa thero

Thamaata ilangata karanna ona kisima deyak nathi bawa hithanna puluwan.🙏🙏🙏


විශේෂ ධර්ම දේශනාව | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ 

Jeevi ho ajeevi sparshayak veema sandahaa naama rupa hadenna puluwan jeevi salaayathana athuwa ho nathuwa danagannaa swabhawayath ekkama. 🙏🙏🙏
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5: Karma Sannyasa Yoga – The Path of Selfless Action and Liberation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTr4XNc8Wi8

The Gouthama Bodhisattva decided to stop doing anything for himself (let his behaviour/Bhava/Action/reaction stop/avoid) before attaining the Buddhahood. Doer (Behaviour/Bhava) makes generation/birth (Jaathi). Unpredictable behaviour/Bhava is the main difference between life and lifelessness. The behaviour (Bhava) of attachment can be reduced (ignore seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, thinking) to reduce clinging (Upadana, Emotional hunger/thirst/high-ego/low-ego) and attachment (Raaga/Thanha).
94. The Foundational Texts of Indian Philosophy | Buddhism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZiRTtaXRMs

Vishnu Purana is not older than 500bce. Krishna represents Karma & causality in life. New texts (Purana, Altered copies of Buddhist science/Abhidhamma) developed after 300bce. Some relatively educated people have taken/stolen Buddhist knowledge to develop their texts. Some Buddhists have tried to protect Buddhist knowledge from some relatively educated people/believers/competitors.

Exploring the Original Nature of Mind in Buddhism (GUIDED MEDITATION)

Ep 03 - Abhidharma: A Buddhist Philosophical System

2021 10 09 Abhidhamma for Beginners – Lesson 31 - සමුච්ඡය කාණ්ඩය 2 - අකුසල සංග්‍රහය 2 + මිශ්‍රක 1

SJL530 | Indian Ancient Education System | SC ST OBC buddhism me kaise padhte the?| Science Journey

නිරන්තර දහම් මනසිකාරය විතරමයි නිවනට එකඟ මග#ven.Amadassana thero#pahura

☸️🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu☸️ Siddhartha Gauthama Bodhisattva fell many (around 3) times as if he lost his life. That is like a meditation to practice lifelessness.

මේ අවස්ථාව මගහැර ගන්න තරම් මෝඩ වෙන්න එපා#ven.Wossaggha dhamma thero#pahura

Asymmetric Karma (influences/Asava of ignorence/Avijja) would be somewhat neutral when the mind stops/ignores itself & breathing for a while. 🙏☸️🙏☸️🙏

Monk Chat w/ Empty Cloud Monastics

The lord Buddha didn't encourage removing body parts to reduce craving. But awareness is ignorable to let go. 🌳🙏🌳🙏🌳🙏🌳
The Doorway to Enlightenment | The Winter Retreat 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgKhSxGNtJo

The Siddhartha Bodhisattva reduced the craving to live/behave (Bhava Thanha) while reducing his fear (Mara/Moha) of death/leaving. 🙏🪷🙏

මනමානකාම සූත්‍රය | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ 

විශේෂ ධර්ම දේශනාව | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ

Emptiness (Yamaka Sutta), w/ Bhante Suddhaso

One/We can stop doing anything for a while to understand that no one (Mara) is waiting to stop it without my support. When someone stops thinking and doing anything, memory (Sati) gets the mind like a Mara/self who waits to live/behave.

Buddhism And Scientific Temper | K. Ashok Vardhan Shetty, I.A.S (Retd.)

2021 10 16 Abhidhamma for Beginners – Lesson 32 - සමුච්ඡය කාණ්ඩය 3 - මිශ්‍රක සංග්‍රහය

Researching Buddhism and Buddhist Practices - Part 1

සිහිය දියුණු කරන්න පුළුවන් උපරිම ප්‍රමාණය...සම්පූර්ණ දේශනාව https://youtu.be/OzIrHJF3064

Empathy (Metta) can reach the bottom of feelings against fear/pain like filling pain. Empathy would remove feelings for a moment while removing worldly aims.
Does Mind Create or Reflect Reality? Buddhism Answer

This Is The Last Video You'll Ever Need About Synchronicities - no bs

Scientists Just PROVED The Past Can Change!

මගේ ජීවිතේ සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම වෙනස් කරවපු පාඩම් 10ය !🌸 #motivation

"Quantum Physics & Buddhist Philosophy" (Series VIII)

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