
සංවාද සහ මාගේ පිළිතුරු (Comments & Replies) - Page 21

රූපයක් දැකීමේදී එක මොහොතක ඇස් දෙකේම හිත පහල වෙනවද ?

Scientific Buddhist Teachings and Buddhist Science

ජාතිය අවබෝධ නම් මරණයෙන් නිදහස්#ven.Hadapangoda Niwathapa thero

Thamaata ilangata karanna ona kisima deyak nathi bawa hithanna puluwan.🙏🙏🙏


විශේෂ ධර්ම දේශනාව | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ 

Jeevi ho ajeevi sparshayak veema sandahaa naama rupa hadenna puluwan jeevi salaayathana athuwa ho nathuwa danagannaa swabhawayath ekkama. 🙏🙏🙏
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5: Karma Sannyasa Yoga – The Path of Selfless Action and Liberation:

The Gouthama Bodhisattva decided to stop doing anything for himself (let his behaviour/Bhava/Action/reaction stop/avoid) before attaining the Buddhahood. Doer (Behaviour/Bhava) makes generation/birth (Jaathi). Unpredictable behaviour/Bhava is the main difference between life and lifelessness. The behaviour (Bhava) of attachment can be reduced (ignore seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, thinking) to reduce clinging (Upadana, Emotional hunger/thirst/high-ego/low-ego) and attachment (Raaga/Thanha).
94. The Foundational Texts of Indian Philosophy | Buddhism:

Vishnu Purana is not older than 500bce. Krishna represents Karma & causality in life. New texts (Purana, Altered copies of Buddhist science/Abhidhamma) developed after 300bce. Some relatively educated people have taken/stolen Buddhist knowledge to develop their texts. Some Buddhists have tried to protect Buddhist knowledge from some relatively educated people/believers/competitors.

Exploring the Original Nature of Mind in Buddhism (GUIDED MEDITATION)

Ep 03 - Abhidharma: A Buddhist Philosophical System

2021 10 09 Abhidhamma for Beginners – Lesson 31 - සමුච්ඡය කාණ්ඩය 2 - අකුසල සංග්‍රහය 2 + මිශ්‍රක 1

SJL530 | Indian Ancient Education System | SC ST OBC buddhism me kaise padhte the?| Science Journey

නිරන්තර දහම් මනසිකාරය විතරමයි නිවනට එකඟ මග#ven.Amadassana thero#pahura

☸️🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu☸️ Siddhartha Gauthama Bodhisattva fell many (around 3) times as if he lost his life. That is like a meditation to practice lifelessness.

මේ අවස්ථාව මගහැර ගන්න තරම් මෝඩ වෙන්න එපා#ven.Wossaggha dhamma thero#pahura

Asymmetric Karma (influences/Asava of ignorence/Avijja) would be somewhat neutral when the mind stops/ignores itself & breathing for a while. 🙏☸️🙏☸️🙏

Monk Chat w/ Empty Cloud Monastics

The lord Buddha didn't encourage removing body parts to reduce craving. But awareness is ignorable to let go. 🌳🙏🌳🙏🌳🙏🌳
The Doorway to Enlightenment | The Winter Retreat 2024:

The Siddhartha Bodhisattva reduced the craving to live/behave (Bhava Thanha) while reducing his fear (Mara/Moha) of death/leaving. 🙏🪷🙏

මනමානකාම සූත්‍රය | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ 

විශේෂ ධර්ම දේශනාව | ශාස්ත්‍රපති පූජ්‍ය වටගොඩ මග්ගවිහාරී ස්වාමින්වහන්සේ

Emptiness (Yamaka Sutta), w/ Bhante Suddhaso

One/We can stop doing anything for a while to understand that no one (Mara) is waiting to stop it without my support. When someone stops thinking and doing anything, memory (Sati) gets the mind like a Mara/self who waits to live/behave.

Buddhism And Scientific Temper | K. Ashok Vardhan Shetty, I.A.S (Retd.)

2021 10 16 Abhidhamma for Beginners – Lesson 32 - සමුච්ඡය කාණ්ඩය 3 - මිශ්‍රක සංග්‍රහය

Researching Buddhism and Buddhist Practices - Part 1

සිහිය දියුණු කරන්න පුළුවන් උපරිම ප්‍රමාණය...සම්පූර්ණ දේශනාව

Empathy (Metta) can reach the bottom of feelings against fear/pain like filling pain. Empathy would remove feelings for a moment while removing worldly aims.
Does Mind Create or Reflect Reality? Buddhism Answer

This Is The Last Video You'll Ever Need About Synchronicities - no bs

Scientists Just PROVED The Past Can Change!

මගේ ජීවිතේ සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම වෙනස් කරවපු පාඩම් 10ය !🌸 #motivation

"Quantum Physics & Buddhist Philosophy" (Series VIII)

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