
The Theory Of Everything with Pure Eight (Suddhāṭṭhaka/Shuddashtaka) - Page 4

Suresh Wanayalae:
- Replied Date: 09-03-2021

robert flynn (
Very interesting!   Suresh,  all the numbers and ratios may be finite or infinite as continued fractions which have forms called modular forms.  subject = number theory.
out of this Ramanjuan is our key.  how to know how to explain this and the forms which fit your toe space of 6 dimension, your book.  Ramanjuan obtained his knowing at night in dreams.

it might be surprising to know all was in Ramanjuan. over time I may explain. its a kind of Ramanjuan meditation and his infinite link to  finite.  if infinite is too much or hard for you tell me here, ok  regards  robert flynn

Suresh Wanayalae (
Mr. Robert, I think Ramanujan didn't use 6 dimensional mathematics, and he just used 3 dimensional mathematics as same as most mathematicians, so maybe that is why he could remove infinities by his calculations. Maybe the complexity of the universe is not really complex as most people think, so I think we don't need to hurry up to make simple things of the universe complex. I think I don't need to use a trick to remove infinities, because there are no infinities directly in the results of my calculations, and I think the universe removes infinities itself by dimensional interactions. If the universe was like an infinitely large butter cake, then the 6 directions of the universe try to cut it to remove infinities, but the 6 directions will not be able to cut it infinitely on a limit in the symmetry of dimensional cuts, and then it will try to be an infinitely large butter cake again because it was the real nature of it. But it will be mixed with the dust of the previous butter cake.
Currently scientists use renormalization (altering values etc) to remove infinities which arise in calculated quantities in quantum field theory. According to Dr.Paul Dirac they need to find solutions to stop renormalization to find correct ratios to find mathematical beauties etc.

I'll think what we can easily find from my standard models. Maybe we will be able to find the fundamental structures of Mass in elementary particles or something like that, or dimensional interactions of forces etc. And I'll think how I can connect Plank constants to my standard models.

According to Buddhism there are 8 fundamental formations (ghosts/bhutas) called Pure Eight including 4 great fundamental elements (ghosts). And there are 28 material phenomena in Buddhism including the 4 great fundamental material phenomena with 24 other material phenomena. Life-time of a ‘Matter Area’ is equal to 17 ‘thought-moments’ , or 51 short instants; as there are 3 short instants in a moment of thought. According to my calculations there are 4 fundamental dimensional sets (elements) and 48 other dimensional sets which are 24 pairs on same dimensional structure in each 2 sets (two dimensional-sets behave like electric moment and magnetic moment on a '+' or '-' mathematical gap) in matter area of my standard model, so there are 28 material phenomena in my standard model too. There is a mathematical gap (+ or -) between two dimensional-sets which can give 3 small moments to a pair of dimensional-sets. - Suresh Madusanka (10-03-2021)

Physics in Abhidhamma - Emeritus Professor Sumanapala Galmangoda

robert flynn (
I agree with you.   In bhuddism your right.
But, Ramanjuan was Hindu
Consequently he used 6 and 5. According to scripture  5bhutas and 1 ghost.  
His math agrees to his scriptures too just like yours.

Another point we must talk about..
In physics the quarks and gluons are not  "wholes " in reality but only fractions. 1/2,1/3,1/5. (+/-)  EQUALS  6. !
So Ramanjuan developed his infinite ideas in 3 dimension not 6. Because he did not need. Space is only 3!!

They the quarks divide electron and holes into fraction +/-,  not wholes.
So Ramanjuan infinite math is projective into 3 dimensions icosahedron).
  in magnetic fields = infinite projection of electrons
I am citing  a paper on R:  '  bams4.pdf  ' print this  it has pictures

Suresh Wanayalae (
The words Ghost and Bhuta have the same meaning Mr.Robert. There are fundamental matter and antimatter elementary particles in Space too and they have more than 3 dimensions. And there is no big difference between matter and space. And the space should experience Time too, because the space is not static.. And I think sometimes space records reactions or paths of some elementary particles by changing quantum fields or something like that, and maybe that is why some particles change paths relatively to previous paths of previous particles which came through the same direction.
I'll contact you again later in a few weeks Mr. Robert, because I'm busy with a few more things. And I need to take a break for a while.

robert flynn (
Ok, sounds good.  Let's take a break for our other lives, Suresh. 
Just one point.
You should review your model for how you include '  magnetic fields '
Versus 'electronic fields'  i could find no magnetic parts for a theory of everything.  RAMANJUAN IS MAGNETIC GHOSTS AND MATTER
('called  monopoles')   your theory is complmental inverse to Ramanjuans.  My patents are in Soliton physics not std.
Electrics is not magnetics but special symmetries call yang mills is at work.

Have a peaceful time off and rest and meditate time, Suresh. Bye.
Best wishes. Robert. 

Suresh Wanayalae (
Yes. Thanks for understanding Mr. Robert.
All the 24 pairs in my std.model don't have the same Magnetic fields, but there are few Magnetic fields at the bottom range of my std.model which shows a self destruction (1 x 0.00000) of a set in a pair of sets, so that range can behave like Magnetic fields, because those sets should recreate themselves to balance the symmetry of the dimensions in my std.model. And some pairs of dimensional-sets like the Photon pair can receive a magnetic force on the self destruction and reconstruction of their own dimensions.
Thank you so much, and Best wishes to you too Mr.Robert. Bye for now. - Suresh

Buddhism vs Quantum Physics - The Truth About Reality

Suresh Wanayalae:
There are 8 fundamental elementary ghosts (invisible elements) called Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhāṭṭhaka/ Sinhala: Shuddashtaka) including 4 great fundamental ghosts (invisible elements) in Buddhism. We can see 4 elements in Atoms (UP Quark, Down Quark, Electron, Electron Neutrino), and 4 elements in foreces (Gluon, Photon, Z boson, W boson) too.

Even Bananas 02: Neutrinos in 60 seconds

MAGIS-100: The quantum search for dark matter and gravitational waves

Suresh Wanayalae:
Amazing experiments. Best of luck. Maybe there is an anti Higgs particle like an Axion. And if a Higgs particle decays into axion or space maybe we will be able to detect those waves from a something like a MAGIS-1000.

Harvard Scientists Are 95% Confident That The Universe Will Die For This Reason


Even Bananas 04: Can we see neutrinos? From Poltergeist to DUNE

Suresh Wanayalae:
Neutrinos should get mass from it's spin. And I think the spin share around 0.231028894495081 for mass in electron neutrinos.

Charles Brightman:
Last year, in a YT video somewhere, there was talk about possibly electrons being made up from neutrinos.  I don't recall which video it was in or the outcome.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, Up Quarks should get mass from (3/3 - 2/3) which is equal to 1/3. And Down Quarks should get mass from (3/3 -1/3) which is equal to 2/3. But neutrinos and electrons don't have an extra or less charge, so I think the electrons should get mass from a shared spin too. Eg: The mass of the electron is equal to 0.231028894495081 x 5 x 8 x 12 x 8 x 576 which is equal to 0.51099895 MeV/C^2. There are 6 layers in reality, but currently there are only 3 layers in the standard model. And I think there are 2 or 3 more layers inside the first layer which we call Up Quark, Down Quark, Electron and Electron Neutrino.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Consider also that it is claimed that neutrinos can change 'flavor' enroute.  Every effect in this universe has at least one cause.  Something causes neutrinos to change flavor, even if only within themselves.  Of which, neutrinos would possibly be made up of something even smaller to allow that to occur.  of which, 'if' my TOE idea is really true, (and I have a gravity test to test that portions of the TOE idea, just not the resources to do the test), but 'if' true, then the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up neutrinos as well as everything else in existence, including space and time (space being energy itself and time being the flow of energy), and even numbers and mathematical constants for math to do what math does in this universe.  But here again, dependent upon the results of the gravity test.  But still, at least one cause would cause the effect of a neutrino changing flavors.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, Some neutrinos change flavor because there is a continuation of plus (+) and minus (-) interactions within the standard structure which change the direction of the charge or spin of the particles. And it changes as an entangled cyclic process.

You can use the link of my account name to find my TOE. Now I'm busy with few more things. Best wishes Mr. Charles.

Death is our worst Enemy:
 @Charles Brightman  What you are saying is may be right. The Neutrino Oscillation (change of flavours of neutrino enroute) must have a cause behind it, may be they are interacting with some kind of field which we didn't discovered yet.

For comparison Quarks also have colour charge which change flavour of quarks, but they also interact with various fields. Let's see what the future holds for us in this 'field'. [DiowE]

Charles Brightman:

 @Suresh Wanayalae  I will certainly look into your TOE idea.  Trying to be an honest sincere truth seeker, I am trying to discern absolute truth concerning certain items, (absolute truth being defined as the 100% correct and 100% complete set of facts that no human has nor is even physically capable of having).  For only when one truly is dealing with absolute truth is one truly dealing with absolute truth.

Does your TOE explain how neutrinos and quarks can change flavors and how numbers and mathematical constants might exist and what space time possibly is and how it could bend, warp and vary?  Mine does.

Best wishes also, let the 'TOE' battle begin.  :-D 
Have a nice day.  See ya.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, Yes. I explain about it in videos and blogs, but currently I don't have enough time to discuss about it personally. Thanks for your offer. I hope to publish more about it around after a month. So we can discuss later, maybe after few weeks or months. Have a nice day.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  I put your videos on my watch later list and am looking forward to watching and listening to them.  Find some entity to do my gravity test above if you truly want the TOE of the universe though,  :-D  .  I will try to remember to leave comments on your videos so you will notice my thoughts about them at that time.  Enjoy your day.  See ya.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, Thanks, but currently there is only one video with English narrative. And you should watch the other videos to read the conversations shown the in videos to understand my TEO in detail. I put this conversation to my blog too. See you later. Bye for now.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Just watched the video about the Theory of Everything, Jul 12, 2020 post, and left comments for your review.

Suresh Wanayalae:
 @Charles Brightman , ok thanks. But there are more videos about my TOE, and an upcoming video. So just keep in touch. See you later.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Yep, have that future video saved on my watch later list as well.  Also subbed to your YT channel to get video feeds.  Not many of us in this world working on TOE ideas it seems.

Suresh Wanayalae:
 @Charles Brightman , Yes,  and that upcoming video is in Sinhala language, but I'll try to make a video in English soon. I don't want to promote my videos yet, because I think I should prepare more to explain about my TOE. However, I appreciate your efforts. Thanks for your replies. Bye for now.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  See ya.  Will keep in touch.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, According to my dimensional theory neutrinos are somewhat like force carrying particles too, because netrinos don't have an in built 0.5 spin because it is located at the range of forces. And neutrinos make 0.5 spin by dividing a dimension making the other dimension unstable like this 0.5 spin + 0.5 unstable dimension, because there is only 1 dimension in neutrino and it is not a 0.5 dimension. And that should be the reason why there is a Neutrino Oscillation (change of flavours of neutrino enroute). Maybe the neutrinos are like partial forces with a 0.5 spin, and in that reason maybe the neutrinos can become a candidate for gravitational force too. I explain about it in my upcoming video. However, I'll explain more about the masses and forces later. Best of luck Mr. Charles.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  "Best of luck", You too.

Breakthrough at the Large Hadron Collider

Suresh Wanayalae:
Neutrinos are partial forces, and according to my calculations neutrinos separate a symmetry of a dimension, and then it becomes a lepton, and I think, that is how it becomes a very small partial force which I think is the gravitational force.

Elementary Magics & Mathematical Structures Of The Entangled Dimensions (The Theory Of Everything?):

Charles Brightman:
Hi Suresh.  Getting to watch this video today.a.  Thought:  The line of reasoning you seem to be doing, trying to discern the nature of reality from the numerical characteristics, (and if I am not correct in that, please feel free to correct me), I also have thought about, but have not taken it to the extent you have done.

I have thought for a very long time now that there are clues to the nature of reality that can be discerned by the interrelationships of the quantifiable characteristics from the standard model of particle physics.

Basically, it appears we exist in an existence whereby every effect has at least one cause.  The Standard model of particle physics existent effect has at least one cause for it to exist and be how it is.  I also believe that the mathematical and other constants of nature are clues to the very nature of reality itself.  Those items exist because of an underlining nature of reality that allows them to exist.

As previously discussed elsewhere with you, I currently believe that underlining nature of reality is the 'gem' photon, but I fully acknowledge, that portion of my TOE idea is currently dependent upon the results of the gravity test, which will speak for itself.  It will either be true, partly true, or not true at all.  I just do not have the resources to do the gravity test which is currently holding up progress on my TOE idea.

But I still believe there is an underlining answer to it all, the actual TOE of all of existence itself.

Suresh Wanayalae:
The  0.5,1,2 numbers in my mathematical structure are dimensions which is being divided by 3 dimensions. And it fails to divide dimensions by 3 so it divide 1 into 0.5+0.5 which separate a symmetry and try to be symmetric as a cyclic process.  According to my theory there are  (+6-1)/3 dimensions in a photon, and it is just a small combination of dimensions. And there are around (+1+6+0.5)/3 dimensions in a smallest higgs boson, so there are maximum 8 or 8+3 dimensions in a dimensional set including a 0.5 broken dimension. However,  Thanks for your reply.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Which raises some questions: 
a.  How exactly do you define the word 'dimension'?
b.  In your (+6-1)/3 dimensions in a photon, what exactly are those dimensions made up of that allows them to exist and be in their own dimension?  Ditto for the higgs boson dimensions.  Just saying something is in it's own dimension is nice, but then one has to go further to show the actual different dimensions and how those dimensions interrelate to be a more cohesive comprehensive whole.  Otherwise it would seem the TOE would be incomplete.  At least how I would currently see it.  Something to think about maybe.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, ​ @Charles Brightman , Those dimensions are based on 6 directions and there are two dimensions for each direction like this +6-6, and those 12 dimensions should try be symmetric in order to be stable, but when 4 dimensions become stable then 2 dimensions become unstable on the dimensional assymmetry between 12 dimensions, and then it interacts with each other to make a symmetry. And that interactions make 0.5 dimensions like a spin with dimensional movements as forces. The dimensions in a combined dimensional set are just moments within a moment, but those dimensional sets always interact with other dimensional sets according to the mathematical formation of the dimensions, and that is a cyclic process which continue on a lack of a dimension because a dimension from 12 dimensions became a shared dimension (0.5+0.5) making 3 dimensions unstable (like 3 dimensions trying to maintain a symmetry between 4 directions). The dimensions make fields on interactions and according to Buddhism those fields (Pali: bhumi) are like beautiful paintings (eg: citta bhumi), and those fields are the fundamental base of the mind.
I'll exlain more about it few weeks later or I'll publish more about it later Mr. Charles.
Thanks for your time and questions.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Directions in what?  Space?  What then is 'space' for there to be directions in?  And then, if so, how could there be different dimensions in that space?
And you mention forces and fields.  Where did those forces originally come from, or did they eternally exist?  And 'fields' of what?  Energy?
And you also mention 'those fields are the fundamental base of the mind.', of which, where did the mind originally come from and what is it made up of, and how does it do what it apparently does?
Just questions to ponder.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, I already explained a lot of things in my blogs and videos. I don't want to use my energy to explain about it to you personally. So you have to watch videos or read my blogs. I made videos because I don't like to waste my time writing about those things, but you will not be able to understand it because you don't know Sinhala language, so you have to wait until I explain more about it in english. If you want to get an ideo about matter, fields and mind you can follow some buddhist teachings too. A great Buddhist monk said that someone should know Buddhist Abhidhamma to call him a good dhamma teacher. Because I think there were no arguments about Abhidhamma to discuss more, and that is why there were no arguments about abhidhamma in the Buddhist history. So if you really want to know about fundamental aspects of the mind you can follow the abhidhamma teachings first: Physics in Abhidhamma - Emeritus Professor Sumanapala Galmangoda: More about matter and mind:
See you later. Bye for now.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Okay.  But keep in mind, if you are going after the TOE of this universe, these questions will surely follow.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, I just don't like to give short answers, and I don't have time to give a long answer personally. Have a nice day Mr. Charles. See you later.
විශ්වය සෑදීම - The Entanglement Of Dimensional Mathematical Structures Of The Elementary Particles

Charles Brightman:
Hi Suresh, in this video, at around 19:16 in the video, the English portion of the text, states that the origin of matter is the mind and that the four fundamental forces were created by the mind.
Which would raise questions:
1.  Where did the 'mind' originally come from or did it eternally exist?
2.  What exactly is the 'mind' made up of for it to exist and to be able to do what it does?
3.  How exactly did the 'mind' create the four fundamental forces?

Here is a copy and paste from my files concerning a 'pre-existent consciousness', or God as some call it:
For those who claim God actually exists (besides as a concept), consider the following:
a.  An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness truly existing.
b.  An actual eternally existent absolute somethingness that has consciousness, memories and thoughts truly existing.

People who claim God actually and eternally exists basically are claiming that 'b' above is correct but yet simultaneously seem to be saying that 'a' is impossible to occur.
'a' above can exist without 'b' existing but 'b' cannot exist unless 'a' exists.  Even per the scientific principal of Occam's razor, 'a' is more probable of being really true rather than 'b'.

I am one step away from proving God's existence, but am unable to find any actual evidence to do so.  And nobody I've talked to seems to have any actual evidence of God's actual existence either.  All humans appear to have are 'Theories of God'.  Some humans appear to go their whole life basing their life upon their specific theory of God.  They even at times kill other humans based upon their own theories.  Many give their God human characteristics and cannot even prove the existence of their God much less the characteristics given to their God.  Some have circumstantial arguments for a God's existence, but others have circumstantial arguments for no God existing.  Not one has any actual factual evidence that their God actually factually even exists.  Hence, at this time in the analysis, God does not actually exist except for as a concept created by humans for humans.  Humans have personified Nature and called that personification "God".  It appears many of them are delusional and are believing in fairy tales as if those fairy tales were really true.  Instead of what is claimed "God creating man in God's image", it's more likely that "Man created God in Man's image".

Further consider that if the emotional parts of the brain override the logic and reasoning parts of the brain, people can be made to believe basically anything at all as being really true.  Plus modern science has already proven that humans can have visual and audio hallucinations that are very real to that individual.  All the more reason for critical thinking being needed and to follow the facts wherever those facts might lead.
In addition, while modern science does not know what consciousness actually is yet, memories and thoughts appear to require a physical correctly functioning brain to have those items occur.  Where is God's brain?  Where are God's memories stored at?  How are God's memories stored and retrieved?  How does God think even a single coherent thought?
If inside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where?
If outside of this space time dimension we appear are existing in, then where is the interface between that dimension and this dimension?  No such interface has been discovered as of yet as far as I am currently aware of.

*  Note:  Since this is a search for the real absolute truth concerning God, Intelligent Designer, Pre-existent Consciousness, etc, feel free to copy and paste this elsewhere to further the analysis and discussion.
**  I know you said you cannot answer my questions now for it would be too lengthy to do, plus with the language barrier.  But, keep in mind, these type of questions will need to be answered if you are going after the TOE of this universe.
This is just a 'for your info' post for this video.  You do not have to reply to this thread.  Still have your future TOE video due in April on my watch later list.  See ya.

Suresh Wanayalae:
There are dimensions which make matter and fields, including some beautiful fields (Eg: citta bhumi) which have a potential to make the mind, so we can't say that we are just a material phenomena. And we have a potential to change the formation of matter because I think neutrinos are partial forces which can help other forces to change matter particles. And I think neutrinos made an assymmetry inside the particles which caused to make the universe with a lot of potentials, and I think neutrinos are the fundamental force of the gravity. And if someone can use his mind to change that force in neutrinos to change some forces maybe that person will be able to levitate too.

Suresh Wanayalae:
There are few things to correct in my blog, because I didn't know about abhidhamma when I was writing that mind and matter relationship. And think that the mind making matter thing is a wrong translation. And the correct translation of this pali verse: "manō pubbaṅgamā dhammā" is "The mind is the root cause, (not matter)." So it doesn't say that there were no matter before the mind. It just says that our actions are based on mind and not only on matter. And according to abhidhamma there are 4 fundamental natures in the universe called "Paramartha Dharma", and in Pali Abhidhamma these four (4) concepts are known as Rupa (28 in number) Chaitasika (52) Chittha and Nibbana. Chaitasika and Chittha make the mind and there is a fundamental state called Nibbaha (Nirvana) too.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Thank you for the update.  Yes, translating between languages can be difficult at times.  Hence also though, much tolerance and understanding needed to work through issues.
Looking forward to your video post next month on your TOE idea.  Thank you again.

Suresh Wanayalae:
 @Charles Brightman , Ok Mr. Charles, you are welcome and thank you too for your good questions and time. Have a great weekend and see you soon.

Abhidhamma VIII - Time


Knowledge ≠ Wisdom

Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong

Q&A - Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong

Suresh Wanayalae:
Maybe the gluons in empty space are not like the gluons in atoms, and maybe there is a difference between spins in those two types of gluons.

The Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths: Abhidharma and Nagarjuna

Suresh Wanayalae:
The Buddha said (Pali verse:) "manō pubbaṅgamā dhammā" ("The mind is the root cause in dhamma, (not matter)."). It doesn't say that there were no matter before the mind. It just says that our actions are based on the mind and not only on matter. And according to abhidhamma there are 4 fundamental natures in the universe called "Paramartha Dharma". Those four (4) concepts are known as Rupa (4 fundamental + 24 material phenomena in number), Chaitasika (52) Chittha and Nibbana. According to Abhidhamma the mind is based on fields (like beautiful paintings) called Chitta Bhumi.

Wow, New Mysterious Fifth Force May Have Been Just Confirmed

Suresh Wanayalae:
Maybe there is a force carrying particle for 'electron volts' (eV) or a force between photon and electron too.

අවසාන න්‍යාය - The Theory Of Everything or The Final Theory

Charles Brightman:
As promised, I watched the video.  I still agree to disagree at this time based upon our previous discussions.  In addition, here is what I believe is a better explanation to the double slit experiment that you mentioned in the text about 3:57 in the video:
(copy and paste from my files):
It is only an idea on my part but it goes something like this:
1. Charged particles have their associated magnetic fields with them.
2. Protons and electrons are charged particles and have their associated magnetic fields with them.
3. Photons also have both an electrical and magnetic components to them.
4. Whenever a proton, electron, or photon is shot out of a gun, it's respective magnetic field interacts with the magnetic fields of the electrons in the atoms and molecules of the gun itself, the medium the projectile is traveling through (ie: air), and/or from around the slits themselves.
5. Via QED (quantum electrodynamics), newly generated photons might occur.
6. The projectile goes on it's own way and the newly generated photons go on their own way.  It gives the illusion of a wave particle duality, but it is not that way in actual reality.
7. Specifically in the case of protons or electrons, the newly generated EM wave travels faster than the particles. The new EM waves go through both slits and sets up "hills and valleys" of field energy. When the proton or electron goes through one of the slits, it then follows whatever "valley" it enters thereby over time, even shooting only one proton or one electron at a time, the interference pattern will still emerge.
8. As far as detectors are concerned, they probably have an energy field that is one way when on and a different way when off.  The interaction of this energy field (or the lack thereof) with whatever is passing through it, gives the indication that is observed.
Now, for those who hold fast to reality being probability waves that are condensed down by an observer into one single physical reality, then:
a. What exactly are these probability waves made up of?
b. Where exactly are these probability waves stored at until they are observed?
c. How exactly does an observer in physical reality actually observe these probability waves and condense them down into one single physical reality?
d. Who and/or what observed the first observer?
e. What exactly happens when two or more observers observe different probability waves?  Which one takes precedent in physical reality?

For me, while this observer condensing probability waves down into one single physical reality might work well on paper, it does not appear to reflect actual reality.
Now, utilizing the scientific principal of Occam's razor, which way is more probably correct?  My way by utilizing known scientific principals, or that is as discerned on paper as stated above is how reality actually is?

Suresh Wanayalae:
I think during the double slit experiment the observer observes waves of electrons, and when electrons hit the screen then the screen becomes another observer, and then both screen and the first observer (the detector) detect particles of electrons on instant quantum entanglements between those two observers. We can't explain more about that process without understanding the dimensional structure and interactions of dimensions of the electrons etc. I'll let you know if I want to discuss more about things like that. Currently I have more things to do first. So bye for now.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Well then:
a.  You would have to show how the screen becomes an observer when it does not even have a brain, nor memories and thoughts.  And could it even choose a different outcome even if it wanted to?
b.  The entanglements:  How are they entangled?  And wouldn't the particles of electrons have their own 'observation' from their perspective under your view of reality?  If the screen could be an 'observer', then why couldn't the electrons be their own 'observer' observing the screen and even us?
Just things to think about.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman,  The observation is like an interference or an interaction which damage the structure of electrons etc. And we observe the outputs of that damage (at the detector) and the final interaction of the electrons (on the screen). I guess you have a misunderstanding about the process of observation. However, I'll try to publish more explanations later. Thanks for your replies. See you later.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  Possibly with the language difference, when you say 'observation', to me suggests having a conscious being 'observe' something.  Possibly your definition of the word 'observation' is different than mine.  Is your definition of 'observation' kind of like just 'energy interactions'?

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Charles Brightman, Yes. I was talking about something like the quantum uncertainty principle, because when we observe something then we damage that quantum system. And I think we observe things in the same way. I'm not a scientist, mathematician or a theorist, so I don't like to receive questions about those things. But I try to share my ideas. And some questions waste a lot of time. Sometimes it is difficult to deal with many different types of attitudes of people. And some people respect people to take respect, but I usualy don't respect people to take respect from them. But I respect people when they are good, and I don't respect people when they are bad. Some people accept the evolution personally, but some people don't accept it publicly because it is against their religion, but people respect those people too. And some people don't have a courage to tell them to accept it publicly, because they want to take respect or political benefits from them. Sometimes our parents tell us lies too. And there are a lot of liers in this sociaty. And there are a lot of lies in some books. But don't follow them just because you respect them. I converted from Roman Catholic to Buddhism,  and I had some challenges too. Just try to find answers for simple or small questions first, while trying to find answers for big question too. Jesus helped some people to catch fish (but I personally don't think that it really happened, and I think people made that story to develop the bible to allow killing fish and animals.). Is it good or bad? Don't you think animals have rights? I don't want answers or questions from you for now.

Charles Brightman:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  "I don't want answers or questions from you for now."  Okay, and you don't have to respond to this following comment of mine.  Just something to ponder.

As a sincere honest truth seeker:  "The best way to deal with absolute truth reality is to deal with absolute truth reality.  And if one is not dealing with absolute truth reality, then one is not dealing with absolute truth reality.  Find and deal with absolute truth reality."

The Buddha's Parable of the Poisoned Arrow

Suresh Wanayalae:
Thanks for the explanation. I think the Buddha could answer to those questions if someone asked those questions in the right way, or he could tell that he doesn't know. And the Buddha didn't tell that he doesn't know the answers. However, the Buddha answered to some questions like that:
“If you count the total number of sand particles at the depths of the Ganges river, from where it begins to where it ends at the sea, even that number will be less than the number of passed kalpas.” - The Buddha
He (The Buddha) points out that at some point in the future even this great earth with its mighty mountains will burn up and vanish (7:66). Even more, he says, the entire world system will dissolve along with its powerful deities. Understanding this, the wise disciple "becomes disenchanted and dispassionate toward the foremost, not to speak of what is inferior" (10:29 §§2-3).(Page: 41)
Those who acquire the power of recalling their past lives, the texts say, can recollect “many eons of world-dissolution, many eons of world-evolution, many eons of world-dissolution and world-evolution". The eon is divided into four phases: dissolving, prolonged dissolution, evolving, and completed evolution. Each of these is beyond calculation in hundreds of thousands of years” (4:156).(Page: 31)
64 destruction in the universe which has a destruction ratio 56:7:1 or ((7+1)x7)+7+1 based on the fundamental elements called Heat, Water, Air is mentioned in Buddhism like this ((Heat x 7 + Water x 1) x 7) + Heat x 7 + Air x 1).

Robert Laughlin - What is the Theory of Everything?

Suresh Wanayalae:
The dimensions and fields are interrelated to each other. According to the Einstien's equation the both sides of that equation is interrelated to each other in a very complicated way. And same like that the dimensions and fields are interrelated to each other too. And it is like an effect which becomes a cause to change the cause of that effect too. The dimensions in a combined dimensional set are just moments within a moment. The dimensions make fields on interactions.
According to Buddhism there are 4 fundamental natures in the universe called "Paramartha Dharma". Those four (4) concepts are known as Rupa (4 fundamental + 24 material phenomena in number), Chaitasika (52), Chittha and Nibbana (Nirvana State). According to Buddhist Abhidhamma the mind is based on fields (like beautiful paintings) called Chitta Bhumi.
According to Buddhism there are 8 fundamental formations called Pure Eight, including 4 great fundamental elements (ghosts/bhutas). And there are 28 material phenomena in Buddhism including the 4 great fundamental material phenomena with 24 other material phenomena. According to my calculations there are 4 fundamental dimensional sets (elements) and 48 other dimensional sets which are 24 pairs on same dimensional structure in each 2 sets (two dimensional-sets behave like electric moments and magnetic moments) in matter area of my dimensional structure (my 1st standard model), so there are 28 material phenomena in my dimensional structure too.
According to my dimensional theory there are 6 main layers of elementary particles in reality, but currently there are only 3 layers in the standard model of particle physics. And I think there are 2 or 3 more layers (supersymmetry) inside the first layer which we called Up Quark, Down Quark, Electron and Electron Neutrino.  Neutrinos are somewhat like force carrying particles too, because netrinos don't have an in built 0.5 spin because it is located at the range of the forces. So neutrinos are like partial forces which have 0.5 spin with an oscillation, and in that reason the neutrinos can become a candidate for the gravitational force too. And I think there is a superposition of 0 as (+-1-+1)x(+-0.0-+0.0)x(+0.0-0.0) OR (+-1-+1)x(+-0.0-+0.0)x(-0.0+0.0) OR just (+-1-+1)x(+-0.0-+0.0).
Ytube Video id: Tb6MOo1dFH0 (The Final Theory)

Lecture 4 - Buddhism in Myanmar - Living Tradition of Abhidhamma Studies in Myanmar

Suresh Wanayalae:
I think I can explain the origination of the Rupa area which mentioned in Buddhist Abhidhamma texts. According to Buddhism there are 4 great fundamental material phenomena with 24 other material phenomena. According to my calculations there are 4 fundamental dimensional sets and 24 pairs of dimensional sets in a matter area of the dimensional structure: Ytube Video id: Tb6MOo1dFH0. The Buddha said (Pali verse:) "manō pubbaṅgamā dhammā" (Abhidharmic Translation (by Professor Sumanapala Galmangoda): Mind/Chittha is preceded by Chaitasikas | Common Translation: "The mind is the root cause in dhamma, (not matter)."). Abhidhamma teachings are important to understand meanings of some Pali words.

The Maths of General Relativity (7/8) - The Einstein equation


Paul Davies - What is the Origin of the Laws of Nature?

Suresh Wanayalae:
The dimensions (dimensional sets/ particles) and fields are interrelated to each other. According to the Einstien's equation the both sides of that equation is interrelated to each other in a very complicated way. And same like that the dimensions and fields are interrelated to each other too. That means it is a 'dependent origination' (Pali: paṭiccasamuppāda), and it is like an effect which becomes a cause to change the cause of that effect too. The dimensions in a combined dimensional set are just moments within a moment. The dimensions make fields on interactions. according to quantum machanics everything is quantum fields, and according to quantum fields there are long distance connections between particles including quantum entanglements (And quantum fields are part of the brain and mind too.). The Einstein's equation is based on dimensions and fields which he called space time. So there should be a very complex relationship between those dimensions and fields because they depends on each other while cause changing itself.

Suresh Wanayalae:
The masses of the generations of the elementary particles shows that it requires a supersymmetry to make a balance between masses. And if there is an invisible moment after each moment of our moments then maybe we will not be able to detect those supersymmetric particles easily. And if the dark matter is not in our moment, then we can't easily observe dark matter too. And if there are elementary particles inside the Black Holes then it can be the supersymmetric group of all the elementary particles. And I think both elementary particles and black holes made a dependent origination too. - W. Suresh Madusanka


Particle Physics Discoveries that Disappeared


What to Follow Instead of Islam

Suresh Wanayalae:
You can understand the foundations of good and bad. And I think, searching the truth should be a part of our life too. And that truth shouldn't even lead to hate our enemies too.


Secret Of Quantum Physics- Einstein's Nightmare (Jim Al-Khalili) - Science Documentary


Breaking The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Quantum Invariance & The Origin of The Standard Model

What If (Tiny) Black Holes Are Everywhere?


Colin McGinn - What Are The Things of Existence?


What is The Schrödinger Equation, Exactly?


In searching for the truths of life.


The electrical blueprints that orchestrate life | Michael Levin

Two-Headed Worms And Bio-Electricity For Regeneration

Suresh Wanayalae:
The amazing creation of two heads of a planaria flatworm by cracking bioelectrical signals of a planaria flatworm after cutting a planaria flatworm and changing quantum fields (changing electrical communication of non neural but related bioelectricity) beyond the structure of genes shows that bioelectrical fields are able to travel beyond the physical neural system. And it seems that it is like the fields of mind which can move outside the body because of the quantum fields of empty space too. So a continuation of the quantum fields of mind can make rebirth possible as a natural connectivity of quantum fields with another bioelectrical body, because atoms are not the only nature of quantum fields and the empty space can play a big role as a medium too. And some people (Eg: Lior Suchard) can read and influence the mind using some fields of the mind.

Can science explain the Big Bang? | Frank Wilczek and Lex Fridman


The Buddhism Description by Western Intellectuals


බෞද්ධ දැනුම් පද්ධතියේ තාක්ෂණික පැතිකඩ - #04


Brian Greene - What Was There Before The Big Bang?

Suresh Wanayalae:
Answer: Big Bounce through a wormhole.!


Will Wormholes Allow Fast Interstellar Travel?

Supergiant Void - The Strangest Place In The Universe


Are Axions Dark Matter?

Suresh Wanayalae:
Maybe an Axion (which requires to remove the Strong CP problem (theta)) is two pairs of elementary particles with a relatively neutral charge like this: (A(0.5 spin, 2/3 charge) + X(-0.5 spin, 1/3 charge)) is equal to (A+X)ion or AXion.


Physicist: I Don't Believe in Gravity!

Suresh Wanayalae:
Maybe a developed theory about Wormholes will be able to explain the existence of a sort of Multiverse. There is an explanation about it in a more than 2500 years old teachings (64 universal explosions x 4 as a complete cycle (256 explosions) of a Multiverse which has a time period called Maha-Kalpa. And according to that explanation the earth will explode too. Maybe because of an increase of gravity in empty space. And almost all the nearest universes (billions of universes) will explode at once. The 64th explosion is a big explosion and after some explosions there will not be much habitable worlds. It says that few living beings in hell who didn't do much good things and had very strong (definitive) but very wrong views (Eg: 10 Niyatha Mithya Drushti) about the process of the universe and life will go to a hell of another universe (Pali: Sakwala) for few aeons, and others (including hell beings) will be able to survive in a higher level of space (higher brahm worlds) with or without some material things.). If that is true, then we can use that explanation to try to make mathematical theories to understand the existence of mulitiverse mathematically. I think the Big Bang depends on the gravity of space (Eg: bending space, callapsing elements in space etc) and a cyclic change of directions of space.

Is Time Travel Possible? | Episode 206 | Closer To Truth

Suresh Wanayalae:
If Wormholes are connected to Big Bangs then we can't use it for travel or time travel. The universe should be a process of symmetric mathematical probabilities. The 6 main directions make dimensions. A non dimensional zero (0∞ - zero infinity) should be equal to dimensional zeros ((+-0)^6) and it should be always based on the 6 main directions to be symmetric. And it should be equal to (+-1-+0.0+-0.0-+1)^3 as well. Then it can become 64 x 4 symmetric probabilities of formations. According to Buddhism there are 4 periods of 64 distructions within an aeon (Maha-Kalpa). - W. Suresh Madusanka


Accelerator Science: Proton vs. Electron

How Quantum Entanglement Creates Entropy

Electrons DO NOT Spin


Strong Force Explained


Suresh Ran Rahas shared a link.

This is about the beginning of dimensions and the universe. There are quantum superpositions according to experiments and theories of particle physics. But this is not about particle physics.!
This is a new theory. The universe should be a process of symmetric mathematical probabilities. The 6 main directions make dimensions. A non dimensional zero (or zero infinity - 0∞) should be equal to dimensional zeros ((+-0)^6) as a separation from the infinity, which makes a density in dimensional zeros while going back to infinity. And it should always be based on the 6 main directions to be symmetric. And it should be equal to (+-1-+0.0+-0.0-+1)^3 as well. But it should be a 4 symmetric formations of existence:
1st formation:
2nd formation:
3rd formation:
4th formation:
When a formation is active between 3 standard dimensions using the 6 directions of it, with the plus (+) and minus (-) probabilities, it can become 64 cyclic probabilities as a symmetric continuation of dimensions between up and down (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0) without changing it for 4 times, and also between symmetric left and right (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0) without changing it for 4 times, while changing the dimensional probabilities between forward and back, [as symmetric forward and back (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0), and then forward and back (+-0.0+-1-+1-+0.0), and then forward and back (+-0.0-+1+-1-+0.0), and then forward and back (-+0.0-+1+-1+-0.0)] allowing a total 4 symmetric probabilities. And same like that there are 4 dimensional probabilities for symmetric left and right with 4 symmetric forward and back probabilities for each. And same like that there are 4 dimensional probabilities for symmetric up and down with 16 dimensional probabilities for each. Then it can become 64 x 4 symmetric probabilities of formations.
According to Buddhism there are 4 periods of 64 destructions within a great aeon (called Maha-Kalpa). And it sounds like a process of cyclic mathematical probabillities too. Can you imagine how mathematical probabilities become endless cycles like that? - This is from W. Suresh Madusanka, who is the author of the book "Finding The Entanglement Of Binary Mathematical Structures Of The Elementary Ghosts".
Share this video as much as possible.!

Mathematical Science And Buddhism With Cyclic Probabilities Of The Universe


Does God Play Dice with the Universe? | Einstein's Quantum Theory

Does Evil Disprove God? | Episode 208 | Closer To Truth

Gravitas Plus | Taliban's Rise: The threat to India

Suresh Wanayalae:
If there is no creator God or Allah then Taliban Muslims will not fight for Islam. First of all non-muslims should understand that there is no creator God for sure. Jesus couldn't or didn't save himself, or maybe he secretly moved to somewhere else to protect himself. Jesus didn't write the bible. Mohomad was a m-u-r d-e-r-e-r ( But the problem is most Muslims don't care about it, because they don't worship mohomad. And they usually don't allow Ex-Muslims talk about it. Humans wrote some religious books with a lot of contradictions. And according to Hinduism some Hindu gods were violent too. Some Hindus don't believe a creator God, but some Hindus believe a creator God. So Hinduism is like politics. Sometimes people use their religion as a business or a political system, and they depend from it. I think if we can reject the bad side of some religions (Eg: teaching Muslims about the standard human rights of Ex-Muslims, Non-Muslims, and about the rights of animals, womens, children etc) and add details about commonly accepted and generally standard good things about morality and justice between the bad teachings of those religious books, then we can try to reduce the bad actions of the followers of those religions.

'Buddhism is the answer to every problem': President Kovind on Ashadha Purnima-Dhamma Chakra Day


Sayalay Susīlā - Abhidhamma Online Class 1 (6th Mar 2021) Consciousness


New Model DUNKS on the Big Bang! 🏀

Suresh Wanayalae:
Thank you so much for the outstanding explanation and analysis on this topic Dr. Brain Keating. It is a reasonable and almost scientific explanation that may be true or falsifiable. There are a lot of details in the video which we can use to study more about that topic. I'm studying about it too.
I think, there are mathematical probabilities of zero (0) which leads to symmetric cyclic probabilities of the universe.
As an example:
1st formation:
2nd formation:
3rd formation:
4th formation:
But the superposition and probabilities of 0.0 and 1 would make 0.0/1, 0.0x1, 1/0.0, 1x0.0 as a 2 dimensional cycle (*these symbols 'x' and '/' or '\' show directions only.). And then it would make different probabilities like this:
1st formation:
(-+0.0/+-1 -+1\+-0.0),
2nd formation:
(-+0.0x+-1 -+1x+-0.0),
3rd formation:
(+-1/-+0.0 +-0.0\-+1),
4th formation:
(+-1x-+0.0 +-0.0x-+1).

Using a Superposition of 0.0 and 1 to find symmetric probabilities is better because it shows that it almost neutralize a side of a dimensional 0 (Eg: +-0). And this symmetry (-+0.0x+-1 -+1x+-0.0) is more symmetric than this symmetry (-+0.0+-1+-0.0-+1),. And those probabilities show a 2-dimensional cycle like a probabilistic rotation in every direction which we can see in galaxies and solar systems as well. But a big universal rotation can destroy the current formation of the universe as a new universal quantum entanglement or a universal bounce that rotates dimensions (Eg: from up to left, or from up to right, or from up to back, or from up to forward) while moving to the next formation of the symmetric probabilities of the entangled and conditioned universal zero (0).
- Suresh Wanayalaege


Quantum Entanglement Demystified - How does it really work?

How our METASTABLE UNIVERSE could end any moment


The Buddha’s Advice for the Open-Minded Seeker with John Cianciosi


What Is The Big Bounce Theory?


Outstanding Discovery About The Origin Of The Universe

Double Slit Experiment Explained


How do neutrino oscillations work? | Even Bananas

Suresh Wanayalae:
I think the spin of neutrinos is connected to an unstable dimension. According to my theory, it has a 0.5 spin as 0.5+0.5 between 3 standard dimensions. And when it travels it can make 3 types of neutrinos for each dimension. If it takes only one 0.5 for a spin then the other 0.5 should try to be stable making dimensions like 1-0.5. And again it can become unstable because it has created another unstable -0.5 dimension too. So it should try to be stable again making dimensions like -1+0.5. And if elementary particles don't have an extra 0.5 unstable dimension, then those 3 types of elementary particles in the 3 standard dimensions should be stable (without changing the flavor, but if it has a 0.5 spin then it can be unstable when it generally uses more than 1 standard dimension too. And forces with a spin equal to 1 should be stable in standard dimensions. So it sounds like that there are 3 layers with some forces including 2 hidden layers of forces as similar layers of quantum fields. But it can become 2-dimensional forces and 1-dimensional forces as well on interactions or influence of the other 3 types of particles.). I think the first layer (Up Quark, Down Quark, Electron, Electron Neutrino) in the standard model is generally based on only 1 main standard dimension. And generally, there is 1 more standard dimension (like 1-1) in the second layer. And same like that, there are 2 more standard dimensions in the third layer. - S.W.


Brian Josephson - Can Science Provide Ultimate Answers?

How to Build the Universe – with Ben Still

Tissa Jananayake - Episode 153 | බුදුන්වහන්සේ දේශණාකල පරිදි ලෝකය මායාවක්ද?


Why does entropy always increase?

robert flynn:
Bouncing inflation not bouncing universe reverses entropy.

Suresh Wanayalae:
If the multiverse (or megaverse) expands with eternal inflation still it can have a sort of bouncing nature like collapsing space and filling gaps in space before each big bang. Thanks for the great explanation. 


This is NOT how the Universe began!

How Vacuum Decay Would Destroy The Universe


Sam Parnia - What is Consciousness?


The Biggest Ideas in the Universe | 9. Fields


Can an Extended Science Bridge the Worlds of Matter, Mind, and Spirit? | Bernard Carr, Ph.D.


Recent Study About Black Holes Shocked Scientists. What Did They Find?


Read more (Next Page): The Theory Of Everything with 28 Material Phenomena in Matter/Rūpa Zones/Kalāpa (Paramārtha Dharma) - Page 5

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