
Dark Energy Created The Universe

The belief in a theistic God that creates and controls the universe at will, 
is inconsistent with Buddhism.

Mona Baugher Omg can we just get it in one mantra?


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Buddhist Explanation: "Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form."
It sounds like that there are two forms of emtinesses. (Positive Form Of Emptiness (+Empty) And Negative Form Of Emptiness (-Empty))

Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.

Existence with Non-Existence can be the first 1. Because "best current measurements indicate that dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe".

Properties of the "Space" are:
1.) It has a distance
2.) It is the positive form of emptiness (Existence)

Properties of the "Black Holes" (Matter/Form) are:
1.) It has a distance
2.) It is the negative form of emptiness (Non-Existence)

★ (Space + Black Holes) - Distance =
((distance + positive empty) + (distance + negative empty)) - Distance = positive empty + negative empty = Empty

Now we can understand this Formula:
★ Space + Black Holes - Distance = Empty

So we can tell this for sure:
★ Empty + Distance = Space + Black Holes = Universe (or Multiverse)

I guess the 'Dark Energy' should be like this:
★ Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form disappear)}



Mona Baugher Suresh Wanayalae ok... so always look to create light



Mona Baugher I don't see dark as a creator rather the beginning just is...


Mona Baugher We are more powerful than the dark


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Mona Baugher dark energy is not a usable energy. It is at the outside of the universe, and it is just cause to expand the Universe.



Mona Baugher Although dark inhabits much more...we are more powerful...ok ty!!


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. You have misunderstood the word 'Dark'. Please search the meaning of the word 'Dark Energy'. It is another form of energy we have invented recently. 

We make energy from ordinary matter, but our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.

"best current measurements indicate that dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe".


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. I guess there were 100% Dark energy in the beginning of the Universe.


Mona Baugher Suresh Wanayalae ok but I'm looking for a mantra so I thought we should create light is best


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Mona Baugher , I use three simple letters as a Mantra to meditate. I say each letter twise and smoothly. I have given a meaning to those letters. 1.) Aa (Anithya aya/anathma de = impermanent beings/non-self things).. 2.) Su (Suwapath = Be Well) 3.) We (Wewai prarthana karanawa = I wish to happen).
You can use it in English like this: 1.) Im..... Im...... 2.) Be...... Be...... 3.) Wi.... Wi..... (Don't break it when you say it, because a silence can break your concentration. You can repeat it slowly to see the quick good results. And feel the breathing too.)



Mona Baugher Suresh Wanayalae I still think mine is really good no? Create light.


Mona Baugher Suresh Wanayalae whoa! I asked for one mantra to sum up everything. You mentioned dark, I mentioned light, you liked the comment.... now ignoring my request with paragraphs. I'm going with create light.


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. I didn't mention 'dark'. I mentioned 'Dark Energy'.

Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Hole
s/Matter/Form disappear)}

Dark Energy = Empty + Distance (Empty = Mother, Distance = Father, '+' = Interaction)

Dark Energy created dark matter and ordinary matter (Babies). That's all. 

'light' is only a small result {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)}.

But the "Dark Energy" is the real creator (Mantra).



Mona Baugher Why would I try to use energy that can't create?!


Mona Baugher It's not useable... except to expand... and when taken as a metaphor that makes sense.


Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Dark Energy is not a usable energy, But it caused to create usable energy (dark matter and ordinary matter) (babies). So nothing changed.


Suresh Wanayalae It is a my own theory. ("Dark Energy created dark matter and ordinary matter" (babies)).


Rodger RickettsRodger and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Sorry but what you are saying about dark matter and energy is only a guess, no one knows what Dark matter or Energy is, It is only a name on an unknown phenomenon. Therefore it is only a grand speculation to say it is the creator of the universe. Mere speculation and hyperbole.

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Rodger RickettsRodger and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. NASA 2018 -We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%.

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Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Rodger Ricketts , No it is not a guess, I made that theory on causes and effects, but I was just polite to use the word 'guess' to allow other opinions.

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Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Related Buddhist Explanation: Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form.
It sounds like that there are two forms of emtinesses. (Positive Form Of Emptiness (+Empty) And Negative Form Of Emptiness (-Empty))

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Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Rodger Ricketts , Reason to Expansion of the Universe can explain from my theory: 

Dark Energy = +Empty - Empty + Distance - Distance

Expansion = +Distance

Dark Energy - Expansion = -Empty + Empty - Distance + Distance - Distance

Dark Energy - Expansion = -Empty + Empty - Distance

Dark Energy - Expansion = Dark Energy Disappear.

The amount of dark energy increasing and decreasing after every big bang.

Buddhism explain it too: Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form.

Proof for the duality of Existence (appearing and disappearing) : Quantum Double Slit Experiment

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Rodger RickettsRodger and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. There can be no theory only hypothesis when talking about unknown qualities and quantities- See my NASA explanation.

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Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Rodger Ricketts I know about it, just because NASA can't explain anything else about it, it doesn't mean that there are no other explanations. NASA request opinions from people, and I hope to submit my opinions too. And my opinions are based on causes and effect and facts only. And we can make theories from calculations only, and we can test it later. But my theory has a tested proof too: Quantum Double Slit Experiment (scientists don't know why quantum particles behave like waves, but my theory explain it well.)

If you want to learn more about it you can read my blogs:

More details in English:

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Rodger RickettsRodger and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Well, thank you but I don't have time to read it right now. I hope you will soon publish your theory in a proper theoretical physics journal because if your theory is as you say, you will soon win the Nobel prize!



Suresh WanayalaeYou and 102 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Thank you too. However, I don't expect too much. I'm just trying to help reveal hidden truths, because some people say us that they need a creator to create of the Universe. And specially I just want to help Buddhists to understand why we don't need a creator to create the Universe. I think Dark Energy solved our problem.



What gives a computer its purpose and reason for being? If the answer you say is: the computer creator
If Buddhism denies the existence of an ultimate Creator (uncaused first cause who is the Creator of all life) then (by that same logic) does that imply that Buddhism would also deny that it takes an intelligence to create and give purpose to a machine which it otherwise would not have ?

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Geoff Mysynuk It's creator... and after it's creator... it's user.


Tenzin Jampa Samdo User's error or user error.



Eunsahn CittaEunsahn and 3 others manage the membership, moderators, settings, and posts for Buddhist philosophy and practice. straw man: creating a false or made up scenario and then attacking it. (e.g., Evolutionists think that everything came about by random chance.) Most evolutionists think in terms of natural selection which may involve incidental elements, but does not dSee More


Joseph Ultimo the only creator of appearances is mind. There is no creator yet to us, those who are deluded, there are many creations like inventions and babies, and even our own ignorance is the creator of all our life experiences and causes our death and the subsSee More



Suresh Wanayalae According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind.

(Matter or Form (rupa), Sensation or Feeling (vedana), Perception and/or cognition (sanna), Volition or Mental Formation (sankara), Consciousness (vinnana) )

I guess this is how those 5 Aggregates started to work together:

i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Body

ii.) Data = Sensation or Feeling (vedana) (a cosmic structural change)

iii.) The amount of Data = Perception and/or cognition (sanna)

iv.) The power/pattern of attachment = Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)

v.) Attachment = Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

I guess this is how it started:

1.) Matter/Form touched Matter/Form and then it made a 'Data' (Data = a cosmic structural change).

2,) Matter/Form touched 'Data' and then it made an Attachment.

3.) Attachment (Vinnana) caused to touch 'Data' (Naama) with another Matter/Form (Rupa) again.


Three things created the Universe:
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball. 
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ). 
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.

Existence with Non-Existence + Existence + Non-Existence = Universe

Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.

Existence with Non-Existence can be the first 1. Because "best current measurements indicate that dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present-day observable universe".

Properties of the "Space" are:
1.) It has a distance
2.) It is the positive form of emptiness (Existence)

Properties of the "Black Holes" (Matter/Form) are:
1.) It has a distance
2.) It is the negative form of emptiness (Non-Existence)

★ (Space + Black Holes) - Distance =
((distance + positive empty) + (distance + negative empty)) - Distance = positive empty + negative empty = Empty

Now we can understand this Formula:
★ Space + Black Holes - Distance = Empty

So we can tell this for sure:
★ Empty + Distance = Space + Black Holes = Universe (or Multiverse)

I guess the 'Dark Energy' should be like this:
★ Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form disappear)}

* Related Buddhist Explanation: Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form.

That duality of Existence (Space) and Non-existence (Nospace) which exists as a couple can be the dark energy.

Proof for the duality of Existence : Quantum Double Slit Experiment

I have more details about this.

Image may contain: 2 people



Suresh Wanayalae Bow to Buddha, Dhamma and Sanga. However, Thank you. 🙏🙏🙏


Jj Ricci That photo isn't accurate. Why? Because it dismissed the idea that it takes an intelligent mind (i.e. God- the uncaused first cause) to have existed PRIOR to anything subsequent being created.
Nothing can't create anything but an omnipotent Creator God is not nothing (but something) and therefore can create.


Suresh Wanayalae Jj Ricci , Your definition of a God doesn't prove an existence of a God.
★ If no one created the Universe, then it should be equal to zero (0). 
Dark Energy = (-1) + (0) + (+1) = 0

There are two main reasons caused to grow the universe:
1.) Empty 
2.) Distance
Empty + Distance = 0, but the Universe also had -1 with +1. So the Universe was filled with Dark Energy. Dark Energy is an appearing and disappearing the two forms of emptinesses with the appearing and disappearing distance. But it doesn't stop with a 0 because the -1 with +1 is also equal to 0, so the universe is those three things 0, -1, +1. And the imbalance of the three things caused to create dark matter and ordinary matter (-Empty+Distance). Matter is a seperated form of Dark Energy.

Dark Energy = -Empty +Empty +Distance -Distance = 0 

'Dark Energy' should be like this:
★ Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form disappear)}

Dark Energy = Empty + Distance (Empty = Mother, Distance = Father, '+' = Interaction)

Dark Energy created dark matter and ordinary matter (Babies). That's all.



Jj Ricci It takes information to perform action. Where did Dark Matter get its info to create anything? 
Are you claiming that Dark Matter is God?

Jj Ricci Do you think that the idea that people have come up with an impersonal Force i.e dark matter as the Creator because an impersonal Force doesn't make moral commands on people's lives do you think that that's more comfortable for people to grasp onto instead of an personal and ultimate Creator God who they would be accountable to?


Suresh Wanayalae Jj Ricci , I explained about the existence of the Universe without a creator God. But the existence of the living beings is a different topic. However, I'll try to explain it too.

Our own actions become 'Data' in the Universe. And those Data deal with Attachment (Attachment = A connection between Data and Matter/Form). And then it rearranges Matter/Form and Data. And there are two main types of Attachments. 
1.) Desired Attachment (Pali: chanda raga) 
2.) Undesired Attachmment (Attachment without a power of Clinging)

Those two things work with Gravity and our Actions (Karma/Data). And that is what gives results to our good or bad actions. 

★ When our Desired Attachment work against Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Desired Attachment' to the direction of higher Gravity (Below the earth/Hell).

★ When our Desired Attachment reduce the Desire or Support the Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Less Desired Attachment' to the direction of lower Gravity (Higher the earth/Sky/Heaven).

★ When we remove Desire completely from the Desired Attachment of ourselves, then it becomes an Undesired Attachment and then it causes to reduce the Clinging of the Attachment and it fails to be Attached to another Form/Matter (life) after the death (Unattached to the force of Gravity and Data or Karma/ Inactive/ Nirvana).


According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind.

(Matter or Form (rupa), Sensation or Feeling (vedana), Perception and/or cognition (sanna), Volition or Mental Formation (sankara), Consciousness (vinnana) )

I guess this is how those 5 Aggregates Of Clinging started to work together:

i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Body

ii.) Data = Sensation or Feeling (vedana) (a cosmic structural change)

iii.) The amount of Data = Perception and/or cognition (sanna)

iv.) The power/pattern of attachment = Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)

v.) Attachment = Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

I guess this is how it started:

1.) Matter/Form touched Matter/Form and then it made a 'Data' (Data = a cosmic structural change).

2,) Matter/Form touched 'Data' and then it made an Attachment.

3.) Attachment (Vinnana) caused to touch 'Data' (Naama) with another Matter/Form (Rupa) again.

You can learn more from here:


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Jj Ricci Ok. Nice explanation. But here's a foundational question for you to consider: Could you be wrong about everything you know?



Suresh Wanayalae Jj Ricci , My explanations are based on causes and effects, common sense, facts, science, logics, astrology, Buddhist cosmology and explanations about the process of mind/body/Karma. If I'll have enough time I'll explain more later. Now I need to take a break.


Jj Ricci Suresh Wanayalae Could you be wrong about what you know?


Suresh Wanayalae Jj Ricci , I used existing materials (emptiness, distance, dark energy, dark matter, ordinary matter, space and etc) and the behaviours (actions/output/result) of those materials to build a theoritical connection between those materials. And it is a connection between causes and effects. My explanations don't change the causes and effects. And explanations support the behaviours of the those causes and effects, and it has explained why quantum particles behave like waves. And it can explain why dark energy increased after the bigbang (until the maturity of the universe) and how the Dark Energy expand the Universe now (until the end of the universe). And it predicts that the Dark Energy should decrease with the expansion of the Universe.

I didn't create anything or I didn't use miracles to build my explanation. You can check each and every detail of the process separately to understand that all those things are based on causes and effects and existing materials. Then you can't say that there is something wrong with the final result.


Suresh Wanayalae I can tell you why the Planets, Stars and Black Holes having a rounded shape. It shows the connection between Space and Matter, because the Matter is the opposite energy of Space. Both Matter and Space are moving against each other during the cyclic process of the Universe. If we stretch a rubber band we know that the both sides of the rubber band can't move to the same direction without an external force. Because the force of a side of the rubber band depends on the force of the opposite side of the rubber band. Those forces are going in and out. The forces of Space and Matter depends on Dark Energy too. So we can understand why Matter (ordinary matter) try to go inside (Gravity) against the space. And if the space expand more and more, and then if the Dark Matter (Dark Matter is an extremely small particle) combine with each other, then it will make more objects with a rounded shape, or it will bring the space back to the center, or it will joint all the matter together and it will blow up moving outside (reducing the higher gravity) and the same time the space will start to move inside, or it will cause to disappear the Matter and then it will break the Space and make Matter again (Ordinary Matter and Dark Matter) to balance the forces.

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Kristopher Bayones I really don’t understand your saying space is something there. Why can’t it be nothing there empty void like most people believe objects like the sun get they’re shape from exploding in all directions which is not a perfect 0 but it never is before all that it was a bunch of gases which was nothing near to an 0 planets are round mainly do to their forces of gravity which pull from all directions “gravity pulls from the center to the edges like the spokes of a bicycle wheel this makes the overall shape of a planet sphere”.


Suresh Wanayalae Ignore the planets, and think about Black Holes. 

Space = Clear Emptiness

Black Holes = Solid Emptiness

Planets/Stars/Asteroids = Solid Emptiness + Clear Emptiness

Planets/Stars/Asteroids are mixed objects, so those things doesn't make the shape perfectly.

Direction of the Space (Positive form of emptiness) = Outside = It helps to expand the Universe

Direction of the Black Holes (Negotive form of emptiness) = Inside = It has created a Gravity


Kristopher Bayones I’m not trying to through you off but I don’t think black holes are emptiness in the earlier days they had a lot of myths like gateways to another place or refer to as a great emptiness because of our lake of ability to see them but actually they’re full of stuff practically anything that comes by sucks even lite in
And space doesn’t have any direction the universe does the universe is considered to be our groups of galaxies nebula black matter (still a theory the contender being irregular gravity between celestial objects and the contender is losing) and all other matter in the largest group beyond our localized group our group of all of this my point is it’s matter space is a void nothing moves cause nothing’s there that’s why it’s called space you fill it in with stuff


Kristopher Bayones Did you know that our closest galaxy is over 1000 times greater than our galaxy in which we are on a head to head collision course with that will happen in roughly 400billion years


Suresh Wanayalae Kristopher Bayones . Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.

'Dark Energy' should be like this:
Dark Energy = +Empty - Empty + Distance - Distance

★ Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form disappear)}

Buddhist Explanation: "Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form."
It sounds like that there are two forms of emtinesses. (Positive Form Of Emptiness (+Empty) And Negative Form Of Emptiness (-Empty))

"Dark Energy is the creator of the Universe."

Read more:


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Kristopher Bayones I am interested and reading



Suresh Wanayalae Kristopher Bayones , I know that. Still we can't change the directions of galaxies.


Suresh Wanayalae Kristopher Bayones , If have enough time you can try to read this too: 
(How Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging And Chanda Raga?)

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Kristopher Bayones All looks pretty interesting


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Suresh Wanayalae Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

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Lily PearceLily and 101 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Suresh Wanayalae yes, selflessness is a core Buddhist tenet, completely incompatible with a creator God, you do well to point this out. Thanks. 🙏🙏🙏



Suresh Wanayalae Lily Pearce , You are welcome, but I don't know whether the selflessness is incompatible with a creator God or not, but because we can understand the process of our mind and body without a help an invisible creator God, an existence or a non-existence of a creator God is not important at all. And if a new religion says that the mind of a creator God doesn't change from time to time, then we can say that it is only a fixed process of the enery of the Universe. 😊😊😊


Grandiose delusions - Wikipedia


Suresh Wanayalae Can you point out a single error within my explanations?


David Rintoul Suresh Wanayalae believing that you're qualified to discuss these topics.


Suresh Wanayalae I analysed it from few years, and then I posted articles and videos. 

I used existing materials (emptiness, distance, dark energy, dark matter, ordinary matter, space and etc) and the behaviours (actions/output/result) of those materials to build a theoritical connection between those materials. And it is a connection between causes and effects. My explanations don't change the causes and effects. And explanations support the behaviours of the those causes and effects, and it has explained why quantum particles behave like waves. And it can explain why dark energy increased after the bigbang (until the maturity of the universe) and how the Dark Energy expand the Universe now (until the end of the universe). And it predicts that the Dark Energy should decrease with the expansion of the Universe.

I didn't create anything or I didn't use miracles to build my explanation. You can check each and every detail of the process separately to understand that all those things are based on causes and effects and existing materials. Then you can't say that there is something wrong with the final result. 😉


David Rintoul And how have you tested your hypothesis?



David Rintoul Suresh Wanayalae no answer


Suresh Wanayalae Just because NASA can't explain anything else about it, it doesn't mean that there are no other explanations. NASA request opinions from people, and I hope to submit my opinions too. And my opinions are based on causes and effect and facts only. And we can make theories from calculations only, and we can test it later. But my theory has a tested proof too: Quantum Double Slit Experiment (scientists don't know why quantum particles behave like waves, but my theory explain it well.)

This is a proof of my theory: The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality
But scientists still can't explain it.
So if the scientists find a way to explain it. Then they will see that my theory is correct.

"double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles".

'Dark Energy' should be like this:
Dark Energy = +Empty - Empty + Distance - Distance

★ Dark Energy = Empty + Distance = {+Empty + Distance (*Space appear)} + {+Empty - Distance (*Space disappear)} + {-Empty + Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form appear)} + {-Empty - Distance (*Black Holes/Matter/Form disappear)}

Double-slit experiment shows that something appearing and disappearing when the quantum particles travel. But the Scientists called it a wave, but in reality it is appearing and disappearing effect of an Energy (Dark Energy).

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David Rintoul Suresh Wanayalae how does the double slit experiment relate to your ideas about dark energy? 

And what do you expect NASA to do with your calculations?


Suresh Wanayalae David Rintoul , You can try to understand it. I hope you don't need a help from a doctor.😂😂😂


Suresh Wanayalae The Heart sutra, a text from the prajnaparamita-sutras, articulates this in the following saying in which the five skandhas are said to be "empty":

"Form is emptiness, emptiness is form
Emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness
Whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form."

("Rupan śūnyatā śūnyatāiva rupan. Rupan na prithak śūnyatā śūnyatā na prithag rupan. Yad rupan sa śūnyatā ya śūnyatā tad rupan.")

"Śūnyatā" (Sanskrit) is usually translated as "devoidness," "emptiness," "hollow, hollowness," "voidness." It is the noun form of the adjective śūnya or śhūnya, plus -tā:

śūnya means "zero," "nothing," "empty" or "void". Śūnya comes from the root śvi, meaning "hollow".

Theravada Abhidhamma texts such as the Patisambhidamagga which also speak of the emptiness of the five aggregates and of svabhava as being "empty of essential nature".

In Theravada Buddhism, suññatā often refers to the non-self (Pāli: anattā, Sanskrit: anātman) nature of the five aggregates of experience and the six sense spheres. Suññatā is also often used to refer to a meditative state or experience.

In Mahayana, Sunyata refers to the tenet that "all things are empty of intrinsic existence and nature," but may also refer to the Buddha-nature teachings and primordial or empty awareness.



  • චූටි කුකු This is about the start of the Universe:

    The Universe exists on Mathematical Physics only. If we try to calculate the start of the Universe, then we can find the reasons to grow the Universe. I could make that Calculation by using 6 main directions, and I didn't use distance to start that calculation, because the Universe didn't have a distance to any direction in the beginning. I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exist, because there is no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in the beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid shaped objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects to using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not. And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have different shape (rounded shape). And we can mathematically calculate those virtual gaps of 6 directions to find whether it can make a distance inside those two objects or not. 

    So we can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 

    And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 
    (*In addition we can see the main 12 zeros in the Universe, which belongs to 6 directions.) 

    If you calculte those 6 virtual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe makes +1 distance and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0. So according to mathematical physics that is how the Universe makes a distance between +0-0 and +0.0-0.0 when the Universe started, and again and again after every cyclic process of the Universe when the Universe make Directions (Big Bang) till it makes +0-0 again, which created +1-1 dimensions and +0.0-0.0 which makes space and energy after every cyclic process (big bang) of the Universe, ((+0.0-0.0)3 makes small dimensions while converting the edges of the Universe into distance) which cause to grow the Universe.

    According to Buddhism there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems (that is a number with 9 or 12 Zeros). (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8). (((31 worlds from Hell to inactive Brahma worlds)x1000)x1000)x1000)x1000. Buddhist (sahasra) cosmology describes the grouping of these vertical worlds into sets of thousands, millions or billions. (If the 31 types of the worlds = a Galaxy, then there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) galaxies. The observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to 2000 billion galaxies So it is similar to 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems in Buddhism. If the 31 types of the worlds = a Universe, then there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) Universes according to Buddhism). And it shows a balance, which can make limited number of Universes connected to each other to make a balance like a large parallel Universe.

    Those 6 directions in the Universe make 12 Zeros again each directions, which made two solid objects (arounded cubes) which can make the folllowing 8 main formations using +1-1 dimensions inside those obejects:

    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+0-0)6

    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    (+1-(-1))3 =
    (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
    - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

    (Eg: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3)

    The 8 main formations in the Universe which made 4D, 3D, 2D and 1D objects like Galaxies, Atoms, Magnetic fields, Solar Systems, Waves like Light and heat and etc after the formation of this +1-(-1))3 obect in the Universe which forms with the every start and restart of the Universe, which formed from 6 Directions with (+0-0)6 zeros between (+0.0-0.0)3 at the edge of the Universe which still form small forms like Space and Energy using dimensions at the edge of the Universe with the expansion of the Universe.

    (+1-(-1))3 =

    A: (+1)3
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3

    This is how it happened:

    We can write the main 6 directions like this without using a distance (during the Start of the Universe): 
    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

    And we can write it like this too: (+0-0)6

    There is a mathematical formula like this:
    (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

    We can write it like this too: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2

    And if the a = 0 and b = 0, then we can write it the mathematical formula like this:

    (+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02

    You can see how (+0-0)2 made this (+1-(-1)) distance between 0 and 0 x 0 (between Zero (0) and 0.0 or Null (.)).

    If we apply that mathematical formula to this (+0-0)6 then we can get the following results:

    (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    This part of the result (+1-(-1))3 looks like another 3D object with distances, so we can calculate it to get these 8 results:

    A: (+1)3
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3

    The Universe can make those main 8 formations again and again after every Big bang increasing the volume of it after many Big Bangs, which can cause to form many complex formations with many different sizes of dimensions (many sizes and forms of +1 and -1 distances) after every Big Bang.

    You should have some mathematical knowledge and intelligence to understand my explanation.
    Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia
    Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia
    Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia

  • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Black Holes And Galaxies in Buddhism (*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole): 

    "Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819)

    "Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,(819) there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))

    "A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)

    "There is also a larger universe, consisting of a thousand of these small universes, called the middle universe. [In addition,] there is a great universe that consists of a thousand middle universes. This is called the triple thousand–great universe (sanqian taqian shijie). All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction, and each locality where sentient beings reside is called a buddha land (buddha-kṣetra)." (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)

  • චූටි කුකු "in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach," - 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions the characteristics of an object like a Block Hole.

    The Size of a Black Hole depends on the number of solar systems. A Buddhist world-system consists 31 levels of dimensions for 31 types of living beings, therefore some solar systems are not perfect Buddhist world-systems. The world-systems in a galaxy can make many world intervals, so it can be a large world interval like a Black Hole.
  • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , "Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole. You are blind on your faith. You are using irrelevent and very less details from Quran to connect science with the Quran. The writers of the Quran couldn't write anything about the Universe in detail. But Muslims make fabrications to fool themselves and others.

    Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are much better than irrelevent verses in Quran and fabrications of Muslims. Muslims are so stupid and they make stupid arguments, and sometimes they don't like to accept the truth, because they are afraid to accept the truth.

    Many Big Bangs are a scientific posibility, Scientists don't reject it. But you are so stupid to tell me that it is not a scientific posibility. According to Buddhism a Big Bang is a start of an Aeon (Kalpa: A great kalpa is 4 medium kalpas, or around 1.28 trillion years. - wikipedia). And you think that a fart of a God or something like that made the Universe. ha ha. One day you will be disappointed on your superstitions. Muslims use Islam to invade countries and kill humans & animals, but they know nothing about after life of their own or others. (Young Muslim Girl Reincarnated Scientists didn't say that a God created the Universe, so don't involve science into your superstitions.
  • චූටි කුකු If the galaxies are not accelerating making the galaxies move away from each other, and if the galaxies don't change the speed, then scientifically another Big Bang is not possible, because the Galaxies don't show a NATURE OF A WAVE with the help of a force (Dark Energy) in the Universe. An ACCELERATION CAN MAKE A WAVE which can make something retrun back to the previous position after the end of the Acceleration. But because the GALAXIES ARE ACCELERATING it can return to the previous position after the end of the acceleration (* According to Buddhism there is a big destruction within every 64 types of destructions, maybe because of the gaps between the groups of minor and great thousandfold world systems), which CAN MAKE ANOTHER BIG BANG. So another big bang is A SCIENTIFIC POSSIBILITY.
  • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Sumudu Vijayanthi Nagodavithana , Buddha didn't say that moon have it's own light. But he wanted to mention all the lights in the Sky including Moon light which does not reach the Black Hole (World Interval)

    According to Buddhism there are minimum 3 good habitable solar systems (Buddhist world systems with life) around a Black Hole. That is the best explanation about a balance of a galaxy.

    You are blind on ill will, desire, stupidity, or fear (don't use those things to take a decision.). 

    Buddhism is all about causes and effect. Newton's low is a part of it.
  • Mubashar Ahmad Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs how things can come from nothing, you've any scientific evidence?
  • Mubashar Ahmad Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs human inability to find the end of universe is just like an Ant to Earth!
  • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Mubashar Ahmad , I already told you that the Universe is not only nothing, but also infinite. Nothing and ( x ) infinity create ( = )  forms of +emptiness and -emptiness in between, and the infinity continue that process at the edge of the emptiness (distance) too. 'Nothing' becomes' +Emptiness and -Emptiness when 'Infinity of the 6 directions ((+0-0)6 or (+0.0-0.0)3)' overlap with each other making 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions which make Time and Distance. And the Universe always has 6 directions (Up,Down,Left,Right,Front,Back) with those nothingness and infinity. Big Bangs and Dark Energy restart and increase the capacity of the Universe (*mathematically: +0-0 to +1,-1 and +0.001,-0.001). If the edge of the Universe is expanding, then we can understand that the edge of the Universe can make space or energy from nothing and infinity (mathematically). We already discovered that an energy called Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come from nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe. Dark energy is not static. So the speed of the acceleration of the galaxies will cause to collapse the forms like Galaxies, Dark Matter, Atoms and etc. And then it can cause to make a Big Bang again.
    Mathematically: (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3
    (+1-(-1))3 made space, galaxies, atoms and etc.
    (+0.0-0.0)3 is making space or energy at the edge of the Universe.

    "Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe", because real mathematics can show that (+0.0-0.0)3 is able to create +0.001 and -0.001, as well as (+0-0)2 is able to create +1 and -1. But our common knowledge about mathematics don't help us to make that calculation, because if we use a normal calculator to multiply 0 from a 0 then the result it shows is 0 ( wrong mathematics: 0x0 = 0), but in the reality if we multiply 0 from a 0 (mathematically: 0x0), then the result should be 0.0 (mathematically: 0x0 = 0.0). There is a big difference between 0 and 0.0 (Null). Real mathematics can show how forms can come from nothing (without a distance (0 distance) (0 distance = +0-0)) and from the infinity of the 6 directions.

1.) විශ්වයේ නිර්මාණයේ සත්‍ය : Download Video (65 MB:

2.) මැවුම් කරුවෙකු නොමැතිව විශ්වය ඇතිවීම : Download Video (89 MB:

3.) නිර්වාන අවබෝධය : Download Video (33 MB:

4.) මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය - Life Started On Illusion (in Sinhala/ සිංහලෙන්: විනාඩි 44)

Download: Original (169 MB) Video

5.) කිසිවක් නැතුව (o) සහ අනන්තයෙන් (∞) විශ්වය පැමිණීම : Download Video (153 MB: 

6.) මැවුම්කාර දෙවිකෙනෙක් සිටිනවාද? : | විශ්වය හැදිලා තියන විදිය දැනගන්න ඕනේ නම් මෙම වීඩියෝ එක බාගත (Download) කරගෙන සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම බලන්න. මෙතෙක් කිසිවෙක් නොදැන සිටි ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීමක්. |Download Video (205 MB: | (* තවත් වීඩියෝ එකක් හදල තවදුරටත් පැහැදිලි කරන්න බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා.) 

7.) ඉස්ලාම් ආගමික ත්‍රස්තවාදයක් පවතින්නේ කව්රුන් නිසාද? : Download Video (248 MB:

10.) මැවුම් කරුවෙකු නොමැතිව විශ්ව ගණිතයෙන් සෑදුනු පරමාණු ගැන ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීම (Atoms/පරමාණු සහ එහි අන්තර්ගතය සොයාගෙන තිබුනත් ඒවා සෑදීමට හේතුව මෙතෙක් නවීන විද්‍යාවෙන් සොයාගෙන නැහැ. බුදු දහමට අනුව 'ශුද්ධාෂ්ටක' ගැන සහ විශ්ව ගණිතයෙන් පරමාණු සෑදීම ගැන සොයාගත් ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීම)

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