
Shape Of The Earth, Solar Systems, Black Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism

The Shape Of The Earth In Buddhism

Buddhism says about the rounded shape of the earth. You can see it from this explanation about the continents on Earth which says the first continent is connected to the last continent.

These are the four main continents on earth according to Buddhism which are connected to each other as a circle:

1.) Jambudvīpa (Sanskrit) or Jambudīpa (Pāli)
2.) Pūrvavideha or Pubbavideha
3.) Aparagodānīya or Aparagoyāna
4.) Uttarakuru

Jambudvīpa is connected to Pūrvavideha,
Pūrvavideha is connected to Aparagodānīya,
Aparagodānīya is connected to Uttarakuru,
Uttarakuru is connected to Jambudvīpa too.

The rounded shape of the earth made the connection between Uttarakuru and Jambudvīpa. So those four continents in Buddhism indirectly says the rounded shape of the Earth.

When it is midday on the continent of Jambudvīpa, the sun is setting on the continent of Pūrvavideha in the east and rising above the continent of [Apara]godānīya in the west, while it is midnight on the continent of Uttarakuru in the north. When it is midday in [Apara]godānīya, the sun is setting in Jambudvīpa and rising in Uttarakuru, while it is midnight in [Pūrva]videha. When it is midday in Uttarakuru, the sun is setting in [Apara]godānīya and rising in [Pūrva]videha, while it is midnight in Jambudvīpa. When it is midday in [Pūrva]videha, the sun is setting in Uttarakuru and rising in Jambudvīpa, while it is midnight in [Apara]-godānīya. Here when Jambudvīpa is in the east [at sunrise], [Pūrva]videha is in the west. If Jambudvīpa is in the west [at sunset], [Pūrva]videha is in the east. If [Apara]godānīya is in the west, Uttarakuru is in the east. If Uttarakuru is in the west, [Apara]godānīya is in the east. (Page #: 295-296

Uttarakuru is the highest continent of the three continents [besides Jambudvīpa], this land surpasses the others and so is called Uttarā, which in the Indian language means “highest.”

- Suresh


Solar Systems, Black Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism

"Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819)
(*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole)

"Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,819 there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))

"A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)

"There is also a larger universe, consisting of a thousand of these small universes, called the middle universe. [In addition,] there is a great universe that consists of a thousand middle universes. This is called the triple thousand–great universe (sanqian taqian shijie). All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction, and each locality where sentient beings reside is called a buddha land (buddha-kṣetra)." (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)

Our observable universe has 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.

The observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to 2000 billion galaxies.

According to Buddhism there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems (that is a number with 9 or 12 Zeros). (see for example Anguttara Nikaya i. 227-8). (((31 worlds from Hell to inactive Brahma worlds)x1000)x1000)x1000) + middle and small universes which belong to the triple thousand–great universe).

If the first 1000 world systems (small universe) = A Galaxy, 
then the thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system (1000x1000) = Maybe the 'Dark Matter' combine groups of galaxies making a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system (middle universe),
And then a 1000 middling world systems (1000x1000x1000) = thousand-to-the-third-power great world system (the triple thousand–great universe)

"All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction," (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152) 

So maybe the triple thousand–great universe is not limited to 1000 middle universes, and there are "many thousands of middle universes".

Buddhist (sahasra) cosmology describes the grouping of these vertical worlds into sets of thousands, millions or billions.

"Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole.
Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are much better than irrelevent verses and fabrications in other religions.

According to Buddhism "There are 3 Habitable World Systems around a WORLD INTERVAL (Black Hole)". But there can be more Solar Systems around a Black Hole (inside a Galaxy) which are not habitabe. "A thousandfold minor world system (Galaxy) can have around 1000 habitable World Systems" too.

A Big Bang is a start of an Aeon (Kalpa: A great kalpa is 4 medium kalpas).

If the galaxies are not accelerating making the galaxies move away from each other, and if the galaxies don't change the speed, then scientifically another Big Bang is not possible, because the Galaxies don't show a NATURE OF A WAVE with the help of a force (Dark Energy) in the Universe. An ACCELERATION CAN MAKE A WAVE which can make something return back to the previous position after the end of the Acceleration. But because the GALAXIES ARE ACCELERATING it can return to the previous position after the end of the acceleration (* According to Buddhism there is a big destruction within every 64 types of destructions, maybe because of the gaps between the groups of minor and great thousandfold world systems), which CAN MAKE ANOTHER BIG BANG. So another big bang is A SCIENTIFIC POSSIBILITY.

Buddha didn't say that moon have it's own light. But he wanted to mention all the lights in the Sky including Moon light which does not reach the Black Hole (World Interval)
According to Buddhism there are minimum 3 good habitable solar systems (Buddhist world systems with life) around a Black Hole. That is the best explanation about a balance of a galaxy.
Don't be blind on ill will, desire, stupidity, or fear (don't use those things to take a decision.). 
Buddhism is all about causes and effect.

"There comes a time, Vasettha, when, after a long period, this world contracts. At a time of contraction, beings are mostly born in the Abhassara Brahma world. The beings were made of mind, fed on bliss and joy, self-luminous, travel across the air and were glorious and they stay like that for a very long time. But sooner or later, after a very long period, this world begins to expand again. At a time of expansion, the beings from the Abhassara Brahma world passed away and are mostly reborn in this world. Here they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self- luminous, moving through the air, glorious and they stay like that for a very long time. At that time, it was pitch darkness all over with no sun or moon,  no day or night." -The Buddha

The Lord Buddha said about Atoms:

The Buddhists denied the existence of substantial matter altogether.

Medieval Buddhist philosophers Dharmakirti and Dignāga considered atoms to be point-sized, durationless, and made of energy.

Rupa-kalapa, imagined as the smallest units of the physical world, of varying elementary composition.[38] Invisible under normal circumstances, the rupa-kalapa are said to become visible as a result of meditative samadhi.

A yojana, the Buddha said, is equivalent to:
Four krosha, each of which was the length of
One thousand arcs, each of which was the length of
Four cubits, each of which was the length of
Two spans, each of which was the length of
Twelve phalanges of fingers, each of which was the length of
Seven grains of barley, each of which was the length of
Seven mustard seeds, each of which was the length of
Seven particles of dust stirred up by a cow, each of which was the length of
Seven specks of dust disturbed by a ram, each of which was the length of
Seven specks of dust stirred up by a hare, each of which was the length of
Seven specks of dust carried away by the wind, each of which was the length of
Seven tiny specks of dust, each of which was the length of
Seven minute specks of dust, each of which was the length of
Seven particles of the first ATOMS.

"As for the smaller measurements, there are seven dust motes in a mote of airborne dust, seven motes of airborne dust in a rabbit hair, seven rabbit hairs in a sheep hair, seven sheep hairs in a cow hair, seven cow hairs in a gnat, seven gnats in a louse egg, seven lice eggs in a mustard seed, seven mustard seeds in a barley grain, and seven barley grains in a fingertip. Thus, there are nearly two billion dust motes in a fingertip."

(Buddhist Sutta: The Lankavatara Sutra: Page 215)

So here's the neat part: According to Alex Bellos, it turns out the Buddha's calculation got the size of an atom very close to right!

This was, in fact, a pretty good estimate. Just say that a finger is 4 centimeters long. The Buddha's "first atoms" are, therefore, 4 centimeters divided by 7 ten times, which is 0.04 meter x 7 to the minus 10 or 0.00000000001416 meter, which is more or less the size of a carbon atom.
Read more:

The Buddha’s “first atoms” are, therefore, 4 centimeters divided by 7 ten times, which is 0.04 meter x 7 to the minus 10 or 0.00000000001416 meter, which is more or less the size of a carbon atom.

Read more:

7 Dust Motes (7 Atoms) (දූවිලි අංශු/පරමාණු 7ක්) = 1 Airborne Mote (වායු අංශුවක්)
7 Airborne Motes (වායු අංශු 7ක්) = 1 Rabbit Hair (end point) (හාවෙකුගේ මවිලක් (තුඩ/අග))
7 Rabbit Hairs (end) (හාවෙකුගේ මවිල් 7ක්) = 1 Sheep Hair (end) (බැටළුවෙකුගේ මවිලක්)
7 Sheep Hairs (end) (බැටළුවෙකුගේ මවිල් 7ක්) = 1 Cow Hair (end) (එළදෙනකගේ මවිලක්)
7 Cow Hairs (end) (එළදෙනකගේ මවිල් 7ක්) = 1 Gnat (cellular organisms) (ක්‍ෂුද්‍ර ජීවියෙක්)
7 Gnats (cellular organisms) (ක්‍ෂුද්‍ර ජීවීන් 7ක්) = 1 Louse/Lice Egg (උකුණෙකුගේ බිත්තරයක්)
7 Louse/Lice eggs (උකුණෙකුගේ බිත්තර 7ක්) = 1 Mustard Seed (අබ බීජයක්)
7 Mustard Seeds (අබ බීජ 7ක්) = 1 Barley Grain (බාර්ලි ධාන්‍ය බීජයක්
 Barley Grains (බාර්ලි ධාන්‍ය බීජ 7ක්) = 1 Fingertip ( = end point of a finger) (ඇඟිලි තුඩක්)


Extra Details:

World System (Habitable Solar System with Humans, Gods and Brahmas)

A world system has not only vast temporal duration but is also stratified by way of various realms of existence, ranging from the dismal hell realms, worlds of intense suffering, through the animal realm, to the sphere of afflicted spirits (sometimes called "hungry ghosts"); then on to the human realm, and upward through ah ascending series of celestial realms inhabited by the devas (heavenly beings/gods) and brahmas, the deities and divine beings. There are six sensual heavenly realms: the heaven of the four divine kings, the Tavatimsa devas, the Yama devas, the Tusita devas, the devas who delight in creation, and the devas who control what is created by others (3:70/6:10, 8:36, etc.). Above these are the brahma world and still higher realms, spheres of rebirth for those who have mastered the meditative attainments. (Page: 31)

Thousandfold Minor World System (1000 World Systems/ 1000 Habitable Solar Systems)

The Blessed One (The Buddha) said this:
(1) "A thousand times the world in which the sun and moon revolve and light up the quarters with their brightness is called a thousandfold minor world system.(*512) In that thousandfold world system there are a thousand moons, a thousand suns, a thousand Sinerus king of mountains, a thousand Jambudlpas, a thousand Aparagoyanas, a thousand Uttarakurus, a thousand Pubbavidehas,(*513) and a thousand four great oceans; a thousand four great kings, a thousand [heavens] of devas [ruled by] the four great kings, a thousand Tavatimsa [heavens], a thousand [228] Yama [heavens], a thousand Tusita [heavens], a thousand [heavens] of devas who delight in creation, a thousand [heavens] of devas who control what is created by others, a thousand brahma worlds.
(Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse |Page:313-314)

Aeon (Kalpa)

The historical Buddha (Gautama Buddha) made references to the existence of aeons (the duration of which he describes using a metaphor of the time taken to erode a huge rock measuring 1x1x1 mile by brushing it with a silk cloth, once every century), -


Universe from the Lord Buddha's eye

According to Lord Buddha’s teachings the universe is infinite in time and space. Infinite in space means length of the universe, width of the universe or number of solar systems (Lokadhātu) in the universe are infinite. The portions which consist of hundred thousand solar systems are called as “Thri Sahashri Loka Datu”. The infinity of the universe has described by a fable in the Dhrama book as follows. If someone takes mustard seeds amount equal to the volume of Thri Sahashri Loka Datu and travel toward to a one direction with putting one seed on one solar system, seeds will finish but still there is no end. Universe is infinity vast but there is nothing which cannot be discoverable by Lord Buddha’s intelligence. By putting as far as possible or by covering anything will not be able to hide from Lord Buddha’s intelligence. (Faster than speed of light is possible according to Buddhim.) For every subjects of this universe there is no diffidence to a Lord Buddha’s intelligence. How much he wants to know this much he will know. For other two enlightenment statuses (Pacceka-Bodhi/Pacceka-Buddha, Savaka-Bhodhi/Arhat) have limits. But Lord Buddha has no limits. So Lord Buddha’s intelligence called “Anavarana Knana(Un-coverable Intelligence)”.  

Universe is Infinite in time means; there is no beginning date or ending date to the universe. Everything around us one day born and one day die. As Buddha’s teaching we cannot think about universe in the same way. How much we consider this much universe exist. But everything is changing always nothing permanent other than the Nirvana. 

In the Buddhism infinite universe is dividing in to units called as Lokadhātu (Sakwala) or world system.  One fully formed world system has one polar mountain (called as Sumeru) and one sun. Also other worlds including a human earth and heavens. 

A collection of 1000 world systems is called as “Sahashri Loka Dhatu”( Sahassī cūlanika Lokadhātu or small chiliocosm).

A collection of 10,000 solar systems are called as “Divi Sahashri Loka Dhatu”( dvisahassī majjimikā lokadhātu, or medium dichiliocosm).

 A collection of 100,000 world systems are called as “Thri Sahashri Loka Datu” (trisāhasra-mahāsāhasra-lokadhātu or great trichiliocosm).

A collection of 1000,000   world systems called as “Chtu Sahashri Loka Datu”. Similar way, 1000x109 (One trillion) world systems called as “Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu”. This may equal to Galaxy in science.

Buddhism descried up to the 1000x1099 world systems (“Sata Sahashri Loka Datu”).

There are Brahmas who govern 1000 world systems (Sahashri Brahma) also Brahmas who govern 10,000 world systems (Divisahashri Brahma).  Similar way higher authority brahmas exist level up to 1000x1099  world systems.  A Brahma who govern 1000x1099  world systems are called as “Sata Sahashri Brahma”. A ‘Sata Sahashri Brahma’ governs world systems more than the amount of atoms in earth.  Still a Buddha is powerful than a Sata Sahashri Brahma, even not comparable.   These world system units form and destroy cyclically without end. 

A Buddhist monk who has well developed supernormal abilities (with meditation), said to be able to announce to all of the animals in a Sahashri Loka Dhatu at once. 

Divi Sahashri Loka Dhatu is Called as "Jhati Kshetra" of Lord Buddha. Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu Called "Akkna Kshetra" of Lord Buddha or domain of the Lord Buddha. Power of Buddhist Sutras like Atanatiya Sutta, Dhagagga Sutta, Ratana Sutta,  Can be obtain over Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu by using with developed Sila(virtue described in Buddshim). 

The Lord Buddha many times discourse Dharma (Ultimate truth of a subject) to gods and Brahmas who came from Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu (our galaxy or trillion solar systems around us). Also Gods and Brahmas from Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu came to the Parinirvana of Lord Buddha. When the conception of Lord Buddha, born of Lord Buddha, renunciation of household life, on attaining Buddha hood, at the Buddha's first discourse, taking the decision of leaving last body or at Parinirvana it is said to be, light spread over Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu around us. 

The entire vast infinite universe is Lord Buddha’s “Vishaya Kshetra”. It mean a Lord Buddha can announce or spread light to any living being who living in any place of the universe without any limit, even over Sata Sahashri Loka Datu.

 In a Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu it can only exist one Lord Buddhas at same time. But can be exist another Lord Buddhas beyond Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu at once.

          Universe is one of four fully unthinkable (imponderable or Acinteyya) Dharma. Four imponderable Dharmas are:

1.       The Buddha-range of the Buddhas (i.e., the range of powers a Buddha gained as a result of becoming a Buddha)

2.      The Jhana-range

3.      Karma and result

4.      World-range (Universe)

          These four things can’t perfectly analyze even by an ascetic meditator with supernormal abilities, a god or a Brahma. An Arahant being with supernormal abilities can analyze these things in great manner but not perfectly.

For example; all non-noble humans in the world together think and analyze (with the support of physical equipment) the universe to a range with certain accuracy, but an Arahant being with supernormal abilities can analyze universe to a huge range with a great accuracy than that. For another example; somehow all non-noble humans in the world together think and analyze Buddha-Range in some amount to a certain accuracy but An Arahant being can think and analyze very much more range than that to a great accuaracy. Only a Lord Buddha can fully analyze these four things.  Buddha advice to monks, don’t think too much about these four things otherwise you will become a lunatic.

Author's book  "Theories of the Nature and Universe: Comparison of Pure Buddhist Philosophy and Science" 
Download: Original (60 MB) Video

Download: Original (72 MB) Video

Leanr more: 

He (The Buddha) points out that at some point in the future even this great earth with its mighty mountains will burn up and vanish (7:66). Even more, he says, the entire world system will dissolve along with its powerful deities. Understanding this, the wise disciple "becomes disenchanted and dispassionate toward the foremost, not to speak of what is inferior" (10:29 §§2-3).(Page: 41)

The Those who acquire the power of recalling their past lives, the texts say, can recollect “many eons of world-dissolution, many eons of world-evolution, many eons of world-dissolution and world-evolution" (3:58, 3:101, etc.). The eon is divided into four phases: dissolving, prolonged dissolution, evolving, and completed evolution. Each of these is beyond calculation in hundreds of thousands of years (4:156).(Page: 31)

As far, bhikkhus, as this thousandfold world system-extends, Mahabrahma [60] there ranks as the foremost. But even for Mahabrahma there is alteration; there is change. (Page: 1380)

"There comes a time, bhikkhus, when this world dissolves. When the world is dissolving, beings for the most part migrate to the devas (heavenly beings/Gods) of streaming radiance.2017 There they exist mindmade, feeding on rapture,.self-luminous, moving through theskies, living in glory, and they remain thus for a very long time. When the world is dissolvings the devas (heavenly beings/Gods) of streaming radiance rank as the foremost. But even for these devas there is alteration; there is change.(Page: 1380)

"It is impossible and inconceivable, bhikkhus, that two arahants who are perfectly enlightened Buddhas (*154) [28] could arise contemporaneously in one world system; there is no such possibility. But it is possible that one arahant who is a perfectly enlightened Buddha might arise in one world system; there is such a possibility."155 (Page: 114)


"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and the spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. and 2) Buddhism is the only religion able to cope with modern scientific needs" - Albert Einstein

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism....” - Albert Einstein, quoted in Madalyn Murray O'Hair

"The beginnings of cosmic religious feeling already appear at an early stage of development,... Buddhism, as we have learned especially from the wonderful writings of Schopenhauer, contains a much stronger element of this." - (Einstein 1930, 38)" - The cosmos of science: essays of exploration, By John Earman, John D. Norton,

"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me." - Albert Einstein


Suresh Madusanka:

Quantum mechanics are mathematics too. Thank you Dr. Don Lincoln for this highly interesting video.
I think we can explain the birth of Matter and Antimatter mathematically.

We can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 
And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  
If you calculte those 6 virtual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe make +1 distance and and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0.

I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exist, because there no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects (Matter and Antimatter) using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not.  And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have a different shape (rounded shape). 
(+0-0)3 x (+0-0)3 = Matter x Antimatter
(+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  =  (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

(+1-(-1))3 =
(+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
- ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

The birth of 3 dimensions:
i. (+1)3
ii. (-1)2 x (+1)
iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)
iv. (-1)3
The birth of 4 dimensions:
i. (+1)3 x (-1)
ii. ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)2
iv. ((-1)3 x (+1))

(+1-(-1))3 made those 8 dimensional forms of space with a nature of Matter and Antimatter which can cause to convert those 8 dimensional forms of space into 16 quantum dimensional forms of space like Quarks, forces and etc.

According to Buddhism there are 8 quantum forms (smallest forms in empty space) called 'Shuddhastaka' (I guess, Shuddha = Pure, Astaka = Eight. So Shuddhastaka = Pure Eight) which made Atoms and etc. So it is also sounds like as same as those 8 dimensional forms of space I mentioned above. 8 Quantum Dimensional Forms Of Empty Space = Four 3D Forms + Four 4D Forms.

- W. Suresh Madusana


What is quantum mechanics really all about?

Suresh Madusanka:
Infinity of 6 directions can make 3 to 4 dimensions called the Universe. The Universe made 'movements' called the 'time' when the 4th dimension unstabled the 3 stable dimensions of the Universe, which created waves of space to balance 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions.
Quantum entanglement' (‘Spooky action’ builds a wormhole between ‘entangled’ particles) proved the instant connection between dimensions by changing the directions of the 'particles' (dimensional forms of space) at any distance without taking a time. So it proved that the interaction between dimensions are faster than the speed of light. And the speed of light is just a final result from an interaction of dimensions. So we can use the speed of light and other constants of the Universe to find the mathematical connection with the start of the Universe to make the mathematical formula of the Universe to understand 'The Theory Of Everything'.
 Watch this video completely to learn how it is possible Mathematically:

Imagine the start of the Universe. The Universe didn't have a distance to any direction. But the most important thing is that we don't need a distance to show directions, because the 6 directions doesn't require any existence. We usually show directions with a distance like this (If distance from my school to my house = 1Km, then Distance = 1Km and Direction = my school to my house direction): 1km-0km = 1km. But we can show the 6 directions like this too: +0-0 left, +0-0 right, +0-0 up, +0-0 down, +0-0 front, +0-0 back. So we can calculate the thinkness of the Universe like this: (+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0) = (+0-0)6

Suresh Madusanka:
According to Buddhist Quantum Physics there are 8 elementary ghosts (particles) called Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka). It sounds like that there are 8 invisible elementary particles with some activities as Ghosts. Those 8 different types of activities made information, atoms etc. According to my mathematical calculations the elementary particles (of the standard model in particle physics) received the nature of matter and antimatter. The Universe made only 16 elementary particles with the nature of matter and antimatter and a Higgs boson, and the Universe didn't make another 16 elementary particles with the nature of antimatter only, but maybe the Universe made another 16 elementary particles against the other 16 elementary particles which caused to annihilate each other, but when the dimensional formations used dimensions to form particles, mass and charge between dimensions or something like that caused a tiny unbalance of the Ratio of the Matter quarks and Antimatter quarks in the early Universe (3000000001:3000000000) which caused to survive a set of elementary particles. But the Universe doesn't have a process to make 32 particles at once, and the opposite 16 particles completely vanish during the process. So I think that is why sometimes matter particles make antimatter particles. I think that the quantum nature of matter has a connection to Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas. And the quantum nature of antimatter has a connection to it too, so the Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka) in Buddhism: Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas, Character (Pali: Gati) Of Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas which comes under 4 elementary ghosts and another 4 with only the characters of the elementary ghosts are the two groups of elementary particles which sounds like a group of matter and a group of antimatter. - Suresh

Finding The Dimensions In The Universe Mathematically:
According to this mathematical formula: (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2
Distance of Directions in beginning of the Universe: (+0-0)^6 
= (+1-(-1))^3 x (+0.0-0.0)^3
= ( This should be the Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka) in Buddhism: Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas, Character (Pali: Gati) Of Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas
Step 1:
i: (+1-(-1))^3 =
A: + (+1)3
B: - ((+1)3 x (-1)
C: - ((-1)2 x (+1)2))
D: + (-1)2 x (+1)
- (
E: + (+1)2 x (-1)
F: - ((+1)2 x (-1)2
G: - ((-1)3 x (+1)))
H: + (-1)3)
)) x
ii: (+0.0-0.0)^3 = (+(1)-(-(1))) x (0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0)
Step 2:
(+1-(-1))^3 x (+(1)-(-(1)))= 8 elementary particles x  (+(1)-(-(1))) = 16 elementary particles
Output of this (+0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0) is nearly: (+0.5-(-0.5) +1-(-1)) x (2/3 - (1/3)xNull/(5/5) + (1/3)xNull/(5/5))  x 0.00000 x 1_.... / (+Null-Null) x 1_..
According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, 
the Spin of most elementary particles = 1/2 (or 0.5)
the Charge of some Quarks = 2/3
the Charge of other Quarks = -1/3
the Charge of electrons = -1
I think my mathematical calculations clearly show a similarity to the elementary particles in the Standard Model in Particle Physics. - Suresh

The origin of the smallest unit of matter, called a “suddhāṭṭhaka.” (sometimes written as suddhāshtaka). 

When enormous numbers of these suddhāṭṭhaka fuse, they get to a more condensed state of “mahā bhūta.” The subtle bodies of Brahmā and some gandhabbā are made of mahā bhūta.

Only when vast amounts of these mahā bhūta fuse together to become even more condensed, that we can see them. At this highly condensed state, the matter is called “dhātu.” Bodies of devas are made of finer dhātu. That is why we cannot see devas, but Brahmā can see them.

Thus our bodies are made of more dense dhātu that we can see. That is why solid objects are called “Pathavi dhātu“;  suddhāṭṭhaka in such solid objects have predominantly Pathavi.

According to Buddhist Quantum physics, I guess, the Brahma worlds have only 4 elementry particles with a higgs boson in their standard model of particle physics. And maybe there are only 8 elemantry particles in the standard model of other heavenly worlds. And we have 16 elemantry particles with a higgs boson in our standard model of particle physics. Maybe there is a connection between Heavenly worlds with Dark Matter, and Brahma worlds with Dark Energy too.

The Entanglement Of Mathematical Structures Of The Elementary Particles Theory by Suresh


අවසාන න්‍යාය - The Theory Of Everything or The Final Theory

Mathematical Science And Buddhism With Cyclic Probabilities Of The Universe

The Big Bang Theory in Buddhism

විද්‍යාව සහ බුදු දහම තියන අභිධර්මය - Science and Buddhism in Abhidhamma

විද්‍යාත්මක බෞද්ධ ඉගැන්වීම් තහවුරු කිරීම - Scientific Buddhist Teachings Verification

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