* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
Science And Buddhism - Abhidhamma - Origin Of Everything - Material Forms - Rūpa - Page 2
Why Make Existence out of Mathematics?
Suresh Wanayalaege: Very interesting. Most likely, absolute time is the main real thing in the universe that could make the relative time and relative distance. I think the nothingness in the earliest universe could increase relatively with absolute time, and then the universe continues many cyclic processes, making many similar arrangements/groups. I could make a binary mathematical theory that can explain the formation of fundamental material and immaterial elements in the universe. Most probably, the nothingness in the universe increases infinitely without reversing, making relative existence. I think the standard elementary particles don't feel the distance in the structure between the space they exist. Also, the entangled particles likely don't feel the distance between them and communicate faster than light. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proves The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong!
According to Lord Buddha’s teachings the universe is infinite in time and space. Infinite in space means length of the universe, width of the universe or number of solar systems (Lokadhātu) in the universe are infinite. The portions which consist of hundred thousand solar systems are called as “Thri Sahashri Loka Datu”. The infinity of the universe has described by a fable in the Dhrama book as follows. If someone takes mustard seeds amount equal to the volume of Thri Sahashri Loka Datu and travel toward to a one direction with putting one seed on one solar system, seeds will finish but still there is no end. Universe is infinity vast but there is nothing which cannot be discoverable by Lord Buddha’s intelligence. By putting as far as possible or by covering anything will not be able to hide from Lord Buddha’s intelligence. (Faster than speed of light is possible according to Buddhim.) For every subjects of this universe there is no diffidence to a Lord Buddha’s intelligence. How much he wants to know this much he will know. For other two enlightenment statuses (Pacceka-Bodhi/Pacceka-Buddha, Savaka-Bhodhi/Arhat) have limits. But Lord Buddha has no limits. So Lord Buddha’s intelligence called “Anavarana Knana(Un-coverable Intelligence)”.
Universe is Infinite in time means; there is no beginning date or ending date to the universe. Everything around us one day born and one day die. As Buddha’s teaching we cannot think about universe in the same way. How much we consider this much universe exist. But everything is changing always nothing permanent other than the Nirvana.
In the Buddhism infinite universe is dividing in to units called as Lokadhātu (Sakwala) or world system. One fully formed world system has one polar mountain (called as Sumeru) and one sun. Also other worlds including a human earth and heavens.
A collection of 1000 world systems is called as “Sahashri Loka Dhatu”( Sahassī cūlanika Lokadhātu or small chiliocosm).
A collection of 10,000 solar systems are called as “Divi Sahashri Loka Dhatu”( dvisahassī majjimikā lokadhātu, or medium dichiliocosm).
A collection of 100,000 world systems are called as “Thri Sahashri Loka Datu” (trisāhasra-mahāsāhasra-lokadhātu or great trichiliocosm).
A collection of 1000,000 world systems called as “Chtu Sahashri Loka Datu”. Similar way, 1000x109 (One trillion) world systems called as “Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu”. This may equal to Galaxy in science.
Buddhism descried up to the 1000x1099 world systems (“Sata Sahashri Loka Datu”).
There are Brahmas who govern 1000 world systems (Sahashri Brahma) also Brahmas who govern 10,000 world systems (Divisahashri Brahma). Similar way higher authority brahmas exist level up to 1000x1099 world systems. A Brahma who govern 1000x1099 world systems are called as “Sata Sahashri Brahma”. A ‘Sata Sahashri Brahma’ governs world systems more than the amount of atoms in earth. Still a Buddha is powerful than a Sata Sahashri Brahma, even not comparable. These world system units form and destroy cyclically without end.
A Buddhist monk who has well developed supernormal abilities (with meditation), said to be able to announce to all of the animals in a Sahashri Loka Dhatu at once.
Divi Sahashri Loka Dhatu is Called as "Jhati Kshetra" of Lord Buddha. Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu Called "Akkna Kshetra" of Lord Buddha or domain of the Lord Buddha. Power of Buddhist Sutras like Atanatiya Sutta, Dhagagga Sutta, Ratana Sutta, Can be obtain over Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu by using with developed Sila(virtue described in Buddshim).
The Lord Buddha many times discourse Dharma (Ultimate truth of a subject) to gods and Brahmas who came from Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu (our galaxy or trillion solar systems around us). Also Gods and Brahmas from Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu came to the Parinirvana of Lord Buddha. When the conception of Lord Buddha, born of Lord Buddha, renunciation of household life, on attaining Buddha hood, at the Buddha's first discourse, taking the decision of leaving last body or at Parinirvana it is said to be, light spread over Dasa Sahashri Loka Datu around us.
The entire vast infinite universe is Lord Buddha’s “Vishaya Kshetra”. It mean a Lord Buddha can announce or spread light to any living being who living in any place of the universe without any limit, even over Sata Sahashri Loka Datu.
In a Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu it can only exist one Lord Buddhas at same time. But can be exist another Lord Buddhas beyond Thri Sahashri Loka Dhatu at once.
Universe is one of four fully unthinkable (imponderable or Acinteyya) Dharma. Four imponderable Dharmas are:
1. The Buddha-range of the Buddhas (i.e., the range of powers a Buddha gained as a result of becoming a Buddha)
2. The Jhana-range
3. Karma and result
4. World-range (Universe)
These four things can’t perfectly analyze even by an ascetic meditator with supernormal abilities, a god or a Brahma. An Arahant being with supernormal abilities can analyze these things in great manner but not perfectly.
For example; all non-noble humans in the world together think and analyze (with the support of physical equipment) the universe to a range with certain accuracy, but an Arahant being with supernormal abilities can analyze universe to a huge range with a great accuracy than that. For another example; somehow all non-noble humans in the world together think and analyze Buddha-Range in some amount to a certain accuracy but An Arahant being can think and analyze very much more range than that to a great accuaracy. Only a Lord Buddha can fully analyze these four things. Buddha advice to monks, don’t think too much about these four things otherwise you will become a lunatic.
Physicists have many theories for the beginning of our universe: A big bang, a big bounce, a black hole, a network, a collision of membranes, a gas of strings, and the list goes on. What does this mean? It means we don't know how the universe began. And the reason isn't just that we're lacking data, the reason is that science is reaching its limits when we try to understand the initial condition of the entire universe.
Time could create everything. Time is real, and it continues from moment to moment. Time could create the universe and continue making the edge (making dimensions) of the universe while continuing from nothingness to more nothingnesses (increasing nothingness) with the directions of time relatively. If energy beams must collide and make matter and antimatter, then it is safe to say that the Big Bang was a Big Bounce. The Buddha said that this great universe which has a thousand billion Sakwala (Galaxies) undergoes a cyclic process within a duration called a Maha-Kalpa. The Buddha explained a lot of things about the process of the universe. And we can find those teachings in the Higher (Abhi) Doctrine (Dhamma) in Theravada Buddhism. The early universe was very huge. And the name called Big Bang was helpful for creationists to prevent people from thinking about possible energy collisions that could happen in an existing universe. Astronomers and physicists should try to change that name (Big Bang) if they are really truthful. Thank you so much for your contribution to good science.
Hi all! If you have a topic for a video to suggest, the best way is to reply to the newsletter. I do read as many comments as I can. But, well, it's kind of hard to keep track.
The Rickest Rick:
I like your vids🤩. Plz keep hitting us with the ugly truth about our absurd universe. We want more about the void, the "free will" , the uncertainty principle, our inability to test the big bang theory and of course the impossibility of finding the truth cuz we might be living in a cyclical universe 🤕. Thanks Sabine
William Mc guinness:
What is wrong about this statement, nothing is something that doesn't exist so something has to exist in order for
nothing to exist, therefore something always has to exist
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Infinite nothingness could be the absolute minus/negative time in the nothing universe. It could become a plus/positive time, and use nothingness as a substance to make more nothingnesses.
Today we'll talk about nothing. Or, to be precise, the 9 levels of Nothing. I also discuss whether the universe created from nothing, and if someone asks you "why is there something rather than nothing?", what's a good reply?
Time is something. A virtual gap of nothing is somewhat similar to a +0-0 infinitely small gap/distance that could make the relative existence and continuation of nothingness (0). Thank you so much.
Why Is 1/137 One of the Greatest Unsolved Problems In Physics?
We had a professor in grad school who is obsessed with the fine structure constant. Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Fine-structure constant (α) with reduced Planck h (α = (ħ/137)/ħ) = 1/137 or 0.007297351. But, ħ=h/2π, h/ħ = 6.283185311. So the h makes α = 0.007297351 × 6.283185311 = 1/22. Isn’t it particles? 1:22:1==24?). There are 24 derived material forms according to Buddhist teachings on Rūpa/matter.
@Suresh Wanayalaege woah, that's really cool
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@MelodicSavant , Thanks. I guess it has a relationship to 22/7.
B B:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Numerology is a human anti-pattern.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@B B, If it (1/137) represents a structure that couples matter and antimatter, then its real value (0.007297351) would show a pattern like this 1.0091194/((22/7) x (+22-(-22))). So perhaps, the fine-structure constant has a variable or a fixed value (1.0091194) closer to 1 with the other fixed structural values.
විද්යාව සහ බුදු දහම තියන අභිධර්මය - Science and Buddhism in Abhidhamma
Why is Antimatter Behaving Badly?
Dr Brian Keating:
What’s your favorite form of matter?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The charge is an output of both negative and positive charges in matter or antimatter, and only one (positive or negative) charge didn't make the entire structure in matter or antimatter. If electrons have a positive effect because they are filled with enough dimensions that don't require an attraction and the positrons are filled with opposite dimensions, then the difference between matter and antimatter would not be related to their charge, and it would only relate to their matter and antimatter structure. Probably, electrons don't make the charge called electric charge because likely the protons make the charge itself, causing it to make electrons. And likely, the anti-protons make the anti-charge itself, causing it to make positrons. Protons are attracting dimensions of electrons, staying at the center of atoms. But antimatter protons would provide dimensions, using the anti-dimensions of its quarks, and behave somewhat like electrons. Positrons would take dimensions from anti-protons, and behave somewhat like protons. If two or more anti-protons can't stay together because of their electron nature and Pauli Exclusion Principle, then it can create an asymmetry between matter atoms and antimatter atoms. And anti-protons would not support making antimatter atoms larger than hydrogen atoms. Thank you so much.
Carl Sagan - Indian Hindu thoughts on the origin of the Cosmos
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Fortunate One (Bhaagyavwaan Buddha) said this: A thousand times the world in which the sun and moon revolve and light up the quarters with their brightness is called a thousandfold minor world system. In that thousandfold world system there are a thousand moons, a thousand suns, a thousand Sinerus king of mountains, a thousand Jambudlpas, a thousand Aparagoyanas, a thousand Uttarakurus, a thousand Pubbavidehas, and a thousand four great oceans; a thousand four great kings, a thousand [heavens] of devas [ruled by] the four great kings, a thousand Tavatimsa [heavens], a thousand Yama [heavens], a thousand Tusita [heavens], a thousand [heavens] of devas who delight in creation, a thousand [heavens] of devas who control what is created by others, a thousand Brahma worlds.
(Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse Page:313-314).
"There is also a larger universe, consisting of a thousand of these small universes, called the middle universe. [In addition,] there is a great universe that consists of a thousand middle universes. This is called the triple thousand–great universe. All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction, and each locality where sentient beings reside is called a buddha land (buddha-kṣetra)." (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)
"All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction," (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)
Most Hindu religious texts were written later using the teaching of the Buddha.
🎯127 | कौन पुराना : संस्कृत या पाली ? | Pali Sanskrit की DNA रिपोर्ट, Evolution of Language & Script
How Old is Written Sanskrit?
Yannis X'Markou:
As a Greek, I learned a lot from you about these other languages, and cultures, your presentation was very good. Thank you
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Buddhism is older than modern Hinduism. The characteristics of the old Sanskrit language that was used to write Rig Veda don't make Rig Veda an old text because the written texts of Rig Veda that currently exist are not older than early Buddhist texts. Those who wrote the old oral Rig Veda into texts could easily add new knowledge and make the structure of the texts match existing knowledge and writing technics. Also, the language that was used to write Upanishad doesn't make Upanishad old because there are no old written texts of the Upanishad older than early Buddhism. Modern Hinduism is a later development that was used to manipulate the existing knowledge of those times, and it is not older than Buddhism. Perhaps, the invasion of the south Indian Kalinga kingdom by the north Indian king Ashok made south India work against the dynasty of king Ashok and the influence to spread the north Indian Buddhism in India, leading to the writing of a lot of modern Hindu text inside south India to use them to separate south India (Kollywood) from north India (Bollywood) and Buddhism. Thank you.
Krishna's musical vlogs:
My grandmother used to say that one should get proper education. I think her words were damn true. I haven't understood why you used bollywood and kollywood. And more over chola inscriptions clearly mentioned about Buddhism and its wise nature. In fact cholas themselves contributed somuch to the Buddhism and the monks following it. Its during chola period, buddhism got much spread to east. And for your kind information, ankor wat temple was build by the cholan descendent suryavarman 11, the then king of khmer. Better study indian history properly and then comment here. Coming to texts, people like you will see spots for creating conflicts. if south indians created updated hindu texts, then why same gayatri mantri was resided in the holy adobe of both badrinath in north and rameshwarm in south. Why same samaveda resided at kedarnath and amarnath temples and tirupati balaji temple. Why there is same ramayana and mahabharatha....why there is same anthyopachaaraas made to gods after every ritual. Thats why aadi sankaracharya roamed all over india and placed four peetas in for directions of our country and educated about the one ness and uniqueness of our holy country.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Krishna's musical vlogs, The most bloody battle recorded during King Ashok's period was Kalinga Battle. According to history, King Ashok was disappointed about the deaths he caused, and he saw a very calm Buddhist monk walking around there, in or around Kalinga, causing him to convert to Buddhism. South India has Buddhist history, and King Ashok didn't (or couldn't) invade the Chola Kindom in south India. Kalinga kingdom was re-established after the death of king Ashok. Perhaps, the heat of the war could cause rejection of the influence of the Ashoka empire in Kalinga, including Buddhism. The influence of language similarity between Kalinga and other south Indian Kingdoms could cause south Indians to share and fill the hate against King Ashoka and his establishment of Buddhism in India. Sri Lankan Sinhalese Buddhists can easily understand it because some people tried to make conflicts between Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, and used those conflicts to remove Buddhist culture from the northeastern province of Sri Lanka with the help of some Christian leaders. Also, they tried/try to use those conflicts to insult Buddhism. Likely, there is a strong Hindu tradition in south India than in north India. Sometimes, hate and political reasons make religions against other nations. Likely, some Indians copied the Buddhist tale about Rama-Panditha to make modern Hinduism. So, as a Buddhist reject the changed story about Rama mentioned in modern Hindu books. South Indians could easily know about the islands (Bridge) between early Sri Lanka and India, and they could name it Rama Setu (Rama Bridge) with their new story about Rama and Ravana. If ignorant historians or fictional story writers wrote a story about a flood (Nova's flood), using remnants of a ship that was made to prepare for such a flood, then their texts about the history don't represent a real historical flood. The Hindu story about Rama and Ravana doesn't make sense, and winning against early Sri Lanka is not a big thing because Sri Lanka is a very small country. Most likely, the Valmiki's Ramayana texts were developed later with the development of modern Hinduism.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Krishna's musical vlogs, Likely, most western countries (Christian powers) try to use the United Nations human rights council to continue and popularize a conflict between Sri Lankan Buddhists (Sinhalese) and Tamils because they are afraid of the influence of Sinhalese Buddhists (Sri Lankans) to spread Theravada Buddhism (Original Buddhism) around the world, and they want to reduce that influence, insulting Sri Lanka (Buddhists). Likely, they only listen to the Christian church, and they can't see the human rights violations of the Christian Prabhakaran. They forgot the human rights violations they continued for hundreds of years to spread their religion and fight with the followers of Allah. I personally like to recommend that they should remove their clothes and be naked if they really don't shy to forget and ignore their human rights violations.
Pranav W:
@Prince Dara Shikoh you should know if talk about education.
That the indus valley had its own script.
The Buddhists had pali prakit.
How is it that somehow only the middle ones bramhins did not develop a script.???????
Because it did not exist at that time.
Check any version of vedas.
No matter how old. The oldest you would find is in devnagri.
Which is hardly 700 years old.
Stop trying to save bramhanical system. It is , was and always will be an oppressive system.
Which is just breathing its last.
Pranav W:
@Prince Dara Shikoh Yeah. You seem to be ignorant enough to beleive anything without evidence.
Try finding out yourself.
Evidence of vedic age?
They say pots.
Well pots were being made even in indus valley.
If you need to learn.
There are some books.
" Itihaas ka muayena " - rajendra prasad singh.
" Vedic kaal ka ghaalmel " - surendra agyat.
Read a bit. Dont blindly believe something served to you.
Prince Dara Shikoh:
@UCCr6of0pWVKVF7tLXI9J7ug I'm Atheist but influenced by Buddhism. But you don't have any understanding of indian history. Read history books of prominent historians of india like romila thapar
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Prince Dara Shikoh , Show me written texts older than 400 BCE to prove me that Modern Hinduism didn't copy from Buddhism. I was talking about evidence, about interpretations. Try to study scientific methods to prove the history using facts. You can't show me a statue of Rama or Khrishna older than Buddhism. The evidence shows the existence of Buddhism all around India before the rise of modern Hinduism. And some Hindus tried to change those statues and tried to make wrong interpretations sometimes. The Buddhist text contain a lot of information about a lot of religions in India. The Buddha and Buddhists argued with Brahamanins who studied Vedic texts, but they didn't discuss names of the modern Hindu Gods Rama and Khrishna, and other Avatars, including word Avatar itself.
The Buddha explained the Big Bang. Here it is 'Did the Buddha explain Big Bang or Cosmic Inflation according to Buddhism'. It is a video that explains a lot of things about the universe mentioned in Buddhism.
\ジャッキー・ジャック\傑克傑克Jacky Jack:
@Suresh Wanayalaege buddha didn't explain about big bang... Tf you tell same things hindus do... The same trick..
Calling western science as what?
🤣.. Tunni buddha was a sensible person who talked about logic and other things.. People didn't even knew about big bang... You are forcefully trying to impart Buddhist theory explanation of causality etc on big bang...abrahamic religion is not interfering with science in West or east..It's you people you are attaching pseudo science... Don't degrade buddha..
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@\ジャッキー・ジャック\傑克傑克Jacky Jack, You don't know Buddhism well. The Buddha said that a rain of energiezed water (like water sticks, water robs, etc) fill the world (island universe) gradually, and stay stably filled for a long time until cosmic air (space element) comes into the filled world (island universe), causing to expand the universe. And then, the world (island universe) stay stably expanded until the contraction. Perhaps, the virtual particles in space (like air) come into low dense space areas (between galaxies) until those virtual particles can go there uniformly near the speed of light. Also, the Buddha said, "There comes a time, Vasettha, when, after a long period, this world contracts. At a time of contraction, beings are mostly born in the Abhassara Brahma world. The beings were made of mind, fed on bliss and joy, self-luminous, traveled across the air, and were glorious, and they stayed like that for a very long time. But sooner or later, after a very long period, this world begins to expand again. At a time of expansion, the beings from the Abhassara Brahma world passed away and are mostly reborn in this world. Here they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious, and they stay like that for a very long time. At that time, it was pitched darkness all over with no sun or moon, no day or night." Therefore, the actual universe is more Buddhist than modern science.
The origin of our universe from the multiverse – with Laura Mersini-Houghton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYVg50_w1UA
I've watched Laura on Closer to Truth, a fantastic scientist and amazing person.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
She and a lot of western scientists lie a lot. Cosmic Inflation is an unscientific lie that some scientists say without shying. The early universe was very big and likely energy returned to and made a lot of collection of energy like that. There is ancient knowledge more accurate than western science. The eternal growth of the universe increases entropy always. The universe is not only the observable universe, and a gravitational force can convert matter into energy decreasing the entropy in the observable universe. All the matter in the universe would come back, becoming energy with the help of the particles that make the gravitational force. The Buddha explained that process in detail. Also, Buddhism explains how 4 fundamental elements become 8 elements and then 24 elements, causing to make the body of the matter (particle), and then become a collection of matter (atoms). Western science is like a baby compared to the Buddha's knowledge about the universe. Some people try to use science to bend science to popularize it to support creationism. It is their shamelessness.
@Suresh Wanayalaege Relax and restart ur meditative process again. Buddham Saranam Gacchami ✌
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Mahesh, Meditation helps people a lot. The CMB radiation doesn't show an explosion. And it is a mirror that hides the history (start) of the universe. A contraction could make matter and antimatter. Antimatter particles can't make large atoms with more than 1 anti-proton. According to the 2500 years old teachings about the universe, The world starts to end during the contraction period of the universe which begins with a rain of liquid energy and destroys the world and heavenly worlds including material Brahma worlds within a duration called Sanvatta Asankhya Kalpa. The contraction of the universe continues without material worlds during Sanvattai Asankhya Kalpa. And then, the universe starts to expand with a rain of liquid energy called Sampatthi Mahamegha during a similar period called Vivatta Asankhya Kalpa. Also, the duration of the further expansion (called Vivattai Asankhya Kalpa) that starts with the formation of worlds is similar to the duration of the first period of expansion that filled the universe with a rain of liquid energy beams (called Sampatthi Mahamegha), the rain that stopped falling before the start of the formation of worlds that happens with the further expansion. Again, the universe contracts and destroy worlds during Sanvatta Asankhya Kalpa. Gravitons or any other force would bring matter back to the center of gravity with an acceleration, causing them to become beams of high-energy particles that gain energy with the contraction that causes matter to pass through the center of the universe. The period between the start of Vivattai Asankhya Kalpa and the end of Vivatta Asankhya Kalpa is called a Mahā-Kalpa. The Buddha said, a rain of energized water (like water sticks, water robs, etc) fills the world (island universe) gradually, and stays stably filled for a long time until cosmic air (space element) comes into the filled world (island universe), causing to expand the universe. And then, the world (island universe) stays stably expanded until the contraction. Perhaps, the virtual particles in space (like air) come into low dense space areas (between galaxies) until those virtual particles can go there uniformly near the speed of light. It is a more scientific explanation than unscientific cosmic inflation theories and assumptions. Try to be open-minded and use your brain when you learn something.
Why did Japanese Buddhists want to Kill Charlie Chaplin | Japan in WW2, Japanese Nationalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VJMzEgE35s
Note that this particular sect of Buddhism is different from the one around Asia. While Asia and South East Asia has 2 different Buddhism, Japan had hundreds and this was one of them.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Abrahamic religions used a lot of violence and lies to spread their religions. It was Muslim and Christian countries that captured most Asian countries first. Don't forget the invasions of the western countries. Japan only did a counterattack. Buddhist teachings don't support violence and don't promise heaven. Most western countries used violence to spread their religion using the violent teachings of their religions. Western and Muslim invaders captured a lot of Asian countries and they were heading to capture other Asian countries. Still, they use lies and violence to spread their religion. Likely, most western countries (Christian powers) try to use the United Nations human rights council to continue and popularize a conflict between Sri Lankan Buddhists (Sinhalese) and Tamils because they are afraid of the influence of Sinhalese Buddhists (Sri Lankans) to spread Theravada Buddhism (Original Buddhism) around the world, and they want to reduce that influence, insulting Sri Lanka (Buddhists). Likely, they only listen to the Christian church, and they can't see the human rights violations of the Christian Prabhakaran. They forgot the human rights violations they continued for hundreds of years to spread their religion and fight with the followers of Allah. I personally like to recommend that they should remove their clothes and be naked if they really don't shy to forget and ignore their human rights violations. Some religions used violence to spread their religion. Prabhakaran was a Tamil Christain leader in Sri Lanka who used violence to removed Buddhist culture and Sinhalese people from northeast Sri Lanka and supported the spreading of Christianity there. Some religions try to use Blasphemy Laws to protect their religion and use violence to spread their religion. It is their shamelessness and inherited stupidity that they received from their religion. It is they who continue the usual influence of their religion.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
America and Australia belonged to native people in those countries, and the western invaders made them slaves and didn't allow them to vote in elections. So it was a fake democracy. Also, they killed a lot of native people. Also, western countries and Muslim countries used a lot of unethical laws to spread their religion inside the countries they captured. Also, they killed a lot of innocent farmers and villagers and used bombs and nuclear weapons to do it. China invented gunpowder, but they didn't use it for violence. But westerners used gunpowder to invade almost the entire world. I think the invention of the nuclear bombs caused those western powers to leave Asia and return home, and they could gain enough wealth after looting the Asian countries to maintain their powers. Also, some scientists and intelligent people could see the madness of America and western countries and stood up against their invasions and made the organization called the united nations. The united nations organization reduced the violence of the Abrahamic religions, but the madness of the followers of those religions is sometimes more powerful than the United Nations, and they try to control it too.
This is like when the teacher says: "OK, we've already covered all this. So it should be easy".
PBS Space Time:
And this playlist is like all the homework you already did, but totally forgot: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsPUh22kYmNBgF_VMMLHFK0lbQGlVGk3v
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Still, it requires more interpretations. The Higgs field is likely a representation of polarization of the area of a circle. Likely, the wave function and some other quantum processes are related to symmetries and asymmetries between polarized areas of quantum circles. Also, the relative symmetries (relative existence) of quantum processes are likely related to asymmetries between them that continue their existence for another moment like making an angular momentum.
Mindscape 214 | Antonio Padilla on Large Numbers and the Scope of the Universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9JHaSc_rSo
Came for Numberphile, stayed for Sean Carroll
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Interpretation of the growth of space called increasing vacuum energy is simply a misleading interpretation, and it is just the extra space that comes faster uniformly into the observable universe. Likely, there was a lot of extra space outside the observable universe.
Joseph Hall:
Suresh Wanayalaege what the f*ck is your comment a reply to here? Dumb shit
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Joseph Hall, Energy is not something that exists. Energy is an output. The name vacuum energy is an irrelevant answer because it only mentions the output, ignoring the growth of space (virtual particles). The space (virtual particles) inside galaxies shows that space doesn't make extra space from nothing.
How Physicists Proved The Universe Isn't Real - Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 EXPLAINED
Dr Ben Miles:
Hey! Let me know what you think.
Everytime I go back into this subject, it still gives me that magical feeling of how complex nature really is. Awesome
Icke Bins:
I tried that polarizer test some years back and it broke somehow my mind a little...
Did take some time to accept that outcome :)
Erazem P:
Einstein wasn't proven wrong. He wasn't talking about entangled particles when he spoke about spooky action at a distance. Sadly a lot of people got it wrong and you are spreading misinformation. Please dive deeper when researching especially when informing others.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The nature of reality is locally simple. Quantum entanglement shows us that distance is relative. The relative time and distance are the output of the expansion of the actual time. The collapse of the wave function requires an explanation to make sense of it. Creationism entirely depends on the gaps in science, and modern science already removed a lot of gaps making a lot of atheists. But some western atheists try to support creationism sometimes because of some political reasons. The nature of reality is dangerous if it is a natural process and living beings are like elementary particles that move from one place to another after death because of the non-local nature of the elementary particles.
Verify Truth:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Where Did The Energy Come From?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Verify Truth , Energy is the output of relations between points of time. The only thing that exists is the relations between points of time that flow from moment to moment, and the expansion of the points of nothingness/emptiness with the moments of time, making more points of time.
Verify Truth:
@Suresh Wanayalaege
Whether Symmetrical Or Differential, How Does Energy Manifest In Concept And Principle Throughout The Various Natural Systems?
Are There Any Other Ways That Energy May Potentially Be Percieved, Represented, Calculated, Or Summarized?
Does Nothing Exist Or Is What People Often Call Nothing A Potential Something?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Verify Truth, The relations between momentary existence would make points of matter and points of antimatter relatively. But only the points that originate dimensions (matter points) are real, and the points that virtually emerge between the dimensions of the originated points (antimatter points) are only reflections of matter points. So the interactions between the originated points and virtual points could make a relative process, and behave like energy. It is possible to calculate that process using a new type of binary equation. Time is the main thing that exists with anything even if there is absolutely nothing, and a point of emptiness is a momentary existence between the nothingness and infinite nothingness between the 6 main directions of existence relative to each direction.
Terre Schill:
@Verify Truth All equidistant from the CPU you mean? I don't know what that would be. Do I think we are living in a computer program? No, I think we are living in a MIND. More specific than that I cannot be. What do YOU think?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Terre Schill, Everything is relative. Infinities become smaller when they become relative. Emptiness increases infinitely with the expansion of time relatively. It is mathematical.
Vic Lotorto:
@Suresh Wanayalaege and logical
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Vic Lotorto, Yes. It is both mathematical and logical.
Vic Lotorto replied:
@Suresh Wanayalaege E=MC2 (MC=IVIC) Ever flipped E ? Logic gates become quantum gates if you factor the tree 🌲.wav & particle is the truth , light Squared X=4V"
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Vic Lotorto, If quantum entanglements play a role with quantum fields when they travel, then the speed would relate to quantum jumps that can virtually contract the length of the distance they travel. So the virtual length contraction is much more logical than time dilation, and the actual time would continue relative to its previous moment. Most likely, the relative time is a misunderstanding and a wrong interpretation of the observed interactions of the moments of actual time.
Vic Lotorto:
@Suresh Wanayalaege speed does relate to quantum jumps
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Vic Lotorto, If speed is relative to the conservation of symmetry of waves, then either wave amplitude or speed should change with a change in its wavelength. So quantum jumps or fast interactions should increase their speed if their wavelength and wave amplitude decrease.
Plato And The Creation of the Hebrew Bible - Russell E. Gmirkin
History Valley:
In this episode, Russel E. Gmirkin joins me on the History Valley podcast for the first time to discuss his book Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible. His book claims that the Pentateuch (the Torah) utilized the works of Plato's dialogues.
Electrons have a positive charge because protons have a negative charge, and the name electric field that is being used in western science actually represents a magnetic field. Also, the name magnetic field that is being used in western science actually represents an electric field. It is a major error in western science.
Western science supports the lies of creationists. Faster than light cosmic inflation thoery is an unscientific joke. Entropy can always increase in the Big Bounce model if there are more energies outside the observable universe that expand forever. Also, the particle accelerators make high-energy particles using low-energy particles showing that entropy is a byproduct of acceleration. So cyclic expansion and contraction of gravitons can increase and reduce entropy in some parts of the universe. The particles that became energies during the contraction could go from one side of the island universe to another side until colliding with another high-energy particle. So the energies that were exchanged between a large area of the universe could exchange temperature from one side to another while filling the universe with a lot of collisions. And they would not make one single Black Hole because energies don't make gravity, and gravitons that existed between a large area of space couldn't collide into one location within a small period because of the limited speed of gravitons (limited light speed) and the exchange of gravitons from one side to another. Also, the contraction of the previous flat universe (uniformly expanded matter) wouldn't bring matter easily to one single location within a short period of time to make only one Black Hole. Buddhism explains it better than western science. Currently, the scientists who added Big Bang into the standard model of cosmology are the biggest liars in this world.
@Suresh Wanayalaege are you ok? This reads like the insane ramblings of an unwell mind.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Gamer_Time , The things in my reply are valid arguments, and you should have a good mind and you should know the real scientific method well to understand it. Likely, there was a lot of extra space outside the observable universe. Energy is not something that exists, and energy is an output. So the name vacuum energy is an irrelevant answer because it only mentions the output, ignoring the growth of space (virtual particles). The space (virtual particles) inside galaxies shows that space doesn't make extra space from nothing. Creationism is unscientific and Georges Lemaître was a Catholic priest and father of the Big Bang theory. The independent researcher Russel E. Gmirkin's book ‘Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible’ claims that the Pentateuch (the Torah) utilized the works of Plato's dialogues. Also, the other early oral religious teachings could develop later using new teachings and concepts to make them better and tell that they are old and original direct teachings from a supreme person. I already have the TOE that I can use to reject some fake western arguments about some processes.
Special relativity doesn't change absolute time. The so-called relative time is an illusion created by relative interactions. The concept of relative time is a wrong interpretation that doesn't represent the fundamental interactions because the fundamental moment of time passes relative to its previous moment. And the fundamental time is not relative to speed.
ohh , So it is a absolute time . but relative time concept is created by special relativity , and this is an illusion created by the theory that time is relative.?
It is not only a theoretical illusion related to special relativity. The high-energy muon particles that travel faster than their usual speed showed that they can travel long distances without decaying quickly. Some observations like that showed that illusion too. The higher speeds would reduce the decaying process of fundamental waves (elementary particles) because of high-energy quantum jumps or something like that, but it doesn't mean that they didn't experience time. The wavelength of light (photon) waves increases while traveling long distances, and therefore their energy reduces while traveling. The reason to reduce their wavelength is not the important thing. And their change clearly shows that they experience time. The real problem is not relative to special relativity. Likely, the real reason to reject absolute time is related to the influence of creationism in the western world. It is difficult to wake up the people who want to show that they are sleeping. And, it would be like playing the violin for deaf elephants if they can't hear it because of their religious and geo-political influences. I could find real science in Buddhist teachings. I can trust the teachings of the supreme Buddha more than the teachings of the western scientific community because sometimes western scientists don't use the scientific method well. And some scientists publicly rape science using inflationary Big Bang theories in the standard model of cosmology without discovering the origin of energy theoretically using a verifiable theory of everything. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Riccardo C. Storti, If the density of Black Holes doesn't decrease when their size increases, can the surface gravity decrease? If adding more mass to a Black Hole lowers its density, then there is a maximum limit that a Black Hole can grow. But astronomers discovered Black Holes larger than that maximum limit. If the larger Black Holes make less density, then the largest Black should become stars/planets or collapse and become smaller Black Holes. I think the current concept on the density of Black Holes is mostly based on assumptions to support/prove General Relativity. Scientists don't know the precise physics of supernova explosions that make a Black Hole. A normal gravitational pressure would not give enough pressure/force to make a Black Hole. So likely, the 99% energy that stars emit as neutrinos during the supernova explosions makes extra gravity, making that very high pressure. I guess metals emit undetectable gravitons while absorbing heat from outside. And then, they cool down by releasing undetectable neutrinos. Perhaps, that is why metals are cooler than other things even if metals become cooler due to moving its heat faster as well. Scientists say that there are metals inside some asteroids and inside the moon that can produce gravity. And presumably rocks don't make much gravity. Quantum fields would show activities in hidden worlds.
Electric dipoles & dipole moments | Electric charges & fields | Physics | Khan Academy
The James Webb Telescoe Has Just Proved the the Big Bang Theory Is Wrong What This Means!
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Big Bounce made the matter from energy of the previous universe. Gravitation is a product of particles that can come back and contract the matter in an area of the universe.
Ronald Kemp:
There is no indication that the expansion of space is slowing down. Einstein's big crunch was another one of his blunders. So, a big bounce is out of the question if a big crunch cannot happen.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The interpretation about the growth of space called ‘increasing vacuum energy’ is simply like a misleading interpretation because it can be some extra space that comes faster into the observable universe uniformly. Likely, there was a lot of extra space outside the observable universe. Energy is not something that exists, and energy is an output. So the name vacuum energy is an irrelevant answer because it only mentions the output, ignoring the growth of space (virtual particles). The space (virtual particles) inside galaxies shows that space doesn't make extra space from nothing. Probably, the earliest state of the emerging universe and near the edge of the expanding universe made a state of point source energy fields that could collide later becoming matter and antimatter. Perhaps, high-speed beams of energy must collide with each other to make matter and antimatter including the virtual particles in space. Probably, the virtual particles would conserve their change without a positive energy. The hypothetical Cosmic Inflation assumption/idea is most likely not scientific because a lot of creationists try to use it to spread creationism (Creationism is unscientific and Georges Lemaître was a Catholic priest and father of the Big Bang theory. The independent researcher Russel E. Gmirkin's book ‘Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible’ claims that the Pentateuch (the Torah) utilized the works of Plato's dialogues. Also, the other early oral religious teachings could develop later using new teachings and concepts to make them better and tell that they are old and original direct teachings from a supreme person.). And observations show that a lot of energies require a lot of space to begin with scientifically, and the massless energy beams use space to exist and collide with each other. The wavelength of high-energy particles is relatively small, but it doesn't make their electromagnetic waves small. So comparing the capacity of energy in high-energy particles relative to its wavelength with the wavelength of energy in the early universe to tell that the early universe emerged from a very tiny high-energy (singularity) that didn't use a lot of space because it had an almost infinitely small wavelength is not a good analogy. Also, the space between galaxies doesn't show a growth with Dark Energy. So Dark Energy is not likely a product of existing space. According to Abhidhamma, “a rain of energized water (like water sticks, water robs, etc) fills the world (island universe) gradually, and stays stably-filled for a long time until cosmic air (virtual particles) comes into the filled world (island universe), causing to start the expansion. And then, the world (island universe) stays stably-expanded until the contraction.” Virtual particles in space (like air) can come into low dense areas of space (between galaxies) from outside of the island universe until those virtual particles can go there with a maximum speed (upto the speed of light) to distribute virtual particles uniformly between galaxies.
Suresh Wanayalaege: The charges of antiproton and liquid helium likely don't represent the difference between matter and antimatter, and that is why they don't annihilate each other. Most probebly, their struture makes the difference.
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Starry Messages, Science, Culture, and Life
I just love that this podcast exists.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Science is also a belief sometimes. Modern science doesn't explain the nature of Electric and Magnetic fields correctly yet.
Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir:
@Suresh Wanayalaege, "Science is also a belief sometimes."
But it's a belief based on actual observation and empirical evidence, unlike a lot of other beliefs. Particularly religious beliefs.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ansfrida Eyowulfsdottir, Some observations and scientific explanations don't represent the actual process. So science is a belief when it is wrong. E.g., The truth is the magnetic field of the earth is not a magnetic field, and I can prove it using my TOE. It is a very very big error in modern science.
@Suresh Wanayalaege you look indian. I am Indian too. But i see many Indians think our culture is superior and our Vedas are 'ancient science'. I request you to rethink your delusions. And please stop spreading misinformation by commenting on science videos and podcasts, without even listening to them properly first.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@cosalidra, Do you know what TOE means? I'm not an Indian. I converted to Buddhism from the Roman Catholic religion. And I live in Sri Lanka. I'm sure that Hinduism is not strong enough to challenge modern science because the developers of it were not good spiritual scientists. But Buddhism is a scientific religion, and the Buddha explained some scientific processes very well. His explanations are more accurate than western science. I can understand the feelings of Hindus. But you shouldn't think like that about Theravada Buddhists who know the Higher Dhamma in Buddhism well. And the Higher (Abhi) Dhamma is compatible with my TOE. So I know what I'm talking about. The electric and magnetic fields were theorized using primitive technology and simple observations, a long time ago. So don't think that scientists know about quantum fields well. And believing science is not a scientific method.
@Suresh Wanayalaege i will not attempt to bring you back to reality. You are already far off the track. Religions don't say anything about objective truths. You are totally misled. But carry on!
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@cosalidra, TOE means Theory Of Everything. I already have the first and most important part of it. You and western science is at far away from reality.
@Suresh Wanayalaege assuming that science is wrong, it doesnt mean that your belief is correct. Looking on a philosophical perspective, both science and religion are just a way for us humans to give meaning to the absurd reality. But if I were to choose, id prefer the less stupid one which is, of course, science. Coz it works
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@potz, Mathematical laws are not philosophies. The supreme Buddha observed those laws better than modern science. Also, I could prove it mathematically. Modern science is not a good explanation of the fundamental reality. Obviously, Abrahamic religions and most religions are not scientific religions. But Buddhism is completely a scientific religion. And the Buddha and his followers used the mind to do experiments. And there are some hidden functions that are purely mathematical. I was talking about that hidden mathematical functions and laws. Unfortunately, some people like you don't even read and understand the comments well before starting to argue about it. I don't have time to waste. Bye.
Scientists INSANE Proof of Universes Older Than Ours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orrq1foGcwM
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The concept of a multiverse can be used to explain the existence of island universes scientifically without using a lot of imagination to separate universes. The matter and antimatter collisions could be a result of many particles that could travel at/near the speed of light to hit each other (like making an island universe). The expansion of the observable universe and the density of the universe shows that space is increasing and space is coming into the observable universe, reducing the density related to the growth of the observable universe. So it seems that Dark Energy is not the correct explanation for the expansion of the universe. And both space and matter could emerge uniformly after the first formation of the universe. And perhaps, virtual particles in space don't reduce with interactions. Probably, Big Bounces could conserve the energy density in the universe. Big Bang doesn't provide an explanation for the formation of energy. Introducing the originless energy called Dark Energy is like a trick used to change science to ignore the existence of space/universe before the Big Bang. And they tried to introduce a singularity with infinite density by applying a negative time to the General Relativity theory to explain the size of the universe. But General Relativity is a geometric theory that is not related to Quantum Reality. And according to General Relativity, the universe was a very large object when the time is equal to zero or larger than zero. Particles become massless when they travel at the speed of light. So a singularity can't be massless unless it was formed as a Big Bounce that happened very faster. Perhaps, gravitational attractions in the previously expanded universe caused it to accelerate matter to one single direction (to the center) after the expansion of the universe. So it is difficult to say that we live in a new universe. And some people are trying to use the concept of the multiverse and cosmic inflation to make a new universe from nothing without using enough time. And the cosmic inflation theory makes new universes almost every moment, ignoring the requirement of time to make each and every new point in the universe mathematically. Possibly, the first expansion of spacetime could make matter and space, but it doesn't mean that the universe die one day and everything will be disappeared. So the universe could make a cyclic process even after the first cosmic expansion. Correct concepts are beneficial to make correct predictions.
13.8 Billion Years in 60 Seconds #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C5bvYbxXoo
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The theory of Cosmic Inflation doesn't explain the origin of energy. It is a hypothetical theory that ignores the speed of light in a high-density medium. It is like pseudoscience. Buddhism mentioned the expansion and contraction of the universe. As mentioned, a rain of high-energy beams called Sampatthi Mahamegha filled space during Vivatta Kalpa. Galaxies formed during Vivattai Kalpa. The universe contracts and energy rains destroy planets during Sanvatta Kalpa. It remains contracted (fills) during Sanvattai Kalpa. Mahā-Kalpa ends with Vivatta Kalpa. Vivatta Kalpa is likely an energy crossover.
Scientists shouldn't ignore that possibility, and they should be responsible when they talk about science.
Arvin Ash:
there was no light to see before and during cosmic inflation.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Arvin Ash, Energy waves have a density similar to the matter in space, and that is why they collide with each other. Energy waves repel each other, but they can't easily move in a high-density medium. So they wouldn't travel faster than the speed of light. Cosmic Inflation theory doesn't explain the nature of energy, so it is not science. The virtual particles in space contain energy even if they annihilate each other. Ignorance was a reason for the birth of some unscientific religions, but you shouldn't use it for science.
Mysterious numbers: unlocking the secrets of the Universe - with Tony Padilla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3N6otveloQ
Bret Scofield:
I appreciate seeing Tony Padilla. He's a great numberphile contributor.
Suresh Wanayalaege: He tried to promote creationism with his wrong interpretation regarding the cosmological constant. Likely, the cosmological constant is relative to the matter density. Extra space can come inside matter areas slowly because of the limited speed of light and the low density of space between galaxies. So it wouldn't happen very faster without letting stars form.
The biggest ideas in the Universe - with Sean Carroll
Are Black Holes really Wormholes in disguise?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The high matter densities like the earliest stars and Black Holes could cause extra space to come and fill the low densities in space, increasing the wavelength of light while increasing the expansion rate between matter, and making the Dark ages in the early universe. Thank you.
Existential physics: answering life's biggest questions - with Sabine Hossenfelder
Manal ZD:
Sabine is amazing as always. So excited to listen to this!
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The universe is locally simple, and it depends on relationships between emptinesses. Moments of time at each location could make the relative time and distance. And the conversation of energy law could make Big Bounces and other cyclic processes. Scientific explanations must predict both the past and the future. Therefore, it requires reliable scientific calculations to confirm scientific explanations. If some observations infer that the universe was a tiny singularity with infinite density, then that prediction should be able to predict the previous state of that tiny singularity to call it a good scientific prediction.
How Physicists Created a Holographic Wormhole in a Quantum Computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOJCS1W1uzg
The Ultimate Reductionist:
My ONLY skepticism is: how is this different than all the quantum mechanical
entanglement that we KNOW and MEASURE going on all over the universe every day?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@The Ultimate Reductionist, Neutrinos make Gravity, increasing the density of space near massive objects. General Relativity is only a classical theory. Creationists try to prove all the solutions to Einstein's equation to prove gravitational singularity in order to prove creationism. Quantum teleportation and wormholes are different, and they don't represent quantum gravity. Also, White Holes and Gravitational singularities don't exist in reality. Scientists shouldn't use General Relativity to start space and time. The Truth is time and the universe started way more than 13.8 billion years ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Science News: More Wormhole Craze. Cannabis No Better Than Placebo To Treat Pain. & More
The Startling Connection Between White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars & Black Holes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xCgnMqIgPI
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Gravity is not enough to make an instant extremely high force. The collapse could be a result of an extra gravity that neutrinos would make while coming out from the star releasing 99% of the energy as Neutrinos. Gravitational pull can't be strong enough to make White Dwarfs, Neutron stars and Black Holes. Neutrnos must be the graviton that make the hidden force called gravity because neutrinos change their mass when they travel. And they could have a partial force because of some other reasons. But some creationists would not like to accept it because it disagrees with the nature of energy mentioned in the theory of General Relativity which they fraudulently use to start time and space.
Fatio suggested an ether model that could explain gravity by a machinery. He assumed very small and fast particles to pemetrate bodies like Earth. No one could believe in the existence of such particles.
To day we have found them and call them neutrinos. So, perhaps we should take up Fatio's idea again.
About 300 years ago an ether model, that could explain gravity, was presented by Fatio. He assumed very fast and very small particles to propagate in all directions. These particles could penetrate large bodies like Earth. However, this penetration had the effect that the intensity in the flow was very slightly reduced by a body like Earth. Therefore, the flow leaving Earth is somewhat smaller than the flow towards our planet. This small difference creates a force directed towards the center of Earth. This force is the force of gravity, caused by the net flow directed towards our planet. This means that gravity is caused by an ether wind moving towards the center of Earth, a falling ether. So, Fatio’s model of gravity is as a difference between a pushing and pulling force.
Fatio was far ahead of his time, and no one in his days could believe in particles penetrating a large planet. So, Fatio’s idea seemed to be very crazy at the time. But today, 300 years later, we know that such particles exist, and we call them neutrinos. We have therefore strong reason to ask ourselves, if we perhaps should take up Fatio’s idea again. Le Sage made such an attempt once, but failed, since at that time there still were no neutrinos. Today we should know better, and make a new attempt regarding Fatio’s idea. So, perhaps it was harmful to science when Newton abolished Fatio’s model that was sent to him by Fatio. Newton stated that he did not need a hypothesis with his famous words, ‘hypothesis non fingo’. This seems to indicate an overestimation of the role of mathematics in physics. Today we have no other mechanism that can explain gravity, as Richard Feynman said.
From Newton’s model we can derive a modified model by assuming a body producing gravity to be split up in small parts, and then we can apply Newton’s model to each of these parts. After that we can integrate these contributions over volume. We than arrive at a more general model, that is not dependent of the form of the body, and not on distribution of matter either. The new model predicts the same as Newton’s model for the special case of spherical symmetry in mass distribution. We can therefore say that Newton’s gravity is an approximation to our new model. The 2 models become equal for a perfect sphere.
If we compare our model with Fatio’s model we can easily see that the 2 models fit very well. It is very reasonable to conclude that the attenuation of neutrinos in a point in space is proportional to the density of matter in that point. Therefore, we can also see that Newton’s model also is an approximation to Fatio’s model. We can therefore conclude that, if neutrinos exist, they also have a capacity to produce gravity. In other words, we can state that the searched gravitons are in reality the neutrinos. So, gravity is a neutrino effect. This idea was regarded as absurd during Fatio’s and Le Sage’s days. However, this idea is not absurd today, when we have found the neutrinos. So, it seems unhappy that Fatio was ignored – probably since he was not famous, like Newton.
Fatio presented a simple machinery for gravity 300 years ago, with a falling ether, without knowing about neutrinos.
A falling ether, according to Fatio, can explain the Pioneer anomaly. Newton cannot do that.
A falling ether, according to Fatio, can explain the Allais effect. Newton cannot do that.
The decrease in gravity constant, G, can be an illusion.
Different types of Planck constants could make many parallel worlds. Also, the supreme Buddha explained the existence of 31 planes of existence. Some mathematical structures can make relative realities relative to the observers. Dark Matter infers the existence of hidden realities in space.
J M:
@Suresh Wanayalaege dark matter only appears to interact through gravity and not through electromagnetism.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@J M, Dark Matter would contain hidden layers of electromagnetism. If Dark Matter quantum fields travel faster than light, then our current technology would not be enough to observe them.
J M:
@Suresh Wanayalaege what evidence do you have to support that claim that dark matter would contain "hidden layers" of electromagnetism? What does it mean for a quantum field to travel faster than light? Isn't it by default that a quantum field permeates all spacetime?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@J M , The density of space around the massive objects is most likely higher than the density between galaxies. If Quantum fields travel like waves, then they should travel faster than light to travel at the speed of light. The wave-particle duality in quantum fields requires an explanation like the many-world interpretation.
J M:
@Suresh Wanayalaege why are you assuming that quantum fields "travel" at all? Quantum fields are theorized to be part of the fundamental structure of the universe. Particles arise out of the field as local excitations in the field and waves travel through the field but are constrained by the speed of causality
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@J M, I didn't say that quantum fields travel.
J M:
@Suresh Wanayalaege "If Quantum fields TRAVEL like waves, then they should travel faster than light to travel at the speed of light"
You did in indeed claim that Quantum fields travel. Particles and waves travel through quantum fields. Nothing travels faster than massless particles (light), as far as science currently understands.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@J M, Quantum fields cause the quantum field waves (causality) to travel faster than light if the light is a wave. If the light particle is a box or any other object that doesn't wave, then the quantum field causality in it would not travel faster than light. Wave causality must travel faster than light if its wave travels at the speed of light. It is a very simple requirement. Quantum causality must be faster than light if its energy packets move like a wave.
Breaking through the consciousness stalemate | Philip Goff
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Panpsychism and its strong emergence likely explain the underlying consciousness. The forces in material objects likely behave like absorptions, and the consciousness (Pali: Vignana) is likely a special (Vi) observer/absorption (Gnana) in material objects. The special meditation called Vipassana (special seeing) meditation is helpful to look at the nature of the observer clearly.
puzzled, panpsychism seems quite opposite to strong emergence to me.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@arubaro , Strong emergence would be fundamental as same as panpsychism. And it's difficult to say that strong emergence derived from panpsychism. Perhaps, both of them could emerge together.
Leonard Susskind astonishing lecture on debunking quantum gravity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sHd-oHko0k
Alonso López:
There was no debunking, or did I miss something?
Ralph Clark:
@Educated Guest if there’s no “math”, there’s no theory
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ralph Clark, Neutrino oscillation is likely related to gravity. Most objects emit neutrinos, and most probably, Block Holes emit neutrinos too.
Ralph Clark:
@Suresh Wanayalaege “neutrino oscillation is likely related to gravity”? Says who? Give references. Actually, why are you talking about neutrinos at all here?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ralph Clark , Here is the suggestion: Fatio suggested an ether model that could explain gravity by a machinery. He assumed very small and fast particles to pemetrate bodies like Earth. No one could believe in the existence of such particles.
To day we have found them and call them neutrinos. So, perhaps we should take up Fatio's idea again.
Article: Gravity - a neutrino effect?
Fatio's model can explain:
Poineer anomaly
Allais effect.
Gravity in P.
- John-Erik Persson.
Ralph Clark:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Fatio’s model falls at the very first hurdle. It assumes that these small very fast particles are absorbed by the matter they collide with, producing forces. But the principal distinguishing feature of neutrinos is that they are only very weakly coupled to any force fields. They pass right through matter without interacting at all. Physicist Frank Close calculated that they could pass through a lead barrier a light year thick without hitting anything.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ralph Clark, Neutrinos could make a force while absorbing mass to increase its mass during the neutrino oscillation. And then, they could release the absorbed mass while traveling. A force is an absorption.
@Suresh Wanayalaege Gravity as geometric warping of space time according to Einstein; I don't believe visible matter warping pure nothing would cause a warp in pure nothing and somehow cause gravity though. IMO the next logical step is to say that space-time itself is not an empty vacuum. The space-time vacuum must contain a wave-particle field at the Planck scale or larger and hopefully account for the missing matter/energy in the universe. The particle zoo must be missing its main attraction still.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Googler1221, The emerged spacetime is geometric but the spacetime itself is point-like. Relative interactions between points could make the relative time and relative distance. General Relativity is not a quantum theory. It is only a geometric theory. And it doesn't explain how mass makes gravity/force. So gravity could originate from an effect of some quantum particles that travel from high-density to low-density space. Some quantum forces could increase the density of space around a massive object. Space doesn't bend in reality. The reference frames between General Relativity and quantum theories are not relative to each other. Likely, High-Density space and Dark/Hidden Matter (parallel matter) exist around massive objects. Space contains both matter and antimatter particles that appear and disappear. Therefore, high-density space could come into low-density regions of space because of the higher density of space around massive objects. And that could cause changing the wavelength of light, making the dark ages of the early universe. It would be the real reason for the cosmic expansion. And the expansion would depend on the matter density. Hubble Tensions confirm that the so-called Hubble constant is not a constant. Probably, there is extra space beyond the observable universe.
Ralph Clark:
Suresh Wanayalaege I’m afraid that’s “not even wrong” - what you just said is not even a meaningful sentence. As I said, neutrinos do not interact with matter to any sufficient degree. A particle that can travel for a light year through solid lead without interacting with anything isn’t getting “absorbed” by anything. It’s doing the exact opposite of that. You clearly don’t understand the first thing about particle physics. You’re not even at high school plus Discovery channel eye candy edutainment level.
Ralph Clark:
@Suresh Wanayalaege its hard to understand precisely what you’re claiming. But if neutrinos were changing mass when they oscillate between types, conservation of momentum requires that their velocity would change. We would see it. Even if it’s possible, nobody believes it is “likely”.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ralph Clark, Neutrinos are Oscillating because they contain a force that can absorb mass from space. If you couldn't understand it, then you have to check your IQ level first.
The Big Bang never happened?! | Eric Lerner defends his radical position against Claudia Maraston
First Evidence Black Holes Source of Dark Energy - EXPLAINED
mauryc85: Very good explanation and the first I encountered stating that the mechanism itself is not yet known. It's definitely the biggest missing part - to propose a way this actually works. Nevertheless, I now really understand the importance of this research. Thanks to you :)
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Most probably, galaxies expand into space and space comes between them to balance the density of space between galaxies. And it shows that we are living in an island universe. It is the real reason for cosmic expansion.
Eric Lerner (@LPPFusion) defends his “Big Bang Never Happened” position against Claudia Maraston.
Judge for yourself: did the Big Bang actually happen? Leave your answer 👇
Subversive science writer Eric Lerner and distinguished astrophysicist Claudia Maraston
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The inflationary Big Bang theory is a Big Lie. The growth of space shows that there is a lot of space beyond the observable universe. Dark Energy is particles in space that come between galaxies to balance the space density inside and outside galaxies. And it shows that we are living in an island universe. The church would be angry if scientists tried to reject the Big Bang theory. The church needs lies to survive.
Gravitas: Pakistan wants to ban Wikipedia. Here's why
Study Suggests Black Holes May Be Directly Linked To Dark Energy
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Space is moving, and Dark Energy is space moving into lower densities of space. And it shows the existence of extra space beyond the observable universe. The Buddha said that there are a lot of island universes.
Elongated Musk:
@Suresh Wanayalaege island universes? What are those?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Elongated Musk, Only one Buddha appears in a great universe even if there are more than a billion world systems in this island universe, and our world system is at the center of our island universe, as mentioned in Buddhist texts. And that area is called the Buddha's ruling field (Aakgna Kshethra). But the Buddha could observe other island universes too.
@Suresh Wanayalaege not science
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Karn, Neutrinos change their mass while traveling. If neutrinos make gravity, then they would come back contracting the matter in the island universe. The theory of everything which I developed shows that neutrinos contain a partial force. A video in my video list explains science in Buddhism. Best of luck.
Suresh Wanayalaege idc shut up not science
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Karn, Modern science is not real science. The real science in Buddhist Abhidhamma explains how material objects emerged from absolute realities. Most scientists don't even know about those absolute realities yet.
@Suresh Wanayalaege so modern science is not how your phone or computer works which you just used to write this message so i could read? On what basis are we using these machines to communicate if modern science is incorrect?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Karn, Electricity, Fire, and Light are natural things. We just use them in many different ways. Why do you call them science? Real science must explain their real nature.
Webb Finds More Galaxies That Shouldn't Exist? Let's Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubCzcyQfqX4
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Big Bang Theory is a western lie. The Supreme Buddha was correct.
@Suresh Wanayalaege Please, then tell us what it is?!! And theories aren't lies, they are approximations.... big diff.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@PN F, Extra space existed before the Big Bang. The material objects in the previous universe could convert into material energy during the contraction of the previous universe. According to the Buddha, the observable universe expands (Vivatta), stables the expansion (Vivstta Sthai), contracts (Sanvatta), and stables the contraction (Sanvatta Sthai).
The shaky foundations of cosmology | Bjørn Ekeberg
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Hubble/Cosmological Constant is not a single constant. Space is moving at different speeds. Some scientists/creationists try to ignore that extra space exists beyond the observable universe. Dark Energy is an illusion. The universe doesn't make a new energy called Dark Energy.
Einstein' Relativity Odyssey 3 - constancy of light velocity vs principle of relativity (한글 자막)
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Einstein's Equation is wrong. Energy doesn't have a mass, and only a mass produces energy. Also, Maxwell's Equations are wrong. The magnetic field is actually an electric field. The electric field is actually a magnetic field. Modern science is based on a lot of wrong interpretations.
The universe doesn't make a lot of space matter/energy called Dark Energy. The observable universe is receiving a lot of space from outside while it is expanding somewhat uniformly. And it shows that this universe is only a small universe like a galaxy. Some Black Holes are eating virtual particles in space, increasing their mass. But western scientists would not like to accept it because sometimes they don't like to reject creationism. And that is why they try to make a lot of wrong interpretations. Just be careful about their interpretations. Sometimes, they don't care about science.
Have the laws of physics been finely-tuned for life?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Some creationists use wrong interpretations to convert people. Vacuum energy is a wrong interpretation. Space is coming into this island universe, expanding the universe. Fine-Tuning arguments show that modern science is still primitive. Creationists used them to convert people from the beginning of creationism. The many-world interpretation for the collapse of the wave functions and Dark Matter indicates that there are hidden worlds. Galaxies are moving away from each other because space is coming inside them from outside. Likely, the universe contracts and expands repeatedly. Cosmological Constant is a wrong interpretation of that process. Space contains material elements, and the universe likely doesn't make space spontaneously because galaxies don't expand like that. The universe was not a singularity, and likely material energies collided with each other making the material elements in the early universe. Science is being bent by some people to support the fine-tuning arguments. Thank you.
Is Cosmic Fine-Tuning Evidence for God? Christian & Atheist Discuss (David Wood & Apostate Prophet): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7sSxg1U6bA
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Binary Physics and time are the creators and continuation of the entire universe. It is the research I named verifying the origin of everything, and it is compatible with science and Buddhism. And it is more scientific and logical than creationism.
Indigator Veritatis:
@Suresh Wanayalaege How does your model account for the origin of life?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Indigator Veritatis, life could emerge from a special observation in matter units. The mind is a special continuation of causality faster than we think, and that is why the mind can easily continue after death. The mind can exist in around 31 planes of existence. The visible world is only one layer of reality. The relative reality is relative to the observer.
Indigator Veritatis:
@Suresh Wanayalaege That's a long non-answer
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Indigator Veritatis , The structure of material elements in my model shows that there are around 32 Planck constants (energy packets) in nature that can make around 31 or 32 parallel realities/worlds.
Indigator Veritatis:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Which one of them can create the genetic codes for life, and how?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Indigator Veritatis, The real mind is not a life. The complex life is an output/creation of the moments of the mind. The real mind is a process that collects information and makes a reaction or a change. The mind itself could start to receive information and create life.
Indigator Veritatis:
@Suresh Wanayalaege You're assuming your conclusion.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Indigator Veritatis, The supreme Buddha explained it superbly. And I explained it based on his teachings too.
Kelvin Esekhile:
@Suresh Wanayalaege ur answer is analogous to 'the origine of English is dictionary'.. those constants where determined by who? Who's laws is the universe under?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Kelvin Esekhile, The visible universe is based on only one Planck constant. Many Planck constants could make parallel worlds relatively. The name of my research paper is Binary Mathematical Physics and Buddhism. It would be helpful for you to know the most fundamental laws in the universe and why those laws don't need a creator.
John Kalentzis:
@Suresh Wanayalaege " compatible with science and Buddhism " Buddhism is based on the revelation of a historical figure living around 600 BC in India. Whether you acknowledge it or not you can't deny it is a belief system based on faith and the veracity of the Buddha's experience of "enlightenment ". How do you know he was enlightened? How do you know his experience was genuine? In other words though you read Buddhist scriptures, philosophical texts etc
it is all predicated on your "FAITH " in the Buddha. This is no more scientific than faith in the revelation in the Old Testament and in the books of the New Testament. Christians admit that their beliefs are faith based and on what has been revealed to humanity by God himself because the human mind could not have arrived at these truths by itself. Buddhists like to pretend that their beliefs are "scientific" whatever that means but in actual fact it is a faith based system at odds with Christianity. Buddhists do not believe in a Creator, they do not believe in an eternal soul , one life & judgement.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@John Kalentzis , You can't learn Buddhism from western scientists are Christians. If you can look at the research I did or the process between ultimate truths mentioned in Buddhism then would see why I said that Buddhism is scientific.
@Suresh Wanayalaege No; galaxies are moving away from each other because they are BOTH travelling THROUGH space, AND, space continues to EXPAND [not 'grow'] No; the universe DOESN'T 'contract and expand repeatedly'; 'Cyclical Universe' models have a LONG history of FAILING. [either insufficient initial gravity for a contraction, or, Blake holes and singularities gobbling-up too much material to allow-for a 'Big Crunch']. No; there's nothing wrong with 'Cosmological Constant'. 🙄 The universe doesn't "make space" at all. No; the initial singularity was the "trigger" for the Big Bang. No; the cooling universe, very shortly after the B.B., led-into conditions that were just right to give rise to the "building-blocks" of matter. No; the use of science is SHOWING that the universe REALLY LOOKS like it IS 'fine-tuned'. Again: You don't know what you're jabbering about. 🙄😏
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@John Harrison, Space is material, and quantum physics proved it. Western scientists use the standard model of cosmology to reject other models. General Relativity doesn't explain the quantum nature of gravity. And it doesn't explain the expansion of the universe. Most likely, neutrinos are making the quantum gravitational force because most objects emit a lot of neutrinos. And they can come back too. Likely, Black Holes grow using matter and material space. So Black Holes can change the density of space too. And if the expansion stops, then Gravity is enough to make a Big Crunch. The standard model of cosmology is only an assumption. And it only suits the people who love to believe assumptions to support their beliefs. But it is not real science. It only shows the shameless nature of the people who say that is it real science.
John Harrison:
@Suresh Wanayalaege "Space is material, and quantum physics proved it.": No; it isn't. And, no; it doesn't. Spacetime is NOT nothingness; and, it's ANALOGOUS-TO a fabric; but, it ABSOLUTELY is NOT a material. And, you don't know JACK about quantum physics.
"General Relativity doesn't explain the quantum nature of gravity.": It's not supposed-to. And, that doesn't change the fact that Einstein's basic notion of gravity (consequential curves/bends in spacetime) has been validated time and time again.
"And it doesn't explain the expansion of the universe.": The Big Bang theory does.
"Most likely, neutrinos are making the quantum gravitational force because most objects emit a lot of neutrinos.": 1. Their abundance doesn't indicate that they "make the quantum gravitational force". 2. They're emitted in the presence of radioactivity.
"And they can come back too.": No; they can't. In THEIR OWN frame, the particles always travel FORWARD in time. But for an observer — or a neutrino detector — traveling with a relative speed as compared to the frame where the particle was sent off — the particle travels back in time.
No; Blake holes DON'T "grow"; they become MORE MASSIVE by merging-with OTHER materials that HAVE MASS. And, the more massive they become, the more EFFECT they have on local SPACETIME.
"Black Holes can change the density of space": No; they can WARP LOCAL space-TIME.
"And if the expansion stops, then Gravity is enough to make a Big Crunch." There has to be sufficient gravity to stop the expansion, in order for there to be a Big Crunch. And, in EVERY cyclical-model to DATE, there HASN'T been sufficient gravity.
"The standard model of cosmology is only an assumption.": And, it's one of the most WELL-SUPPORTED "assumptions" in science. We "assume" it because that's the way the situation REALLY, REALLY, REALLY looks.
"And it only suits the people who love to believe assumptions to support their beliefs.": No; it suits people who are informed, reasonable, and honest-with-themselves. [which leaves people like YOU out]
"But it is not real science.": Science is what MADE us ARRIVE-AT that "assumption".
"It only shows the shameless nature of the people who say that is it real science.": That line shows that you don't know what science IS.
Again: You don't even know what you're jabbering-about.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@John Harrison, You proved that you don't know quantum physics well. Experiments proved the existence of matter and antimatter particles in space called virtual particles or quantum fluctuations. Quantum Physics doesn't bend. Massive objects could reduce the speed of particles around them because gravity could increase the density of space near those objects. It is not a bend. General Relativity is only a geometric interpretation. Scientists don't know what Energy is, and that is why they named the expansion of the universe called Dark Energy. They want to use that word to hide the growth of material space to make the standard model of cosmology. Space materials don't increase, and the contraction can easily start after the space materials reduce the speed of the expansion. Surely, you prove the existence of misleading popular science in the west. Sometimes, they don't popularize real science much. And sometimes, they ignore quantum physics to prove General Relativity. Scientists have to care about their licenses, and they don't have a license to reject some standard models. Particle accelerators didn't make Big Bangs. It only showed how existing material energy could collide (like a Big Crunch) and make matter and antimatter particles.
Consciousness' Relationship to Evolution | Robert Lawrence Kuhn Grills Donald Hoffman
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Theravada Buddhist texts mentioned the theory of the mind.
That is not hair:
So what happens at centre of black hole. Is that mentioned in text.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@That is not hair, The texts mentioned 31 layers/planes of matter/existence. The lowest layer is hell. According to the texts, there are 3 habitable world systems around a Black Intermediate hell. It is the Black Hole mentioned in those texts.
Energy is a work that doesn't have a mass. But energy is an acceleration of a 3-dimensional unit of volume relative to the density of mass in space. A mass changes its symmetry relative to the speed of its continuation, but it doesn't convert mass into energy. All the field waves have some type of mass, and that change doesn't make them energy. Prof. Albert Einstein's definition of energy only represents potential energy, and it is different from real energy. Matter and space are potential energy due to their moving mass. And a packet of mass should have a maximum density if it doesn't overlap with other packets of mass. But usually, the defined mass represents overlapped field waves.
The wavelength of light increases while traveling because light experiences time. Albert Einstein didn't care about what light experiences. Wave symmetry is changing relative to their speeds, and it doesn't change the absolute time they experience. Believing in Einstein's relative time is like believing in the creator God. Both of them don't exist in reality.
@Suresh Wanayalaege You are wrong. The wavelength increasing with time isn't a factor of the time that light experiences but the warping of the spacetime in which the light inhabits. Light redshifts over greater distances because of the expansion of the space which the light inhabits. You can get the same effect at the event horizon of a black hole due to the gravitational warping of around the horizon.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Braxon, If the light didn't experience time, how did the wavelength increase? Change is time. Don't you understand it? Also, the light slows down due to the density of space near massive objects because of gravity. The speed of light changes relative to the density of the medium it travels.
@Suresh Wanayalaege That argument is like "if a person traveling the speed of light does not experience time, how does his position change, change equals time." With red shifting, light isn't changing, the space is changing. This is also why objects that are far enough away travel faster than the speed of light relative to us.
Light appears to slow at a blackhole because space/time is being twisted toward the event horizon not because space has somehow gotten more dense.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Braxon, If the light has a mind, then it knows that has changed with time. Interpretations don't change the reality of time, and light itself is moving in time. Changes in both matter and space make time. If you believe in Einstein's geometric interpretation called space bending, then you have to ignore the quantum of space. Ignoring it is helpful for believers to make matter from a tiny universal singularity, turning General Relativity upside down with an unbelievable interpretation.
Rudolph Tanzi - Anything Non-physical About the Mind?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
He was talking about the Buddhist science of the mind. The mind (Pali: Citta) is a moment of making information from the received data. And that moment of mind (Citta) collects information from the body and the universe.
IT'S ALL A LIE: The Universe Did Not Come From Nothing Because ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENz9N_GtV1A
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Particle accelerators didn't show a Big Bang. They just collided energy beams using existing materials. The Planck Epoch is only an imagination because not even a single quantum field could exist inside it.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Nothingness could grow with the unstoppable time while becoming positive and negative emptinesses of time relative to each other.
Eric Ephemetherson:
Give me a definition of time. And especially ''unstoppable time''.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, Time is a moment of spacetime.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Give me the definition of moment.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, A moment is a point of existence.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege A point is dimensionless, therefore it cannot have existence.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, A point of time is relative to 6 directions and dimensions. It exists relatively.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege If something has directions then it's obvious that it has to have dimensions. But time is not a dimension.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, Each point withtime is like a baby universe. And they make the relative existence relative to the directions and dimensions. Time could grow the universe, making and continuing the points of unstoppable time. The meaning of time is a continuation. Prof. Einstein can't change it using his principles. Everything experiences time, but sometimes it is not much obvious. Time is the creator of everything. And time is moving everything whether you believe it or not. Just be logical.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege What time is it on the star called Alpha Centauri?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, Time is not a clock. The entire universe is completely new in each moment of time if time is the fundamental limit at each point. And those new points of time make and maintain the limits of constants because the points of time are always new and relational to each other.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege And clock is not time. I've been saying this for years. Do you know of any contraption that detects time?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, Time continues inside the Planck volume. Recently, I started to develop an equation to explain the nature of energy, mass, time, etc. And it shows that time is a fundamental reality even if it is completely new at each moment.
Eric Ephemetherson:
@Suresh Wanayalaege I am working on the equation of time.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Eric Ephemetherson, Ok good. However, I'm not a theorist or a mathematician, but I'm developing some theories very slowly while taking a lot of rest. Have a nice day.
It is an article related to electric charge, Hubble's constant, fine structure constant, wave function collapse and reveals the quantified nature of spacetime, but please give more time and patience to read the material to the end, to see how beautifully come all these together (constants), forming a unitary whole (one theory).
I look forward to your opinion, sir, and if you liked the material, even a recommendation, please!
Usually, most people develop theories using observations to explain observations, and sometimes they use unexplained principles to justify their theories. It is like reverse engineering. But, we can try to use mathematics first to explain observations and physics too. And then, we would see a lot of contradictions between them. E.g., "Scientists should know what Energy is. They can’t say that the expansion of the observable universe is made by the energy that makes space. The materials in space are not massless energy, and forces can change their location, and make high and low densities. General Relativity is only a geometric interpretation. The contraction of the observable universe could easily start soon after the moving materials in space reduce the speed of the expansion. Balloons expand somewhat uniformly even if air comes inside from only one side of them. Probably, space air comes between galaxies from everywhere, causing a similar expansion. The standard model of cosmology ignores that possibility while using an unbelievably infinite energy density without matter, blocking the Big Bounce model. Energy is a work like a finished action that doesn't really have a mass. Real energy is a relatively high-speed (accelerated) expansion of a volume relative to the amount of mass of an object and space (density of the medium). Light slows down when it travels in a high-density medium, indicating that it needs space. Probably, a mass changes its symmetry relative to the speed of its continuation, but it doesn't convert mass into energy. All the field waves have some type of mass, and that change doesn't make them energy. Prof. Albert Einstein introduced energy using mass (Kilograms), and his definition of energy only represents potential energy in mass, and it is different from real energy. All the quantum elements including space are potential energy because they contain moving or rest mass. And a packet of mass should have a maximum density if it doesn't overlap with other packets of mass. But usually, the defined mass represents overlapped field waves. Likely, the wave function of quantum elements collapses due to increasing the density of their mass during the observation. The wavelength of light changes while the light is traveling because light experiences time. Prof. Einstein didn't care about what light experiences. Wave symmetry is changing relative to their speeds, and it doesn't change the absolute time they experience. Relative time doesn’t exist in reality. If the light has a mind, then it can know that it changes with time due to quantum fluctuations. Interpretations don't change the reality of time, and light itself is moving in time. Changes in both matter and space make time. If some theorists believe in Einstein's space bending, then it means they don’t care about the quantum nature of space. Some theorists tried to show the origin of matter inside a tiny singularity by turning General Relativity upside down, using an unbelievable interpretation. Likely, they didn’t know that only matter can produce energy, or didn’t care about it.!"
You should be able to understand that we shouldn't block our common sense by using unnatural principles to prove theories.
Thank you.
Kind Regards, Suresh.
Michio Kaku Breaks Silence on The Terrifying Image By James Webb Telescope That Changes Everything
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The universe is much older than 13.8 Billion years. Some theorists try to hide it by using their assumptions to support creationism.
Pushpendra Pal Singh If speed of light is constant, how we can use a certain number for c in equation E = m c² and why that certain number is 3 ×10⁸ m/s ?
Energy is a work like a finished action that doesn't have a mass. Real energy is a relatively high-speed (accelerated) expansion of a volume relative to the amount of mass of an object and space (density of the medium). Light slows down when it travels in a high-density medium, indicating that it needs free space to be. Probably, a mass changes its symmetry relative to the speed of its continuation, but it doesn't convert mass into energy. All the field waves have some type of mass, and that change doesn't make them energy. Prof. Albert Einstein introduced energy using mass (Kilograms), and his definition of energy only represents potential energy in mass, and it is different from real energy. All the quantum elements including space are potential energy because they contain moving or rest mass. And a packet of mass should have a maximum density if it doesn't overlap with other packets of mass. But usually, the defined mass represents overlapped field waves. Likely, the wave function of quantum elements collapses due to increasing the density of their mass during the observation. The wavelength of light changes while the light is traveling because light experiences time. Prof. Einstein didn't care about what light experiences. Wave symmetry changes relative to their speeds, and it doesn't change the absolute time they experience. Relative time doesn’t exist in reality. If the light has a mind, then it can know that it changes with time due to quantum fluctuations. Interpretations don't change the reality of time, and light itself is moving in time. Changes in both matter and space make time. If some theorists believe in Einstein's space bending, then it means they don’t care about the quantum nature of space. Some theorists tried to show the origin of matter inside a tiny singularity by turning General Relativity upside down, using an unbelievable interpretation. Likely, they didn’t know that only matter can produce energy, or didn’t care about it.!
E = mc^2 kg^-1.m^8.s^-2 (m is not in Kg. m = the volume of the mass = 1×HWL/mass m^3.kg^-1).
Force (F) = the amount of volume relative to the mass × acceleration = n×(HWL/1kg)×a. So, E = n(HWL/1kg)c^2.
The E= mc^2 equation is wrong if energy is an accelerated expansion of a volume. A force/F is a linear acceleration.
Interactions of waves would reduce or increase the density of their potential energy, causing them to change their properties according to the wave symmetry related to their formation. But the wave symmetry would depend on its fundamental quantity related to the Planck constants (h or ħ). Therefore, different Planck constants could make different waves of quantum fields. Also, a high-quantity Planck constant could make a tight symmetry that doesn’t allow traveling at the speed of light. And a low-quantity Planck constant could make a loose symmetry that allows traveling faster than the speed of light. If the observers are related to their wave symmetry, then different Planck constants could make parallel worlds relative to each other. The hypothetical wave particles with maximum density and extremely high energies wouldn’t reach the speed of light, and their wave symmetry would cause them to decay quickly into many ultra-high-energy Gamma, Proton, or Muons-Neutrino rays that travel closer to the speed of light.
E.g., If the Electron’s mass = 2886.999695480226×59×3 = 510998.9461 eV/c^2, and the Muon’s mass = 10117.62668773341×59×59×3 = 105658375.5 eV/c^2, then Muon mass / Electron mass = 3.504547196029557×59..
Approximately, the Tau’s mass = 510445.2743464522×59×59 = 2883.871606477131×59×59×59×3 = 1776860000 eV/c^2. Then Muon mass / Tau mass = 3.508348521830645/59.. Electron mass / Tau mass = 1.001084683865977 / 59^2. Seemingly, there is a wave symmetry between Electron, Muon, and Tau. And likely, those numbers are related to a ratio between wave amplitude (height), wave width, wavelength, and wave density like this:
Wave symmetry ratio of the Electron: 2886.99969548: 1: 59: 3. The Electron would have a 1-dimensional width.
Wave symmetry ratio of the Muon: 10117.6266877: 59: 59: 3. Muon’s wave height can cause it to decay faster.
Wave symmetry ratio of the Tau: 59: 59: 59: 3×2883.8716. The Tau has a high-density mass.
"Big Bang Is Over!" James Webb Telescope Finds Hint Of Another Universe At The Edge Of The Universe!
david rhodes:
They are the furthest galaxies from another Big Bang, and have simply overlapped into our own Big Bang Universe as both Universes inflate outwards. Though no doubt wrong, that’s my opinion 😂
Canuck 🇨🇦:
Makes sense. Maybe the black holes eventually explode producing galaxies. Maybe the big bang explains how stars are born, and galaxies , but not the entire universe?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Big Bounce theory mentioned in Buddhism states that this observable universe undergoes a cyclic process during a Great Aeon called a Maha-Kalpa. The observable universe expands, stables the expansion, contracts, and stables the contraction again and again according to those teachings. Black Holes and matter could convert into liquid-materials during the contraction period of the previously existed universe.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Canuck 🇨🇦, The contraction of matter could make high-energy matter, causing them to collide and make matter and antimatter.
Canuck 🇨🇦:
@Suresh Wanayalaege i always thought the big bang was a nuclear explosion but they say it was more an expansion. ..?
What existed before the big bang?
Is there any such thing as absolute nothing?
Can matter appear out of nothing? It doesn't happen on earth, so how can that happen in the cosmos?
Too many questions? Lol.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Canuck 🇨🇦, An inflationary Big Bang never happened because the universe was not a singularity with infinite density. Western theorists try to make people believe the Big Bang theory using unscientific assumptions, principles, and wrong interpretations. Each point in space and matter are individual existences that can continue space using the continuation of time. The creator of each point is the continuation of time. You can see how I explained it using Binary Physics if you want. The world of mainstream science is trying to support the church by making unrealistic models of cosmology. It is the danger of following the mindset of believers. People change a lot because of their beliefs, and sometimes those beliefs reduce their intelligence.
Is the Universe Going To Collapse? | Brian Keating on the Jordan Peterson Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKSlOKgT0-E
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Dark Energy doesn't prove that this universe will not collapse. It only shows that it will not collapse soon. The Buddha's knowledge is profound and superior to scientific knowledge. He said that world systems collapse repeatedly.
Rajeev Gangal:
Ugh. He was one of a kind but don't bring him into modern science unless you wanna back it up with mathematics and experimental evidence
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Rajeev Gangal, He said that Air comes between the early universe causing matter to expand again. Space is also like Air according to quantum physics.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Space is like air. Therefore, space air can come between galaxies from outside of this island universe. It is the truth.
Jesse Edmond:
Yeah right and windows are like transparent walls…😵💫are you kidding me…they used to burn or cage people who made such claims…gggggrrrr…so you better watch out buoy & praise yourself lucky 🤫🤔🤗😅🥲😆😂😃just saying, no offence my dear friend and have a sweet and sunny day…
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Jesse Edmond, Likely, the high density of space near massive objects slows down clocks like making a time-dilation. And the waves in space called gravitational waves indicate that the density of space is higher near massive objects. Therefore, space should come from somewhere to fill the low-density regions in space.
On the Authenticity of Ancient Buddhist Texts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXOGz0dSmFg
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Humans in Jambudvipa continent and the Humans in other 3 continents are not same Humans and their oceans are different too. Therefore, the earth is like a galaxy with a spiral arm made by hidden matter. So the stories in those texts are not only relevant to our Human realm. Abhidhamma is the greatest science in Buddhism. The shape of the earth was mentioned in the texts: When it is midday on the continent of Jambudvīpa, the sun is setting on the continent of Pūrvavideha in the east and rising above the continent of [Apara]godānīya in the west, while it is midnight on the continent of Uttarakuru in the north. When it is midday in [Apara]godānīya, the sun is setting in Jambudvīpa and rising in Uttarakuru, while it is midnight in [Pūrva]videha. When it is midday in Uttarakuru, the sun is setting in [Apara]godānīya and rising in [Pūrva]videha, while it is midnight in Jambudvīpa. When it is midday in [Pūrva]videha, the sun is setting in Uttarakuru and rising in Jambudvīpa, while it is midnight in [Apara]-godānīya.
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