* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
Protect Ex-Muslims And Let Them Reveal Truth - Page 10
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs “earth has cracks. Anyone can tell it” so why it was only found in 1927 the first crack was discovered in Arizona desert and why not before?
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs and also FYI above video is not Muslims interpretation alone there are people more intellectual than u and me, it’s their analysis and research
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , Some translations mentions small cracks on the growth of trees. Pickthall: And the earth which splitteth (with the growth of trees and plants) Yusuf Ali: And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),-
2600 years ago Lord Buddha said about 4 continents in the world. And there are many more cracks on the earth. So why do you try to mention particular cracks only? We can say continents are cracks too, because usually continents are larger cracks than other cracks on the earth.
1.) Jambudvīpa (Sanskrit) or Jambudīpa (Pāli) 2.) Pūrvavideha or Pubbavideha 3.) Aparagodānīya or Aparagoyāna 4.) Uttarakuru
Jambudvīpa is connected to Pūrvavideha, Pūrvavideha is connected to Aparagodānīya, Aparagodānīya is connected to Uttarakuru, Uttarakuru is connected to Jambudvīpa too.
The rounded shape of the earth made the connection between Uttarakuru and Jambudvīpa. So those four continents in Buddhism indirectly says the rounded shape of the Earth.
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , Usully Muslims made the interpretations first, and then they spend a lot of money to publish their interpretations by non-muslims too. That women in the video is just a paid presenter.
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs but the scientists & intellectuals say it was the first crack discovered in 1927 Why didn’t they mention about the continents, You should ask them why not me
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , Do you think if scientists don't discover cracks on the earth then there are no cracks on earth? However, I told you that Quran is talking about cracks which let the plants come out from the earth. And about the water which go to the sky and return to the earth as a rain which happens for sure. So the Quran mentions about something happens always. Not about some hidden cracks.
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , I have a question too. Why arabic language was so unreliable and undeveloped?, because there are a lot of translations of the Quran.
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs 1. I never think if scientists don’t discover cracks there will be no cracks but in this era and time u hv to hv a substantial argument.
2. Yes Quran mentions about something happens, but the thing is it mentioned them 14 centuries back that’s the miracle the crack was hidden until 1927
3. What do u mean unreliable and undeveloped? the more interpretations of something makes it more value in vast meaning in it
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , Cracks on the earth not only mention the cracks between the plates of the earth, but also it can mention the earth which opens out for trees. Eg: Yusuf Ali: And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),
And the scientists usully mention about the plates of the earth, not about cracks of the earth. There is a difference between cracks and plates. If the quran said that there are cracks on the earth which made plates on the earth, then we can understand that it was not mentioning about small cracks. But it is clear that some translations mention about small cracks which opens out the earth for the plants to grow.
Quran didn't mention about the plates of the earth, so you can't use the cracks of the earth to mention the plates of the earth.
And I have seen how the translations of the Quran is being misused by mentioning some parts of the translations within brackets. So those translations are not reliable.
In mathematics we learn about probabilities, so if there are many meanings to a single word, then it is not a reliable word, and it shows that the language is not developed enough to use more words to give clear meanings. As an example, in the Quran we can't find a good word for 'Space', and sometimes they use the word 'Heaven' to mention Heaven, Sky and Space too. And the Quran was difficult to translate because there were not enough separations between sentenses. And I guess the arabic language is almost based on Quran and few other books which are not much older than the Quran.
If we take the Pali Language, it has many words for one meaning. So the Pali language is a developed language. But in the Arabic language there were many meanings for one word. So that is why I said that the arabic language was not a developed language.
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs this particular verse is not talking about plates or continents, the word الصدع means splitting and also means cracking like the one discovered in arizona desert, it also indicates the sprouting of a plant
2. Translations are not misused, it is English language which in some occasions cannot justify the meaning of the Arabic terms with one word like the word الرب the sustainer/cherisher/ protector and so on, so the translator chooses a word which has the closest meaning as per his knowledge, and also Quran is not just translated looking into Arabic language but also referring to the practice of the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ bcoz The Quran is a discourse of revelations for 23 years, So most of the verses are translated looking into his life, that’s why u see phrases in brackets also the footnotes.
3. Arabic also has many words with one meaning for an instance the word الرحمة mercy/ kindness رفق/لين/رقة etc all of these means same, brother If u learn Arabic U’ll see the beauty, below video is a tiny example of it. Before watching keep in mind that the Prophet Muhammad was illiterate(unable to read or write) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BtQ6GgYqfeM
Singular, Plural & Super Plural | Linguistic Miracle of Quran
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsSo you can accept that it also referred about plants. Translations mentioned about plants too. But the online Quran website don't display the translations correctly, because they have included some words inside brackets to get the translation they need. But earlier their were not brackets in the Translations.
Sahih International mentions the word 'cracks': And [by] the earth which cracks open, International translation depends on many other translators, But other translations don't mention the word 'cracks', and those translations mention the word ''splitteth' only. Pickthall: And the earth which splitteth (with the growth of trees and plants) Yusuf Ali: And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),- Maybe, in the verse, there is a word which mentions plants or something relevant to plants too, but the online Quran tried to hide that meaning inside the brackets. So it is obvious that Muslims made an international translation with the word 'cracks' to compare it with science.
Usually Quran copied a lot of verses from the Hebrew bible. We can find this in Hebrew bible too:
"According to Genesis 10:25 and 1 Chronicles 1:19, it was during the time of Peleg that "the earth was divided" – traditionally, this is often assumed to be just before, during, or after the failure of Nimrod's Tower of Babel. The meaning of the earth being divided is usually taken to refer to a patriarchal division of the world, Some Young Earth Creationists interpret this verse to refer to the continent of Pangaea split into modern continents." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peleg So don't talk much about those verses (So-called miracles) in Quran which were stolen from the Hebrew bible.
If Arabic language had many words for one meaning you can't interpret Quran in many ways. Just look at the so many translatoins of Quran. And some translations have big differences. However, miracles are some unbelievabe things humans do from their superhuman abilities like this: Divine Powers ¤¤¤ Ram Bahadur Bomjon ¤¤¤ Full Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ7fpqPaeIc Mohommad didn't have superhuman abilities. Fake interpretaions are not miracles. Buddhists don't want double meaning verses to explain scientifics facts, because Buddhism explain those things directly: http://buddhist-essentials-and-concepts.blogspot.com/...
I don't like to argue with you about small things, and I don't like to waste my time to explain more about it to someone who can't see the truth in front of him.
Man AzSuresh Ranrahas Forexsigs as I fore mentioned translators choose their words which has the closest meaning for the word as per their understanding so words like crack & splitteth have close meaning, we Muslims don’t rely only on translation rather we learn Arabic to get the profound meanings, I consider u an intellectual person I suggest u learning Arabic.
As for the verse in the Bible it’s mentioned about the continents and the Quran is talking about the cracks.
I’d like to continue this intellectual dialog if u don’t mind, this will create bond & understanding between our communities that we lack in this era. Everyone has the chosen what he believes right, I chose Islam and U chose Buddhism there are similarities between the both, we can discuss that rather trying to prove one another wrong.
Thank you for sharing ur knowledge bro May God Guide us all
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , Some meanings were added to the words in Arabic language with the evolution of the language, so you shouldn't use modern Arabic language to interpret Quran. And you should have a dictionary of the early Arabic language to compare it with Quran. So maybe the word crack were not belong to the same word in the earliy Arabic language. So that can be a reason to use the word 'splitteth' only. Maybe the word crack came to the international translation from the medern Arabic language. However, the Muhammad lived in a desert, and the deserts usually open/split/crack the earth too. Sometime Quicksand can be found in places where there is grainy soil including riverbanks, marshes, lake shorelines, beaches and areas near underground springs. And some people might knew about the so-called cracks too. We don't need a big technology to discover those things, so there is nothing special in that verse in Quran. But Buddhism explained about Black Holes. And there were not a scientific technology to discover Black Holes earlier:
"Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819) (*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole)
Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,(*819) there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))
"Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole. Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are much better than irrelevent verses and fabrications in other religions.
The first modern solution of general relativity that would characterize a black hole was found by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916. In 1939 Albert Einstein published a paper that argues that a star collapsing would spin faster and faster, spinning at the speed of light with infinite energy well before the point where it is about to collapse into a Schwarzchild singularity, or black hole. However, the Buddha said that "there are 3 Habitable World Systems around a WORLD INTERVAL (Black Hole)". But there can be more Solar Systems around a Black Hole (inside a Galaxy) which are not habitabe. And Buddha said that "a thousandfold minor world system (Galaxy) can have around 1000 habitable World Systems" too. So the size of a Black Hole can change with the amount of Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy.
I'll try to continue the discussion, but sometimes it can take days, a week or more to reply.
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az ,"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and the spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. and 2) Buddhism is the only religion able to cope with modern scientific needs" - Albert Einstein
“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism....” - Albert Einstein, quoted in Madalyn Murray O'Hair
"The beginnings of cosmic religious feeling already appear at an early stage of development,... Buddhism, as we have learned especially from the wonderful writings of Schopenhauer, contains a much stronger element of this." - (Einstein 1930, 38)" - The cosmos of science: essays of exploration, By John Earman, John D. Norton,
"The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me." - Albert Einstein
World System (Habitable Solar System with Humans, Gods and Brahmas)
A world system has not only vast temporal duration but is also stratified by way of various realms of existence, ranging from the dismal hell realms, worlds of intense suffering, through the animal realm, to the sphere of afflicted spirits (sometimes called "hungry ghosts"); then on to the human realm, and upward through ah ascending series of celestial realms inhabited by the devas (heavenly beings/gods) and brahmas, the deities and divine beings. There are six sensual heavenly realms: the heaven of the four divine kings, the Tavatimsa devas, the Yama devas, the Tusita devas, the devas who delight in creation, and the devas who control what is created by others (3:70/6:10, 8:36, etc.). Above these are the brahma world and still higher realms, spheres of rebirth for those who have mastered the meditative attainments. (Page: 31)
Aeon (Kalpa)
The historical Buddha (Gautama Buddha) made references to the existence of aeons (the duration of which he describes using a metaphor of the time taken to erode a huge rock measuring 1x1x1 mile by brushing it with a silk cloth, once every century), - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_cosmology
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , What is the source of God? I know your answer. Your man made 'definition of God' is your source of your God. 😂😂 Infinity And Directions Can Make Dimensions Called The Universe. So You Don't Need A Creator God.
Dark Matter just use a different dimension, as same as a Block Hole. But the dimensions of the Black Holes and Dark Marter are different. Ordinary matter use a different dimension, and Dark Energy use a different dimension too. Everything is moving towards the forth dimension which we call the time. The interaction between main three dimensions and the 'time dimension' is called the energy. - Suresh. I have explained how dimensions can make those different types of forms: Something can come from nothing and infinity of directions. Watch this video completely to learn how it is possible Mathematically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxxQfSqXDbI
The Universe is not only nothing, but also infinite. Nothing and ( x ) infinity create ( = ) forms of +emptiness and -emptiness in between, and the infinity continue that process at the edge of the emptiness (distance) too. 'Nothing' becomes' +Emptiness and -Emptiness when 'Infinity of the 6 directions ((+0-0)6 or (+0.0-0.0)3)' overlap with each other making 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions which make Time and Distance. And the Universe always has 6 directions (Up,Down,Left,Right,Front,Back) with those nothingness and infinity. Big Bangs and Dark Energy restart and increase the capacity of the Universe (*mathematically: +0-0 to +1,-1 and +0.001,-0.001). If the edge of the Universe is expanding, then we can understand that the edge of the Universe can make space or energy from nothing and infinity (mathematically). We already discovered that an energy called Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come from nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe. Dark energy is not static. So the speed of the acceleration of the galaxies will cause to collapse the forms like Galaxies, Dark Matter, Atoms and etc. And then it can cause to make a Big Bang again. Mathematically: (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3 So, (+1-(-1))3 made space, galaxies, atoms and etc. And, (+0.0-0.0)3 is making space or energy at the edge of the Universe. Does A Creator God Exist? - Answered: https://buddhist-essentials-and-concepts.blogspot.com/p/does-creator-god-exist-answered.html
Don't try to make a God from nothing. If you think humans or someone else made mathematics, then you are not intelligent enough.
Black Holes & Galaxies In Buddhism With Shape Of The…
------------------------------------------------------------- Agnostic Muslim asks Zakir Naik "Isn't religion used to control people?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOtUelBT4rQ
Pin Apple: even if god exists, he isn't worthy of being worshipped Suresh Wanayalaege: @Pin Apple Yes. That so-called God can't be better than the Universe, because the cyclic process of the Universe let us start again from the beginning if we were wrong, but that so-called God send some people to an eternal hell. Pin Apple: @Suresh Wanayalaege any proof of ur claims sir?? really any proof at all... apart frm religious books???uk...i can't expect u to believe in a green blob in d room juss bcoz i want u to....give lectures on God only if u hv any claims supporting it Suresh Wanayalaege: @Pin Apple I didn't say that a creator God exists. I'm a Buddhist atheist. I meant IF there is a creator God, he is not a Good God, because he send people to an eternal hell. Suresh Wanayalaege: The Universe is not only nothing, but also infinite. Nothing and ( x ) infinity create ( = ) forms of +emptiness and -emptiness in between, and the infinity continue that process at the edge of the emptiness (distance) too. 'Nothing' becomes' +Emptiness and -Emptiness when 'Infinity of the 6 directions ((+0-0)6 or (+0.0-0.0)3)' overlap with each other making 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions which make Time and Distance. And the Universe always has 6 directions (Up,Down,Left,Right,Front,Back) with those nothingness and infinity. Big Bangs and Dark Energy restart and increase the capacity of the Universe (*mathematically: +0-0 to +1,-1 and +0.001,-0.001). If the edge of the Universe is expanding, then we can understand that the edge of the Universe can make space or energy from nothing and infinity (mathematically). We already discovered that an energy called Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come from nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe. Dark energy is not static. So the speed of the acceleration of the galaxies will cause to collapse the forms like Galaxies, Dark Matter, Atoms and etc. And then it can cause to make a Big Bang again. Mathematically: (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3 So, (+1-(-1))3 made space, galaxies, atoms and etc. And, (+0.0-0.0)3 is making space or energy at the edge of the Universe.
Does A Creator God Exist? - Answered: https://buddhist-essentials-and-concepts.blogspot.com/p/does-creator-god-exist-answered.html
Timothy Mostad: @Suresh Wanayalaege Theists can't or refuse to understand that uninformed people created the gods. Suresh Wanayalaege: @Timothy Mostad , Maybe most of them don't understand it. But when they find an alternative knowledge, then some of them can understand it. Timothy Mostad: @Suresh Wanayalaege To be an antiquated fictional fantasy after reading the whole book, cover to cover. Muslims are like other cults, never read/understand while they are telling other people it is true, and take other person's word for it instead of finding out for themselves. Suresh Wanayalaege: @Timothy Mostad , Yes. And Muslims can't Question Islam publicly without risking his/her life. Why I Don't Debate Muslim Apologists - Apostate Prophet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQiOiIAnMo8 JDR 353: Great video sameer..👍👍 Islam and Allah is indeed sexual excuse for one man Muhammad 🙄💩 JOJO FreelancerKUP: Read the old testament first. Than all those abrahamic faiths collapse. JDR 353: @JOJO FreelancerKUP Read Genesis 19 And Quran 54 : 34 You will know Which is truth when you see todays Sodom and gomorrah.....🤪👍 Hasanul S: @JOJO FreelancerKUP OT doesn't support pedophilia, war or sexual perversion. Indeed those who were sexually perverted were punished by the Lord. JOJO FreelancerKUP: @JDR 353 today sodom and gomora? Learn your history. JOJO FreelancerKUP: @Hasanul S https://www.therichest.com/shocking/15-naughty-verses-you-wont-believe-came-from-the-bible/ JDR 353: @JOJO FreelancerKUP Hey go and see for Sodom and gomorrah filled with brimstone and sulphur Not storm of stones Since Allah doesn't even know what's in Sodom and gomorrah....🤪🤪 JOJO FreelancerKUP: @JDR 353 https://youtu.be/5YPVtSaqwi4 JDR 353: @Suresh Wanayalaege Lord Jesus Christ said Matthew 16 : 23 Get behind me satan for you dont have any eternal concerns but merely Himan concerns... Stupid boy .... Dont Mock yourself JOJO FreelancerKUP: @Suresh Wanayalaege https://youtu.be/5YPVtSaqwi4 JOJO FreelancerKUP: @Suresh Wanayalaege Are you Buddhist? Budhism makes more scence than Christianity fish you: @JOJO FreelancerKUP buddhism makes sense???u need a doctor 😂😂 JOJO FreelancerKUP: @fish you It makes much more sence than a god who sacrafices himself for himself to save humanity from himself. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 US MOOSLIMS IS SPESHUL PEEPLES US NEEDS RESPECKT: @fish you Buddhism makes 10000 times sense than Abrahamic religions Suresh Wanayalaege: @JOJO FreelancerKUP , Thank you. Suresh Wanayalaege: @JOJO FreelancerKUP , Yes, I'm a Buddhist. I converted from Roman Catholic when I was around 11 years old. Suresh Wanayalaege: @fish you , This is the most important thing you should know in Buddhism: Satipatthana Sutta (shortly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zUCcu-NXF0 Satipatthana sutta (Fully) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM0ZF3zEcd8 Suresh Wanayalaege: @JDR 353 , I know that the so-called creator God is dangerous. He tells us to accept him or burn in hell forever. He is just like a leader of a Mafia gang. If you want to go to heaven then you should practice your mind to do it. Believing heaven and heavenly beings is a part of Buddhist practice too. Maybe believing a heavenly creator God can help you to go to heaven too, but not because there is a creator God, but because your mind want to go to heaven. So try to understand that you should think about your mind, than you think about an unknown god who changed his religion from time to time (from Hinduism to Judaism to Christianity to Islam). You can't trust that creator God, because you don't know his current religion. You creator God is changing his mind, so maybe he will send Christians to the Islamic hell, or maybe he will send Muslims to the Christian hell. 😂😂 So it is difficult to trust that creator God. I guess you came here to support ex-Muslims to save the world from the terrorism of Islam, so you should understand that Islam is using a name of a God (Allah) to do bad things. So if believing a God is enough, then those terrorists will go to heaven too. But that is the reason why they need a God. They do bad things against their heart (mind), but they want a God to get forgiveness. Maybe, that is a good practice to the mind to help you to go to heaven, but I think if you can do good things than bad things then that will be a better practice to help you to go to heaven. Because you must do good things to go to heaven. Think like a heavenly being, And you must understand your mind and body to control you mind. Buddhism helps us to understand our mind and body: Satipatthana Sutta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM0ZF3zEcd8 Satipatthana Sutta part 1 to 46 - The direct path to liberation by Joseph Goldstein (English) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VstzwcmhOns&list=PL3ZEkiewOoFCHBwohynCg8IdASm5xWOjD ----------------------------------------------------------------
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsWe still don't know the origin of the Corona virus. America started a war against Iran, so maybe they or some other Muslims started a world war with a weapon called Corona virus. China wanted to change the Quran, so that can be a reason to start it from China first. Maybe this was the main reason to the start of the Corona Virus: China will rewrite the Bible and the Quran to 'reflect socialist values' amid crackdown on Muslim Uighur minority: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7824541/China-rewrite-Bible-Quran-reflect-socialist-values.html PUBLISHED: 11:40 BST, 24 December 2019 CORONA VIRUS STARTED FROM 31 December 2019
China will rewrite the Bible and Quran to 'reflect socialist values'
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsMan Az , I said 'Maybe'. And it is a strong opinion. However, in these days I don't have time to argue or discuss with you. Killing ex-Muslims is not good for souls of Muslims. And a lot of Muslims are not good for the souls of Non-Muslims.
I knew about it this before the start of the corona virus: China will rewrite the Bible and the Quran to 'reflect socialist values' amid crackdown on Muslim Uighur minority: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/.../China-rewrite-Bible-Quran... I worried about china when they said it, because Islam encourage revenge. On 21 April 2019, in Sri Lanka Easter Easter Sunday bombings were a revenge to the 'Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand.
A lot of Muslims don't like to change the Quran, and some Muslims like to use science and technology for Islamic terrorism. Some religions have a very bad history, maybe curretly some follower of those religions have changed their strategies. And don't forget that more than 75% terrorist attacks in the world carried out by Muslims. There are lot of Islamic terrorist groups in this world, and still most Muslim countries destroy human rights. Before trying to defend Islam watch this video: Why I Don't Debate Muslim Apologists - Apostate Prophet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQiOiIAnMo8
China will rewrite the Bible and Quran to 'reflect socialist values'
------------------------------------------------------ Hash Weerasinghe: will gotabaya rajapaksha crack down on radical islam I mean after the corona ? what is your thought on this ? Suresh: Yes, maybe. But it is not a permanent solution. In some Schools In China, they teach Muslim children about how to stay away from Radical Islam. That worked well. If our Government is not strong enough to do that then we can support/promote Ex-Muslims to do it in Social Media.
Suresh Ranrahas ForexsigsEx-Muslim reveal truth. That's all. Ex-Muslims have a right to live. But a lot of Muslims want to kill all the Ex-Muslims. Ex-Muslims are protected with the help of non-Muslims in Non-muslim countries.
The Real Truth About Islam Explained By An Indian Lawyer (රමේශ් රාධවන්) (in English with Sinhala subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2va4r9i1Y-g
Apostate Prophet: Greetings and much respect to all Ex-Muslims and outspoken activists. We'll be watching, and we're proud of that!
Suresh Madusanka: Yes, there are a lot of ex-muslims, but still some muslim and ex-muslims don't know about the existence of ex-muslims. Specially the laws in islamic countries try to hide the truth about the existence of ex-muslims, and some muslims don't even know about the problems the ex-muslims and non-muslims face because of some islamic organizations, so at least we should tell muslims about the problems with those islamic organizations and islam itself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Women Leaving Islam
Nano GoleSorkh: In this powerful film, six ex-Muslim women activists share their moving stories of growing up in Muslim families and Muslim-majority countries and the violence, loss and shunning they faced because of their apostasy. The women talk about everything from tearing their hijab on door handles as a child, wearing a burkini on a beach in Italy, wanting to scream their atheism in Mecca during Hajj, losing custody of a child after a husband’s accusations of blasphemy, reporting a violent fundamentalist father, forging a male guardian’s signature in order to flee their country and being shunned for defending gay rights… Despite the risks, the women speak of hope, happiness and freedom from Islam and the hijab. Suresh Madusanka: Some Muslim women become violent because of Islam. Muslim Nurses beat Christian for singing Jesus' name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa-eNUNQMvQ Brave Ex-Muslims can help Muslims to leave Islam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The most quoted peaceful Quran verse was actually plagiarized from the Talmud and Mishnah of the Jews; Hundreds of years before the Quran was revealed by Muhammad.
In the last 12 months, the majority of requests for help come from the following ten countries - in order of requests. It comes as no surprise as most of these countries have the strictest and harshest 'blasphemy' and 'apostasy' laws.
We want to respond to all these requests. Please help us to make it possible by donating to our #ProtectHumanistsAtRisk campaign:
Most Muslims supported violence almost without any strong resistance, and it made a worse (f*ckful) situation in Afghanistan because some stupid Islamic groups kill minorities to stop discrimination, against the majority of Muslims. It seems some Muslims want to remove minorities (Activists, Ex-Muslims, Atheists, moderate Muslims) to practice Islam without minorities because if there are no minorities there is no discrimination against minorities. They need terrorist groups to remove minorities, and It happened for hundreds of years because of that religion. Islam is not peaceful with majorities and minorities, but unfortunately, some good Muslims can't understand that Mohamad was a bad person and he used a fake creator God called Allah to make a fake religion called Islam. It is madness if people think that a violent religion can help to go to heaven.
Tahir Hayat, it was not a win because there was no fight to win because America just left without fighting. It was a loss of freedom for Muslims to learn democracy. Now some Muslim animals control Muslims (especially Muslim women) and minorities like slaves which again shows that Islam is the main cause of Muslim terrorism. And there is no big difference between Muslims and Terrorists who follow the fundamental teachings of Islam. Mohamad invaded countries, so he was like a terrorist too (https://wikiislam.net/wiki/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Supported_by_Muhammad). However, No religion (Atheism) is growing faster than Islam. The modern world is laughing at Muslims a lot, but they can't understand it.
List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad - WikiIslam
Bazeer Irhan, Bazeer Irhan, If you are selfish and you don't care how good a God should behave sometimes you can't understand the suffering of others (including Muslims). If you are not selfish then you can understand that just because you and a group of people (Eg: Christians, Muslims, etc) want to get forgiveness from that God to go to heaven you can't accept violence and hatred of that God towards other groups of people. I think only a highly selfish person who has done a lot of sins in past can forgive that intolerant god just because that person wants to get forgiveness to go to heaven. Even if God kills all the humans and animals that person doesn't care about it just because of the fears about the next birth of that person. That type of selfishness is not suitable for humans. There is no evidence of a creator God (YTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb6MOo1dFH0). The universe is mathematical (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-D0E8E2Lz4). Nobody exists without using existing materials or energy.
Elementary Magics & Mathematical Structures Of The Entangled Dimensions (The Theory Of Everything?)
Ahamed Rahman, Yes, I can understand. And he doesn't have any other choice in Islam. But if he can accept the truth and leaves Islam then he will be able to see how some Muslims become monsters.
elyas ahmadzai (YT vid: Grcej1Eobiw): Mashallah may Allah guide more people towards the truth, Ameen. Suresh Wanayalae: A creator God doesn't exist. This is the proof (Y o u T u b e - V- ID:) 7ctZcT9S4hw That is about the existence of everything. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The Chinese Communists created Covid-19 to prove virus is real, but God in Islam still compete with God in Christianity in 1400 years, but God in Islam still could not appear or incarnate in Man like Jesus Christ. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , There is a way to prove that we don't need a creator God to create us. My name can help you to investigate about it, because social media blocks some information. My previous comments can help you to find the truth as well. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , The followers of Allah bombed and killed around 170 people in Afganistan. Was it respectful? So Atheists must question the existence of a creator God. It is not about freedom. It is about removing wrong beliefs which leads to violence in the name of God/Allah. Just investigate the source I sent to open your eyes. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , China announced that they will reprint quran after removing bad teachings in Quran in December 2019. And Some people put corona virus to china in December 2019. Can you imagine who created the virus? Qurana? elyas ahmadzai: @Suresh Wanayalae are you an expert on the quran or your just ignorant like any other islamophob, give me you instagram anything for me to educate you on islam and violence. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The current China is an atheist and communist regime that is more or less aggressive and terrible than Taliban. Now, The China Communist regime is trying to control the world to replace the USA , and it is brainwashing people with their atheism. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Don't forget the history. The Bible (West) and Quran (Muslims) (Eg: Mogal empire, Hitler) were horrible. Don't forget about neuclear bombs. Just keep your illogical arguments with you. Suresh Wanayalae: @elyas ahmadzai , There is no one true Islam. Can you tell me why Most muslims are happy about Taliban controlling afganistan? Most Muslims know that Taliban and most violent Muslims groups follow many interpretations of Islam. Ex-Muslims know more about it (YouT.-V-idL: i.) reBj2YMhcSo ii.) i9V9oikbIKg). Don't try to use Al-Takiyah to tell lies. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The nuclear bombs were created by Man (not by God in the Bible), and it can be "boomed" to finish your life and Mecca immediately! But "holy wars for Allah's sake" were created by Allah in the Quran when it violated God's command "NO MURDER". So holy war for one mysrical being is the dumbest and most horrible thing for human right. So people should PREACH their belief only, NOT MURDER for their belief.
Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , I can understand you. But you should try to understand that something is wrong with the teachings of Abrahamic religions, not only with humans. However, I just wanted to say that I know that a creator God doesn't exist because I made a theory to explain the existence of the Universe and the atoms, and interactions of subatomic particles, etc. I don't like to use my time to explain it to you personally. Best of luck. Bye
Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - How can atheists explain why the Biblical God or the Universe appeared in man to talk to Abraham, and appeared in flame to talk to Moses in the past?
Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Do you know that everything you see is just Electrons, Up Quarks, Down Quarks, Photons, Gluons, Quantum fields, Mathematics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc? Fundamental Elementary particles, fields, and interactions of those things tell us the process of the universe and life. The most important thing is discovering the origin of the elementary particles and fields to explain the existence of everything we see. Can't you understand that? Maybe you can't understand that. Bye
Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae Can you understand why these things exist?
Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Yes, I could understand the existence of dimensions of the universe to build a mathematical explanation about the universal process of those dimensions.
Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - How did the dimensions of the universe exist and come from?
Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , The universe was a THING, even it was infinitely nothing (zero infinity), and that THING should have 6 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Back) which go to zero and infinity while making dimensions (+6-6 dimensions) as moments of directions of the universe. I used the properties of the start of the universe to calculate the process of the Universe.
Killing any living being is a sin according to Buddhism. Killing Ex-Muslims is a Sin too.
Suresh Wanayalae:
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth. More than 12 countries allowed punishing or killing ex-muslims legally. And some Muslims kill ex-muslims illegally too. Listen to this conversation: A conversation with Rishvin Ismath, spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRiMXauRXA
Another video: "Sri Lankan Ex-muslim Rishvin Ismath man who survived an ISIS attack"
Don't be blind or don't tell lies.
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae So yes, I do not support the punishment for apostasy today, because the conditions have not been met that would warrant its implementation. Not because I disagree with the Law or believe it’s not part of Islam. No, but because it would be unjust to not fulfill the conditions in accordance with our Law. When those conditions return, then we can apply it. However, what I do support is that we educate our brothers and sisters and bring them back from the temptations of atheism and other religions. I also support that we establish Islam in our own societies before punishing our own for being un-Islamic. Blaming a young Muslim man or woman for leaving the religion when they live in societies which don’t even encourage them to remain Muslims – teaching them the sweetness of faith – is an injustice. Most of the time, it is we Muslims who are at fault for the conditions of our brothers and sisters, as it is our responsibility to make sure they don’t have an excuse to leave our beautiful religion. Instead, we call to the punishment in social media posts, scaring those who are confused and in search of real answers. We indirectly threaten their lives when they don’t even know why they’re Muslim to begin with. And we do so all in the comfort of our rooms, behind a computer screen, living in societies where deviance and sin are everywhere, and in some places the norm. We expect these people to remain Muslim when we haven’t even given them any reason why they should.
share the book and watch latest video on my channel it's about Sharia law
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , Some mafia groups do the same thing. Leaving the group and talking against the group is a human right. But some Muslims can't understand it because they follow Islam. That is a problem with Islam, and it is not a problem with Muslims. However, I know that how the universe evolves and runs because I investigated it and I wrote about it too.
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae can't read english I urge you to go back and read properly what I've commented and stop making strawman arguments
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae you are pretending to be a some sought of a scholar of Islam the. Tell me what is islam if you'll give wrong answer then you'll accept you're ignorant person I've clearly showed that there is no fixed opinion on apostasy in fiqh 😂 you jahil
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , All your replies show that your religion is not good for Ex-Muslims, and also to Non-Muslims in Muslim countries, because Muslims say that we all are born Muslims and we must follow Islamic rules in Muslim countries, but Muslims take all the human rights in Non-Muslim countries. Don't behave like blind people when Muslims around the world kill people (75% of the attacks in the world were done by Muslims).
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , If you want to know about Islam learn Islam from Ex (left) Muslims. There are a lot of Ex-Muslims. who teach about the bad side of Islam. Most Muslims ignore the bad side of Islam because they don't have any other choice in Islam. Just talk against Islam to see how your own people will attack you. Most Muslims and Ex-Muslims behave like slaves in fear of Muslim gangsters who try to control the Muslims and non-Muslims. I don't want to argue with you. I just wanted to tell you that I know about the reason to exist the universe on my own mathematical research.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , I guess a Muslim friend who liked your comments maintains this comment section and deleted some comments of mine. These were the comments:
Deleted comment 1:
All your replies show that your religion is not good for Ex-Muslims....(75% of the attacks in the world were done by Muslims).
Deleted comment 2:
If you want to know about Islam learn Islam from Ex (left) Muslims. There are a lot of Ex-Muslims....... However, some groups of Muslims bring heroin and many other types of illegal drugs to non-Muslim countries. Last week (Sep 2021) some Muslims from Pakistan and Iran tried to bring around 600 Kg to Sri Lanka, and it happens every month. It shows how some Muslims do Business with non-Muslims. And some people bring illegal drugs from Afghanistan too. And they just want to make an Islamic world doing all the bad things in the world to damage non-Muslim societies. That is the truth about Islam which is based on the concept of the creator of God to help Muslims do anything they want, and think that they can go to heaven. The problem is with the concept of creator God/Allah that makes it happen. And I'm very sure that it is just a concept only, and a lot of bad Muslims will go to hell.
Quran: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."
Qur'an 9:29
"Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them)."
Sahih Bukhari 4:52:220
Sirat Nabi (Prophet Story) :
Hijra year 5 (627 AD), on the orders of Prophet Muhammad, almost nine hundred Jews of a Medinan tribe named Banu Qurayza were massacred. The killing began early in the day, ending in torchlight. Those who escaped death (women and children, excluding boys who had begun to grow pubic hair) were taken captive to be sold in slave markets and exchanged for horses and armour. One of the stories the emerged, a mother pleaded with Muhammad that her son is a child of 12 and should be spared. Muhammad ordered the boy to be striped naked. He found one. Single pubic hair. Muhammad turned to her and said: he is no boy now. The boy was killed
Now you know where ISIS, AlQaida, Bokoharam, Talban, Wahabies, AlSahabab, and all extremist get their ideas...
Jordan Peterson Is RIGHT About Islam
Quran Scholar Admits: The Quran is Not Superior
Man Tortured, Burned, and Killed for "Blasphemy" by Muslims in Pakistan
A mob in Pakistan tortured, killed and then set on fire a Sri Lankan man who was accused of blasphemy over some posters he had allegedly taken down.
Priyantha Diyawadana, a Sri Lankan national who worked as general manager of a factory of the industrial engineering company Rajco Industries in Sialkot, Punjab, was set upon by a violent crowd on Friday.
In horrific videos shared across social media, Diyawadana can be seen being thrown on to the floor, where hundreds began tearing his clothes, violently beating him. He was tortured to death and then his body was burned. Dozens in the crowd can also be seen taking selfies with his dead body.
2 years ago Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka called for One Law For All.
All the citizens should be brought under the civil marriage act. Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) should be abolished because it harms Muslim women and establishes them as second-grade citizens. It overpowers Muslim men and imposes sanctions/prohibitions on Muslim women resulting in inequality and women inferiority. MMDA goes against the basic human principles of freedom and equality. One Law For All should be ensured.
Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka passed the following resolutions at the AGM and urge the Government to act upon the following key points. CEMSL hopes action upon these will make our country safe and better for everyone.
1. Abolishing Muslims Marriage and Divorce Act:
All the citizens should be brought under the civil marriage act. Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) should be abolished because it harms Muslim women and establishes them as second-grade citizens. It overpowers Muslim men and imposes sanctions/prohibitions on Muslim women resulting in inequality and women inferiority. MMDA goes against the basic human principles of freedom and equality. One law for all should be ensured.
2. School curriculum should be based on secular humanitarian values:
School syllabus should be amended to incorporate secularism, passages, and chapters that incline towards religious intolerance should be omitted. Secular humanitarian values should be encouraged. Myths and superstitious beliefs should not be indoctrinated to students.
3. Religious and ethnic segregation of schools should be discarded:
The current school system that observes religious and ethnic segregation should be discarded. Students from all races and religions should be allowed to intermingle in order to create a society that rejects racism, religious intolerance, and extremism. Every school should be open to everyone, and schools should observe secularism rather than adhering to customs and norms of a specific race or religion.
4. Ban use of loud speakers to control noise pollution:
Regular use of loudspeakers should be banned at places of worship as it results in unnecessary noise pollution. Large areas around the places of worship are affected by this noise, which causes discomfort and uneasiness for the surrounding populations, especially infants, students and people suffering from different disorders and health conditions are adversely affected.
5. Ban female genital mutilation:
Internationally Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is considered a crime of severe nature, but it is being secretly practiced in Sri Lanka by Muslims for a long time; its prohibition should be legislated so that culprits are brought to justice.
All major religions engage in scare tactics. Muhammad, not least, did not ever call for the Quran to be put together as a book in his lifetime, because the end of the world was supposed to happen very soon (even possibly in his life time). And we have the Quran and Hadith suggesting the end of time is near.. That was 1400 YEARS AGO!!!
But why this tactic works? If you believe the world will end soon, you will not care if you die in a battle field, future plans are cancelled, and a cult like followers impressed with the certainty of end will gather.
This is the AUTHENTIC Hadith that shows how Muhammad used this tactic.
Anas reported Allah's Messenger ﷺ as saying: I and the Last Hour have been sent like this and (he while doing it) joined the forefinger with the middle finger.
Anas reported that a person asked Allah's Messenger ﷺ as to when the Last Hour would come. He had in his presence a young boy of the Ansar who was called Mabammad. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon bion) said: If this young boy lives. he may not grow very old till (he would see) the Last Hour coming to you.
Even the Quran kept us guessing when it said " ...You never know, perhaps the Hour is near." Quran 42:17
The Quran suggest the end of time is verses: 54:1, 53:57, 33:63, 43:66, 25:11, 6:31, 22:7, 30:12 and more!!
I mean the only thing missing there is a winking emoji
Nowadays, Islamic scholars push this and other failed Hadith under the carpet. And invent alternative "signs of end of times" to frighten you into faith. And it works.
WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years
Suresh Wanayalae:
limitless madness. No end to the stupidity - Prof. Albert Einstein.
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