
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka

Interview with Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka

Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka (EMSL) is an organisation devoted to the representation of a minority within a minority – ex-Muslims. This is an educational interview with direct, frank answers on serious questions for a widely unacknowledged persecuted community: the ex-religious, and in this instance the ex-Muslim. I feel personal impetus to research, interview, and present these minority within a minority interviews. So here we are.
Scott Jacobsen: Within the ex-Muslim community, there are so many stories discussing the discrimination, prejudice, hate crimes, physical violence and attacks, and so on, against the ex-Muslim community, usually from the Muslim community at large.  What is the state of irreligious freedom in Sri Lanka?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka is a non-Muslim country, and being irreligious (even though there are only a very few individuals) is not considered as a serious crime by the majority i.e. the Buddhists and the Hindus. Yet Muslims are concerned, of course, as it is considered the ultimate betrayal of and attack against the community and the religion. As far as our members are concerned, knowing these realities that happen everywhere, most of them have chosen to remain closeted. Very few of them have decided to openly discuss their non-belief with the family and friends. They have to face physical violence, discrimination and isolation, and these have taken a considerable psychological toll on them.
To our surprise, while working towards forming the Ex Muslims of Sri Lanka, we found out that there is not even a single irreligious, atheist organisation for the Ex-Buddhists or Ex-Hindus existed in Sri Lanka, even though the two religions do not prosecute those who desert the faith, unlike Islam. So, we are the first of this kind to be formed as an organisation / group at the national level.
Jacobsen: Maryam Namazie is an articulate, passionate, and insightful voice of ex-Muslims in Britain. Has she been a beacon of hope and inspiration for the Ex-Muslims in Sri Lanka? Also, has she helped the Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka in any way?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Yes indeed, she has been a considerable motivational strength as far as Sri Lankan ex-Muslims are concerned. When the founder of the EMSL decided to form the group, he contacted many ex-Muslims around the world and she was one of the very few who responded and provided guidance. We are very grateful for being accredited as one of the affiliated bodies of Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB). We were also invited to participate in the International Conference on Freedom of Conscience and Expression in the 21st Century. But unfortunately we were compelled not to submit our visa applications in order to protect our identities from being exposed, considering the British visa applications are handled by a VFS office (third-party entity), not by the British High Commission.
Jacobsen: There is a foundational need for equality and universal rights, including the right to criticise religion, the right to atheism, the right to secularism, the right to freedom for women, to protection of children, and from intimidation tactics by religion. What success stories have there been in relation to each of these fronts for ex-Muslims in Sri Lanka?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Since none of our members have declared themselves publicly as ex-Muslims (except the few exposed themselves to their intimate family and friends), we are not in a position to provide a definitive answer to this question. But we can recall an incident when a female Muslim writer named Shameela Seyyida was forced to flee the country in the face of violence after expressing her liberal views whilst being interviewed for BBC radio with regard to protecting the rights of the women who are involved in prostitution.
Here in Sri Lanka, Muslims marriages and divorces are governed by a special law that is in accordance with Sharia law, known as the Muslim Personal Marriage Act. The law allows Muslims to marry little girls, girls even lower than the age of 12. There are voices against the law and demanding to amend the law on par with present day civil societies, but the clergies-controlled local Islamic Authority, All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulam, refuses to accept the necessary changes to the law – including defining a minimum marriage age for Muslims. Many of the educated Muslim women are unhappy with the law, but they are afraid to raise their voices in the fear of being labelled as either women with “loose characters” or “evil and wicked women” or even slut-shamed by local clerics.
Jacobsen: What have been notable murders of ex-Muslims in Sri Lanka for their renouncement of the faith? Does this happen as often with another religion’s faithful becoming faithless? Or does this happen mostly with Islam?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka:  Even though we have received a substantial amount of death threats online, So far we have been fortunate enough not to have encountered any lynchings, beheadings or torture so far. It is so disheartening to recall that one ex-Muslim from the state of Tamil Nadu, India, named Farook – a 32-year-old father of two – who was brutally murdered a few months back by pious, bearded Muslims for becoming an apostate. We have not heard anyone being punished or murdered in this century for leaving a religion other than the religion of Islam.
As far as we know, Islam is the only religion that commands to kill those who leave the religion. But it is widely witnessed that Muslim apologists (apologists often identified as moderate Muslims) try to twist the matter by bringing up some earlier Qur’anic versus to show the world that Islam has no compulsion. They do their best to bury the fact that Islam has barbaric law against those who leave the religion.
We have to understand something important from the history of Mohamed to understand the whole picture clearly. The apologists ask us not to take Qur’anic verses out of context, but it is they who cherry pick the peaceful verses to mislead people.
At the time, Mohamed claimed he was the prophet of God, he was 40. He spent the first 13 years in his hometown Mecca, gradually inviting people to follow him, but the vast majority rejected him. After 13 years of failure in his home town, he moved to another city named Medina, situated 450 km away from Mecca. In Medina he became a success as he gained more followers and unlimited power. He lived his next 10 years in Medina till his death at the age of 63.
His prophetic career can be divided into two parts. The first one is the 13 years he spent in Mecca with no power plus his first two years in Medina. The second part is his last 8 years in Medina as a powerful leader, ruler and warlord. The first part is 15 years, while the second part is 8 years – a total of 23 years.
During the first part of his prophetic career, he had lived a non-violent and generally peaceful life, and his preaching was primarily about tolerance, non-violence, and peace. He had lived only with two wives during this period. He married his second wife only after the demise of his first wife. He did not even have two wives at the same time during the first phase of his religious career.
The second part of his prophetic career spanned around 8 years until his death. Having gained all the necessary power in Medina, he started to exhibit his true colours during this period. He even had 10 wives at a time, until his death, including a few teenage girls and an underage child. He waged wars against non-Muslim and Jewish tribes. He carried out mass murders, genocides, lootings, sex-slavery, slavery-trading, and other violent and disgusting crimes.
Now let’s come back to the subject of killing apostates. During the first part of his prophetic career, he did not command any such punishments, but the second and the last part of the career he clearly gave orders to assassinate those who leave Islam. According to Islamic principles, when a new rule is introduced which contradicts an earlier one, the earlier one would be invalidated even if it remains in the Qur’an or Hadith. A good example of this principle is the Qur’anic verse about prohibiting alcohol consumption. The earlier Qur’anic versus ordered Muslims not to drink alcohol while praying, but later on the order was overruled by the complete prohibition of consuming alcohol. Both these orders are found in the Qur’an to date and they are recited by Muslims all over the globe, but it is the second rule that is accepted by Muslims.
So we understand that if there is an order or guidance that is contrary to the earlier one in Islam, the latest one would be the valid one. Muslim apologists have successfully misguided the world by using the preaching from Mohamed’s first part of the prophetic career to build up a fake image of Islam that finds expression in that old chestnut “Islam is the religion of peace”. In reality, of course, the religion is not a “religion of peace”.
Jacobsen: How can people be protected from being misguided by using only the preaching of the first phase of Mohamed’s Islamic life?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka:  People should be either educated or made aware of the two parts of Mohamed’s religious career, at least in brief. We are not certain that every Muslim understands this so seldom-discussed fact. We believe that if they really know this, the real peace-loving Muslims would have to make a strong decision about continuing to follow and view Islam as a “religion of peace”.
Jacobsen: What can improve the state of free speech for ex-Muslims in Sri Lanka? What can build the ties for those ex-Muslims in other countries?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka:  We feel within the Sri Lankan context, as well as the world in general, we need to promote questioning, challenging, opposing ideas and tolerate and respect opposing ideas. Moreover, we need to cultivate open-mindedness and critical thinking from a young age to accept self-criticism. According to a survey by the Daily Telegraph, as far as Sri Lanka is concerned, it is one of the top 5 countries in the world with a ratio of 99% of people who think that religion is very important. With this background, improving free speech in our society is an uphill task.
Jacobsen: What seems like the best argument for atheism and against Islam to you?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: To be frank, we do not promote atheism as an alternative to Islam. Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka is a platform for those who have left Islam under various circumstances and not following any other faiths. They can be atheists, agnostics or irreligious.
But with regards to Islam, we clearly think Qur’an is a not a divinely revealed book. Instead, we think it’s a man-made one. Likewise, we also think Mohamed is not a perfect role model for humanity. Our best argument against Islam is Mohamed and his life. If you understand the timeline of events about his life, you will see him as the person he really was.
Jacobsen: For those that renounce the faith outright, have family and friends disowned them? What were the most hurtful comments that you’ve heard? How do they cope?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: As we said earlier, many of our members remain closeted. Despite that their obvious irreligiousness itself has caused them emotional distress. The rest who are courageous enough to admit their faithlessness to their close family and friends are forced to endure depression, isolation, and at certain instances even physical abuse.
The common accusation is that we are conspiring against Islam and Muslims for monetary objectives with support of Zionists and the west. Furthermore, we have been labelled devilish and other not-so-favourable names.
Jacobsen: Are these typical responses to leaving Islam?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Yes indeed, and you find this only among Muslims.
Jacobsen: Why is the reaction so seemingly disproportionate – against even a son, a brother, or a friend?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Nearly all children born in Muslim families are indoctrinated with religious beliefs from a very tender age. Starting with evening religious schools (Madrasa), regular general preachings, Friday’s Jummah preachings, sponsored programs on state own media – including hours of preaching on national radio etc., all brainwash Muslims, especially children. They are taught to think, act and live in a particular way – approved by Islamic teachings.  The local Islamic Authority, All Ceylon Jamiyathul Ulama, and foreign-funded (Specially Arabic countries and Turkey) Islamic movements, make this scenario even worse.
Jacobsen: What is the best way to combat far-Right ideologies such as ethnic nationalism and Islamism?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Nowadays, here in Sri Lanka, we are experiencing politically motivated Buddhist extremism, but luckily most of the Buddhists did not rally behind such extremism. Providing a secular-based education would be the best way to encourage critical thinking and inquisitiveness. Moreover, teaching children to respect each other’s views and to promote secular humanitarian values would start a better tomorrow.
Jacobsen: What do the most technologically advanced and democratic, and developed, societies take for granted with respect to free-speech?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: In the majority of Western countries, free speech is more or less guaranteed by a constitution and they have learnt their lessons during the Enlightenment era. There was no such thing, even remotely, experienced by people in countries such as Sri Lanka. Though free speech is nominally mentioned in the Sri Lankan constitution in writing, religion, at the same time, has also been given prominent place. Therefore, religious beliefs overpower free speech.

Jacobsen: Waleed Al-Husseini of the Council of Ex-Muslims of France wroteon the conspiratorial perspective of some Muslims. That is, individuals leaving Islam can be seen as an agent of a Western or Jewish State. What seems like the source of this conspiracy view?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: Scott, once again, we have to go for an answer that is similar to the one of Waleed Al-Husseini. The Qur’an and the Hadiths are the main reason for this conspiracy standpoint. There are a lot of Qur’anic versus and Hadiths said by Mohamed during the latter part of his prophetic career that spread hatred towards Jews and Christians.
Muslims are made to believe that every failure they experience and every failure within the religion can be explained by pointing by Jews, Israel or Mossad. Most Muslims can’t even think that a Muslim can leave the religion by his or her own will.
We are often accused of working for Israel, but we are the only ones who understand the struggles in operating the EMSL. For the past three months, we are struggling a lot to find a place to have a meet-up for our members, but we are still unable to locate a place that is convenient and safe for us. Also, a general look at our official website will make anyone aware that it needs a lot of development and updates, but we are not even in a position to do the necessary developments. Muslims are made to think that people of Israel do nothing but sit and spend their whole time thinking of ways to conspire against Islam. Let’s be honest, we had the same mindset during our days as Muslims.
Jacobsen: How was the organisation formed? Why was it formed? What are its current educational initiatives and social activist works?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: It started as one man’s idea. Originally, it was meant to be a meet-up with his old friend who had also become an ex-Muslim a few years ago. Once they realised that both of them were in the same boat, they strongly felt the need to meet each other. But the plan took a different shape when the founder felt a responsibility to bring all other individuals who had left Islam under one umbrella. That was when EMSL was formed, in December 2016.
Following months of online and live discussions, social media campaigns were carried out to create the dream of forming Sri Lanka’s first irreligious organisation at a national level. The funniest situation was when some hardcore Islamists who were well-known by some of our members tried their level best to join us as spies by pretending to be ex-Muslims. We had to give them cold shoulders and ignore them completely.
We have many plans for online activities and we will do them when the time and resources permit us. Currently, we share other’s materials on our official Facebook page.
Jacobsen: There are a series of planned resolutions from the Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka (or, maybe, they have come out, but in any case). What is the state of them? What will be their content and purpose? What is the most important one? How will these improve the livelihoods of ex-Muslims in Sri Lanka, especially with the political activism pointed at the Government of Sri Lanka?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: With regard to the proposal, they are still at the draft stage. Our objective in bringing such a proposal is to ensure equal rights of irreligious people, atheists, secular humanists, freethinkers, and LGBTIQ communities, and also to enlighten the public with regards to the very existence of such people and communities in Sri Lanka.
The present system of segregating the schools on the basis of race and religion should be abolished. The mind of the children should not be poised with racist and religious fanaticism.”
We think the above one is the most important resolution. If the minds of growing children are not poisoned with racist and religious ideologies or when the idea of either following or not following a religion is made as freedom of choice, children will view the world around them differently. That would improve everyone’s lives, including ex-Muslims – at least in the long run.
Jacobsen: What are the upcoming and ongoing initiatives for the Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka? You can be reached through the websiteFacebook, and email.
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: We have made steps to prepare video testimonies of some of our members. We have also prepared a message to Sri Lankan Muslims. We hope that message would have reached the media by the time this interview is published.
Jacobsen: Any feelings or thoughts in conclusion based on the discussion today?
Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka: We are grateful to Conatus News for giving us this great opportunity. Scott, we appreciate your time and efforts in making this interview a success. We hope that this interview would make awareness about Ex-Muslims among local Muslims.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to invite Sri Lankan ex-Muslims who have not yet joined us. We know there are a few players in Facebook & Twitter with their own identities as well as concealed identities. We are hopeful that they also join us.
Thank you very much.
Jacobsen: Thank you for your time.

Source: 1.)
2.) Facebook post:


There are many ways to prove the world that Islam is the religion of peace, killing the ex-Muslims is on of them and this one in the picture is just another way. The picture is a screen shot of Comments from our last post.

Inthikab Zufer Hahah they post like this and they use fake profiles to comment like this and now blame Islam .. hahaha


Saleem Murthad It's not like Mohamed created something his own and called it from Allah, but it's a real profile that has commented that way. It's not a surprise that you have all the stupidities in you to remain as a Muslim. 
The post says "The picture is a screen s
hot of Comments from our last post.", but you are partially blind and you can't see the truth.

Pls visit the profile and see, whether it's still fake as Allah?


Crzy Rnji Fredo Hello... I just checked its not fake its real... And he was abusing me for commenting peacefully... Islam is a mythic... Accept it or reject but its my right to express what I think is right.


Crzy Rnji Fredo I have just noticed this... He was threatening me for commenting peacefully.. Naked truth of Islam.. Is that It totally contradicts from so called meaning Peace... Actual meaning of Islam is Surrendering to the Devil... Never Leave.. Never listen to others,,,, Never Express your free opinion... Never be-friend with other are the Rules of Devil... Pathetic.. Mohammed is an Agent of Devil..


Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs I'm totally against with the fundamental teachings of Islam, but I think the Nature created Islam to protect the people in the desert, who couldn't find enough vegetables to eat. So Islam helped them to go to heaven while they kill animals. But now, most Muslims don't have enough reasons to kill animals to live. Mohammed was just a worldly person. Devil or Maara are worldly living beings. They expect worldly happiness only. But that is a Nature of the world, so we can't say that it is an action of a Devil, but it is a worldly action. Animals kill each other, but we don't say that it is an action of a Devil, but we can say that it is a worldly action which happens during the struggle to survive. Animals should live too. But Humans should decide whether they want to live like Animals or Humans. Because the human can understand that there are better worldly things and unworldly things too. And that is what we have to cultivate to be better human beings (gods, or to attain unworldly Nirvana).

හැම මනුස්සයාටම හොද නරක තේරුම් ගන්න පුලුවන්නම් මේ ලෝකෙට වෙනත් ආගම් පහල නොවෙන්න ඉඩ තිබුන. සත්තු මරාගෙන කාල හරි ජීවත් වෙන්න උවමනා කරන මිනිසුන් නියත මිත්‍යා දෘෂ්ටියට වැටෙන්න පුළුවන් ඒ මිනිසුන් සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම පවට බයක් නැති උනානම්. සියලුම වර්ග වල මිනිසුන්ව පවට බය කරන්න උවමනා වීදියට තමයි ප්‍රධාන ආගම් නිර්මාණය වෙලා තියෙන්නෙ. බුදු දහම ඉතා හොදයි. කතෝලික/ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගමත් හොදයි. ඉස්ලාම් ආගම ටිකක් හොදයි. මනුෂ්‍ය ආත්මයක් ලබන්න පිං කරල තිබුනත් මෝහයට (මුලාවට) බර මනුෂ්‍යයන්ට ඉපදෙන්න සුදුසු පරිසරයක් ඉස්ලාම් ආගමෙන් හදල තියනවා.


Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Hay. I'm also connected to that post.. ha ha 😁😀😀
Why they kill innocent apostates?
We really don't want to hurt Muslims. But in Muslim countries they are not peaceful with others and themselves.

uslims kill the most Muslims around the world:
Instantly send this as a message to
Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka
 and talk to them directly.


අපේ අරමුණ මෙයයි
මොකක් හරි ආගමක් අදහනවනම්...ඒ පුද්ගලයා යම් තරමක ශිෂ්ඨ පුද්ගලයෙක්.....යම් කෙනෙකුට ආගමක් නැත්තම් ඔහු අශිෂ්ටයි....ඒකෙ කතා දෙකක් නෑ...ඉතිහාසය තුල මිනිසා ශිෂ්ඨසම්පන්න කිරීමට තිබුණු දියුණුම සාධකය තමා "ආගම" කියන්නේ...නමුත් නූතන විද්‍යාවේ සමගම ආගම් වල ආගම් ආශ්‍රිත ඇදහිලි විශ්වාස වල බලකණු එකෙන් එක බිදවැටෙමින් යනවා...උදාහරණයක් විදියට දෙවියන් වහන්සේ වැරැද්දක් කරොත් බලාගෙන ඉදලා ඒ වැරැද්දට දඩුවම් කරනව කියල කියපු නිසා ඉස්සර මිනිස්සු වැරදි කරේ නෑ..නමුත් පරිණාමය ආශ්‍රිත ඉගැන්වීම් ආවට පස්සේ මැවුම්වාදය බොරුවක් උනා....දැන් ඒ මිනිස්සු දැඩිව අදහනව විතරයි ආගම කෙරෙහි විශ්වාසයක් නෑ....සරලව කීවොත් අදහන්න ඕන නිසා,කොන් වෙන නිසා,පරම්පරාවෙන් ආව නිසා පුරුද්දට වගේ අදහනවා....දැඩි භක්තියකින් හෝ විශ්වාසයකින් නෙවේ...මෙන්න මේක භයානක තත්ත්වයක්...බිය කියන දේ නිසා වැරදි නොකර සිටි මිනිස්සුන්ගේ ඒ බියට (දෙවියන් වහන්සේගේ දඩුවමට) තියෙන විශ්වාසය අඩු උනාම ඒ මිනිස්සුන් මොන තත්ත්වයට පත් වෙයිද කියන්න බෑ.....ඕකයි අපි හේතුවාදය Rationalism කියල ගේන්න හදන්නේ..ආගමෙන් ඈත්වන ප්‍රජාවට දියුණු thinking එකක්...ඉතින් නිරාගමික කියුවාම එහෙම thinking එකක් නෑ....නිකම්ම ආගමක් නෑ...එහෙම උනාම මොකද වෙන්නේ...නිකම්ම අශිෂ්ට පුද්ගලයෙක් නිර්මාණය වනවා...ආගමක් අත ඇරිය පමණින් මිනිහෙක් ශිෂ්ඨසම්පන්න වෙන්නේ නෑ..ඊටවඩා හොදයි ආගම අදහන එක කියල කීවේ අන්න ඒකයි....ආගම අත ඇරලා නිදහස් විචාරශීලී සහානුකම්පිත thinking එකකට මිනිස්සු ගේන්න ඕනේ අන්න ඒකට තමා අපි මේ වැඩ කරන්නේ...ඇත්තටම කීවොත් අපේ ප්‍රධාන අරමුණ එයයි...

චූටි කුකු ආගම් කියන්නෙ සංකීර්ණ ප්රශ්න. ඒව ගැන ඔය විදියට ගැඹුරින් හිතන්න ඕනෙ. අපේ ආශාව නිසා හෝ කේන්තියක් නිසා හෝ බය නිසා හෝ නොදැනුවත්කම නිසා ආගම් වලට පහර නොගසා අසත්යට සහ හිංසාවට විතරක් පහර ගන්න ඕනෙ. ආගම් වල විතරක් නෙමෙයි අසත්ය සහ හිංසාව තියෙන්නෙ. සමහර වෙලාවට විද්යාව නමිනුත් ඒ දෙකම තියනවා. ඒක නිසා විද්යාව උනත් හරියට තෝරගන්නෙ නැතුව ප්රශ්න විසඳන්න අමාරුයි. අනිත් එක තමයි දේශපාලනය. කවදාකවත් දේශපාලකයො මේ ලෝකේ තියන විද්යාවට ගැළපෙන නිවැරදිම සහ හොඳම ආගම මොකක්ද කියල හොයන්න පර්යේෂණ කණ්ඩායමක් පත්කරල පරිණාමය, නැවත ඉපදීම, මෝහනය, ප්රේතයෝ, මාර්ග ඵල, මරණාසන්න අත්දැකීම්, අත්බූත සිදුවීම්, සිත කියවීම සහ වෙනස් කිරීම, සිතෙන් වස්තුන් සෙලවීම වැනි අධි මානසික හැකියාවන්, ආගමික ඉගැන්වීම් වල විද්යාත්මක බව වැනි දේවල් කොතරම් නිවැරදිද කියා සහ ඒවා වලින් කුමන ආගම් වල ඉගැන්වීම් තහවුරු වෙනවාද කියල සොයාගෙන ඒවා විද්යාත්මකව හෝ ප්රතිශතයක් වශයෙන් පිළිගන්නා බව තහවුරුකර ප්රකාශ කිරීමක් හෝ අවශ්යනම් නව විද්යාත්මක සොයාගැනීම් වලට අනුව නැවත නැවතත් තහවුරු කරන්නෙ මොන ආගම් වල ඉගැන්වීම් ද කියල හඳුනාගෙන ඒවා අනුව මිනිසුන් තමන්ගේ මේ ජීවිතය ගත කල යුතු ආකාරයට සුදුසු නීති සම්මත කරල මිනිසුන්ගේ මනස දියුණුවට මුල් තැනක් දෙයි කියල හිතන්න අමාරුයි.උදාහරණයක් විදියට කිව්වොත් භාවනාව සොහ යෝගා වැනි දේවල් මානසික සහ ශාරීරික සෞක්යට ඉතා හොඳ උනත් ඇතැම් ආගම් වල අයට පාසලෙන් හෝ වෙනත් ස්ථානයකින් එවැනි දෙයක් පුරුදු වීමට අවශ්ය දැනුම සහ පහසුකම් ඒ අයගේ ආගම් විසින් ඒ අයට අහිමි කරල තියනව. ඇතැම් ළමයින් අමානුෂික කරවන විදියට කුඩා කාලයේදීම සත්ව ඝාතනය ගැන පාසල් හෝ පල්ලි තුල ඉගැන්වීම තහනම් කිරීම වැනි දේවල් ඇතැම් දේශපාලකයො කරයි කියල හිතන්න අමාරුයි. විශේෂයෙන්ම බටහිර දේශපාලන ක්රමය අනුගමනය කරන රටවල් බොහෝ දුරට බටහිර චින්තනයටම අනුව දේශපාලනය කරන නිසා නියම සත්ය සහ අවිහිංසාව නීතිගත වීමක් සිදුවෙයි කියල හිතන්න අමාරුයි. දැනට මිනිස්සු බොහෝ දුරට නියම සත්ය සහ අවිහිංසාව ආරක්ෂා කිරීම සහ ප්රවර්ධනය කිරීම කරගෙන යන්නෙ විවිධ ජනමාධ්ය සහ සමාජ මාධ්ය වල පිහිටෙන්. ඒත් ඇතැම් ප්රචාරක මාධ්යත් විවිධ හේතු නිසා අසත්ය සහ හිංසාව ප්රවර්ධනය කිරීමත් නතර කරන්න බැහැ. කෙසේ වෙතත් නවීන විද්යාව කවදා හෝ දේශපාලනය සහ ජනමාධ්යට වඩා ශක්තිමත් වෙච්ච දවසට ඇතැම් ආගම් වලට අකුලගෙන යන්න වෙනවා.

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