
How Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging And Chanda Raga?

Suresh Wanayalae is making things happen.
I guess when we remove the illusion from our mind to be an Arhat, the 'Sankara' (Volition or Mental Formation) stop the desired attachment (Pali: chanda raga | Sinhala: කැමැත්තෙන් ඇලීම) of the next 'Vinnana' (Consciousness), but the life continues on the attachment between the '5 Aggregates of the mind, but without a powerful Clinging. And after the 'last Vinnana' (Pali: chuthi chitta) it fails to be attached to another form of life (rebirth), and that is Nirvana. 🙏🙏🙏
Our own actions become 'Data' in the Universe. And those Data deal with Attachment (Attachment = A connection between Data and Matter/Form). And then it rearranges Matter/Form and Data. And there are two main types of Attachments.
1.) Desired Attachment (Pali: chanda raga)
2.) Undesired Attachmment (Attachment without a power of Clinging)
Those two things work with Gravity and our Actions (Karma/Data). And that is what gives results to our good or bad actions.
★ When our Desired Attachment work against Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Desired Attachment' to the direction of higher Gravity (Below the earth/Hell).
★ When our Desired Attachment reduce the Desire or Support the Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Less Desired Attachment' to the direction of lower Gravity (Higher the earth/Sky/Heaven).
★ When we remove Desire completely from the Desired Attachment of ourselves, then it becomes an Undesired Attachment and then it causes to reduce the Clinging of the Attachment and it fails to be Attached to another Form/Matter (life) after the death (Unattached to the force of Gravity and Data or Karma/ Inactive/ Nirvana).
According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind.
(Matter or Form (rupa), Sensation or Feeling (vedana), Perception and/or cognition (sanna), Volition or Mental Formation (sankara), Consciousness (vinnana) )
I guess this is how those 5 Aggregates Of Clinging started to work together:
i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Body
ii.) Data = Sensation or Feeling (vedana) (a cosmic structural change)
iii.) The amount of Data = Perception and/or cognition (sanna)
iv.) The power/pattern of attachment = Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)
v.) Attachment = Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)
I guess this is how it started:
1.) Matter/Form touched Matter/Form and then it made a 'Data' (Data = a cosmic structural change).
2,) Matter/Form touched 'Data' and then it made an Attachment.
3.) Attachment (Vinnana) caused to touch 'Data' (Naama) with another Matter/Form (Rupa) again.

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Pam Nichapat Did you write this?


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Stephanie Marie Rosmini Suresh Wanayalae thank you for your reply. OK, so from that I think we are expected to let go of desired attachment and all we'll be left with is undesired attachment? So it's not like all the feelings disappear, they are still there but we are no longer clinging?


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Suresh WanayalaeYou and 97 others manage the membership and posts for Buddhism. Stephanie Marie Rosmini , Yes. We can't reject Feelings (Pali: Vedanā), because it is a natural experience. As an example, when we eat something we can't ignore the taste, but the taste of the food is an attachment. And it is a pleasant feeling, but if we can understand that the feeling is not mine, and it is only a chemical reaction of the body, and the body is like a stick without a life, which doesn't care whether someone touch it or break it. So if can let go the feelings without a greed of the illusion of mine, then it becomes an undesired attachment to the feelings. 

The Buddha said to the Sanga, when you take you meal think when a mother and a father lost in desert with their own dead baby, and they have to eat the baby to survive, how they will eat their baby? They will not have a desire when they eat the dead baby to survive in the desert. They will not eat any part of the dead baby to feel the taste, look better, grow muscles and etc, but they need to live only. And if the Sanga think like that it will help to remove the desire.

I guess the Clinging/Desire is a higher level/power or a pattern of an attachment which not only experience the feelings, but also it tries to cling with the causes (making my Matter/Form and my Data | eg: making my Tongue and my Taste) of the feelings.


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Stephanie Marie Rosmini Suresh Wanayalae thank you for sharing the story about the family in the desert. That will definitely stick with me 🙈 it makes alot of sense what you say, thank you 🙏🙏🙏


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Matt Peters Then by all means explain what a soul does and how it functions and interacts with the body. We have evidence that shows all emotional states are chemical. We have evidence that the thought process is chemocal. So, please explain to me what a soul is and what it does.

Do you have emotions as just a soul? Can you think?
  • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs According to Buddhism there are 6 types of consciousness:
    The six types of consciousness are eye-consciousness (that is, consciousness based on the eye), ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness and mind-consciousness.

    Mind is a process, and it can survive even with only one consciousness, so that is why after the death it can travel from one body to another body.

    It requires five things for a mind to survive after the death. And the clinging to those 5 Aggregates cause to continue the mind after the death.

    According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind:

    i.) Matter or Form (rupa)

    ii.) Sensation or Feeling (vedana)

    iii.) Perception and/or cognition (sanna)

    iv.) Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)

    v.) Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

    It started from Matter or Form (rupa) and ended with Consciousness/mind (Vinnana), but the Consciousness/mind (Vinnana) rearrange the Matter or Form (rupa) as a cyclic process which cause to continue the Consciousness/mind (Vinnana).

    Those five Aggregates made something like a soul, but it is not a permanent soul or a self, and it is just a process, which survives after the death too.

    According to Buddhism when we are too much attached to those five aggregates, then those five aggregates can use quantum particles like heat and etc to continue that process until it goes to a new body. We know that the the Gravity of Black Holes can pull the light too. So it is obvious that the gravity of our mind also can pull the quantum particles to continue the process when the mind is so much attached to the material things, so that is why we should not cling to those five aggregates.

    You can learn more from here:
    How Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging And Chanda Raga?
    How Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging And…
    How Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging And Chanda Raga?


Kelly Breau shared her first post.
I have been studying Buddhism on my own... But still have so many questions... Mostly around karma and rebirth. I live in a very rural area and don't know who I can discuss these questions with.

Suresh Wanayalae We are not only built with Space and Matter, but also there is something between Space and Matter which is arising and vanishing at the same time. And that should be the appearing and disappearing Space and Matter (No Space). And also that happens inside the Space, so we are connected to the Space. So the Space can record our actions (Karma).

Light living beings (Ghosts, Gods, Brahmas), should be using those appearing (Arising) and disappearing (Vanishing) forms of emptiness to make their supernatural body with a small amount of other forms of emptiness within a large area of the Space.

The Satipatthana Sutta also mentions about three types of energies:

1.) Arising
2.) Vanishing
3.) Both arising and vanishing

Satipatthana Sutta read by Sally Clough (English) -

According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind.

(Matter or Form (rupa), Sensation or Feeling (vedana), Perception and/or cognition (sanna), Volition or Mental Formation (sankara), Consciousness (vinnana) )

I guess this is how those 5 Aggregates Of Clinging started to work together:

i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Body

ii.) Data = Sensation or Feeling (vedana) (a cosmic structural change)

iii.) The amount of Data = Perception and/or cognition (sanna)

iv.) The power/pattern of attachment = Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)

v.) Attachment = Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

The cyclic process of the mind cause to continue the mind.

The Consciousness (Vinnana) is like an lightning which cause to connect Matter or Form (rupa) with Data (naama) again and again.


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  • Cracked Sun If anyone of you logically, scientifically, academically form the scripture can prove that Islam is false or make no sense or not the best religion on earth, i am ready to accept the better one than Islam.🕋🕋☪️

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae All extant members of Hominidae except humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans have 24 pairs of chromosomes. Humans have only 23 pairs of chromosomes. Human chromosome 2 is a result of an end-to-end fusion of two ancestral chromosomes.

      Humans appear to h
      ave lost a functional caspase-12 gene, which in other primates codes for an enzyme that may protect against Alzheimer's disease
      (1. 2. 3. Ken Miller Human Chromosome 2 Genome

      An overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts evolution as the dominant scientific theory of biological diversity. Nearly every scientific society, representing hundreds of thousands of scientists, has issued statements rejecting intelligent design and a petition supporting the teaching of evolutionary biology was endorsed by 72 US Nobel Prize winners. Additionally, US courts have ruled in favor of teaching evolution in science classrooms, and against teaching creationism,). (professor and author Brian Alters, states that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution".[25] A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists.

      (1.) 97.3% of Biological Sciences department heads accept there is no scientific controversy over evolution. 2.) Only 700 out of 480,000 earth and life scientists (0.14%) subscribe to literal biblical creationism. 3.) Acceptance of evolution tends to increase with level of education.

      Facts Of Evolution: Retroviruses And Pseudogenes
      THE EVOLUTION OF LIFE Documentary:
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Proofs of existance of the afterlife: 

      1.) Some children speak about their past lives (eg: i.) ii.) Dr. Ian Stevenson's Reincarnation Research:

      2.) Near-death experience (eg: NDE Stages: i.) Peace ii.) Body separation iii.) Entering darkness iv.) Seeing the light v.) Entering the light

      3.) Hypnosis or Past Life Regression (eg: Phenomenological list of experiential and transformative elements (Spontaneous and under hypnosis)
      i.) Xenoglossy (ability to speak a language unknown to speaker. Eg:
      ii.) Birth marks/scars/congenital malformations related to significant or fatal wounds of past life
      iii.) Similar choice of jobs, hobbies to past life
      iv.) Inexplicable knowledge of places, locations, buildings related to past life
      v.) Preference for unusual foods, tastes, fashions similar to past life
      vi.) Phobia linked to problems/manner of death in previous life
      vii.) Recognition of family members/friends/favorite toys or objects from past life

      4.) Ghost or spirit of a dead person (eg: Searchers for Paranormal Activity: Analytical View of the Supernatural:

      5.) Supernatural and Paranormal activities of people: 
      (eg: i.) "Ram Bahadur Bomjon (He said about his previous life with the power of meditation)
      ii.) Man living with no brain puzzles scientists:
      iii.) Mentalist Lior Suchard Amazes Larry King

      6.) The existence and the power of mind, concentration and Meditation. (eg: i.) At advanced jhana levels, one may be able to see one’s past lives and even of others. (The jhanas are altered states of consciousness which are produced from periods of strong concentration) ii.) Dreams and Spontaneous thoughts about some past and future events)
      Reincarnation Research - University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine:
    • Cracked Sun Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae From where the DNA, DNA codings, chromosome etc came from? are they came by it self?
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Cracked Sun , First of all did you understand that the closest human relative is chimpanzee? Don't try to ignore it.

      The correspondence of chromosome 2 to two ape chromosomes. The closest human relative, the chimpanzee, has near-identical DNA sequences to human chromosome 2, but they are found in two separate chromosomes. The same is true of the more distant gorilla and orangutan.
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia
      Chromosome 2 - Wikipedia

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Cracked Sun , Don't try to go so far. You can't prove that a God created DNA or soul. Muslims think that a God created Humans, and Islam doesn't accept evolution, but they talk about the Start of the DNA, because they know they can't reject the evolution.
    • Cracked Sun Regarding children knowing past, Islamicly there is a way to define and explaining it. But in the first place you do not believe in Islam. So it will not be acceptable logic to you to explain that way. But as you asked i am giving you the explanation of it whether you take it or not. Muslim not only believe in that we are the only creation on this universe, there is another species called jin, which living with us side by side but in another dimension. They have the power to see many things and to communicate with certain human beings to mislead them as they are the satans family. So it is obvious that some one can do some certain miracle with help of satan jin.
    • Cracked Sun Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae do you think God created human beings without DNA. DNA just come from evolution?!!!...Where says islam does not support evolution. Islam says Allah created human (Adam) first and from him we are. But where does it says other animals did not come from evolution....? Again why evolution cant justified its a fact. Why dont you think that chimpanzee are evolved from human?? why human evolved from them?
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Please read all the proofs first. Not only the talks of children there are many more evidences like birth marks, and many behavious related to those children.

      Don't try to find the start of the DNA, or Soul, because you can't prove that a God created it. The earth is not the only place a life can start, but there can be more places like heavens and brahma worlds where a soul can form.
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Cracked Sun , No, I already showed the proofs of Human evolution. I was not talking about animals. Don't lie. Don't try to answer me quicky. First of all read my previous comments.
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Cracked Sun , Human and chimpanzee chromosomes are very similar. The primary difference is that humans have one fewer pair of chromosomes than do other great apes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and other great apes have 24 pairs of chromosomes. In the human evolutionary lineage, two ancestral ape chromosomes fused at their telomeres, producing human chromosome 2.
      About 30 percent of all human proteins are identical in sequence to the corresponding chimp protein.
      The major structural difference is that human chromosome 2 was derived from two smaller chromosomes that are found in other great apes (now called 2A and 2B).

      The chimpanzee and the closely related bonobo (sometimes called the pygmy chimpanzee) are classified in the genus Pan. Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows that Pan is a sister taxon to the human lineage and are humans' closest living relatives. (A sister group or sister taxon is a phylogenetic term denoting the closest relatives of another given unit in an evolutionary tree.)
      Chimpanzee genome project - Wikipedia
      Chimpanzee genome project - Wikipedia
      Chimpanzee genome project - Wikipedia

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Cracked Sun , This is how a soul can form at somewhere in a planet, heaven, or brahma world: 

      i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Materials can touch other materials which can make identical or similar formations like Data. 

      ii.) Sensation or Feeling (vedana) is similar to identical or similar Data) = Data can exist between Matter or Form, and a lot of similar Data stay connected to each other.

      iii.) Perception and/or cognition (sanna) is similar to the amount of Data = A lot of Data (Data storage/memory) can show a pattern, and it can impact the form and pattern of new Data which can look like an influence of the previous Data. So the Data which exist between Matter/Form can make a cyclic and many types of patterns with new Data like a.Volition or Mental Formation.

      iv.) Volition or Mental Formation (sankara) is similar to the power/pattern of attachment = Many cyclic and other types of patterns of data which made complex formations with a process like a Volition or Mental Formation can generate an electric or magnetic power, which can make an powerful attachment or attraction to another Matter or Form like an lightning between coulds and earth, or like a laser light between the Data of a CD and the laser diode of a CD player, which can cause to move and touch Matter/Form with Matter/Form and Data again and again.

      v.) Consciousness/mind (Vinnana) is similar to Attachment or attraction of the powers or patterns of the formation of the Data which can cause to move and touch Matter/Form with Matter/Form and Data again and again = Attachment or attraction can make a strong or weak cyclic process between Matter/Form and Data/the amount of Data/power/pattern of attachment like the Consciousness/mind between Body and Sensation/Feeling and etc. And it is a connection which can continue on those two main things called Matter/Form (rupa) and Data (naama) without an end, until the power of clinging reduces in those 5 facts/aggregates.

      According to Buddhism a soul is a process of those Five Aggregates Of Clinging. We can understand that a soul can form naturally when the nature is able to complete those 5 steps in a planet, heaven, or brahma world.

      The cyclic process of the mind cause to continue the mind.

      The Consciousness (Vinnana) is like an lightning which cause to connect Matter or Form (rupa) with Data (naama) again and again.

      මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය - Life Started On Illusion (in Sinhala/ සිංහලෙන්: විනාඩි 44):

Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Morality is very simple:
1.) Treat others as you want them to treat you.
2.) Try not to harm yourself, try not to harm others.

According to causes and effects, harming others can harm yourself too, because your bad actions can give bad results to you too. It is a science of the body and mind.

Not only materials follow the rule called causes and effects, but also our mind follows it too. So if something survives after the death, then our Karma (action) of the mind will react to it.

There are two main types of Attachments:

1.) Desired Attachment (Pali: chanda raga)
2.) Undesired Attachmment (Attachment without a power of Clinging)

Those two things work with Gravity and our Actions (Karma/Data). And that is what gives results to our good or bad actions.

★ When our Desired Attachment work against Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Desired Attachment' to the direction of higher Gravity (Below the earth/Hell).

★ When our Desired Attachment reduce the Desire or Support the Undesired Attachment of ourselves and others, then it causes to lead the 'Less Desired Attachment' to the direction of lower Gravity (Higher the earth/Sky/Heaven).

★ When we remove Desire completely from the Desired Attachment of ourselves, then it becomes an Undesired Attachment and then it causes to reduce the Clinging of the Attachment and it fails to be Attached to another Form/Matter (life) after the death (Unattached to the force of Gravity and Data or Karma/ Inactive/ Nirvana).

The Five Skandhas: A Theory of Perception and Self

Sabine Hossenfelder: (
In this video I explain why free will is incompatible with the currently known laws of nature and why the idea makes no sense anyway. However, you don't need free will to act responsibly and to live a happy life, and I will tell you why.

Suresh Madusanka:
Quantum uncertainty doesn't mean that our will is completely predicable, and we are not responsible about our will. But because of the uncertainty in our mind sometimes our mind doesn't give the output we want. And it is about the output of our will which we can't control. Our will (Chethana/Karma) has a previous cause, but that previous cause is based on our habits and practices, so even if we can't change the previous cause or will it always has a stream of habits and practices. The middle way is the answer. Training the mind from deep meditations can change the determinism, because the meditation is the best way we can change our quantum behaviour by changing deeper levels of the mind to disconnect our mind from the world around us to develop a locality inside the mind. I think if we can use our mind to change the quantum fabric of the space (quantum foam, particles etc) as much as and as far as possible then it can help to change our path. If we don't try to change our mind, then we just follow the stream of the world around us. The Buddha showed us a way to go against the stream. According to Buddhism there is a very small determinism which related habits and practices of people who continue it many life times.

Sam O:
@Suresh Madusanka Those who hold that everything is ultimately based on something material are not going to agree with your presentation, and most posters here would fall into that category.  Buddhism says everything is ultimately based on something immaterial i.e. consciousness related.  The law of karma is the law of causality in that immaterial realm.  If the material realm does not arise from the immaterial realm then the law of karma cannot operate in the material realm.  But because the material arise from the immaterial, the law of karma can operate as a physical causal law via a physical structure such as a brain.  Note however that the idea in Buddhism that everything is ultimately based on something immaterial does not imply that there is one universal mind or consciousness as in Hinduism.  If fact, Buddhism argues against that.  If Buddhism is correct, then there is a part of reality that science can never reach and therefore explain.  It is tempting to use this on free will but unfortunately for those who think in that way, the Buddhist position appears to be deterministic through and through.  But Buddhism still allows for randomness and the sponstaneity of enlightened Wisdom to affect outcomes.

Suresh Madusanka:
​@Sam O, You explained it very well. And I think that the Buddhism has a scientific explanation about the immaterial realm too. Accrding to Buddhism, one’s character (gati) determines one’s future births. The origin of the smallest unit of matter, called a “suddhāṭṭhaka.” Four of these are the “satara mahā bhūta“ (The Four Great Bhūta. Bhūta is another name for “ghost” because of their elusive nature.): The four mahā bhūta ('Matter') are with four basic “gati”. It says, “gati (character) attracts a similar gati”. Thus “gati” leads to “bhūta,” the first phase of rupa that can be seen (only by Buddha). That is the suddhāṭṭhaka stage. That is where mental energy (immaterial) is converted to matter at the very fundamental stage.

@Suresh Madusanka Don't confuse (possibly) internally consistent with scientific.

Suresh Madusanka:
@dlevi67, Just because scientists couldn`t discover something from their technology that doesn`t make that thing not scientific. I showed the science in Buddhism, and it is not a Buddhist imagination. But scientists should try to discover it.  I personally have a mathematical explanation for it too.
Finding The Dimensions In The Universe Mathematically:
According to this mathematical formula: (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2
Distance of Directions in beginning of the Universe: (+0-0)^6 
= (+1-(-1))^3 x (+0.0-0.0)^3
= ( This should be the Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka) in Buddhism: Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas, Character (Pali: Gati) Of Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas
Step 1:
i: (+1-(-1))^3 =
A: + (+1)3
B: - ((+1)3 x (-1)
C: - ((-1)2 x (+1)2))
D: + (-1)2 x (+1)
- (
E: + (+1)2 x (-1)
F: - ((+1)2 x (-1)2
G: - ((-1)3 x (+1)))
H: + (-1)3)
)) x
ii: (+0.0-0.0)^3 = (+(1)-(-(1))) x (0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0)
Step 2:
(+1-(-1))^3 x (+(1)-(-(1)))= 8 elementary particles x  (+(1)-(-(1))) = 16 elementary particles
Output of this (+0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0) is nearly: (+0.5-(-0.5) +1-(-1)) x (2/3 - (1/3)xNull/(5/5) + (1/3)xNull/(5/5))  x 0.00000 x 1_.... / (+Null-Null) x 1_..
According to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, 
the Spin of most elementary particles = 1/2 (or 0.5)
the Charge of some Quarks = 2/3
the Charge of other Quarks = -1/3
the Charge of electrons = -1
I think my mathematical calculations clearly show a similarity to the elementary particles in the Standard Model in Particle Physics. - Suresh

@Suresh Madusanka Perfect demonstration of my point. Just because you can make something up that is internally consistent (and your gibberish isn't even consistent - "nearly" is not good enough, and a series of mathematical tautologies saying 0 = 0 can be made up with any numbers in them), it does not make it scientific.

Suresh Madusanka:
@dlevi67, The origin of the smallest unit of matter, called a “suddhāṭṭhaka.” (sometimes written as suddhāshtaka). 

When enormous numbers of these suddhāṭṭhaka fuse, they get to a more condensed state of “mahā bhūta.” The subtle bodies of Brahmā and some gandhabbā are made of mahā bhūta.

Only when vast amounts of these mahā bhūta fuse together to become even more condensed, that we can see them. At this highly condensed state, the matter is called “dhātu.” Bodies of devas are made of finer dhātu. That is why we cannot see devas, but Brahmā can see them.

Thus our bodies are made of more dense dhātu that we can see. That is why solid objects are called “Pathavi dhātu“;  suddhāṭṭhaka in such solid objects have predominantly Pathavi.

According to Buddhist Quantum physics, I guess, the Brahma worlds have only 4 elementry particles with a higgs boson in their standard model of particle physics. And maybe there are only 8 elemantry particles in the standard model of other heavenly worlds. And we have 16 elemantry particles with a higgs boson in our standard model of particle physics. Maybe there is a connection between Heavenly worlds with Dark Matter, and Brahma worlds with Dark Energy too.

A Big Bang is a start of an Aeon (Kalpa: A great kalpa is 4 medium kalpas). Existence of the Aeons (Kalpa) in Buddhism shows a start and an end of the Universe again and again.

Buddhism explain about four quarters of the Universe from start to the end:
First quarter – time taken for this world to form. (after the Big Bang)
Second quarter – stable duration of this world where all living beings can thrive.
Third quarter – time taken for this world to be destroyed.
Fourth quarter – empty time period. (the accelerated Universe can convert the form into waves)

"A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)

If the first 1000 world systems (small universe) = A Galaxy, 

then the thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system (1000x1000) = Maybe the 'Dark Matter' combine groups of galaxies making a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system (middle universe),

And then a 1000 middling world systems (1000x1000x1000) = thousand-to-the-third-power great world system (the triple thousand–great universe)

"All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction," (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152) 

According to Buddhist Quantum Physics there are 8 elementary ghosts (particles) called Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka). It sounds like that there are 8 invisible elementary particles with some activities as Ghosts. Those 8 different types of activities made information, atoms etc. According to my mathematical calculations the elementary particles (of the standard model in particle physics) received the nature of matter and antimatter. The Universe made only 16 elementary particles with the nature of matter and antimatter and a Higgs boson, and the Universe didn't make another 16 elementary particles with the nature of antimatter only, but maybe the Universe made another 16 elementary particles against the other 16 elementary particles which caused to annihilate each other, but when the dimensional formations used dimensions to form particles, mass and charge between dimensions or something like that caused a tiny unbalance of the Ratio of the Matter quarks and Antimatter quarks in the early Universe (3000000001:3000000000) which caused to survive a set of elementary particles. But the Universe doesn't have a process to make 32 particles at once, and the opposite 16 particles completely vanish during the process. So I think that is why sometimes matter particles make antimatter particles. I think that the quantum nature of matter has a connection to Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas. And the quantum nature of antimatter has a connection to it too, so the Pure Eight (Pali: Suddhātthaka) in Buddhism: Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas, Character (Pali: Gati) Of Solid, Liquid, Heat, Gas which comes under 4 elementary ghosts and another 4 with only the characters of the elementary ghosts are the two groups of elementary particles which sounds like a group of matter and a group of antimatter. - Suresh

@Suresh Madusanka More unscientific gibberish. Please stop. You are welcome to keep your beliefs in Buddhist cosmology; just don't try to assert in any way whatsoever that they are scientifically supported. If you are interested in this kind of thing, at least read something like "The Tao of Physics" first.

Suresh Madusanka:
​@dlevi67 , You repeat the same thing. And I can repeat the same thing too: "Just because scientists couldn`t discover something from their technology that doesn`t make that thing not scientific." If you can't understand it you don't know about science. I try to show that scientific side of Buddhism from my mathematical calculations: "I discovered and used the real Mathematics of the Universe to make the calculation of the start of the Universe." If you can't understand my mathematics it is not a my problem, and almost all the normal people in this world haven't used that mathematics before. But my calculations explained a lot of scientific discoverties to me. I'm still developing it to explain more scientific discoverties and Buddhist cosmology.
Time was irrelevent even after the big bang because of the high energy in the Universe both during and after the big bang. According to Quantum physics Mass makes the time, and the Higgs field can't give Mass to elementary particle even after the big bang until the Universe start to cool down, and it shows that the Mass is not a part of the calculation of the big bang, and the mass should be a sub dimension. It means that there were 2 main steps to complete in order to make the current Universe. I think these are the 2 steps of the Universe which occurred during the big bang and after the big bang according to the 6 directions and the 6 distances of the first start of the Universe: Matter x Antimatter =  (+0-0)^6 - (+0-0)^6 OR (+0-0)^6 + (-0+0)^6
We can use this mathematical formula to find the dimensional vibrations in the Universe: (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2
This is the calculation of the existing Matter: (+0-0)^6 
= (+1-(-1))^3

 x (+0.0-0.0)^3

The 2 steps in detail:
(+0-0)^6 =
(+1-(-1))^3 =
 (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1) - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)
(+0.0-0.0)^3 = (+(1)-(-(1))) x (0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0)

(+ (+(1))(+1)3 - ((+(1))(+1)3 x (-1) - ((+(1))(-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (+(1))(-1)2 x (+1)
- (+ (+(1))(+1)2 x (-1) - (+(1))((+1)2 x (-1)2 - (+(1))((-1)3 x (+1))) + (+(1))(-1)3)
- (+ (-(1))(+1)3 - ((-(1))(+1)3 x (-1) - ((-(1))(-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-(1))(-1)2 x (+1)
- (+ (-(1))(+1)2 x (-1) - (-(1))((+1)2 x (-1)2 - (-(1))((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-(1))(-1)3)))
x (0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0)

Output of this (+0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0) is nearly: (+0.5-(-0.5) +1-(-1)) x (2/3 - (1/3)xNull/(5/5) + (1/3)xNull/(5/5))  x 0.00000 x 1_.... / (+Null-Null) x 1_..

- W. Suresh Madusanka

@Suresh Madusanka That is not a mathematical representation of anything physical. Those are null identities that can be made to work with any numbers.

Suresh Madusanka:
@dlevi67, If you want to explain Quantum Physics, then you have to use the Mathematics of the Universe. There is a difference between the Quantum Reality and the Physical Reality. Quantum Reality is almost empty with vibrations, dimensions etc.
Our common knowledge about mathematics don't help us to make that calculation, because if we use a normal calculator to multiply 0 from a 0 then the result it shows is 0 ( wrong mathematics: 0x0 = 0), but in the reality if we multiply 0 from a 0 (mathematically: 0x0), then the result should be 0.0 (mathematically: 0x0 = 0.0). There is a big difference between 0 and 0.0 (Null). Real mathematics can show how forms can come from nothing (without a distance (0 distance = +0-0)) and from the infinity of the 6 directions.

We usually show directions with a distance like this (If distance from my school to my house = 1Km, then Distance = 1Km and Direction = my school to my house direction): 1km-0km = 1km. But we can show the 6 directions like this too: +0-0 left, +0-0 right, +0-0 up, +0-0 down, +0-0 front, +0-0 back. So we can calculate the thinkness of the Universe like this: (+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0) = (+0-0)6

What if +0-0 can make +0.0-0.0 and +1-1? Then it should be the start of something (distance and dimensions) of the Universe.
According to this mathematical formula:
If the, a= +0 and b= -0:
(+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02
(+0-0)6 = (+0-0)2 x (+0-0)2 x (+0-0)2 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

We can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)
And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)
If you calculte those 6 virtual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe make +1 distance and and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0.
I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exist, because there no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects (Matter x Character of Matter) using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not. And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have a different shape (rounded shape).
(+0-0)3 x (+0-0)3 = Matter x Character of Matter

If you can't understand that the 0 should have a direction and it should be represented as (+0-0) with a direction, and you can't use only one (+0-0) to show all the directions then you can't understand this mathematical formula:
6 directions and the 6 distances of the first start of the Universe:  (+0-0)^6 - (+0-0)^6 or Matter + Antimatter =  (+0-0)^6 + (-0+0)^6 

This person can read and influence mind (and he believes in Karma too):  Lior Suchard - Master Mentalist: 
Mentalist Lior Suchard predicts the score of the T20 cricket game -
Divine Powers ¤¤¤ Ram Bahadur Bomjon ¤¤¤ Full Documentary:
Rare Interview About Buddha Boy: Ram Bahadur Bamjan -
(I repeat: "Just because scientists couldn`t discover something from their technology that doesn`t make that thing not scientific.")

@Suresh Madusanka And I repeat that just because you can use some numbers in null identities that could be built with any other number, it doesn't make the numbers or the underlying reasoning in any way "scientific". Nothing to do with technology. Now, please, go and spew your torrents of nonsense somewhere else.

Suresh Madusanka:
@dlevi67 . Some believers have a blind faith, and they don't like to explore the truth if it is against their faith.!
There are space for 6 dimensions because of the 6 directons of the Universe. I have explained how (+1-(-1))3 dimensions combined and make 8 dimensional formations including 4 dimensional forms with 3 dimensions and 4 dimensional forms with 4 dimensions. And then a 5th dimension (+1-(-1)) from this (+0.0-0.0)3 with a strange field (0.000 - 0.000) x (+0.0-0.0) which caused to form the 6 quarks, 6 leptons, 4 forces and a strange Higgs boson in standard model in particle physics.
The Universe started from 0 with infinity of directions. In line mathematics, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. But in 3 dimensional mathematics x = +0-0, y = +0-0, z = +0-0. Because if you show a line you should show a direction like -1 or +1, and in line mathematics we don't show a direction when we write 0. but it doesn't mean that 0 doesn't have a relative direction. So the line mathematics we usually use is not the real mathematics. Real mathematics should show directions of 0 too.
I didn't know about the standard model in particle physics when I started to make that calculation around 3 years ago. I just received 8 dimensional formations from it in the beginning, but few weeks ago I just continued that calculation to get the final result, and then I found another dimension (MASS dimension) from it which converted it into 16 dimensional formations with another things (Higgs boson).
If you can't understand mathematics, then you can't understand science too, because Mathematics are the foundation of science.
- Suresh

@Suresh Madusanka I understand mathematics well enough, thank you. You on the other hand have a complete misunderstanding of what a scientific hypothesis is or of how to use mathematics to begin to validate that hypothesis. 

What you are doing - and may you continue to have fun with it - is much closer to isopsephy or gematria, and I'm sure there is a rich tradition of it in Indian religious thought. Keep doing it, but don't call it "science", because it is not.

Suresh Madusanka:
@dlevi67, If you think you can use Kilogram, Litre, Time, Distance to explain Quantum Physics, then you have a misunderstanding about Quantum physics. Most units are not fundamental, and quantum physics should be based on ratios, dimensions etc. I already have enough mathematical explanations to understand quantum physics. But maybe there are a lot of people like you who can't understand the foundations of mathematics, but without mathematics you can't talk about science. However, you replied to me very faster, so I don't think that you are a good learner. 

@Suresh Madusanka I don't need to spend hours meditating on your gibberish. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

BTW, it may be of interest to you that the most essential constant in Quantum Mechanics (Planck's constant) is expressed in units of Kg * m^2/s, so if you think you cannot explain QM in terms of these units, you have another thought coming.

Suresh Madusanka:
​@dlevi67, No comments. No hard feelings. I'm busy too. And I don't like to waste my time. Bye

Elementary Magics & Mathematical Structures Of The Entangled Dimensions (The Theory Of Everything?)

God, Atheism, and Morality: Opening Statement (David Wood vs. Apostate Prophet)

This is David Wood's opening statement for his debate with the Apostate Prophet on God, Atheism, and Morality. David discusses various features of moral obligations and shows why Divine Command Theory explains these features, while atheist moral theories don't.

AP will post his opening statement on his channel: (Apostate Prophet: This is Apostate Prophet's opening statement and a partial response to David Wood's opening statement for the debate on God, Atheism, and Morality:

I still laugh and remember David's quote; "PREPARE to be the next Nabeel Qureshi!" xD

Suresh Wanayalae:
God doesn't think about wisdom of Animals, and some religions allow killing animals.

Dick Lewis:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  humans kill humans, what's youre point?? Again if there is no God he cannot be blamed, and if there is you are then simply the created not the creator therefore the Judgement will be on you at the end of you're life not on God.

Suresh Wanayalae:
 @Dick Lewis , Animals have rights too. Most abrahamic religions don't talk about animal rights. So the concept of God doens't make morality. Morality depends on the nature of our actions which can give us results within this life or an after life as a pure scientific reaction from the quantum nature of our actions.

Dick Lewis:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  well as a Christian we have nothing to loose in believing, if there is nothing when we die  then that is final, however if God exists or a God, I feel for the unbeliever who would rather make a god in there own craven image, facts and evidence  don't come into it with the afterlife.

Suresh Wanayalae:
​@Dick Lewis, it is a different topic. However, I think the western world is somewhat blind about the proofs (paranormal claims) of rebirth just because they can't explain those things scientifically. And I don't think that we even need proofs of rebirth to think about a possibility to have a rebirth because still there are a lot of quantum things to discover (including quantum gravity). Believing a creator god is not a problem, but that doesn't stop the natural laws of the nature, and believing a creator god is just a way to ignore the laws of the nature, because you don't expect scientifically acceptable reactions from a creator God, and you expect forgiveness for your bad actions while ignoring the bad activities (Eg: corona virus) of the nature which you can't justify using a creator god. I hope you will not continue this argument.

Dick Lewis:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  not arguing at all stating an opinion in which I beleive freedom of speech still exists I am merely having a friendly discussion, OK so can I ask what is it you believe?? Do you have any beliefs at all?? Secondly concerning animals what would you have God do now 2400 years have past??

Suresh Wanayalae:
​@Dick Lewis, I'm a Buddhist (converted from Roman Catholic). We can't stop the suffering in the animal world, but we can understand it to understand the danger of having a possibility to have a rebirth. And that is why we should find reasons to have a rebirth. I made a special theory to explain how the universe exists without a creator God, and I uploaded videos about it, and I published more about it in my blogs too. According to buddhism the rebirth is a dependant origination, and it doesn't make a copy of our mind which we can control. And our mind just depends on the types of worlds and bodies which we can use to have a rebirth. And that process (death) can disconnect us from our old memories which can destroy our old personality. And according to Buddhism, we are like milk, but not milk, because when we use milk to make yogurt, then we can't call it milk anymore. And if someone can use yogurt to make oil from it then we can't call it yogurt anymore. That sounds like the science of the process of the continuation of life.

Dick Lewis:
 @Suresh Wanayalae  very interesting Thank-you for Sharing, it all makes sense to me now why you hold animals close to your heart.

Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dick Lewis, Yes, and you are welcome. It is about finding the truth as well.

මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය - Life Started On Illusion (in Sinhala/ සිංහලෙන්: විනාඩි 44)

Download: Original (169 MB) Video


Are We Biological Robots? Free Will and Determinism

Are We Biological Robots? Free Will and Determinism:

Suresh Madusanka

අපේ චේතනා වලට හේතුවක් තිබුනත් ඒක විශ්වය තුල සිදුවන ඉතාමත්ම කුඩා සිදුවීමක් හෙවත් ගැටීමක් නිසා කුඩා පිපිරීමක් (spark) ලෙස බිඳී යාමේදී විශ්වය තුල ඇති ද්‍රව්‍ය තුල හෝ අවකාශය තුල එය සටහන් වීමක් සිදුවී එම සිදුවීම සහ අප අතර දිගටම සම්බන්ධතාවයක් ඇති විය හැකි පරිදි බැඳීමක් අපේ සිත (පංච උපාධානස්කන්ධය) මගින් පවත්වාගෙන යනවානම් එහිදී එය තමාගේ ලෙස සැලකිය හැකි චේතනාවක් (අදාළ චේතනාව විශ්වයට අලුත් දෙයක් වන නිසා එය free will එකක් ලෙස ක්‍රියා කල හැකියි.). චේතනාවක් ඇතිවන සිතට ඇති සම්බන්ධතාවය නිසා සහ චේතනාව ඇති වීමට බලපාන ගැටීම් ඉතා සියුම් සහ සංකීර්ණ ලෙස සිදුවන නිසා චේතනාව ඇතිවීමට හේතුව ලෙස උදාහරණයකට පිපිරීමක් සිදුවීම සැලකුවොත් එම පිපිරීම නිසා එකිනෙකට වෙනස් ප්‍රතිඵල ගොඩක් ඇති විය හැකි නිසා චේතනාව අහඹු සිදුවීමක් වන නමුත් අපි අපේ චේතනාවක් මගින් විශ්වය තුල තිබෙන කුඩාම දත්ත කිහිපයක් වෙනස් කර වෙනස් විදියක දත්ත බවට පත් කරන නිසා සහ අපි එම දත්ත වලට සම්බන්ධ වී සිටින නිසා අපේ චේතනා වල‍ට ප්‍රතිඵල ලැබෙන ක්‍රියාවලියක් හෙවත් කාර්මය අපි පසු පස පැමිණිය හැක. කර්මය අපේ පසු පස එන නිසයි අපි චේතනාව ස්වයං තීරණයක් (free will) එකක් ලෙස සලකන්නේ, නමුත් එතන තිබෙන්නෙ විශ්වයේ සැකැස්ම වෙනස් කල ගැටීම් නිසා ඇතිවෙච්ච අහඹු චේතනා වලට අපි සිතෙන් (පංච උපාධානස්කන්ධයෙන්) සම්බන්ධ වීමක් පමණයි. විශ්වය සහ ජීවයේ ආරම්භය පිළිබඳව මාගේ අදහස්: 1.) විශ්වයේ නිර්මාණයේ සත්‍ය : Download Video (65 MB: මැවුම් කරුවෙකු නොමැතිව විශ්වය ඇතිවීම : Download Video (89 MB: 3.) නිර්වාන අවබෝධය : Download Video (33 MB: 4.) මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය : Download Video (169 MB: 5.) කිසිවක් නැතුව (o) සහ අනන්තයෙන් (∞) විශ්වය පැමිණීම : Download Video (153 MB: 6.) මැවුම්කාර දෙවිකෙනෙක් සිටිනවාද? : | විශ්වය හැදිලා තියන විදිය දැනගන්න ඕනේ නම් මෙම වීඩියෝ එක බාගත (Download) කරගෙන සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම බලන්න. මෙතෙක් කිසිවෙක් නොදැන සිටි ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීමක්. | Download Video (205 MB: | (* තවත් වීඩියෝ එකක් හදල තවදුරටත් පැහැදිලි කරන්න බලාපොරොත්තු වෙනවා.) 7.) පරිණාමය සහ විශ්වය : Download Video (72 MB: 8.) ඉස්ලාම් ආගමික ත්‍රස්තවාදයක් පවතින්නේ කව්රුන් නිසාද? : Download Video (248 MB: Explanations about the Universe and Life (විශ්වය සහ ජීවය ගැන සිංහලෙන් සහ ඉංග්‍රීසියෙන්):



බුදුන් වහන්සේ මෙ පිලිබදව අග්ගඥ්ඥ සුත්‍රයෙ දෙසනා කරල තියෙනවා

Suresh Madusanka

දිව්‍ය ලෝකයක හෝ බ්‍රහ්ම ලෝකයක ජීවය නිර්මාණය වෙලා පෘථුවියට පැමිණුනා වෙන්නත් පුළුවන්. කල්ප අවසානයේදී බ්‍රහ්ම ලොවකට ජීවින් ගිහින් අලුත් පෘථුවියක් ඇති උනාම ආපහු බ්‍රහ්ම ලොවෙන් චුත වෙලා ජීවින් එනවා වගේම එවැනි ලෝකයක හෝ පෘථුවිය තුල ජීවින්ගේ පංච උපාදානස්කන්ධය හෙවත් ආත්මය පටන් ගන්න ඉඩ තියනවා. ජීවය සහ විශ්වය ගැන මං හදපු වීඩියෝ බලන්න:

මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය : Download Video (169 MB:

පරිණාමය සහ විශ්වය : Download Video (72 MB:


මැවුම් කරුවෙකු නොමැතිව විශ්ව ගණිතයෙන් සෑදුනු පරමාණු ගැන ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීම (Atoms/පරමාණු සහ එහි අන්තර්ගතය සොයාගෙන තිබුනත් ඒවා සෑදීමට හේතුව මෙතෙක් නවීන විද්‍යාවෙන් සොයාගෙන නැහැ. බුදු දහමට අනුව 'ශුද්ධාෂ්ටක' ගැන සහ විශ්ව ගණිතයෙන් පරමාණු සෑදීම ගැන සොයාගත් ගණිතමය පැහැදිළි කිරීම)

Tissa Jananayake - Episode 135 | මේ ලෝකයේ මැවුම්කරුවා සර්වබලදාරී දෙවියන් වහන්සේ ද?

Suresh Wanayalae:
විශාල ජාන වෙනස් වීම වලට ප්‍රධාන හේතුවක් වෙන්නෙ එකම වර්ගයේ අය කණ්ඩායම් වශයෙන් වෙන්වෙලා එම කණ්ඩායම් අතර සම්බන්ධතාවයක් නොමැතිව පරම්පරා කිහිපයක් ගතවීමයි. ඒ විදියට හුදකලා වෙච්ච ඔස්ට්‍රලියානු ජාතික පරම්පරාවකින් පැවතෙන සුළු පිරිසකට Endogenous RetroVirus එකෙහි බලපෑමෙන් ජාන වෙනස් වීමක් සිදුවෙලා තියන නිසා එම පරම්පරාවන් වලින් බිහිවන අයගේ ජාන වලත් එම වෙනස්වීම තියනවා (Facts Of Evolution: Retroviruses And Pseudogenes - Video ID(Ytube): 8ZvTmgCk1Lo). නමුත් එවැනි ජාන වෙනස්වීම් ඉතා කලාතුරකින් සිද්ධවෙන නිසා වර්ග දෙකක් අතර අතරමැදි අවස්තාවන් විශාල ගණනක් බිහිවීමේ හැකියාව ඉතා අඩුයි. අපේ ජාන තුල අපේ ජාන පරම්පරා වල ඉතිහාසය සටහන් වී තියනවා. වයිරස් වැනි හේතු නිසා අපේ ජාන දත්ත මැකී තියන තැන් වලම චින්පන්සීන්ගේත් මැකී ගොස් තියනවා. වයිරස් වලින් මිනිසුන් වෙනස් වීම නිසා සහ ඔවුන් හුදකලාව ජීවත් වීම නිසා වේගයෙන් පරිණාමය වන බවත් සොයාගෙන තියනවා. වසර 42000 කට පමණ පෙර වඳ වුනු නිඅන්ඩතාල් (Neanderthal) මානවයා සහ වර්තමාන මිනිසුන් අතර ලොකු වෙනසක් තිබුණේ නැහැ. ඔවුන් වානරයින් නෙමෙයි. පරිණාමයක් වෙන්න ජාන සැකැස්ම සහ කාලය ගොඩක් අවශ්‍ය වෙනවා. ඒ නිසා අපි බලාගෙන ඉන්නකොට ජීවින් පරිණාමය වෙයි කියල හිතෙන එක මෝඩකමක්. ජාන පරම්පරා වල අතු විහිදී හුදකලා වන විදිය අනුව සහ පරිසරය අනුව ඔවුන්ගේ පරිණාමය වෙනස් වෙනවා. අවුරුදු මිලියන ගණනක් ගතවුනත් ලොකු පරිණාමයක් සිදු නොවුණු මදුරුවෝ වගේ සත්තුත් ඉන්නවා. ඔවුන්ගේ බිත්තර රැක ගැනීමට ඔවුන්ට අවශ්‍ය නොවීම සහ ජීවන රටාවත් එයට බලපාන්නවා. බිත්තර දමන උරඟයන් වගේම ආදි මීයන් මුල් කාලයේදී බිත්තර දාන්න ඇති කියල අනුමාන කරනවා. ඊට පසුව ඩයිනෝසර්ලාගෙන් බිත්තර ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න ඕන නිසා ඔවුන් කුස තුල පැටියාව වර්ධනය කරපු බවයි අනුමාන කරන්නේ. ඒ කාලේ ජීවත් වූ ජීවීන්ගේ ජාන සොයාගෙන ඒවා ගැලපෙන විදිය පරික්ෂා කිරීම ලෙහෙසි වැඩක් නෙමෙයි.
නවීන විද්‍යාවෙන් සොයාගෙන තියනවා කනිජ ලවණ නිසා ජීවින් හට ගත්ත විදිය ගැන. ජීව විද්‍යාත්මක ක්‍රියාවලියක් නිසාත් සංකීර්ණ කනිජ ලවණ නිෂ්පාදනය වීම හේතුවෙන් සංකීර්ණ ජීවින් ඇති වෙන්න හැකියාවක් ලැබිල තියනවා. ඒවා ජීවීන්ගේ ජාලයන් විදියටයි පරිණාමය වෙලා තියෙන්නේ. තනි ජානයක් නෙමෙයි පරිණාමය වෙලා තියෙන්නේ. ඒත් සමාන ලක්ෂණ ඒ මුල් ජීවින් තුල තිබුනා (Mineral evolution posits that the mineralogy of terrestrial planets and moons evolves as a consequence of varied physical, chemical, and biological processes that lead to the formation of new mineral species.). උල්කාපාත වැටීම නිසා ඇතැම් වෙනස් ජාන පරම්පරාවන් විනාශ වෙලා තියනවා. ශාක වලට තියෙන්නෙත් වෙනස් ජාන පරම්පරාවක්. ඩයිනොසර්ලා පරිණාමය වූ මුල් පරම්පරාවකින් කුරුල්ලන් පරිණාමය වෙලා තියනවා සොයාගෙන තියනවා. බොහෝ ඩයිනෝසර්ලාට සහ කුරුල්ලන්ට වර්ණදේහ 80ක් තියන නිසා ඔවුන් ආදි උරඟයන්ගෙනුයි පරිණාමය වෙලා තියෙන්නේ. ඒ නිසා මිනිස් ජාන කුරුල්ලන්ගේ ජාන වලට ගැලපෙන්නේ නැහැ (Dinosaur DNA is the same as modern birds, according to a new study. This is because dinosaurs would have had around 80 chromosomes in total, like modern birds, which are the descendants of the ancient reptiles.). පරිණාමය (Evolution) ගැන උගන්වපු චාර්ල්ස් ඩාවින්ට (Charles Darwin) කියන්න බැහැ සෑම ජීවියෙකුම එකම ජීවියෙකුගෙන් පරිණාමය උනාද නැද්ද කියන එක. ඊට හේතුව ඔහුගේ කාලයේදී ජීවීන්ගේ ජාන ගැන පර්යේෂණය කිරීමට හැකියාවක් තිබුනේ නැහැ. අපේ පරිණාමයට බලපාන්නේ මැවුම්කරුවෙකු නොව ස්වභාවික පරිසරය සහ අපේම සිතයි. පරිණාමය මැවුම්වාදී පොත් වලට කිසිම ගැලපීමක් නැහැ.
- සුරේෂ්

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