
Does A Creator God Exist? - මැවුම්කාර දෙවිකෙනෙක් සිටිනවාද?

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මැවුම්කාර දෙවිකෙනෙක් සිටිනවාද? (සිංහලෙන් පිළිතුරු - විනාඩි 53) | Does A Creator God Exist? - Explained in Sinhala
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This is my Facebook post about it:

මේ විශ්වය සෑම විටම ශූන්‍යයට (0) සහ අනන්තයට (∞) ගමන් කිරීමට උත්සහ කරනවා. ඒක නිසා මේ විශ්වය තුල සෑම විටම ඇතිත් නැති නැතිත් නැති ස්වභාවයක් තියනවා. අවකාශය සහ අංශු එකින් එක අවකාශය අඩු ස්ථානයකට එකතු වෙන්න උත්සහ කරල හෝ ඒ හරහා ගමන් කිරීමට උත්සහ කරල දිශාවන් මාරුවීමක් වැනි දෙයක් සිද්ධවෙන්න පුළුවන් උනත් පවතින ද්‍රව්‍ය (මාන සහ ක්ෂේත්‍ර) සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම නැති වීමක් සිදුනොවෙන්න පුළුවන්. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation/කිරණ වලින් පෙන්වන විදියට අනුව, ද්‍රව්‍ය නැති විශාල අවකාශයන් මුල ඉඳලම තිබිල තියනවා. විශ්වයේ දිශාවන් 6 නිසා සෑදුනු මානයන් (Dimensions) නැවත දිශාවන් බවට පත් නොවීම නිසා ඒවා විශ්වය තුල සියුම් හැඩයන් ඇති (quantum) දත්තයන් ලෙස තැම්පත් වීමට හැකියාවක් තියනවා. ඉහල, පහල, වම, දකුණ, ඉදිරිය, පසුපය ලෙස ඇති එක් එක් දිශාවේ දුර විශ්වයේ ආරම්භයේදී 0 ක් වන බැවින් සහ විශ්වය තුල මුලින්ම දුරක් නොතිබුණු බැවින් එක දිශාවක දුර = 0 = +0-0 ලෙස ලිවිය හැකියි. එබැවින් දිශා 6 ටම අදාලව (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+0-0)6 ලෙස ලිවිය හැකියි. එම සමීකරණය විසඳීමෙන් අපට පහත පිළිතුරු ලබාගත හැක:

(+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

පිළිතුරෙහි පළමු කොටස: (+1-(-1))3 
(+1-(-1))3 =
(+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
- ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)
(උදා: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3)

පිළිතුරෙහි දෙවන කොටස: (+0.0-0.0)3
පිළිතුරෙහි පළමු කොටස මගින් විශ්වය තුල ඇති දේවල් ගැනද පිළිතුරෙහි දෙවන කොටස මගින් විශ්වයේ කෙලවර ගැනද අනුමාන කිරීමට හැකියාවක් ඇත.
පිළිතුරෙහි පළමු කොටස වන (+1-(-1))3 මගින් පහත සඳහන් ත්‍රිමාන සහ මාන හතරක් ඇති හැඩයන් බව අනුමාන කල හැකි සහ 0 ට වඩා විශාල විවිධ දිශාවන් වලට සෑදුන දුරවල් (මාන) වලින් සෑදුන හැඩයන් වල එකතුවක් (+) අපට දැකගත හැක. පරමාණුවේ ඇති ප්‍රෝටෝන සෑදී ඇත්තේ Quarks තුනක් එකතු වී වන බැවින් එයද දිශා තුනක මාන එකතු වී සෑදී ඇති බව සිතිය හැක. බුදු දහමට අනුව චක්‍රාවාටයක් (galaxy) වටා නිරයක්, මනුෂ්‍ය ලෝකයක් සහ බ්‍රහ්ම ලෝක තල සහ වශයෙන් ලෝක පද්ධති 3ක් ඇති බවද සඳහන් වෙනවා (ඊට අමතරව චක්‍රාවාටයක ලෝක පද්ධති 1000ද තිබිය හැකි බව සඳහන් වෙනවා). එබැවින් එහිදීද ප්‍රධාන දිශාවන් තුනක මාන සහිතව චක්‍රාවාටයක් සෑදී ඇති බව අපට අනුමාන කල හැකියි. අඳුරු ද්‍රව්‍ය (Dark Matter) සාමාන්‍ය ද්‍රව්‍ය (Ordinary Matter) සමග ප්‍රතික්‍රියා නොකරන්නේ ඒවා සෑදී ඇති මාන වල සැකැස්මේ වෙනසක් නිසා විය හැකියි (අඳුරු ද්‍රව්‍ය මගින් සාමාන්‍ය ද්‍රව්‍ය සහ චක්‍රාවාට ආකර්ෂණය වී පවතී. බුදු දහමට අනුව චක්‍රාවාට 1000ක කොටසක්ද එවැනි කොටස් 1000කට වැඩි ප්‍රමාණයක් ඇති විශ්වයක් පවතියි.). ඊට අමතරව විශ්වයේ ප්‍රසාරණයට හේතු වන විශ්වයේ කෙළවරෙහි ඇති අඳුරු ශක්තිය (Dark Energy) යනු ඉතා කුඩා මාන වල ක්‍රියාකාරීතත්වයක් විය හැකියි.
A: (+1)3
B: (+1)3 x (-1)
C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
D: (-1)2 x (+1)
E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
H: (-1)3

විශ්වයේ ආරම්භයේ සිදුවූයේ එලෙස ත්‍රිමාන සහ මාන හතරකින් යුතු ත්‍රිමාන අවකාශය සහ හතරවෙනි මානය හෙවත් කාලය ආරම්භ වීම නම්, එම ආරම්භය සහ විශ්වයේ ඇති නියත අගයන් වන කාලයේ වේගය සහ පෙනෙන විශ්වයේ පරතරය වැනි අවසාන ප්‍රතිඵල අතර මැද ඇති ක්‍රියාවලිය පෙන්වන විශ්වයේ සමීකරණයක් ගොඩනැගීම මගින් විශ්වයේ මුල, මැද සහ අග සම්බන්ධ වන විදිය පැහැදිළිව තේරුම් ගත හැක.

- සුරේෂ් මධුසංක

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  • 4m

    • Pubudu Madushanka මේ ගණනය කිරීම් මොන විෂයකට අයිති ඒවද.. දෛශික...??? ක්වොන්ටම් භෞතිකය...???
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Pubudu Madushanka , "Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe", because real mathematics can show that (+0.0-0.0)3 is able to create +0.001 and -0.001, as well as (+0-0)2 is able to create +1 and -1. But our common knowledge about mathematics don't help us to make that calculation, because if we use a normal calculator to multiply 0 from a 0 then the result it shows is 0 ( wrong mathematics: 0x0 = 0), but in the reality if we multiply 0 from a 0 (mathematically: 0x0), then the result should be 0.0 (mathematically: 0x0 = 0.0). There is a big difference between 0 and 0.0 (Null). Real mathematics can show how forms can come from nothing (without a distance (0 distance) (0 distance = +0-0)) and from the infinity of the 6 directions.

    If you can point out the text in Quran which shows your miracles, then we can discuss more about it. There is an explanation about Child Birth in Quran, but it is not a miracle to Asian culture at that time, because we already had Ayurvedic treatments for pregnant Mothers and babies, so the Arabic people could find those knowledge from many resourses. Still there are many Ayurvedic treatements better than modern western treatements. Buddhism explains how some people tested humans to find the process of the body and mind. So there are many things which doesn't require modern technology to discover, and telling about those things are not miracles.

    I found scientific errors in Quran, but I couldn't find scientific miracles in Quran:

    1.) By the sun and its brightness, And [by] the moon when it follows it" Al-Quran 91:1-2. 

    Error:  It is very clear, that moon does not follow the Sun, because the Sun is not moving in front of moon. The moon is following the earth with the earth's revolution. The Sun is moving around the galaxy, and the earth is following the Sun. The Earth is not the center of the Universe, but they didn't know that. They made an error. An those people thought the light of the Sun on the Moon is changing when the moon follows the sun, so they included it to their book, but they didn't know about the sides of the earth related to the sun which showed the light on the moon, (and sometimes about the shadow of earth on the moon), which caused to change the light of the moon making half moon and full moon. And they couldn't even guess that the Earth can come between the Moon and Sun, because they were stupid believers who couldn't think deeper without using superstitions.

    2.) "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch," - Verse (18:47)

    Error: The Earth is Flat.

    3.) "Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst" - (27:61)

    Error: They thought the rivers are creations of a God, (Why the so called God couldn't place rivers in desert?)

    4.) "Allah has created the seven heavens one above another, 'And made the moon a light in their MIDST, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp," [Qur'an 71:15-16] "Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars" [Qur'an 37:6]

    Error: Moon is at the middle of heavens, but the Stars are placed at the nearest heaven below the moon. (But the reality the Stars are many light years away from the Moon.)

    5.) "Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your dome; and sent down rain from the heavens; [Qur'an 2:22]"

    Error: Sending rain from heavens (It is not science, and Qur'an explains about 6 heavens, but Buddhism said about 6 heavens earlier.) And it mentioned many heavens, and rain is not coming from the lowest heaven, But this says: "Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars" [Qur'an 37:6]. So the Stars are placed much lower than from where the rains come (Stars looks small, but they didn't know about the distance to Stars.).

    6.) Quran 18: 86 "Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it going down into a muddy spring…"
    "the sun remains prostrated under Allah’s Aro’sh and waits for Allah’s command for rising again in the East." [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421]

    Error: The Sun is moving around the earth. And the Sun Stop until it receives a command from Allah. (But scientifically the earth is going around the Sun, and the Sun or Earth doesn't stop or wait for anything). 

    8.) "Him who created the earth in Two Days" [Quran 41: 9], "He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high above it, ... in FOUR DAYS…" [Quran 41: 10].

    Error: Earth formed 9 billion years after the big bang, so if "Him who created the earth in Two Days" (in Quran 41: 9) is equal to 9 billion years, then if "He set on the (earth) Mountains standing firm high above it, ... in FOUR DAYS…" [Quran 41: 10] it should be equal to 18 billion years. But still the earth is only 4.5 billion years old, so the Quaran made mistakes. And they didn't know that the earth formed 9 billion years after the big bang too. And still planets and stars form in galaxies without a interactoin of a creator God.

    9.) "created the seven heavens one above another, And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp" [Qur'an 71:15-16]')

    Error: The heavens were created after the earth, so the so called heavens can't be Space or Sky, and thay said:  heavens and the earth were a joined entity (21/30). So they were talking that there were no difference between earth and heavens (maybe until the Adam eat an apple from the tree of knowledge).

    10.) "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? (21/30)

    Error: The Earth didnt exist in the beginning, (during the Big Bang). And It says "We separated them". So if it talks about a beginning then there were many Gods in the beginning. The the word 'heavens' doesn't sound like Space. Living beings use water, but evolusion made many new living beings, including Humans. Quran doesn't talk about evolusion. (Modern Genetics Confirms Evolution | Evolution: Genetic Evidence | LIFE AFTER DINOSAURS:

    11.) [He is] Lord of the two sunrises and Lord of the two sunsets - Qur'an 55:17

    Error: They couldn't explain the reason to have  summer and early winter seasons. So they ignored it saying this: (He is) the Lord of the two easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter).

    12.) We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it. (Quran 51:47)

    Error: Some Muslims try to use the word 'heavens' to mention the 'Space', but Arabic people didn't use a word to name 'Space'. So they can't say that Quran said about an expansion of the Space. They didn't even had a Good word to mention the 'Space'. But in Buddhism 'Space Element' is a primary element. And we can clearly see that almost all the translations say that 
    "We created" or "We have made" the heaven(s) (Quran 51:47). So, did many Gods created the Space? But Muslims say that there were only one God who created (started) the Universe. So why a God needed support from others? As I can understand it didn't mention the start of the Space. And we can't to find a good reason in quaran to expand the Space or Heavens. But the Quran tried to say that a God will support to expand the heavens for those who will come to it. And maybe they tried to guess that the the Sky doesn't have an end/limit, but the writers of Quran were not sure about it to use the word Sky, so that can be the reason to use the word heaven.

    Quran were written using the books of other Abrahamic religions, so the errors were copied:

    "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. [Chronicles 16:30]
    "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [Psalm 104:5]
    "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place. [Ecclesiastes 1:5])

    God believers should understand that the writers of their religious Books did a lot of scientific errors.

    Anyone can see the Earth Sun, Moon, Mountains, Rivers, so no need to say that someone created it. A person who has multi personality disorder behaves and talks like someone else, and those poeple say things they know or they can guess about someone else (and also stories of creations, and Gods and etc), but they can't say about something they don't know well. That is why those stories didn't mention Galaxies, Astroids, Big Bang, Black Hole, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Speed of light and etc. So don't try to misguide us from long verses with stories about other things in the world, which we could easily find or guesss & does't require modern technology to find.


    Without using a distance we can write the main 6 directions like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)
    And we can write it like this too: (+0-0)6
    (+0-0) against another (+0-0) makes two apposite directions, like Up and Down pair, Left and Right pair and front and back pair. And we can use a (+0-0) from 2 pairs of directions to calculate the square of two directions, and also we can do the same with the other directions, and then we can see the results.
    There is a mathematical formula like this:
    (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
    We can write it like this too: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2
    And if the x = 0 and y = 0, then we can write it the mathematical formula like this:
    (+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02
    You can see how (+0-0)2 made this (+1-(-1)) distance between 0 and 0 x 0 (between Zero (0) and 0.0 or Null (.)).
    If we apply that mathematical formula to this (+0-0)6 then we can get the following results:
    (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3
    This part of the result (+1-(-1))3 looks like a 3 directional (3D) formula, and we can calculate it to get more results:
    (+1-(-1))3 =
    (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
    - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)
    A: (+1)3
    (Eg: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3)
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3
    The results (A to H) show that there are 3 dimensional and 4 dimensional forms (Something like initial 8 bits) which can interact with each other to make something complex.
    I can explain more about those (A to H) results, but you can see how those 6 Directions and Zeros (+0-0) can make something complex, and because the Universe doesn't have a fixed 0 on the infinity (∞) of the Universe the +1-1 won't be able to convert back to the same 0 which existed previously, and +1-1 can convert to something like to +0.1-0.1 and then it can exist between 0 and 0.0 when the process continue. And because the calculations remove the (+0-0) making (+1-(-1)) and (+0.0-0.0) the Universe will need to make (+0-0) again and again, so the process can repeat and then it can make more and more A to H results. And then those results can interact with each other making a relatively larger Universe after every cyclic process (relatively larger Big Bangs) with a lot of storage, data, impacts, causes and effects and etc.
    - W. Suresh Madusanka

    මැවුම්කාර දෙවිකෙනෙක් සිටිනවාද? (සිංහලෙන් පිළිතුරු - විනාඩි 53) | Does A Creator God Exist? - Explained in Sinhala:
    🙈🙉🙊 ️
    Because the Big Bang doesn't make an edge to the Universe, so the Universe can continue that explosion always, untill the end of the current Universe. And mathematically and scientifically we can find how the Space (Universe) can expand.
    My points:
    1. The Big Bang is not over.
    2.) The Universe and space is still growing.
    The Universe create directions and Dimension which created all the things. And the Universe restart again and again, but it increases the storage and the amount of data all the time, which made a super complex Universe. And the Numbers and Shapes in the Universe are connected to mathematics, like the shape of galaxies and the solar systems.
    Inside this Universe there are 6 directoins, so it can make 12 main dimensions, and it can make a number with 9 or 12 zeros (0) to make a balanced Sub Universes (world-systems).
    According to Buddhaghosa thero there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems. (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8).
    Accelaration of the Universe shows the wave nature of the Universe.
    "Accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the expansion of the universe is such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time."
    Existence of the Aeons (Kalpa) in Buddhism shows a start and an end of the Universe again and again, and a lot of mathematical calculations and organized religions came after the time of the Buddha.
    The hell (inside the earth) is the lowest level which came from another dimension, and there are 4 more levels for Animals, Ghosts, Asura, Humans. And then there are 5 heavens with Good Gods, and the last heaven (6th heaven) is a highly enjoying heaven (Kaama/Mara heaven), because it is using another dimension and then it start another 10 energy levels. And then the next level is not directly connected to another dimension, so it is working without two different dimensions, which caused to exist 20 brahma worlds without genders, but the first 10 levels enjoy bliss (with body) but the next 10 levels are neutral (with mind).
    The Universe can have many dimensions. (Eg: Magnetic field, Dark Matter).
    The Universe is changing dimensions making things appear and disappear inside a parallel Universe (1000000000000 world-systems inside this Parallel Universe, with many life forms to make a balance).
    🙏🙏 🙏
    - Suresh Madusanka


    Buddhist Tipitaka is approximately 11 times larger than the Bible. And the Bible has 783,137 words.

    In size, the Quran is a little shorter than the New Testament, at about 165,000 words (in English). The book was revealed over a period of about 23 years, beginning in 610 AD, and ending shortly before the prophet’s death in 632 AD.

    So it is not much difficult to write a book with only 165000 words, and the book used a lot of words to talk about infidels, believers, Allah. So you can't say that the Quran was large science book with many miracles.

    106/201 (52.7%) is hatred aimed at infidels:
    50/201 (24.9%) deals with believers:
    23/201 (11.4%) deal with Allah:
    10/201 (5%) deal with the Day of Doom or the Day of Judgment:
    4/201 (2%) are anti-woman:
    4/201 (2%) deal with giving to the poor in some way
    2/201 (1%) deal with some kind of Muslim custom or etiquette, for instance:
    1/201 (0.5%) Disapproves of a man who murdered someone, for it was for the wrong reason to kill someone.
    1/201 (0.5%) says it is OK for people to have their religion while Muslims have theirs.

    And the Mohomad was not a perfect example of a Good person. And he started wars and killed people. A simple man became a fighter soon after his new religion, but you can't say that he wrote the Quran alone, because he couldn't read and write. And the other Arabic leaders and many science, religious, historians, forign teachers could help him to make a new religion (Quran) to use it to invade other countries to make an empire. Western people used Christianity to do the same thing. And the Hindus made the Book Mahābhārata to make an indian empire. They wrote few things Jews and Christians to include those religions to their new religion, but it doesn't give a history to Islam. It shows that Islam tried to steal the history of other religions to make other religions a part of Islam. But They didn't mention Buddhism even there were Buddhist in Middle East at that time, because the Buddhism didn't mention a creator God, and that was the reason which influenced Arabic people to make a well organized religion to fight against Buddhism (Afghanistan-Pre-Islamic Era: ). Finally Mughal empire came to india and destroyed Buddhist heritages, and some new Hindus used some new Hindu books to fight against Buddhism to save their creator Gods from Buddhism.

    Nalanda University was a very big Buddhist university in Bihar which was invaded and burned by Muslims under "Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji" and killed thousands of monks and burned thousands of books. It was a religious center of learning from the fifth century AD to 1197 AD. The great library of Nalanda University was so vast that it is reported to have burned for three months after the invaders set fire to it, ransacked and destroyed the monasteries, and drove the monks from the site (


    I think we should talk about the creator God first, because if you say killing animals is not a bad thing, it is because of the messanger of the creator. And if you say killing the people who leave Islam is not bad, the reason is the so-called Prophet and his so-called creator God, which arabic people made to make an arabic empire.  They didn't even had a sense to understand the importance of basic human rights, and the of the women's rights. And they didn't care about animal's rights, because Arabic people couldn't find enough vegetables to eat in the deserts.

    I have made a video to explained more about the start of the living beings:
    මුළාව නිසා ජීවයේ ආරම්භය (Life Started From The Five Aggregates Of Clinging) : 
    Download (169Mb):

    I said that the simple living beings or trees can appear after chemical reactions, and then it can make a cyclic process like the mind, because a world can make the following 5 Aggregates Of Clingings which can form a cyclic and quantum mind (formation of an soul):

    i.) Matter or Form (rupa) = Body
    ii.) Data = Sensation or Feeling (vedana) (a cosmic structural change)
    iii.) The amount of Data = Perception and/or cognition (sanna)
    iv.) The power/pattern of attachment = Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)
    v.) Attachment = Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

    I explained about the existence of the Universe mathematically, but you didn't understand it. I hope to make another video to explain it more. I said about directions and dimension which can exist without a requirement of a creator God.

    Inside this Universe there are 6 directoins, so it can make 12 main dimensions, and it can make a number with 12 zeros (0) to make a balanced Sub Universes (world-systems).

    According to Buddhaghosa thero there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems. (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8).

    Accelaration of the Universe shows the wave nature of the Universe.

    "Accelerating expansion of the universe is the observation that the expansion of the universe is such that the velocity at which a distant galaxy is receding from the observer is continuously increasing with time."

    Existence of the Aeons (Kalpa) in Buddhism shows a start and an end of the Universe again and again, and a lot of mathematical calculations and organized religions came after the time of the Buddha.

    If we imagine the early Universe, we can undersand the there were nothing, but the directions can start to make something from nothing because there are more than 1 nothing. There are many nothings to many directions, and the nothingness can exist between two sides of the nothing too, like between 0 and 0.0 because the 0 can make 0.0 after the interactions of many 0 of many directions. That is mathematical. And no need a God to create that mathematics.

    The Universe didn't have a distance in the beginning, so we can mention the 6 main directions like this without using a distance:

    The directions:
    Up = (+0-0)
    Down = (+0-0)
    Left = (+0-0)
    Right = (+0-0)
    Front = (+0-0)
    Back = (+0-0)

    And two directions can make a square: (+0-0) x (+0-0)
    And all the squares can make a 3D object (without a distance): (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

    This is the methematical formula to calculate a square:

    (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

    We can write it like this too: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2

    You can find +1 and -1 at here: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2  and it didn't require any creator. So the A and B created +1 and -1 (distance). So a square like this (+a-b)2 can make +1 and -1 like this: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2

    And, (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+0-0)2  So it looks like (+a-b)2

    So (+0-0)2 = 0.0 - (+1-(-1)) x 0.0 + 0.0 Can you see how (+0-0)2 converted to +1 and -1 with +0.0 and -0.0.

    (+0-0)2 made a square with +1 and -1 with +0.0 and -0.0.

    So we can apply it to the 6 directions to calculate the 3D Universe (cube) like this: 

    (+0-0)6 = (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

    (+0-0)6 = {0.0-(+1-(-1)) x 0.0+0.0} x {0.0-(+1-(-1)) x 0.0+0.0}  x  {0.0-(+1-(-1)) x 0.0+0.0}

    And then, 
    (+0-0)6 =  = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    And then we can calculate the two opposite directions (dimensions) like this:

    (+1-(-1))3 =

    (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1) 
    - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

    There are 8 results (combinations of dimensions). Eg: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3

    The result is outstanding:

    A: (+1)3 
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3

    Those results (the results of (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3) can form galaxies, solar systems, atoms, life and everything in the Universe. 

    I'll explain more about those 8 forms of dimensions later, then you should be able to understand that the 12 zeros with direction make a complext after continuation af many cyclic process making more and more relatively larger dimensions after every big bang. And it can make a Universes to 12 dimensions. (2 dimensions for each direction). And Buddhism explain about a balanced Universe with 31 levels of worlds 1000 times, and those another 1000 like that, and another 1000 like that which made 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems. (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8).

    It is not much difficult to write a book with only 165000 words, and the book used a lot of words to talk about infidels, believers, Allah. So you can't say that the Quran was large science book with many miracles.

    You are sharing these things, but those things are connected to superstitions:

    106/201 (52.7%) is hatred aimed at infidels
    50/201 (24.9%) deals with believers
    23/201 (11.4%) deal with Allah

    First of all try to understand my mathematical calculatoins and explanation, then you will see that we don't need a creator to create the Universe. I build the explanation making videos too. So you can learn more from this video:

    කිසිවක් නැතුව (o) සහ අනන්තයෙන් (∞) විශ්වය පැමිණීම : 

    Download (153 MB):

    I'll answer to your questions and explanations later. It will take time to listen and answers. But You need to read this first to find the Solution to the existence of the Universe, because the Buddha didn't tell it, but his teachings helped me to find it.
    The Abraham story cannot be definitively related to any specific time. A common hypothesis among scholars is that it was composed in the early Persian period (late 6th century BCE) after the time of the Buddha. And you can make him a Prophet in Islam. You can't give any birth certificate to Islam using other older books. Stop making other religions other religions part of Islam. And the Abraham can have a relation to Hindu Brahamins, and Brahamins made new bookks to protect Hinduism too, so the Story of Abraham can be a story to make a God even without knowing what real happened to Abraham. The writers can make creator Gods, but they made Gods and they wrote book after the time of the Buddha.

    You ignored the scientific errors in Quran I sent to you. So you are not genuine.
    Can you provide a sentence to find the earth is not flat? The Quran said the earth is flat.
    No one changed the Tripiṭaka, since 2600 years. Still there are total 84000 Buddhist teachings in Tripiṭaka.
    Buddha devided Buddhist teaching to many sects of theros who had skills to followe remember the teachings. And only the Ananda Thero could remember all the 840000 Buddhist teachings, that is why his Enlighnment was important to bring him to discuss about the Buddhist teaching three months after the attainment of Nirvana of the Buddha. And no need everyone to learn all the teachings, he gave a direct path too. That is Mahasatipatthana Sutta:

    500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dharma by writing the words of the Great Teachings into books in the Pali language around 100 BCE.
    Buddhism is all about reality. 

    Buddha gave a path to find the nature of the Universe. Start of the Universe is not important to Buddhism. But Buddha said about some numbers and in the Universe which we can use to find the Mathematical formula of the Universe.

    I could find these details from Buddhism: 

    1.) There are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems. (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8).

    My Point: 
    1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world systems came from 6 directions with 12 zeros: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

    2.) "Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form.
    Emptiness is not separate from form, form is not separate from emptiness
    Whatever is form is emptiness, whatever is emptiness is form."
    - Prajnaparamita Sutras

    My Point: There are two main dimentions: -1 and +1

    3.) Every sixty-fourth mahākalpa, after fifty six destructions by fire and seven destructions by water, there is a destruction by wind. This is the most devastating of all, as it also destroys the Śubhakṛtsna worlds. The higher worlds are never destroyed. -

    My Point: 64 is a number which can make a balance like the 'bits' we use in computers to store date. 8bits, 16bits, 32bits, 64bits. There are 32 energy levels in periodic table, so 64 is a pair of 32 bits which can make a balance. I could calculate 8 main formations mathematically, so 8x8 can make a balance too. There are three quarks in protons (in atoms) so the wind, water and fire can be those three dimensions inside a proton which maintain a balance with another dimension for an electron. I could count it mathematically like this:  ((-1)3 x (+1))

    4.) The vertical cosmology is divided into thirty-one planes of existence and the planes into three realms, or dhātus, each corresponding to a different type of mentality. These three realms (Tridhātu) are the Ārūpyadhātu (4 Realms), the Rūpadhātu (16 Realms), and the Kāmadhātu (15 Realms).  

    My Point: We know that the atoms connect to another atom because of a requirement of an energy level. The 32 energy levels in the periodic table has a balance, but if a an atom make only 31 energy levels using protons, then it should connect to another atom to make a balance. So it shows a requirement of  1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems (31 levels of world in a world system) to make a balance with between world systems. And the formations of those 31 worlds shows a dimensional connection between worlds, which caused to exist 20 Brahma worlds without genders, because in the Brahma worlds the body is not using the same dimension which the mind using. So the first 10 levels enjoy bliss (with body) but the next 10 levels are neutral (with mind).

    5.) Buddhism explain about four quarters of the Universe from start to the end:

    First quarter – time taken for this world to form. (after the Big Bang)
    Second quarter – stable duration of this world where all living beings can thrive.
    Third quarter – time taken for this world to be destroyed.
    Fourth quarter – empty time period. (the accelerated Universe can convert the form into waves)

    6.) Buddha said that there were aeons more than the sands in Ganges river. 

    My point: The Universe can have a start, because sands in Ganges river has a limit. But because in the bottom of the river it ends with burned sands like Lava, so the Start of the Universe can be unclear, because the early few dimensions (I could calculate the first 8 formations/Datas mathematically) are very small and the Universe became larger after many aeons. 

    7.) The Satipatthana Sutta also mentions about three types of energies:
    1.) Arising
    2.) Vanishing
    3.) Both arising and vanishing

    My Point: Both arising and vanishing can happen at the same time. That is how the dimensions work. There Universe should make 2 different dimensions at the same time when the Universe create directoins. And after the big bang still the Universe should create directions and dimensions at the edge till the directions disappear before the next big bang, but the dimensions can continue to the next Universe. The Universe made main dimensions  (+1-(-1)) during the big bang and it still it makes small dimensions (+0.0-0.0 makes +0.001-0.001) at the edge of the Universe (Dark energy can form from this:  (+0.0-0.0)3 which accelerate the Universe).

    8.) Existence of the Aeons (Kalpa) in Buddhism. And the long durations of the Maha Kalpa.

    My Point: Existence of the Aeons (Kalpa) in Buddhism shows a start and an end of the Universe again and again. And the Buddhist explanations about the duration of the Kalpa can have a good connection to our mathematical calculations which can help us to predict the time of the next Big Bang.

    There are many numbers and explanasions in Buddhism which can help us to understand the formation of the Universe and life, I didn't learn Buddhism from a school or a sunday school. I learned Roman Catholic for O/L (C pass). And there are a lot of teachings in Abhidhamma books which explain a lot of things about the mind. I don't have a lot of time to study Buddhism to reply more things. 

    However, the Universe provide us some details about the existence of the Universe. There are 7 major sounds in Music, and there are 7 colours in a rainboy. And there are more numbers and shapes in this Universe, like the shape of galaxies and the solar systems. In atomic physics, the Landé g-factor is a multiplicative term appearing in the expression for the energy levels of an atom in a weak magnetic field. So the 2 is a important number in Quantum physics, I made my calculations using it (+1-(-1)) which I could take from this mathematical formula:  (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2, so the '2ab' is the reason to make (+1-(-1))ab directions ((+1-(-1)) = 2). There are many more Numbers and the Shapes of the Universe connected to mathematics.


    If you look at the Sky you can see like the Sun is moving, but the reality is the Earth is moving around the Sun. But Quran never said that the Earth is moving but it sayed that the Moon is Following the Sun (because the Sun is moving). The Sun naturally looks like it is moving from east to west, So you can't try to say that the Quran said Sun is moving around the galaxy, And the Quran doesn't mention any word about the galaxies.

    By the sun and its brightness, And [by] the moon when it follows it" Al-Quran 91:1-2. 

    Error:  It is very clear, that moon does not follow the Sun, because the Sun is not moving in front of moon. The moon is following the earth with the earth's revolution. The Sun is moving around the galaxy, and the earth is following the Sun. The Earth is not the center of the Universe, but they didn't know that. They made an error. An those people thought the light of the Sun on the Moon is changing when the moon follows the sun, so they included it to their book, but they didn't know about the shadow of earth on the moon, which caused to change the light of the moon making half moon and full moon. And they couldn't even guess that the Earth can come between the Moon and Sun, because they were stupid believers who couldn't think deeper without using superstitions.

    I told you many times that Islam can copy from Hinduism, so you can't say that the teachings in Hinduism supports Islam, because The Mohomad and Arabic people used many religions to make Islam. Vedas are the only Hindu book older than the time of the Buddha, but all other Hindu books are not much older than 400BC (200 years after the Buddha). Hindus developed Hinduism using Vedas and Buddhism. So Arabic people made Quran using all the major religions.  but they were not not intelligent enough to understand the importance of Good and Bad, Human Rights, Ahimsa (Ahimsa means 'not to injure' and 'compassion', because Mohamad didn't care about it, and the Arabic people needed a religion to kill animals to eat to live, because of the large deserts.).

    You really don't care how the Quran is written. You again and again ignore the fact that the Quran has copied from other religions, but you talk like other religions copied from Quran. It is clear that the Quran is the last main religion in the world, but you try to make it the oldest religion in the world. Maybe you are not intelligent enough to understand the importance of Good and Bad, Human Rights, Ahimsa (Ahimsa means 'not to injure' and 'compassion', but Mohamad didn't care about it too).

    Does the Arabic Quran really say that the earth is shaped like an ostrich egg?

    Of course not. This ostrich egg thing is just another scam from the likes of Dr. Zakir Naik.

    Quran 79:30 Sahih International
    And after that He spread the earth.

    In verse 16:19 : “And the earth, we have spread it”; 1st person plural perfect verb “madadnāhā”, meaning “We have spread it” is used.
    All other verses also agree (51:48;79:30;…) with the spread and no possible link can be made to an egg here.

    You can't show me a text from Quran which say the earth is like an ostrich egg or it has a rounded shape. 

    Both Quran, and the Bibile said that the earth is flat. So If you don't take money to teach Islam to convert people, then why do you tell lies?

    I need clear evidence about it. Can you provide a sentence to find the earth is not flat? The Quran said the earth is flat.

    "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch," - Verse (18:47)

    Quran were written using the books of other Abrahamic religions, so the errors were copied:

    "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. [Chronicles 16:30]
    "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [Psalm 104:5]
    "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place. [Ecclesiastes 1:5])

    Many translations of the Quran says that the EARTH IS FLAT.

    Quran 18:47 translations

    ˹Beware of˺ the Day We will blow the mountains away, and you will see the earth LAID BARE. And We will gather all ˹humankind˺, leaving none behind.

    One day We shall make the mountains move, and you will see the earth as an OPEN PLAIN. We shall gather all people together, leaving no one.

    And (visualize) the Day when We will make mountains move, and you will see the earth FULLY EXPOSED, and We shall gather them together, so as not to leave a single one of them.

    Stop ignoring the mistakes in Quran, and stop telling lies to make the Quran a perfect book. If have a little bit of intelligence and honesty, you will be able to understand the truth. But you don't care about many bad things in Islam, so it will be useless talking with someone who can't understand feelings of the victims of Islam. And don't try to tell me that leaving Islam is legal in in Soudi Arabia where you currently live. (Saudi Arabia treat apostasy under their criminal laws: Leaving Islam – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions)) 

    "Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment; [quran 16:106]. * The Prophet said, "The blood of a Muslim, who confesses that Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (there is no god but Allâh), cannot be shed except in three cases: 1. Life for life; 2. A married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse; and 3. The one who turns renegade from Islâm (apostate) and leaves the group of Muslims."

    You talk about rules of a creator God, but you say that those people follow the Islam don't follow those rules well. (But Islamic terrorist follow most rules of the God perfectly).


    Stop your Stupid talks. You wanted to make Quran a perfect book, but when I showed the scientific errors in Quran, you tell me to see the good side in it like seeing the good side of a family to live with them. But you should accept that the Quran is not a perfect book. And you want me to search about the teaching in Quran which has a connections to books of previous religions, to show me how the Quaran say the same thing better. But I told you many times that Islam can copy from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and also from Buddhism, so you can't say that the teachings in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism support Islam, but you can say that Islam got Support from those book to make Islam, because the Arabic people didn't have their own religion to support their culture (eg: killing animals to eat, taking many wifes, keeping slaves, invading countries, fighting against jews, life for a life).  So they used a simple Man (Mohammed) to make Islam using many religions, and they tried to make a direct connection to a creator God, but they found their creator God from Abrahamic religions like Christianity, and Judaism only. So they ignored Buddhism. They used an unknown creator God to make Islam. 

    You try to say that the translations of the Quran didn't give the right meaing, but many translaitons say that the Earth is flat.  If you can't trust the translations of that verses in Quran then you can't trust other translated verses in Quran too. Mohomad didn't write the Quran because he couldn't read and write, but those Arabic people who helped Mohomad to make the Quran couldn't make it easy to translate, because they didn't separate the verses correctly. And there are many errors in Quran. And there is no Allah (creator God) to send a good translator to translate the Quran. 
    You tald me to check the teachings of previous Abrahamic religions to confirm the Islam. Yes, we can confirm the verses which they used from other religions. So this translation is not wrong, because we can find the same Verse from other Abrahamic religoins too, because all Abrahamic religions made the same mistake:

    "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. [Chronicles 16:30]
    "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [Psalm 104:5]
    "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place. [Ecclesiastes 1:5])

    One day We shall make the mountains move, and you will see the earth as an OPEN PLAIN. We shall gather all people together, leaving no one.
    - Verse (18:47)

    Don't try to ignore my explanations. Take time and read all the explanations completely before you reply me with the small goodness in Islam, but it shows me how much selfish you are like the Mohamad, because Islam is for Muslims only, and Muslims took a tax called jizya from other people too. And I have seen better Muslims who doesn't follow Islam well, and those who follow Islam are not living in this world. And they become an Arabic man like Mohomad. They don't think about the culture of the country they live. But arabic people try to change people to suit their culture.

    You are just talking about things you can't give scientific or mathematical facts, and use your logics to ignore the facts about evolution, scientific errors in Quran, rebirth, and the importance of purification of mind, causes and effects (Logical results of Actions), power of mind, mentally developed people (Nepal: little buddha, life of animals, the difference between a human and animal, value and purpose of life and etc. Islam is just a way to live till you die, the only hope they have is a creator God. But they ignore their own mind which he can't even control and understand. If you have a little bit of intelligence and honesty, you will be able to understand the truth.

    You are talking useless things, don't try to teach me Islam, I know about it well enough. You don't have a good answer to these scientific errors in Quran.  Zakir Naik made a hoax. He is not an Arabic person to translate the Quran. He tried to ignore the Flat earth in Quran by changing the meaning of another verse.  This ostrich egg thing is just another scam from the likes of Dr. Zakir Naik. This is the International Translation: 
    Quran 79:30 Sahih International
    And after that He spread the earth.
    Arabic people didn't changed the translation, but Zakir Naik make hoax to use to make people fools using his PeaceTV.

    You can't find the word ostrich egg in this verse in any translation in Quran 79:30:
    And the earth, after that He flattened it (for life).

    (79:30) and thereafter spread out the earth,

    As for the earth, He spread it out as well,

    I know you can't see the Mistakes in Quran, I didn't want to show you those things, or I didn't want to talk with you about Islam. I wanted to talk with you about the Universe without a requirement of a creator God, But because you are promoting lies of Zakir Naik without a hesitation, I don't think you will be able to understand the mathematical side of the Universe which is connected to Buddhism. And I don't think you are intellegent enough to understand it, because you already ignored it many times. So it will be useless taking with you. And you will waste your time too.

    And don't forget, that we talked about this Universe and God because of the rebirth, which you can't ignore whether you like it or not. (Rebirth Of A Muslim Girl

    You couldn't show me the verse in Quran, which showed the shape of the earth. That verse doesn't have a connection to ostrich. And ostrich doesn't make eggs to put eggs on it. And you try to make the earth an egg, but according to this verse (Quran 79:30) and your explanation, it says "He made earth to put earth", so that that sounds stupid. And people like you make stupid idias from Quran. 

    Quran is using arabic language, but the connection of arabic words are not connected to Islam. So you can't make tricks using arabic language. Stupid Muslims believe those things. I have heard those stupid miracles in Quran, but those things are just man made idias only. Muslims try to make Stupid miracles from the connections of words. If we study any book we can make unique connections between of words and the meanings and numbers of words. But those things are stupid ideas only. Stupid people like you believe stupid idias of Muslims. 

    Read this again stupid idiot, and don't try to make others fools, Quran says the earth is Flat, and it is impossible to change those translations to make any other meaning. Mohomad and his arabic people didn't know that the earth has a rounded shape, and the Quran is not from any creator God. And the Quran has many scientific errors even they made it using many other teachings from many other religions and teachers. And don't try to make it an old religion, but it is the final book which showed the stupidy of the followers of an unknown creator God. So it proved an unexistence of a creator God. Which helped Jews, Christians, Hindus to understand the danger of believing a creator God from stupid idias of a fake Prophet and his supporters. And with the modern scientific discoveries those  Jews, Christians, Hindus, could reduce their violence, but still Islam make terrorist groups, because the Quran makes highly stupid people, without common sense and without an understanding about human rights. Quran said Muslims to kill ex-Muslims, So that is the best example to show how a fake Prophet can make people stupid using a name of a fake creator God. 

     Quran 79:30:
    And the earth, after that He flattened it (for life).

    (79:30) and thereafter spread out the earth,

    Learn more Stupid teachings in Quran:  (Burn The Quran)

    I don't want to learn you stupid idias about Islam. You are a big idiot. That is my final conclusion. So I'll not continue my explanations about the Universe again. 

    I tried to explain mathematical connection of the Universe, but you are very stupid and you are just talking about simple verses in Quran which doesn't explain about any new scientific discovery.

    I just tried to explain this:
    The Universe exists on mathematical physics only. If we try to calculate the start of the Universe, then we can find the reasons to grow the Universe. I could make that Calculation by using 6 main directions, and I didn't use distance to start that calculation, because the Universe didn't have a distance to any direction in beginning. I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exists, because there no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid shaped objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects to using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not.  And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have different shape (rounded shape). And we can mathematically calculate those virtual gaps of 6 directions to find whether it can make a distance inside those two objects or not. 

    So we can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 

    And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)   
    (*In addition we can see the main 12 zeros in the Universe, which belongs to 6 directions.) 

    If you calculte those 6 virthual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe make +1 distance and and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0. So according to mathematical physics that is how the Universe make a distance between +0-0 and +0.0-0.0 when the Universe started, and again and again after every cyclic process of the distance when the Universe make distance (Big Bang) till is makes +0-0 again, which created +1-1 dimensions after every cyclic process (big bang) of the Universe, which cause to grow the Universe.

    Those 6 directions in the Universe make 12 zeros again each directions, which made two solid objects (arounded cubes) which can make the folllowing 8 main formations using +1-1 dimensions inside those obejects:

    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  =  (+0-0)6

    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  =  (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    (+1-(-1))3 =
    (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
    - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

    (Eg: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3)

    The 8 main formations in the Universe which made 4D, 3D, 2D and 1D objects like Galaxies, Atoms, Magnetic fields, Solar Systems, Waves like Light and heat and etc after the formation of this +1-(-1))3 obect in the Universe which forms with the every start and restart of the Universe, which formed from 6 Directions with (+0-0)6 zeros between (+0.0-0.0)3 at the edge of the Universe which still form small forms like Space and Energy using dimensions at the edge of the Universe with the expansion of the Universe.

    (+1-(-1))3 =

    A: (+1)3
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3

    This is how it happened:

    We can write the main 6 directions like this without using a distance (during the Start of the Universe): 
    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

    And we can write it like this too: (+0-0)6

    There is a mathematical formula like this:
    (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

    We can write it like this too: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2

    And if the x = 0 and y = 0, then we can write it the mathematical formula like this:

    (+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02

    You can see how (+0-0)2 made this (+1-(-1)) distance between 0 and 0 x 0 (between Zero (0) and 0.0 or Null (.)).

    If we apply that mathematical formula to this (+0-0)6 then we can get the following results:

    (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    This part of the result (+1-(-1))3 looks like another 3D object with distances, so we can calculate it to get these 8 results:

    A: (+1)3
    B: (+1)3 x (-1)
    C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    D: (-1)2 x (+1)
    E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
    F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
    H: (-1)3

    The Universe can make those main 8 formations again and again after every Big bang increasing the volume of it after many Big bangs, which can cause to form many complex formations with many different sizes of dimensions (many sizes and forms of +1 and -1 distances) after every Big Bang.

    You should have some mathematical knowledge and intelligence to understand my explanation. so I don't expect a reply from you. Thank you for your time.


    "A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara_Nikaya_The_Numerical_Discourse 277 |Page:314)

    • Shiyam Thameem And who said Arabs are only Muslims. Even Buddha was not born when Prophet Moses (pbhu)lived. Before Moses there had beenore than 100000 prophets lived in the world. Now decide who is very new

    • Shiyam Thameem And Adam is the first Muslim and the man who was created by the almighty.
    • Shiyam Thameem Islam starts from this time.... And God said: ‘O Mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam) and from Him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve), and from them both He created many men and women.’” (Quran 4:1)

    • Shiyam Thameem And you chutikukku is the first man who crazily altering the definition of Big Bang in the world.
    • Shiyam Thameem We Muslim believe the creation and the recreation. Yes there WAS a creation and recreation. But Show us the word "repeat" in Big Bang in any authorized book of the inventor.
    • Shiyam Thameem Moses has history. But you all are simply believing imaginations, theory, and someone's philosophy. This is only the reason that your knowledge is limited. Come out of that circle first. Open up your brain. Believe the creator of paramatma, not the paramatma itself. You are believing the creations but we are believing the creator. That's the difference.
    • Shiyam Thameem You used the word "creations and recreation". Funny. Where is creation without creator as per English dictionary. You all are atheists. Should never use the word creation and recreations. Rather use existence and re-existance. Lol.
    • Shiyam Thameem Let's just believe that buddhas invention is true. Then where did he get this knowledge from?

    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , 1.) Quran is only 1400 years. So don't try to make it older using the verses in Quran.

      2.) The story of the Moses is old but the story was written later with supertisions with a powerful God. (after the time of the Buddha).. And you can't make Moses a Muslim, and you don't have written evidence about other prophets before the time of the Buddha. Arabic people used other religions to make Quran, that's all. Mohomad was an invader, and he couldn't perform any miracle as well.

      3.) I didn't change the Big Bang theory, and you can't find any scientific proof to deny another big bang, So you can't say that the big bang will not repeat. And the acceleration of the Universe shows a preparing to another big bang. And I said that the Big bang is continueing at the edge of the Universe, but it doesn't make more Unverses it just make Space and Energy, I said it mathmatically. It is a my own mathematical calculation which you can't find from somewhere else.

    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , Many translations of the Quran says that the EARTH IS FLAT.

      Quran 18:47 translations

      ˹Beware of˺ the Day We will blow the mountains away, and you will see the earth LAID BARE. And We will gather all ˹humankind˺, leaving none behind.

      One day We shall make the mountains move, and you will see the earth as an OPEN PLAIN. We shall gather all people together, leaving no one.

      And (visualize) the Day when We will make mountains move, and you will see the earth FULLY EXPOSED, and We shall gather them together, so as not to leave a single one of them.

      You can't show me a verse in Quran, which shows the shape of the earth. Some Muslims try to change the translation of this verse (Quran 79:30), to make the earth a shape of an eggs of a ostrich, but That verse doesn't have a connection to ostrich. And ostrich doesn't make eggs to put eggs on it. And you try to make the earth an egg, but according to this verse (Quran 79:30) and your explanation, it says "He made earth to put earth", so that that sounds stupid. 

      "Ram Bahadur Bomjon (Nepal: little buddha" is praticing meditation to be a Sravaka Buddha (Arhat) or a Pacceka Buddha. But it takes aeons (Kalpa) of practice to be a Samma Sammbuddha or a Pacceka Buddha. Siddhārtha Gautama (Bodhisatva) renounced His princely pleasures in his 29th year and practiced meditation around 6 years until he won the great Victory and became the Teacher of gods and men (Samma Sammbuddha). That show that Buddha gained knowledge after a long practice and without a help of a creator God. During his practice and and after the Buddhahood he could understand that no one in this Universe could have an eternal life, so that is why he said us to stop the birth.

    • චූටි කුකු Muslims copied the definision of God from other Abrahamic religions, and a definision doesn't prove an existence of a creator God. Buddha performed a miracle three time to remove ego of some people. He could make Water from one side of his body and Fire from another side of the Body at the same time (It is called "yamaka maha pratiharya"). So if you say a creator God exist, then tell your God to perform that miracle using a prophet to show his existence of the so called creator. If someone can perform that miracle, then we can think about the existence of a creator God.

      I used the word creation to explain the existence of the Universe, because the real creator is not a God without a proof of his existence. The cause is the creator of the Creation, so that cause can be Directions and an Universal Balance. Don't try to catch words like you follow all the stupid words in Quran, which caused to create terrorists. Try to understand the meaning of the words. Most cheap Muslims use cheap arguments. Humans create things too, but according to Buddhism Humans are just a part of the causes and effects in the Univserse, but there are causes which can change our path too, and if we can fully understand the causes and effects then we will not have a rebirth.


    • චූටි කුකු This is about the start of the Universe:

      The Universe exists on Mathematical Physics only. If we try to calculate the start of the Universe, then we can find the reasons to grow the Universe. I could make that Calculation by using 6 main directions, and I didn't use distance to start that calculation, because the Universe didn't have a distance to any direction in the beginning. I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exist, because there is no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in the beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid shaped objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects to using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not. And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have different shape (rounded shape). And we can mathematically calculate those virtual gaps of 6 directions to find whether it can make a distance inside those two objects or not. 

      So we can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 

      And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 
      (*In addition we can see the main 12 zeros in the Universe, which belongs to 6 directions.) 

      If you calculte those 6 virtual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe makes +1 distance and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0. So according to mathematical physics that is how the Universe makes a distance between +0-0 and +0.0-0.0 when the Universe started, and again and again after every cyclic process of the Universe when the Universe make Directions (Big Bang) till it makes +0-0 again, which created +1-1 dimensions and +0.0-0.0 which makes space and energy after every cyclic process (big bang) of the Universe, ((+0.0-0.0)3 makes small dimensions while converting the edges of the Universe into distance) which cause to grow the Universe.

      According to Buddhism there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems (that is a number with 12 Zeros). (see for example Anguttara Nikāya i. 227-8). (((31 worlds from Hell to inactive Brahma worlds)x1000)x1000)x1000)x1000. Buddhist (sahasra) cosmology describes the grouping of these vertical worlds into sets of thousands, millions or billions. (If the 31 types of the worlds = a Galaxy, then there are 1,000,000,000,000 galaxies. The observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to 2000 billion galaxies So it is similar to 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) world-systems in Buddhism. If the 31 types of the worlds = a Universe, then there are 1,000,000,000 (or 1,000,000,000,000) Universes according to Buddhism). And it shows a balance, which can make limited number of Universes connected to each other to make a balance like a large parallel Universe.

      Those 6 directions in the Universe make 12 Zeros again each directions, which made two solid objects (arounded cubes) which can make the folllowing 8 main formations using +1-1 dimensions inside those obejects:

      (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+0-0)6

      (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

      (+1-(-1))3 =
      (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
      - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

      (Eg: (+1) x (+1) x (+1) = (+1)3)

      The 8 main formations in the Universe which made 4D, 3D, 2D and 1D objects like Galaxies, Atoms, Magnetic fields, Solar Systems, Waves like Light and heat and etc after the formation of this +1-(-1))3 obect in the Universe which forms with the every start and restart of the Universe, which formed from 6 Directions with (+0-0)6 zeros between (+0.0-0.0)3 at the edge of the Universe which still form small forms like Space and Energy using dimensions at the edge of the Universe with the expansion of the Universe.

      (+1-(-1))3 =

      A: (+1)3
      B: (+1)3 x (-1)
      C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
      D: (-1)2 x (+1)
      E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
      F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
      G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
      H: (-1)3

      This is how it happened:

      We can write the main 6 directions like this without using a distance (during the Start of the Universe): 
      (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)

      And we can write it like this too: (+0-0)6

      There is a mathematical formula like this:
      (+a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2

      We can write it like this too: a2 - (+1-(-1)) x a x b + b2

      And if the a = 0 and b = 0, then we can write it the mathematical formula like this:

      (+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02

      You can see how (+0-0)2 made this (+1-(-1)) distance between 0 and 0 x 0 (between Zero (0) and 0.0 or Null (.)).

      If we apply that mathematical formula to this (+0-0)6 then we can get the following results:

      (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

      This part of the result (+1-(-1))3 looks like another 3D object with distances, so we can calculate it to get these 8 results:

      A: (+1)3
      B: (+1)3 x (-1)
      C: ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
      D: (-1)2 x (+1)
      E: ((+1)2 x (-1)
      F: ((+1)2 x (-1)2
      G: ((-1)3 x (+1))
      H: (-1)3

      The Universe can make those main 8 formations again and again after every Big bang increasing the volume of it after many Big Bangs, which can cause to form many complex formations with many different sizes of dimensions (many sizes and forms of +1 and -1 distances) after every Big Bang.

      You should have some mathematical knowledge and intelligence to understand my explanation.
      Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia
      Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia
      Buddhist cosmology - Wikipedia

    චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , An overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts evolution as the dominant scientific theory of biological diversity. Nearly every scientific society, representing hundreds of thousands of scientists, has issued statements rejecting intelligent design and a petition supporting the teaching of evolutionary biology was endorsed by 72 US Nobel Prize winners. Additionally, US courts have ruled in favor of teaching evolution in science classrooms, and against teaching creationism

    Professor and author Brian Alters, states that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution".[25] A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists.


    • Shiyam Thameem Prophet Muhammad was an illiterate and couldn't even write a single letter. Allah almighty revealeved the Quran to prophet in voice form via gibrael. I am not talking about the knowledge Arabic people. I am talking about word of god.
    • Shiyam Thameem Check the word dahaha in Authorized Arabic dictionary first.
    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , If we apply another meaning to the word 'dahaha' in this verse [Al-Qur’aan 79:30] then it sounds crazy.

      That verse doesn't have a connection to ostrich. And ostrich doesn't make eggs to put eggs on it. And you try to make the earth an egg, but according to this verse (Quran 79:30) and your explanation, it says "He made earth to put earth", so that that sounds stupid. 

      You can find a copy of other Abrahamic religions in Quran. And Arabic people tried to make it a perfect book. But they didn't have a good understanding about spiritual development, being kind to all humans and animals as well. Most major religions Practice nonviolence (Ahimsa), but Arabic people didn't practice it because they had to kill animals to eat, and they wanted to control people too, because it was difficult for them to do a good business in deserts, so they had to do bad business like slavery too, so they wanted to make a religion for their life style, therefor they ignored some great qualities of human beings. And that is why they ignored Buddhism and used Abrahmic religions to make Islam, and they wanted to make a religion to challenge Buddhism too, and they wanted to believe a creator God only. Mohomad started to invade countries from his time too. so Buddhism in middle east was not powerful enough to fight with the violence in Islam. Muslims don't know about spiritual development, power of mind, and nonviolence. Muslims use Islam mainly for this life time, but they don't use their intelligence to understand nonviolence in other major religions, which can have a connection to the next life. Arabic people used a fake prophet to introduce that book and a fake creator God, but it can send some Muslims to hell, because they don't follow nonviolence (Ahimsa).
    • Shiyam Thameem Hello. Again Quran is the highest level literature of Arabic. Dahaha means not ostrich, it means the Egg of the ostrich. If you can't understand this english then it is like Darwin's THEORY for you.
    • Shiyam Thameem “And the earth, moreover, Hath He made egg shaped.” [Al-Qur’aan 79:30]

      (The Arabic word “dahaha” means an ostrich-egg)
    • Shiyam Thameem 33. It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.
    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , I said that the ostrich doesn't make eggs to put eggs on it. And you try to make the earth an egg, but according to this verse (Quran 79:30) and your explanation, it says "He made earth to put earth", so that that sounds stupid. Because it sounds like "He made egg to put earth". So what is rounded shape? Read this to learn more about it from here Muslims are idiots, that is why they believe things like that. Don't make lies, Quran says the earth is Flat. ha ha.

      No need Quran to say us that the Moon swim around earth, because we can see it from our eys, We can see the sun moving around the earth, but the reality is that the Earth is moving around the Sun. But they didn't know that the Earth moving around the Sun. Don't try to say that the Sun is moving around the Galaxy, becuase Quran never mentioned a galaxy, because the Quran says "He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon", but a Galaxy doesn't have a day and night. So they were talking about a Sun moving around the Earth, which is a stupid statement in Quran.

      Don't talk about the Arabic Literature use to write the Quran, because I told you before the Arabic Government made Quran with efforts, that is why they tried to take the ownership of Islam which separated Islam into Sunni and Shia.
    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , Read my explanations first. You ignored many explanations, so I'll not continue this conversation, because you are so stupid too Supid Islam is good for Stupid muslims like you.
    • Shiyam Thameem Ostrich doesn't make Egg? You are still uncivilized
    • Shiyam Thameem I don't need your copy and past expiation from anti-Muslim website
    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , You are not intelligent enough to understand the meaning of my explanation. I said, "Ostrich doesn't make eggs to put eggs on it". Orstrich make eggs, but they don't make eggs to put more eggs on it. According to your fake translation. Your creator Made Egg To Put Earth (Egg) on it. Because what is important here is the use of the word daḥāhā as 3rd person masculine singular perfect verb. So daḥāhā should be something like 'put egg/ made egg'. The sentence becomes impossible, because you just made the verb the adjective. Fake people try to make fake translations. Check all the real translations of this verse: Quran 79:30. You can't find the word 'egg' in any translation. It can only mean “And after that He spread the earth.” And another translation says 'He flattened it (earth).' So Quran says about a Flat Earth Only. Don't waste my time idiot.
    • චූටි කුකු Buddhism says about the rounded shape of the earth. You can see it from this explanation about the continents in Earth which says the first continent is connected to the last continent.

      These are the four main continents on earth according to Buddhism which are connected to each other as a circle:

      1.) Jambudvīpa (Sanskrit) or Jambudīpa (Pāli)
      2.) Pūrvavideha or Pubbavideha
      3.) Aparagodānīya or Aparagoyāna
      4.) Uttarakuru

      Jambudvīpa is connected to Pūrvavideha,
      Pūrvavideha is connected to Aparagodānīya,
      Aparagodānīya is connected to Uttarakuru,
      Uttarakuru is connected to Jambudvīpa too.

      The rounded shape of the earth made the connection between Uttarakuru and Jambudvīpa. So those four continents in Buddhism indirectly says the rounded shape of the Earth.

      "When it is midday on the continent of Jambudvīpa, the sun is setting on the continent of Pūrvavideha in the east and rising above the continent of [Apara]godānīya in the west, while it is midnight on the continent of Uttarakuru in the north. When it is midday in [Apara]godānīya, the sun is setting in Jambudvīpa and rising in Uttarakuru, while it is midnight in [Pūrva]videha. When it is midday in Uttarakuru, the sun is setting in [Apara]godānīya and rising in [Pūrva]videha, while it is midnight in Jambudvīpa. When it is midday in [Pūrva]videha, the sun is setting in Uttarakuru and rising in Jambudvīpa, while it is midnight in [Apara]-godānīya. Here when Jambudvīpa is in the east [at sunrise], [Pūrva]videha is in the west. If Jambudvīpa is in the west [at sunset], [Pūrva]videha is in the east. If [Apara]godānīya is in the west, Uttarakuru is in the east. If Uttarakuru is in the west, [Apara]godānīya is in the east." (Page #: 295-296

      Uttarakuru is the highest continent of the three continents [besides Jambudvīpa], this land surpasses the others and so is called Uttarā, which in the Indian language means “highest.”

      - Suresh

    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , Black Holes And Galaxies in Buddhism (*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Solar System in a Galaxy around a Black Hole): 

      "Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of t
      hree cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousandyojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819)

      "Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,(819) there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))

      "A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)

      "There is also a larger universe, consisting of a thousand of these small universes, called the middle universe. [In addition,] there is a great universe that consists of a thousand middle universes. This is called the triple thousand–great universe (sanqian taqian shijie). All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction, and each locality where sentient beings reside is called a buddha land (buddha-kṣetra)." (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)
    • චූටි කුකු "in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach," - 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions the characteristics of an object like a Block Hole.

      The Size of a Black Hole depends on the number of solar systems. A Buddhist world-system consists 31 levels of dimensions for 31 types of living beings, therefore some solar systems are not perfect Buddhist world-systems. The world-systems in a galaxy can make many world intervals, so it can be a large world interval like a Black Hole.
    • Shiyam Thameem The large world interval? And injecting the term black hole to that?
    • Shiyam Thameem This is like your own concept of Multiple Big Bang. Scientists speak about Big Bang but you multiply it by your own definition. Now scientists talk about mass gravianation black hole. But you give typical definition to this. Are you fooling yourself or teaching the scientists. Which idiots website are copying to defeat the science?
    • චූටි කුකු Shiyam Thameem , "Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole. You are blind on your faith. You are using irrelevent and very less details from Quran to connect science with the Quran. The writers of the Quran couldn't write anything about the Universe in detail. But Muslims make fabrications to fool themselves and others.

      Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are far better than irrelevent verses in Quran and fabrications of Muslims. Muslims are so stupid and they make stupid arguments, and sometimes they don't like to accept the truth, because they are afraid to accept the truth.

      Many Big Bangs are a scientific posibility, Scientists don't reject it. But you are so stupid to tell me that it is not a scientific posibility. According to Buddhism a Big Bang is an start of an Aeon (Kalpa: A great kalpa is 4 medium kalpas, or around 1.28 trillion years. - wikipedia). And you think that a fart of a God or something like that made the Universe. ha ha. One day you will be disappointed on your superstitions. Muslims use Islam to invade countries and kill humans & animals, but they know nothing about after life of their own or others. (Young Muslim Girl Reincarnated Scientists didn't say that a God created the Universe, so don't involve science into your superstitions.

    • චූටි කුකු If the galaxies are not accelerating making the galaxies move away from each other, and if the galaxies don't change the speed, then scientifically another Big Bang is not possible, because the Galaxies don't show a NATURE OF A WAVE with the help of a force (Dark Energy) in the Universe. An ACCELERATION CAN MAKE A WAVE which can make something retrun back to the previous position after the end of the Acceleration. But because the GALAXIES ARE ACCELERATING it can return to the previous position after the end of the acceleration (* According to Buddhism there is a big destruction within every 64 types of destructions, maybe because of the gaps between the groups of minor and great thousandfold world systems), which CAN MAKE ANOTHER BIG BANG. So another big bang is A SCIENTIFIC POSSIBILITY.

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Sumudu Vijayanthi Nagodavithana , Muslims use fabrications to Explain Black Holes.

      "I do SWEAR by the receding stars" (Quran 81/15-16)

      Fabrication: "receding stars" are Black Holes or Dark Matter. 
      *But they didn't know about Black Holes and Dark Matter to SWEAR about it.

      Black Holes in Buddhism:

      "Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole. 
      Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are much better than irrelevent verses and fabrications in other religions.
    • Sumudu Vijayanthi Nagodavithana No it doesn't, you want Buddhism to be true so badly you're trying to fit science into Buddhism. Buddhism is more ethical than most other religions but still superstitious. 

      Buddhism even fail to mention Newton's laws yet you think Buddha knew about black holes? Lol. Even according to your own meme shows that Buddha did not know the Moon doesn't have its own light. 

      This is an anti religion group, why would ex-Muslims be pro religion? They are all superstitious you just believe you have the right one.
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Sumudu Vijayanthi Nagodavithana , Buddha didn't say that moon have it's own light. But he wanted to mention all the lights in the Sky including Moon light which does not reach the Black Hole (World Interval)

      According to Buddhism there are minimum 3 good solar systems (with life) around a Black Hole. That is the best explanation about a balance of a galaxy.

      You are blind on ill will, desire, stupidity, or fear (don't use those things to take a decision.). 

      Buddhism is all about causes and effect. Newton's low is a part of it.

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Thamzeeth Ismail , "Indeed, We have adorned the NEAREST HEAVEN with an adornment of STARS": (

      "Do you not consider how Allah has created SEVEN HEAVENS in layers"
      "'And made the MOON a light in their MIDST, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?" : (

      Can't you see that the Quran says the STARS are located at NEAREST HEAVEN? And it says that the MOON is located at MIDST in seven heavens. Stars look like smaller than moon but the writers of Quran didn't know that the Stars are located far away from the moon. So that is why the Quran says that the STARS are LOCATED at NEAREST HEAVEN.
    • Thamzeeth Ismail Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae bro study by ur own..
      Stars are located near the heaven..

      Think about Sky and haven..
    • Thamzeeth Ismail Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae can u say haven Arabic name which is denoted by allah
    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Thamzeeth Ismail , I said these things few months ago (in January 2019):

      1.) "We already found dark matter which interact with ordinary matter from it's gravity, but it is invisible to our dimension. So it is a fact that there can be 1 or more Universes in other dimensions."
      (Updated (18-04-2019): *Dark Energy can be a formation of dimensions which is invisible on it's formation and maybe it is not another parallel universe as well.)

      2.) "The Universe is changing dimensions making things appear and disappear inside a parallel Universe"

      3.) "The Universe is baced on a 2D or a 4D directions, we can understand it from the rounded shape of the everything, and that is why the calculations of enegies show that the Universe is flat.

      4.) We can find direction changes in everything, so that direction change makes it diferrent from our dimension, so that is why we can see it. (*light)

      5.) I think, heavens exists, which doesn't belong to any God or religion. And it is scientifical, because the Universe can have many dimensions. (Eg: Magnetic field, Dark Matter)

      6.) "The Universe is changing dimensions making things appear and disappear inside a parallel Universe (1000000 Universes inside this Parallel Universe, with many life forms.)"
      (Updated (18-04-2019): Maybe the Parallel Universes does not contain normal words like the earth, but it can contain the worlds like Heavens for Gods, Brahma worlds fro Brahamas, Ghost worlds for Ghosts and etc.)

      7.) I have explained how lines from 0 to 0.000 (∞) made the Universe. So the line might work like strings in the string thoery sometimes.
      (Updated (18-04-2019): Nothing is material, so there is nothing like a strings as well, but maybe there are invisible and virtual lines formed on a gap (distance) and connection between two dimensions.)

      (6th March 2019)
      8.) "Nothing required to start directions. There are 6 directions everywhere"

      You can find those things from my blog:

      Some Muslims copy explanations about Dimensions, Dark Matter, Black Holes, String Theory, Parallel Universes and Mulitiverse from webistes and try to connect those things to Quran with fabrications.

      Eg: Some Muslim websites try to use this verse in Quran to explain a Black Hole.
      "I do SWEAR by the receding stars" (Quran 81/15-16)
      They try to change the meaning of the "receding stars" into a Black Holes.

      And some other website try to use the same verse to mension Dark Matter. They try to say that the "receding stars" menstioned in Quran are Dark Matter which contain invisible stars from a parallel Universe.

      But the Actual meaning of the "receding stars" sounds like that the "stars are going down" at night as same as the Sun going down in the evening, because 1400 years ago they didn't know about Black Holes and Dark Matter to SWEAR about it. Muslims change their own translations of the Quran to cheat people. In those websites they converted the word "receding" into "invisible", but we can't find the word "invisible" in any translation of that verse (Quran 81/15-16) of Quran.

      It is clear that Muslim make fabrications using some irrelevent and very small verses in Quran.
      The Universe Came From Nothing (0) And Infinity (∞) - Discovered by Suresh
      The Universe Came From Nothing (0) And Infinity (∞) - Discovered…
      The Universe Came From Nothing (0) And Infinity (∞) - Discovered by Suresh

    • Suresh Fxtrader Wanayalae Thamzeeth Ismail , STARS are located at NEAREST HEAVEN, but MOON above it. at the middle of seven Heavens. Ha ha. Can't you see the scientific error in Quran. 

      Major scientific errors in Quran:

      1.) "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch," - Verse (18:47)
      Error: The Earth is Flat.
      But even if we remove all the mountains, the earth will not be flat. We can find the same errors in the Bibles too:

      "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. [Chronicles 16:30]
      "the Lord set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [Psalm 104:5]

      2.) Quran 18: 86 "Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it going down into a muddy spring…"
      "the sun remains prostrated under Allah’s Aro’sh and waits for Allah’s command for rising again in the East." [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421]

      The same error in Hebrew Bible:
      "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place. [Ecclesiastes 1:5])
    Suresh Madusanka:

    500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks wrote Buddhist Tipitaka in the Pali language around 100 BCE. Flat earth in Islam :
    "Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the SUN, he found it GOING DOWN into a MUDDY SPRING…" (Quran 18:86)

    "And the sun runs [on course] toward its STOPPING POINT." [Quran 36: 38])
    (Then Prophet (SA) replied, “After setting, the SUN REMAINS PROSTRATED under Allah’s Aro’sh and waits for Allah’s command for RISING AGAIN in the East. Day will come when SUN WILL NOT get permission to RISE AGAIN ..” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421]).
    "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the EARTH as a LEVEL STRETCH," - Verse (18:47)
    'He flattened it (earth).' (Quran 79:30)
    By the sun and its brightness, And [by] the MOON when it FOLLOWS IT" Al-Quran 91:1-2.
    "Who has made the earth as a FIXED ABODE, and has PLACED RIVERS in its midst" - (27:61)
    "Who has made the earth your COUCH, and the heavens your dome; and sent down RAIN FROM THE HEAVENS; [Qur'an 2:22]"
    "Indeed, We have ADORNED the NEAREST HEAVEN with an ADORNMENT of STARS" (Quran 37:6) (*"made the MOON a light in their MIDST" - Quran 71/15-16 (MIDST in SEVEN HEAVENS!))

    Shape Of The Earth, Solar Systems, Black Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism:

     A category about central philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism called 'Upanishads' were made using Veda, after the time of the Buddha. These Hindu Books were written after the time of the Buddha (Buddha lived within 6th century BCE): 
    Vishnu Purana (1st millennium BCE to early 2nd-millennium CE. actual author(s) and date of its composition are unknown and contested. Some proposed 400-300 BCE. Vishnu Purana, like all major Puranas, attributes its author to be Vyasa.)
    Mahābhārata (not much older than around 400 BCE, and the text probably reached its final form in 4th century CE) written by Vyasa
    Bhagavad Gita may have been composed in or after the 3rd-century BCE (3 centuries after the Buddha)
    Valmiki's Ramayana (500 BCE to 100 BCE)

    The Verdant Christian:

    nice wikipedia search 
    क्या UNESCO में 4000 साल पुराना वेद के MANUSCRIPT हैं Does UNESCO has 4000 Year Old Vedas Manuscript

    Suresh Madusanka:

    @The Verdant Christian ,  The Old Testament is the first part of Christian Bibles, based primarily upon the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh). And the Hebrew Bible were also wrttern after the time of the Buddha, because the Hebrew writing was thought to stretch back no further than 6th century B.C., (Buddha lived 6th century BC). Hebrew writings don't have a history before 6th century BC, so the Hebrew Bible may have writtern few centuries later. 

    500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks wrote Buddhist Tipitaka in the Pali language around 100 BCE. 

    Vishnu Purana (1st millennium BCE to early 2nd-millennium CE. actual author(s) and date of its composition are unknown and contested. Some proposed 400-300 BCE. Vishnu Purana, like all major Puranas, attributes its author to be Vyasa.)
    Mahābhārata (not much older than around 400 BCE, and the text probably reached its final form in 4th century CE) written by Vyasa
    Bhagavad Gita may have been composed in or after the 3rd-century BCE (3 centuries after the Buddha)
    Valmiki's Ramayana (500 BCE to 100 BCE)

    The Verdant Christian:

    good. but Hebrew writings were found long before 6th Century before Buddha. We have David's evidence of 1000 BC. क्या हिन्दू धर्म के पवित्र ग्रन्थ बाइबिल से पुराना है? Christianity Vs Hinduism Fully Exposed

    Suresh Madusanka:

    @The Verdant Christian ,  However, the Hebrew Bible is not older than 6th century BCE.
    According to Louis Ginzberg's Legends of the Jews, the twenty-four book canon of the Hebrew Bible was fixed by Ezra and the scribes in the Second Temple period. [The Second Temple period in Jewish history lasted between 516 BCE and 70 CE,[1] when the Second Temple of Jerusalem existed.]

    According to the Talmud, much of the Tanakh was compiled by the men of the Great Assembly (Anshei K'nesset HaGedolah), a task completed in 450 BCE, and it has remained unchanged ever since.

    Suresh Madusanka:

    @The Verdant Christian , The Hebrew bible doesn't make Christian Bible older than Hindu or Buddhist books. Hebrew bible and other abrahamic religions made the earth flat: 
    A Challenge to Every Muslim

    Shape Of The Earth, Solar Systems, Black Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism:

    The Verdant Christian:

    then show me the Book of Buddha of 6th Century BCE. your buddha is a later monk/beggar who eat when other worked and gave him food....hahaha...क्या हिन्दू धर्म के पवित्र ग्रन्थ बाइबिल से पुराना है? Christianity Vs Hinduism Fully Exposed

    Suresh Madusanka:

    ​@The Verdant Christian , Buddhist Tipitaka is older than Christian bible. It was written 100 BCE. And the Buddhist Tipitaka was prepared 3 months after the death of the Buddha. They chanted it to remember it. So the Buddhist Tipitaka is older than 5th Century BCE. Maybe the story of moses is an old story, but they wrote it after the birth of Buddha. Hebrew Bible made Judaism, but Judaism is not a major religion, and Judaism is not a good religion. And the God in Hebrew bible was not good too. If you are a Christian then you can't use Hebrew Bible to give a History to Christianity and Islam.
    However, If you believe those books you should believe that the earth is flat.
    Flat earth in Islam:


    What Japanese Think of Religions (Interview):

    Norman Milroy (Suresh Madusanka):

    Atoms, Solar Systems, Black Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism: 
    "As for the smaller measurements, there are seven dust motes in a mote of airborne dust, seven motes of airborne dust in a rabbit hair, seven rabbit hairs in a sheep hair, seven sheep hairs in a cow hair, seven cow hairs in a gnat, seven gnats in a louse egg, seven lice eggs in a mustard seed, seven mustard seeds in a barley grain, and seven barley grains in a fingertip. Thus, there are nearly two billion dust motes in a fingertip."
    (Buddhist Sutta: The Lankavatara Sutra: Page 56 to 57)

    The Shape Of The Earth In Buddhism:
    Flat earth in Islam:

    Flat earth in Bible (including Hebrew Bible):

    "Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819)

    (*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole)

    According to Buddhism "There are 3 Habitable World Systems around a WORLD INTERVAL (Black Hole)". But there can be more Solar Systems around a Black Hole (inside a Galaxy) which are not habitabe. "A thousandfold minor world system (Galaxy) can have around 1000 habitable World Systems" too.


    Just shut up. It doesn't even make any sense. That doesn't make it right. There is no higher power in buddhism thats why you can tell us as much as you want about scientific "miracles" and it wouldn't change anything. Where would someone get his knowledge from?

    Norman Milroy (Suresh Madusanka):

    ​@Siemensbot , What is the source of God? 😂😂 I know your answer. Your man made 'definition of God' is your source of your God. 😂😂
    Infinity And Directions Can Make Dimensions Called The Universe. So You Don't Need A Creator God.

    Dark Matter just use a different dimension, as same as a Block Hole. But the dimensions of the Black Holes and Dark Marter are different. Ordinary matter use a different dimension, and Dark Energy use a different dimension too. Everything is moving towards the forth dimension which we call the time. The interaction between main three dimensions and the 'time dimension' is called the energy. - Suresh. I have explained how dimensions can make those different types of forms:
    Something can come from nothing and infinity of directions. Watch this video completely to learn how it is possible Mathematically:

    The Universe is not only nothing, but also infinite. Nothing and ( x ) infinity create ( = )  forms of +emptiness and -emptiness in between, and the infinity continue that process at the edge of the emptiness (distance) too. 'Nothing' becomes' +Emptiness and -Emptiness when 'Infinity of the 6 directions ((+0-0)6 or (+0.0-0.0)3)' overlap with each other making 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions which make Time and Distance. And the Universe always has 6 directions (Up,Down,Left,Right,Front,Back) with those nothingness and infinity. Big Bangs and Dark Energy restart and increase the capacity of the Universe (*mathematically: +0-0 to +1,-1 and +0.001,-0.001). If the edge of the Universe is expanding, then we can understand that the edge of the Universe can make space or energy from nothing and infinity (mathematically). We already discovered that an energy called Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come from nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe. Dark energy is not static. So the speed of the acceleration of the galaxies will cause to collapse the forms like Galaxies, Dark Matter, Atoms and etc. And then it can cause to make a Big Bang again.
    Mathematically: (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3
    (+1-(-1))3 made space, galaxies, atoms and etc.
    (+0.0-0.0)3 is making space or energy at the edge of the Universe.
    Does A Creator God Exist? - Answered:

    Don't try to make a God from nothing. If you think humans or someone else made mathematics, then you are not intelligent enough to continue this discussion.


    @Norman Milroy First of all I don't waste my time reading so long texts. Why should I even care if Buddhism is the truth or not. It doesn't give me any disadvantages. It can't be the truth. Why should the truth be only in asia? Doesn't make any sense. The believe in God is everywhere on this planet.

    Norman Milroy (Suresh Madusanka):

    ​@Siemensbot , If you are sure about your afterlife, then maybe you don't need Buddhism. But now Rebirth is a scientific fact: So if you want to  stop rebirth you should practice this: Satipatthana Sutta read by Sally Clough (English) Buddhism was a world religion:  Afghanistan-Pre-Islamic Era: And still Buddhism is the OLDEST well organised (established) major religion on the earth. Other major religions organised (established) later with new books.

    Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
    Joseph was a relative of Jesus; specifically, Mary's uncle
    Yuz Asaf (meaning “Leader of the Healed”/"Son of Joseph")

    Islam rejects Jesus was son of God,
    Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
    Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary
    Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

    • Willy Berger Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs yea yea, that is a very misleading title. The word academic is the misleading part. One university clinic in the UK did a test on out of body experiences in operation rooms. People who had that experience were questionned about their experience. Most said they were hovering near the top of the room looking down on themselves undrr narcoses, minutely describing the OR room and the staff in it in great detail. All very credible, except for the fact that all of them missed the fact that all the cupboards in the Or were strewn with £50,- notes. Not a single out of bodier had noticed them while hovering yet they had picked up on the smallest details of evryrhing that was within eysight from a standing or laying down person's perspective. But keep it up, your comedy is definitely improving.
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Willy Berger Only one research is not enough. There are more evidence from many places. First of all check the links: Fifty Years of Research at UVA:
      Near-Death Experiences – Academic Publications:
      Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA
      Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA
      Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA

    • Willy Berger The mind resides in the brain, it cannot be separated, when the brain dies your conciense dies, you're toast. (You guessed it, like all sane people I am what philisophers call a strict monist). Of course reincarnation is a scientific fact when you die your body deconposes and the molecules wich were you become, with any luck part if the food chain and thus (part of( other life forms. There's your reincarnation. Perfectly scientifically underpinned. But the spirit... Come on, grow up. (Or keep piecing together your material, you're doing great so far.
    • Willy Berger Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs there is no evudence what's however that withstands scientific scrutiny, only gobbledygook from believers who look for clues to support that what they already believe and dismiss all else. From looking at the facts all existing evidence is following here in an unabbreviated form so you can study it at lenght. Ready ? Here it comes : " " That was it. Fascinating indeed, wouldn't you agree ?
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Willy Berger , Don't repeat what your mind says. Just look at the evidence first. I know science too. There are 6 types of consciousness (eye, ear , nose, tongue, body and mind). And the mind consciousness can survive after the death, because according to Quantum Physics our body is almost empty, and if we zoom in our body you can't even see our body. But our consciousness can use those empty space to continue without a problem. So can't you understand that when we die there is not a big thing for a consciousness to travel in empty space (as mind consciousness) untill it reaches another body to make the other 5 consciousnesses (eye, ear , nose, tongue, body). If you can't understand the scale of space, it is difficult to explain it to you. Don't think that the body is not empty, because it is almost empty as same as the empty space. So the mind can easily survive in the empty space too. The only difference is that when the mind consciousnesses go to the empty space it uses a larger empty space to continue the 5 steps of the process of the mind.

      According to Buddhism there are '5 Aggregates Of Clinging' which cause to continue the mind:

      i.) Matter or Form (rupa)
      ii.) Sensation or Feeling (vedana)
      iii.) Perception and/or cognition (sanna)
      iv.) Volition or Mental Formation (sankara)
      v.) Consciousness/mind (Vinnana)

      It started from Matter or Form (rupa) and ended with Consciousness/mind (Vinnana), but the Consciousness/mind (Vinnana) rearranges the Matter or Form (rupa) as a cyclic process which cause to continue the Consciousness/mind (Vinnana).
      Those five Aggregates made something like a soul, but it is not a permanent soul or a self, and it is just a process, which survives after the death too.
      According to Buddhism when we are too much attached to those five aggregates, then those five aggregates can use quantum particles like heat and etc to continue that process until it goes to a new body.
    • Willy Berger the six types of conciesness is gobbledygook, not science, smell, hearing sight and taste are senses. You forgot touch. Body and mind are the same. I told you I was a monist. If you know science you know that is a scientifically acceptable way of looking at things, not just scientifically acceptable but the most probable way to wich all scientific evidence points. So again, great material, you keep going like this you have a show together by the end of the week. Now according to budhism., or according to the fable of lafontaine. These things came about before empirical science was practiced and people were guessing, Some guesses were rather good, others were complete popycock. To cling to them now that we have a scientific, evidence based way of looking at things and going where the evidence leads us (and that is neither to Budhism nor to Catholicism or other made up religion. How can you tell a religion is made up ? Simple, if it's a religion. Same as how can you tell a house is haunted ? Simple, it isn't, that last one is from Jimmy Carr, it was on tv already, don't use that one in your show, you'll be called out. But you are doing great so far. (on the path to a carreer in comedy, as far as arguing your case for gobledeegook, not so great I'm afraid.).
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Willy Berger Body Consciousness is the touch Consciousness. I didn't say that the Six types of Consciousness are science. That is Buddhism. The mind required 5 things to continue, but it is not just the body of a normal living being. Sometimes the mind can survive in a large area of empty space without using a body. So if you can't understand it I don't like to argue more about it with you. You are stupid. You just try to attack me from the words. I said that I know science and I can understand whether the Reincarnation Research Team of University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine was talking about science or not. They know science better than you, and they talk with evidence too. I know it is difficult to explain it to a stupid person like you who didn't even try to study those things before trying to reply me with opinions. Your knowledge about science is weak. Our experience is science too. I know that scientists can't explain how the mind can go out from the body, but Near-Death Experiences proved that it happens.
      I don't like to waste my time with a stupid person like you who think that highly educated people in christian countries are stupid because they want to prove the existence of the life after death to support Buddhism. 😂😂😂

      I'll not continue with argument. If you want to stop the rebirth just practice this:
      1.) Satipatthana Sutta read by Sally Clough (English) -
      2.) Reading maha satipatthana sutta english translation (VRI)
      3.) Satipatthana Sutta part 1 to 46 - The direct path to liberation by Joseph Goldstein (English)
      Listen to this Vipassana Meditation:
      Sutta Readings
      Sutta Readings
      Sutta Readings

    • Willy Berger You lost me after the second line, my bullshit detector went of so loudly I had to stop reading. Sorry.
      • Haha
      • Reply
      • 3m
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Willy Berger , You didn't watch the evidents too. You are so stupid, because you always ignored the important things.
    What Japanese Girls Think of Christianity and Dating Christians (Interview):

    Joshua Johnston:
    @Norman Milroy There have been many man made gods and versions of God made to fit man's standards, but the God of the Bible is the absolute least likely to be man made. He is the only deity to have a clear, moral law for men to follow. Furthermore, God's law and standard often is opposite of what men actually desire to do. When men create gods, they are often arbitrary or have no moral law. Why great a fake deity and the force yourself to meet its standard, even though it's not what you naturally want? Makes no sense. The writers of the Bible as well were convinced that God was real, and feared and obeyed Him. They didn't design him. It should be clear as day, studying history and the human condition, that men didn't design this God.

    Also, the flat earth thing is crap, and the Bible doesn't say anything about the earth being flat. It's only dumbasses that misinterpret words like "corners of the earth" who think it says that.

    Norman Milroy (Suresh Madusanka):
    @Joshua Johnston , Do you know that Infinity And Directions Can Make Dimensions Called The Universe. So You Don't Need A Creator God.

    Does A Creator God Exist? - Answered:

    Don't try to make a God from nothing. If you think humans or someone else made mathematics, then you are not intelligent enough.

    Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

    Someone gave a drink to jesus before he die (maybe to make him look like dead.). Usually people take a long time to die on a Cross, But the Jesus (a powerful person) died in 6 or 9 hours. So it is funny. Joseph of Arimathea arranged a special place to keep the dead body of jesus. It seems that Jesus didn't die on the cross. Because Jesus appeared to many people around 200 to 500 times while he was leaving the Israel. You can't find any detail about Jesus from the age 13 to 30. So maybe he travelled to asia, and then he could practice meditation as a Buddhist monk, which gave him some supernatural powers. However, the other proofs showed that he returned to Kashmir (Yuz Asaf (meaning “Leader of the Healed”/"Son of Joseph") So learn about it more.
    Joseph was a relative of Jesus; specifically, Mary's uncle

    Joshua Johnston:
    @Norman Milroy You try to come off as scientific, but insist on speculation over the accounts we have. Nowhere has anyone said Jesus went to Asia or became a Buddhist. The idea is preposterous and has no evidence. He taught from the Torah. 

    You come off like someone who hasn't even read the gospels. You claim it would have taken longer for him to die. False. It takes 5-20 hrs to die on a cross, and 9 hrs lies in between that. You fail to recall that Jesus was scourged brutally, having been given a beating that would kill some men. This was BEFORE he went to the cross. You come up with some wacky speculation about someone giving some elixir to him that makes him appear dead. Don't you realize it was a Roman soldier who gave him the vinegar to drink? What reason would a Roman soldier have to fake his death? Furthermore you fail to recall the accounts that Jesus was skewered through the side with a spear,  to make sure he was dead. The accounts are clear that He died, yet you don't want to believe the accounts, instead you'd rather rely on speculation. I'm a man of reason and science, so I'll take the accounts over some hair brained speculations. 

    You've got the universe all figured out havent you? A universe that just created itself for no rhyme or reason. Doesn't explain morals, doesn't explain meaning, and who knows, maybe you believe that there are no objective morals or meaning. Of course that's what  you should believe, to be intellectually honest....but your whole post is anything but intellectually honest.

    Norman Milroy (Suresh Madusanka):
    ​@Joshua Johnston , Romans almost didn't want to kill Jesus, but some Jews wanted to kill Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea was a rich man, and maybe he tried to protect jesus with the help of the Romans. I was a Roman Catholic, so I know about the Bible. However, watch the  BBC documentry to know about the evidence they have about the life of the Jesus. However, I don't like to waste your time, because Christianity is not a big problem to the world. But Islam use a name of a God to destroy human rights and etc.
    I could figure out about the existence of the Universe mathematically. It just increases the capacity of it with the cyclic process caused by directions and infinity. There are suffering in this Universe than Happiness (Most animals/ hell beings suffer a lot.), and the Universe don't care about it. I don't have time to explain more about it to you. 
    "Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe", because real mathematics can show that (+0.0-0.0)3 is able to create +0.001 and -0.001, as well as (+0-0)2 is able to create +1 and -1. But our common knowledge about mathematics don't help us to make that calculation, because if we use a normal calculator to multiply 0 from a 0 then the result it shows is 0 ( wrong mathematics: 0x0 = 0), but in the reality if we multiply 0 from a 0 (mathematically: 0x0), then the result should be 0.0 (mathematically: 0x0 = 0.0). There is a big difference between 0 and 0.0 (Null). Real mathematics can show how forms can come from nothing (without a distance (0 distance = +0-0)) and from the infinity of the 6 directions.

    Morality is very simple:
    1.) Treat others as you want them to treat you.
    2.) Try not to harm yourself, try not to harm others.

    According to causes and effects, harming others can harm yourself too, because your bad actions can give bad results to you too. It is a science of the body and mind.
    Not only materials follow the rule called causes and effects, but also our mind follows it too. So if something survives after the death, then our Karma (action) of the mind will react to it.
    Rebirth is the problem. Buddhism is the solution.
    Is There Life after Death? Fifty Years of Research at UVA:
    Near-Death Experiences – Academic Publications:

    Proofs of existance of the afterlife:

    Agnostic Muslim asks Zakir Naik "Isn't religion used to control people?":

    Pin Apple:
    even if god exists, he isn't worthy of being worshipped

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @Pin Apple Yes. That so-called God can't be better than the Universe, because the cyclic process of the Universe let us start again from the beginning if we were wrong, but that so-called God send some people to an eternal hell.

    Pin Apple:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege any proof of ur claims sir?? really any proof at all... apart frm religious books???uk...i can't expect u to believe in a green blob in d room juss bcoz i want u to....give lectures on God only if u hv any claims supporting it

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @Pin Apple I didn't say that a creator God exists. I'm a Buddhist atheist. I meant IF there is a creator God, he is not a Good God, because he send people to an eternal hell.

    Timothy Mostad:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege 
    Theists can't or refuse to understand that uninformed people created the gods.

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @Timothy Mostad , Maybe most of them don't understand it. But when they find an alternative knowledge, then some of them can understand it.

    Timothy Mostad:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege 
    To be an antiquated fictional fantasy after reading the whole book, cover to cover.
    Muslims are like other cults, never read/understand while they are telling other people it is true, and take other person's word for it instead of finding out for themselves.

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @Timothy Mostad , Yes. And Muslims can't Question Islam publicly without risking his/her life. Why I Don't Debate Muslim Apologists - Apostate Prophet

    JDR 353:
    Great video sameer..👍👍
    Islam and Allah is indeed sexual excuse for one man Muhammad 🙄💩

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    Read the old testament first. Than all those abrahamic faiths collapse.

    JDR 353:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP 
    Read Genesis 19 
    And Quran 54 : 34
    You will know 
    Which is truth when you see todays Sodom and gomorrah.....🤪👍

    Hasanul S:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP OT doesn't support pedophilia, war or sexual perversion. Indeed those who were sexually perverted were punished by the Lord.

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @JDR 353 today sodom and gomora? Learn your history.

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @Hasanul S

    JDR 353:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP 
    Hey go and see for Sodom and gomorrah filled with brimstone and sulphur 
    Not storm of stones 
    Since Allah doesn't even know what's in Sodom and gomorrah....🤪🤪

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @JDR 353

    JDR 353:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege 
    Lord Jesus Christ said 
    Matthew 16 : 23
    Get behind me satan for you dont have any eternal concerns but merely Himan concerns...
    Stupid boy ....
    Dont Mock yourself

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @Suresh Wanayalaege Are you Buddhist? Budhism makes more scence than Christianity

    fish you:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP buddhism makes sense???u need a doctor 😂😂

    JOJO FreelancerKUP:
    @fish you It makes much more sence than a god who sacrafices himself for himself to save humanity from himself. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    @fish you  Buddhism makes 10000 times sense than Abrahamic religions

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP , Thank you.

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @JOJO FreelancerKUP , Yes, I'm a Buddhist. I converted from Roman Catholic when I was around 11 years old.

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    @fish you , This is the most important thing you should know in Buddhism: Satipatthana Sutta (shortly) 
    Satipatthana sutta (Fully)

    Suresh Wanayalaege:
    ​@JDR 353 , I know that the so-called creator God is dangerous. He tells us to accept him or burn in hell forever. He is just like a leader of a Mafia gang. If you want to go to heaven then you should practice your mind to do it. Believing heaven and heavenly beings is a part of Buddhist practice too. Maybe believing a heavenly creator God can help you to go to heaven too, but not because there is a creator God, but because your mind want to go to heaven. So try to understand that you should think about your mind, than you think about an unknown god who changed his religion from time to time (from Hinduism to Judaism to Christianity to Islam). You can't trust that creator God, because you don't know his current religion. You creator God is changing his mind, so maybe he will send Christians to the Islamic hell, or maybe he will send Muslims to the Christian hell. 😂😂 So it is difficult to trust that creator God. I guess you came here to support ex-Muslims to save the world from the terrorism of Islam, so you should understand that Islam is using a name of a God (Allah) to do bad things. So if believing a God is enough, then those terrorists will go to heaven too. But that is the reason why they need a God. They do bad things against their heart (mind), but they want a God to get forgiveness. Maybe, that is a good practice to the mind to help you to go to heaven, but I think if you can do good things than bad things then that will be a better practice to help you to go to heaven. Because you must do good things to go to heaven. Think like a heavenly being, And you must understand your mind and body to control you mind. Buddhism helps us to understand our mind and body: Satipatthana Sutta

    Satipatthana Sutta part 1 to 46 - The direct path to liberation by Joseph Goldstein (English)

    • Richard Kloster God has always existed, and that's why you and i exist,
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Richard Kloster , You think that a God always existed, but I'm asking that If there was not a creator God at the very beginning of the universe, then can you describe what the conditions were at the very beginning of the universe?

      Imagine if there was not a creator God,
      I guess, your answer: The Universe = 'Nothing'.

      My Answer:
      The Universe =
      1.) Nothing
      2.) Infinity
      3.) 6 Directions (0 Distance = +0-0, and 6 Directions = (+0-0)6)

      But now the Universe =
      1.) From Nothing to +Empty -Empty at the edge of the Universe.
      2.) On the way to infinity
      3.) Making 6 directions on the way to infinity.

      • Richard Kloster There was no matter, there was spirit.
      • Mahender Kumar Watch this video for detail too
        Vedic Tour of our Universe and Beyond
        Vedic Tour of our Universe and Beyond
        Vedic Tour of our Universe and Beyond

      • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Richard Kloster , No Matter. Ok. I think you are not intelligent enough. You couldn't even understand my question. What is spirit? can you explain (describe) it? I'm asking you to imagine that there were not a creator God. I guess you are not intelligent enough to describe the very beginning or before the beginning of the universe without using a creator God. First of all you should find out if there was not a creator God, then whether the Universe should be just 'Nothing' or not. Usually God believers say that an Universe can't come from nothing. They mean that if there were not a creator God then the Universe should be 'Nothing'.

        I guess you are not intelligent enough to continue this discussion. And I don't like to have long conversations with stupid people. Sorry about that. 🙂

    • Shashini Malsha Fine tuned universe concept ?
      Everything was created just like someone planned these all. 🤔🤔
      (I'm not believe gods 😊......but don't you think all of these things are perfectly situated ? )
    • Suresh Ranrahas Forexsigs Shashini Malsha , Who fine tuned the God?
      Can't you see that our world is just one Good planet from many bad planets? So why other planets and suns are not tuned well? Can't you see the probability of the Universe?

      And the laws of the Universe are simple than a complex creator God, so don't you think that it is easy to accept the simple laws of the Universe than accepting a creator God. Don't you think that the concept of a creator God destroy the rules of science?

      The Universe is a growth of dimensions. And Always there is a balance between dimensions. So that is why there are many posibilities in the Universe including few fine tuned planets.

      Everything is moving towards the forth dimension which we call the time. The interaction between main three dimensions and the 'time dimension' is called the energy.

      Don't you understand that a God can't come from nothing? But can't you understand that infinity of 6 directions can make 3 to 4 dimensions called the Universe. Can't you understand that the Universe made 'movements' called the 'time' when the 4th dimension unstabled the 3 stable dimensions of the Universe, which created waves of space to balance 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions. Watch this video completely to learn how it is possible Mathematically:

      Imagine the start of the Universe. The Universe didn't have a distance to any direction. But the most important thing is that we don't need a distance to show directions, because the 6 directions doesn't require any existence. We usually show directions with a distance like this (If distance from my school to my house = 1Km, then Distance = 1Km and Direction = my school to my house direction): 1km-0km = 1km. But we can show the 6 directions like this too: +0-0 left, +0-0 right, +0-0 up, +0-0 down, +0-0 front, +0-0 back. So we can calculate the thinkness of the Universe like this: (+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0)x(+0-0) = (+0-0)6

      What if +0-0 can make +0.0-0.0 and +1-1? Then it should be the start of something (distance and dimensions) of the Universe.

      Do you know about this mathematical formula:
      (a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2 (
      What if the a= +0 and b= -0:
      (+0-0)2 = 02 - (+1-(-1)) x 0 x 0 + 02

      (+0-0)6 = (+0-0)2 x (+0-0)2 x (+0-0)2 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

      (+1-(-1))3 =
      (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
      - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

      The birth of 3 dimensions:
      i. (+1)3
      ii. (-1)2 x (+1)
      iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)
      iv. (-1)3

      The birth of 4 dimensions:
      i. (+1)3 x (-1)
      ii. ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
      iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)2
      iv. ((-1)3 x (+1))

      'Quantum entanglement' (‘Spooky action’ builds a wormhole between ‘entangled’ particles) proved the instant connection between dimensions by changing the directions of the 'particles' (dimensional forms of space) at any distance without taking a time. So it proved the interaction between dimensions are faster than the speed of light. And the speed of light is just a final result from an interaction of dimensions. So we can use the speed of light and other constants of the Universe to find the mathematical connection with the start of the Universe to make the mathematical formula of the Universe to understand 'The Theory Of Everything'.
      Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'When you see a building, you know it had a builder. you see a painting, you know it had a painter. you know universe, you a maker. IMPOSSIBLE SOME- THING TO JUST COME FROM NOTHING! A builder takes existing material such as and concrete and re-arranges them to make a building. painter existing material as canvas re- arranges them to make a painting. What existing materials did God to universe? mean he made -Fthe out nothing? Didn't just say it's impossible for something to come from nothing?'

    Suresh Madusanka:

    Quantum mechanics are mathematics too. Thank you Dr. Don Lincoln for this highly interesting video.
    I think we can explain the birth of Matter and Antimatter mathematically.

    We can write gaps of 3 directions like this to calculate a solid object: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) 
    And we can write the gaps of all the 6 directions like 2 objects like this: (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  
    If you calculte those 6 virtual gaps in the Universe mathematically then you will see how the Universe make +1 distance and and -1 distance with +0.0 and -0.0.

    I just show the distance like this: +0-0 because it can show a direction without using a distance. I have mentioned a gap between +0 and -0, but that gap doesn't really exist, because there no distance between it. All the 6 directions can have that +0 and -0 gaps without gaps in beginning, which just represents a direction only. But we can use those gaps to calculate 2 solid objects with three dimensions. A gap between left and right direction (+0-0) and the gap between up and down direction (+0-0) and the gap between front and back direction can make an object (like a cube). So same like that the Universe can make two objects (Matter and Antimatter) using the 6 gaps of the 6 directions, but we can calculate it mathematically to find whether it can make a distance inside those objects or not.  And those two objects should be the first two solid objects in the Universe. We can calculate it same like we calculate a solid cube. But because we converted 0 into +0-0 to show directions, we can't use 0 to calculate it, so those 2 objects can have a different shape (rounded shape). 
    (+0-0)3 x (+0-0)3 = Matter x Antimatter
    (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0) x (+0-0)  =  (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3

    (+1-(-1))3 =
    (+1)3 - ((+1)3 x (-1) - ((-1)2 x (+1)2)) + (-1)2 x (+1)
    - ((+1)2 x (-1) - ((+1)2 x (-1)2 - ((-1)3 x (+1))) + (-1)3)

    The birth of 3 dimensions:
    i. (+1)3
    ii. (-1)2 x (+1)
    iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)
    iv. (-1)3
    The birth of 4 dimensions:
    i. (+1)3 x (-1)
    ii. ((-1)2 x (+1)2)
    iii. ((+1)2 x (-1)2
    iv. ((-1)3 x (+1))

    (+1-(-1))3 made those 8 dimensional forms of space with a nature of Matter and Antimatter which can cause to convert those 8 dimensional forms of space into 16 quantum dimensional forms of space like Quarks, forces and etc.

    According to Buddhism there are 8 quantum forms (smallest forms in empty space) called 'Shuddhastaka' (I guess, Shuddha = Pure, Astaka = Eight. So Shuddhastaka = Pure Eight) which made Atoms and etc. So it is also sounds like as same as those 8 dimensional forms of space I mentioned above. 8 Quantum Dimensional Forms Of Empty Space = Four 3D Forms + Four 4D Forms.

    - W. Suresh Madusana

    The Universe doesn't require a creator God. Humans created the concept of God. Everything in the Universe Is Made of Mathematics, but we just see it as a physical phenomenon. The speed of light and other constants of the Universe are just few final results which came from that mathematical calculations of the Universe. The source of Physics is pure mathematical. Real Mathematics are the creator of the Universe, and it is continuing the cyclic process of the Universe. Eg: "You can show me a Apple (1 Apple), but you don't know how to show me a minus Apple (-1 Apple) mathematically." Real mathematics are based on Directions and Dimensions. There are 6 directions, which can create upto 6 dimensions, but we are just using 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions. 3 Dimensions are just space, and the 4th dimension becomes the time, but if there is a mathematical posibility to exist 3 Dimensions for space and 2 dimensions for time (Total 5 dimensions realm) then there will be many other types of living beings (heavenly beings). And if there is a mathematical posibility to exist 3 Dimensions for space and 3 dimensions for time (Total 6 dimensions realm) then there will be many other types of living beings (brahma beings). And if there were a mathematical posibility to exist only 3 dimensions (without a dimension for time) in the Universe then the life could not exist. And if there is a Apple (1 Apple) in that Universe then it must create a minus Apple (-1 Apple) in the opposite 3 dimensions of the Universe (Anti Universe) in order to balance the 6 dimensions which is based on the 6 directions of the Universe. But the Mathematics of the Universe just created 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions, so we can't expect to form a minus Apple (-1 Apple) in any other dimension of the Universe, because it requires minimum extra 3 more dimensions, but our Universe already used 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions, so there are only 2 more unknown dimensions left from the 6 main dimensions of the Universe.

    - Suresh

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