* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
Dependent Origination - Physics in Buddhism - The knowledge (Gnāna) about the mind and matter - Page 3
The standard model of cosmology presents a rather dismal picture of the future of the universe with dark energy and accelerated expansion leading to a cold death with no stars. The results of the JWST will be able to show the spectrum of light from the distant galaxies and cosmologists confidently predict that there will only be hydrogen and helium. When the results show that these galaxies are much older than the universe we will have to look for a new model of the evolution of the universe.
The key to understanding the evolution of the universe is to recognise that it is finite with a space boundary. When we think we are looking back to the beginning of time we are really looking out towards the observation horizon. The first galaxy formed around 126 billion years ago and the number of galaxies increases by a factor of 20 every 14 billion years.
In this model of the evolution of the universe the Cosmic Microwave Background is coming from radiating matter held at the event horizon of the universe. This has the effect of ensuring that all the matter formed within the event horizon stays within the event horizon. The expansion rate of the universe is constant. Renewal comes from galaxy mergers and dark matter provides neutrons for star formation.
This is a much more optimistic view of the future of the universe which can continue in a stable state for the indefinite future.
The absolute flow of time could make the relative reality relatively from point to point, and it could be the reality of the relative reality. A completely nothing universe is a thing even if it is infinitely nothing, and that nothingness could increase with time from point to point continuously because nothingness is not a constant with a permanent location. Also, the flow of absolute time is something fundamental that could continue and make relative points of nothingness (negative and positive emptiness). Therefore, relative time could emerge from relative interactions between points of absolute time. If the smallest unit of matter is a zone like the smallest matter zone mentioned in Buddhism, then it would contain another smallest time smaller than the Planck time. And if the Planck volume appears and disappears repeatedly, then it somewhat prevents or reduces its further divisibility. And binary physics of reality is more fundamental than relatively emerged physics. The Planck constant is likely a fundamental constant. The physics of Dependant Origination:
But this binary physics theory shows that there are probably 32 different/parallel Planck constants. Most probably, Dark Matter contains a lot of hidden layers of reality. And likely, there is high-density space and dark/hidden matter (parallel matter) around massive objects. Also, the Buddha explained about habitable 31 planes of existence. So around 32 or 31 Planck constants could make those parallel worlds/planes.!
Nothingness could grow with the unstoppable time while becoming positive and negative emptinesses of time relative to each other. Time is a moment of spacetime. A moment is a point of existence. A point of time is relative to the 6 directions and dimensions, and they exist relatively. Each point with time is like a baby universe. And they could make the relative existence relative to the directions and dimensions. Time could grow the universe, making and continuing the points of unstoppable time. The meaning of time is a continuation. Prof. Einstein can't change it using his principles. Everything experiences time, but sometimes it is not very obvious. Time could be the creator of everything, and time can move everything. It is extremely logical. Time is not a clock. The entire universe is completely new at each moment if time is the fundamental limit at each point. And those new points of time could make and maintain the limits of constants because the points of time are always new and relational to each other. Time could exist before space, and that is why anything starts and continues. Infinity is infinite if it is not relative. Infinite nothingness could be the infinite negative time in the completely nothing universe. And that moment of nothingness could be both infinitely large and infinitely small because it could not be relative to anything. And then, time could continue to the positive time from point to point because a small point of nothingness doesn't have a permanent location if time continues. Therefore, it could increase with time from point to point. Completely nothingness is also a thing even if nothing existed in the nothingness in the earliest universe. And time is the thing that must flow in the universe. The universe was a thing even if it was completely nothing because it was the only thing that could experience time. It is a simple logic. Time continues inside the Planck volume. And time is a fundamental reality even if it is completely new at each moment.
The entire universe had a start. But it doesn't mean that it had an infinite density and it started to expand like a balloon. It could start from a point, and it could expand from point to point. Therefore, the edge of the entire universe would expand forever. The eternal growth of the universe could start an uncountable time ago. Most probably, we only observe some parts of cyclic continuations in the observable universe. Real mathematics starts from zero, but some theorists tried to say that the universe started with strange mathematics that instantly jumps from nothingness to a point with an infinitely huge density. And they don't explain any reason for the growth of space after the formation of the infinite density. There is no reason to think that Black Holes make space (Dark Energy) while becoming more massive. Most likely, some Black Holes accelerate the flow of space materials between galaxies because they would absorb space materials to become more massive. A balloon expands somewhat uniformly when air comes into it, and space comes in while it is expanding. But it doesn't make extra material space. The earliest growth of the universe and some interactions could make both space and matter. The observable universe is not the entire universe as the nearest galaxy is not the only galaxy. And some theories only relate to the frame of reference. High-density space materials could come from all around the universe into low-density regions of space, causing an expansion if quantum gravity supported it. Space materials would travel faster or slower or at the speed of light depending on their interactions with forces and because the speed of light and other elements depends on the density of space (medium) and their wave symmetry (mass distribution). Presumably, light (photons) and similar high-speed waves represent highly symmetric cancellations of opposite dimensions while becoming. So then, electrons would represent an amount of widely effective uncancelled dimensions on its asymmetric structure. Thus, gluons likely contain overly cancelable dimensional structures that cancel dimensions in other materials too.
However this conference paper is no more scientific than Greek, Norse, Roman, Egyptian, etc. mythology. There is a great distinction between science and non-science, so there is no possibility of the conference paper being scientific. The scientific method involves describing things that are measurable, repeatable, and observable. The domain of science and the scientific method is limited to the physical. The concepts expressed in the conference paper are not scientific by any measure. While many educated people have written much about many topics, and that is encapsulated in academia, very little of it is science, and much of it isn't even rational. Academia is open to fiction as well as non-fiction, and academia is open to philosophy which fits into the category of fiction. Academia embraces almost anything their customer base cares to put into words, from the insane vitriol of Marx and Lennin to the depravity of Mao's little book. Academia embraces all of this, unquestioningly peering over the mountains of corpses and destroyed lives. So while your conference paper has an academic tone, looking at grand topics, that has nothing whatever to do with science. What I still struggle with after years of interacting with people on ResearchGate is why the distinction between science and non-science is so difficult for so many people to understand. I can read and appreciate many things that have been written, such as computer programs, recipes, and operating manuals for example, but none of these examples, however well written and useful is science. While academia produces mostly irrational output, even the rational output is not science solely on the basis of being rational. Why is it that so many people have so much difficulty understanding what is within the domain of science and what is not? Why do so many people have such difficulty recognizing what is knowable and what is not knowable with science? Why even within the domain of science do so many people have such great difficulty recognizing the distinction between an idea, a conjecture, a hypothesis, a theory, and a proof? Considering all that you have written that I have read, I again recommend that you revisit these fundamentals. Grand ambitious efforts without correct fundamentals cannot be realized.
Preston Guynn, Scientists should know what Energy is. They can’t say that the expansion of the observable universe is made by the energy that makes space. The materials in space are not massless energy, and forces can change their location, and make high and low densities. General Relativity is only a geometric interpretation. The contraction of the observable universe could easily start soon after the moving materials in space reduce the speed of the expansion. Balloons expand somewhat uniformly even if air comes inside from only one side of them. Probably, space air comes between galaxies from everywhere, causing a similar expansion. The standard model of cosmology ignores that possibility while using an unbelievably infinite energy density without matter, blocking the Big Bounce model.
The space between galaxies is somehow expanding. But it doesn't mean that space is growing. High-density space could come from somewhere into low-density space if quantum gravity supported it. Space and material elements could exist before the Big Bang/Bounce. Also, time must exist before space, and that is why space starts and continues. The edge of the entire universe could continue growing the universe because of the relatedness between each new point at the edge. And that relatedness could make some constants relatively. General Relativity doesn't explain how mass makes gravity. Gravity could originate from an effect of some quantum particles that travel from high-density to low-density space. Some quantum forces could increase the density of space around a massive object. It means that space doesn't bend in reality, and only its density increases due to gravity. Elementary particles can't decide the actual time because quantum fields are more fundamental than them, and quantum fields obey the actual time flow. If quantum fields travel like waves, then they should travel faster than light to travel at the speed of light. Prof. Albert Einstein introduced energy in Kilograms. But in reality, energy doesn't have a mass, and only a mass produces energy. Also, light contains a type of mass because momentum contains mass. According to my theory, Prof. Albert Einstein was wrong, but a lot of people believe him. Experiments proved the existence of matter and antimatter particles in space called virtual particles or quantum foam/fluctuations. Massive objects could reduce the speed of particles around them because gravity could increase the density of space near those objects. It is not a bend. Theorists shouldn’t ignore quantum physics to prove General Relativity.
Yes it is quite difficult to be truly scientific when dealing with cosmology and fundamental physics.
With cosmology we can see back in time but when we see variations it is not clear whether this is a variation with time or with distance.
We are in a position where the James Webb Space Telescope is going to tell us that the Big Bang theory is wrong so we had better start looking for alternatives.
I think that with so much scientific effort having been put into the Big Bang and lambda CDM we should check the initial assumptions behind the theory.
One important assumption is that all matter formed at the beginning. This the Big Bang narrative about going back in time and everything becoming hotter and denser. The alternative is that galaxies formed progressively over time.
The second assumption is the cosmological principle which seems doubtful based on observations.
The third assumption is the cause of the CMB which is deemed to be the echo of the Big Bang. The whole idea of recombination is not verified in the lab. The explanation as to why the CMB appears with a look back time of 13.8 billion years when the Big Bang happened everywhere is not satisfactory.
This you could say is a scientific challenge to an established theory.
By rejecting these initial assumptions we are free to define new assumptions such as an evolution from a state comprising a spherical region of empty space with a space boundary.
Having constructed such a new model we are then free to examine how well it matches observations. Does it explain galaxy formation and distribution? Does it explain dark matter and dark energy? Does it conform to the law of conservation of energy?
I think this is the best approach that we can manage scientifically, given the constraints.
I will talk about GR and energy in a separate post.
Suresh Wanayalaege When we think of mass and Space curvature there is clearly a close relationship. It all comes down to understanding the nature of the medium of space.
Light is a wave in this medium and electrons, protons and neutrons are looped waves in this medium.
The energy associated with these matter particles is in the form of the expansion and compression of the medium of space.
Since these matter particles are space curvature, they curve the space around them.
Richard Lewis, A Big Bounce could make the early island universe slowly. According to the supreme Buddha, the world systems formed during the expansion. And then, stables the expansion. And then, starts to contract. And finally, stables the contraction within a similar duration called Asankya (innumerable) Kalpa (Eon). There are 4 Asankya Kalpas in a Great Kalpa called Maha-Kalpa.
Space is material, and quantum physics proved it. General Relativity doesn't explain the quantum nature of gravity. And it doesn't explain the expansion of the universe. Most likely, neutrinos are making the quantum gravitational force because most objects emit a lot of neutrinos. And they can come back too. Likely, Black Holes grow using matter and material space. So Black Holes can change the density of space too. And if the expansion stops, then Gravity is enough to make a Big Bounce. If Black Holes absorb and reduce particles in space, they would eventually move towards each other faster and faster.
Arguably, the wavelength and wave amplitude (height) of electric and magnetic waves represent the strength of their capacity of asymmetry (potential energy). And their asymmetry and speed would relate to their wavelength and wave amplitude. If speed is relative to the conservation of symmetry of waves, then either wave amplitude or speed should change with a change in its wavelength. So quantum jumps or fast interactions should increase their speed if their wavelength and wave amplitude are relatively small. The wave amplitude of electrons is likely very high even if their wavelength is very small, and that is why they are powerful. And generally, their amplitude would cause their waves to move slowly between other waves.
Seemingly, there is a wave symmetry between Electron, Muon, and Tau. And likely, those numbers are related to a ratio between wave amplitude (height), wave width, wavelength, and wave density like this:
Wave symmetry ratio of the Electron: 2886.99969548 × 1 × 59 × 3. The Electron would have a 1-dimensional width.
Wave symmetry ratio of the Muon: 10117.6266877 × 59 × 59 × 3. Muon’s wave height can cause it to decay faster.
Wave symmetry ratio of the Tau: 59 × 59 × 59 × 3×2883.8716. The Tau has a high-density mass.
Most probably, the nothingness in the universe increases infinitely without reversing, making the relative existence. Material and immaterial forms would exist using the empty points of many nothingnesses, using them as the substance that only exists momentarily. Elementary particles wouldn’t feel the distance in the structure of their relative fields between the fabric/gap of space. Also, the entangled particles wouldn’t feel the distance between them mathematically, showing that they communicate faster than light, even after traveling a very long relative distance.
This means that we can relegate quantum theory to a theory which is solely for the prediction of experiments. Quantum theory does not describe physical reality and the conflict between GR and QM is resolved.
Richard Lewis, Protons are attracting dimensions of electrons, staying at the center of atoms. But antimatter protons would provide dimensions, using the anti-dimensions of its quarks, and behave somewhat like electrons. Positrons would take dimensions from anti-protons, and behave somewhat like protons. If two or more anti-protons can't stay together because of their positive electron nature (Pauli Exclusion Principle), then it creates an asymmetry between matter atoms and antimatter atoms. And anti-protons would not support making antimatter atoms larger than hydrogen atoms.
According to the fundamental behavior of the dimensional sets in my theory, the electric field doesn’t make a force, and it would make an angular momentum (electric moment) like the so-called magnetic moment (μ(L) in “μ(L) = -g(L) L μ(B) /ħ”) in Maxwell’s equations. Likely, the electrons are angular momentums because the electric moment (called the magnetic moment according to Maxwell’s equations) makes the angular momentum like the orbital angular momentum of an electron. The real field in the electric field in Maxwell’s equations is likely a magnetic field in reality. And the real field in the magnetic field in Maxwell’s equations is likely an electric field in reality. It was an interpretation that made errors in science.
According to the laws of electricity and magnetism, a density (∇ ≡ (∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z)) of electric charge (𝜌) is the source of the electric field of force (E); and an electric current density (J) is the source of a magnetic field of force (B). Gauss's Laws: Electric Field, ∇ . E = 𝜌/ε0 (ε0 is vacuum permittivity). Magnetic Fields, ∇ . B = 0.
The Faraday-Maxwell Law: ∇ . E = -(∂B/∂t).
The Ampere-Maxwell Law: ∇ . B = μ0 (J + ε0(∂E/∂t)), (μ0 is vacuum permeability).
Those laws should match with fundamental reality to make correct interpretations of their fundamental process. But according to my analysis of those processes, electrons can’t make an electric field force with their filled dimensions. It is not electrons that reject electrons and move away, making the field force; and that outside force is the magnetic field force that causes the potential force called electric charge. Therefore, Gauss's Laws for Electric Field should be ∇ . B = 𝜌/ε0. And the Magnetic Fields should be ∇ . E = 0. Also, the Faraday-Maxwell Law should be ∇ . B = -(∂E/∂t). And the Ampere-Maxwell Law should be ∇ . E = μ0 (J + ε0(∂B/∂t)).
According to Abhidhamma, the Material Forms exist in a Matter Zone called Rūpa-Kalāpa. And Matter Zones make Matter Body (Rūpa Sarira/elementary particles), and then they become Matter Groups (Rūpa Santhāna like Atoms).
Presumably, the matter zones emerge, becoming larger within 24 moments, and then they become smaller and disappear within the next 25 moments. Perhaps, it makes matter within the first 24 moments, and it makes antimatter (increases negative charge) within the next 24 moments. If so, Antimatter is like a disappearing state of matter that uses the disappearing moments of the matter zones. And if matter zones make both matter and antimatter, then matter and antimatter would exist together like an illusion of material energy relative to the observer who uses matter or antimatter. And a covered point of existence that would contain -6 dimensions relative to matter means that it potentially contains +6 dimensions relative to antimatter, but those antimatter points are reflections of dimensions received from other points. The +1 and -1 dimensions are relative to their direction of appearance because it depends on the point of reference, and the point itself is the detector or observer. If 6 matter points make a virtual antimatter point between them relatively, then that virtual antimatter point would become a matter point at the next moment, continuing the causality.
If the lifetime of a dimensional structure is equal to the lifetime of a Material Zone called Rūpa-Kalāpa, then we can compare their similarities. According to Abhidhamma, the 49 or 51 smallest ‘moments’ (Khaṇas) within Rūpa-Kalāpa (before reappearing) host the mind/Citta to continue 17 ‘mind moments’ (Cittakkhaṇas) like this:
1.) Atīta/Past Bhavanga/Becoming-part (AB) === A part of Photon? (P)
2.) Bhavanga Calana/Vibrating (BC) === A part of Magnetic Monopole? (M)
3.) Bhavanga Upaccheda/Sub-breaking/Arrest (BU) === A part of W Boson 1? (W1)
4.) Pancadvaravajjana/ Advert-the-five-sense-doors (PD) === A part of Neutrino 1? (N1)
5.) A sense (contact) like Cakku/Eye Vinnana/Special-knowledge/Consciousness (CV) === A part of Z Boson? (Z)
6.) Sampaticchana/ Receiving/ Accepting (Sam) === A part of W Boson 2? (W2)
7.) Santīrana/ Investigating/ Inquiring (San) === A part of Gluon? (G)
8.) Vottapana/ Determining or Manodvaravajjana/ Advert-the-mind-door (V) === A part of Neutrino 2? (N2)
9-15) Javana/ Energy making/reacting (Karma making) (J) === An Energy created by antimatter and matter? (E1-7)
16.) Tadarammana/ Results-using/ Registering (T) === A Resulted-Energy while ending the Zone’s lifetime? (RE1)
17.) Tadarammana/ Results-using/ Registering (& jumping?) (T) === A Resulted-Energy while disappearing? (RE2)
E.g., A mind/Citta series: (AB),(BC),(BU),(PD),(CV),(Sam),(San),(V),(J1),(J2),(J3),(J4),(J5),(J6),(J7),(T1),(T2).
A smallest material series: (P),(M),(W1),(N1),(Z),(W2),(G),(N2),(E1),(E2),(E3),(E4),(E5),(E6),(E7),(RE1),(RE2).
Suresh Wanayalaege I don’t agree with the model of the proton as three quarks. In the Space Time Wave theory the proton is three wavelengths of a looped wave in the medium of space.
Richard Lewis, The overall mass of quarks in a proton is about 1%, and it shows the existence of hidden mass in a proton. I think it shows the existence of hidden realities like hidden Planck constants of hidden planes of existence.
Electrons have a positive nature of charge, and that is why Matter could make atoms lager than hydrogen atoms. The early Antimatter couldn't survive a long time because Antimatter-protons are like electrons, and their positive nature of charge fights with each other more than a Matter-proton fights with another Matter-proton. Therefore, the speed of the early Antimatter-protons could increase and become material-energy again, causing them to collide and make matter and antimatter again. Also, Matter and Antimatter could annihilate each other, increasing the heat (photos) in the early universe. Modern science must be turned around by changing the plus and minus symbols to understand the true nature of reality.
Particle accelerators didn't make Big Bangs. It only showed how existing material energy-beams could collide and make matter and antimatter particles (like a Big Bounce). The real science (Buddhism) is blocked by the fake standard model of cosmology. Balloons expand uniformly because air can come inside them uniformly. Probably, space air is coming to the low-density space between galaxies, from everywhere. Scientists have enough evidence to remove the inflationary Big Bang theory from the standard model of cosmology if they really don't want to keep it forcefully to help promoting creationism. Islam tries to keep Muslims forcefully without letting Muslims leave Islam easily. Seemingly, intelligent people don't have enough power to go against the unintelligent religious or political authorities.
Is Buddhism a Good thing in Today's world? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eF6QOG2B28
Suresh Wanayalaege: The body and the mind are products of the five aggregates of clinging called Matter, Feelings, Identification, Thoughts, Awareness. The concept called life depends on those aggregates. Therefore, they can cause good and bad results if they are not purified. Greed, Anger, and Delusion are the main causes that make unfavourable results according to the process of dependent origination. Therefore, we don't have any other choice. We must purify the mind to attain liberation from those five aggregates.
Where does this concept of five aggregates imerges from?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@aeenak, The five aggregates naturally exist in nature fundamentally, and they are not concepts. They originate dependently, and their intrinsic nature is empty. The unique process called life is a result of dependent origination according to the teachings about Paramartha (Ultimate-meaningful) Realities (Dhamma). Therefore, the main process of life is smaller than the process in an atom. Also, the relative changes in elementary particles in the body don't impact the continuation of life.
@Suresh Wanayalaege Suresh, I am intrigued by your knowledge on the subject. Would you like to connect for an episode and discuss it on my Podcast?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@aeenak, It is a common knowledge in our country. We can discuss it for an episode. Currently, I rarely talk in English, and my English speaking ability is weak. Thanks.
Special Theory of Relativity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJJ0y7eeC88
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Einstein's relativity theory is only a geometric theory, and it not a quantum theory. Therefore, it is wrong about space bending because according to quantum physics gravity must be a force. Higher density near massive objects can slow down clocks showing the illusion of time-dialation. Also, high speeds reduce the decaying process of them showing the illusion of time-dialation. You should stop believing science, and use your common sense.
Without just saying this is wrong and that is wrong and everything is wrong, why dnt you publish your own theories in a peer reviewed journal so that we can have a proper look at it.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Astrophysics, Open publishing costs a lot of money. But I paid $50 to publish it on an open publishing platform. It is not a popular platform. Therefore, it is not much popular. But you can use your brain to understand what I said if you want. But I'm just checking the reaction of people. And I don't like to be disturbed because I have more works to do.
Buddhika Kasun:
@Suresh Wanayalaege what about gravitational lensing? how it's happen if space is'nt bending around heavy objects?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Buddhika Kasun, Light bends near heavy objects due to consistent force of quantum gravity. An old star can't become a very small Black Hole in very few seconds if it is a result of gravitational space-bending. Most likely, the ghost particle called Neutrino makes gravity during its unique oscillation, impacting the mass of particles in space while changing its own mass or structure.
Buddhika Kasun:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Gravity does not impact on light because it is not a particle, it is a wave, that means it has'nt a mass to be forced by gravity. And also the existence of space fabrication was proven by observing a gravitational wave.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Buddhika Kasun, The particles or quantum waves called quantum foam in space are the building blocks of space. Gravitational waves are the movements of quantum foam called space. Higher density of quantum foam near heavy objects can become a space wave called a gravitational wave. Space bending is only an imagination to explain General Relativity because gravity is not a force according to General Relativity. It could be a reason to not giving a Nobel Prices for that theory. Photons make two electrons called Cooper pair, showing that photons contain mass. But an error in Einstein's energy equation causes to ignore the mass of photons,. Therefore, mathematicians calculate photon's momentum,.ignoring the existence of mass in momentum.
As mentioned in the Buddhist text, the universe undergoes a cyclic process after a rain of liquid energy that destroys the world. The universe made the first expansion before the formation of the world. So, Buddhism rejects the so-called high-speed expansion of the universe. Perhaps, gravity would bring energy back to the island universe, destroying the world. Also, the universe could make matter after a collision between high-energy liquid beams that made matter and antimatter. So the extra energy that didn't collide during the contraction could pass through the center of the island universe (Sakwala). The current standard model of cosmology is based on the pseudoscience of creationists. According to scientists, CMB radiation comes after 370000 years after the Big Bang. But matter and antimatter could start to collide and annihilate making photons a few seconds after the Big Bang. So seemingly, matter and antimatter collisions started to happen gradually before 370000 years with the collisions of high-energy beams. Also, those collisions could start before that period without making a lot of collisions. According to scientists, the universe is only 13.8 billion years old. But astronomers discovered a start older than 14 billion years (but some scientists say that it can be a part of an error in the results). So likely, there were a few more collisions before 13.8 billion years. Particle accelerators don't make new energy. So scientists can't use the condition after the energy collisions to make a theory to create energy. Seemingly, creationists used scientists to make a wrong standard model of cosmology to explain the Big Bang, mixing a lot of unrelated observations, theories, and hypotheses carelessly. They do a fraudulent religious invasion by manipulating science instead of using weapons to spread Abrahamic religions. Modern science started to destroy Abrahamic religions, but the mainstream Western scientific community protected Abrahamic religions by making a fake model to explain the CMB radiation.
Herman Rapiti, The lifetime of early galaxies measured using the JWST telescope disproved the beginning of time in our universe. Particle accelerators didn't make Big Bangs. It only showed how existing material energy beams could collide and make matter and antimatter particles (like a Big Bounce). The real science (Buddhism) is blocked by the fake standard model of cosmology. Balloons expand uniformly because air can come inside them uniformly. Probably, space air is coming to the low-density space between galaxies, from everywhere. Scientists have enough evidence to remove the inflationary Big Bang theory from the standard model of cosmology if they really don't want to keep it forcefully to help promote creationism. Islam tries to keep Muslims forcefully without letting Muslims leave Islam easily. Seemingly, intelligent people don't have enough power to go against unintelligent religious or political authorities. JWST found a lot of galaxies older than 13.8 billion years. But seemingly, Nasa is afraid to publicly accept that the Big Bang theory in the standard model of cosmology is wrong.
A Big Bounce could make the early island universe slowly. According to the Buddha, the world systems formed during the expansion. And then, stables the expansion. And then, starts to contract. And finally, stables the contraction within a similar duration called Asankya (innumerable) Kalpa (Eon). There are 4 Asankya Kalpas in a Great Kalpa called Maha-Kalpa.
According to Buddhism, The universe ended with a rain (called Sampaththi Mahamegha) like high energy plasma of material energy that filled the universe during the contraction (Sanvatta) and stable contraction (Sanvatta Sthai) periods. And then, it starts to expand (Vivatta) again. Then, it stables the expansion (Vivatta Sthai) within a similar duration. Again, it contracts (Sanvatta) within a similar duration. So the so-called Cosmic Inflation couldn't happen quickly. General Relativity doesn't allow faster-than-light expansion. Seemingly, some people have tried to change science to support creationism. It is a shame to the scientific community. Someone with a good brain should be able to understand that scientists or the universe didn't have a good reason to be very small like an atom or elementary particle. Space doesn't have a process that can expand matter quickly, making cosmic inflation. Space is still increasing. So the Big Bang didn't create space to expand matter. I'm sure that something big is wrong with the scientific community and the people who are popularising science because of the influence of Abrahamic religions.
Dave Farina vs. James Tour Debate (Are We Clueless About the Origin of Life?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvGdllx9pJU
Suresh Wanayalaege:
According to Buddhism, life is an output of the moment of mind called Citta. It is a measurement (Mano/mind) of the beauty (Citta). The mind moment arises, exists, and dissolves within 3 smaller moments (Khana). And the mind continues a series of mind moments (Citta-Viti) within the lifetime of a smallest matter zone called Rupa-Kalapa. The mind emerges from matter, feelings, perception/identification, emotions/thoughts, and knowledge/awareness. The mind can use the body and blood to contiue its observation, and its becoming (Bhavanga) process selects or makes a suitable body for it to continue its process, using its causes (Karma).
Wow, Incredible Evidence That Universe Is Not Symmetric After All: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d15b7udf_ac
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Antimatter-Protons are like electrons. Therefore, Antimatter protons couldn't become Helium atoms. Electron's have a positive nature of charge, and that is what the Pauli Exclusion Principle represent. The negative nature of Protons could make atoms larger than Hydrogen atoms. Nasa will be a more shameless place if it tries to make up stories to prove cosmic inflation. A lot of people already know about their shamelessness.
@Suresh Wanayalaege Antiprotons are not like Electrons
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Dr.Eisenheim, Experiments showed that an Anti-Proton can stay with a Helium atom like an electron of the Helium atom.
Dayle Suess:
@Suresh Wanayalaege you have it all mixed up. Positrons are the antimatter version of electrons. Protons are made of quarks.
David Evans:
Suresh Wanayalaegeare you confusing positrons and protons????
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Dayle Suess, Anti-Protons can't make an Anti-Helium atom because they are like electrons. We know that two electrons repel each other. But two protons don't repel each other like electrons.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@David Evans, A positron is an anti-electron, but its structure doesn't allow it to behave like a proton even if it has a charge of a proton. Please don't underestimate others.
Jared Maddox:
@Suresh Wanayalaege : Protons do repel each other, but the strong force is stronger, and thus overrides the repulsion. The strong force is linked to quarks, and anti-protons also have quarks, so we expect anti-matter to be able to form things like anti-helium.
David Evans:
@Suresh Wanayalaege right, but you’re not understanding something important. The inside of the atom is not required to be either a proton or a positron. That is what you seem to be confused by.
The nucleus of an atom is made from protons and neutrons. Anti matter has anti protons and anti neutrons as the nucleus of the atoms, not positrons. The positrons would be doing the same job as electrons do in regular matter. Positrons and electrons are fundamentally the same and interact with electromagnetic radiation in the same exact way electrons do, the different is one of charge, electrons are negative charged and positrons are positive charged.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Jared Maddox, The strong force is a strange force because it violates the conservation of energy law sometimes. The charge of protons and anti-protons is the main factor that impacts their interactions. You can expect to see an anti-helium if you like. Best of luck.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@David Evans, You brought positrons to this conversation, and now you are talking about it. And you are bringing neutrons too. Don't be confuced, and try to listen carefully if you want to learn something new. You think I don't know what you say. It is wrong. You are teaching me a common knowledge. Just imagine why electrons have a negative charge. Do electrons lack something? No. Electrons have a positive nature of charge in reality. Protons have a negative nature of charge in reality. Anti-protons have a positive nature of charge, and it gives its charge to outside like electrons. Therefore, anti-protons repel each other like electrons. And the strong force is not strong enough to make anti-helium atoms. Just cool down.
David Evans:
@Suresh Wanayalaege so, can you explain how you have decided to assign these characteristics to electrons and positrons?
What do you mean inside the electron???
Electrons have a negative charge because that is one quantum properties of the electron. But beyond that, it is a property if the electron/positron field. This “charge” is a property of the field, which might or might not be the same thing as space time. It is not clear what the quantum fields are made from.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@David Evans, Electrons have densities, and they behave like waves with their high amplitudes. But observing their position can change their structure. It is a somewhat common knowledge. Positrons have a counter structure. Protons need electrons because they lack something. And it shows that protons have a negative nature of charge. Anti-hydrogen atoms are not much stable because anti-protons don't need positrons much.
David Evans:
@Suresh Wanayalaege where are you getting this information from?? How do you know anti-protons have little use for positrons and thus anti-hydrogen is unstable?
Also, we have no data demonstrating electrons having density or structure nor that positrons have a “counter structure”???
It still sounds like you’re mixing concepts. Density doesn’t even apply as an attribute of an electron…
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@David Evans, A lab made an anti-hydrogen atom, but it decayed within a very few days in any reason. Elementary particles have densities and structures because they usually behave like waves. However, the real nature of their charges has an impact to their structures. Likely, photons contain both matter and antimatter charges together symmetrically.
David Evans:
@Suresh Wanayalaege this idea you have that there structure inside elementary particles is confounding, we do not have any evidence pointing toward or otherwise indicated photons are balanced in charge like a neutron is. This looks taking a feature of neutrons and applying it to photons without supporting evidence to do so.
Neutrons, protons and other hadrons have internal 3D structure, which is still being explored and is more confusing than ever with hadrons having a mixing quality where the quarks are constantly exchanging color charge. And that part of the time, the quarks will turn into a Strange Quarks for an instant before turning back into up and down quarks.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@David Evans, The structures of quantum waves overlap with each other. And I derived a mathematical structure to somewhat understand that process. Have a nice day. Bye.
The Big Bang and cosmic inflation theories are western lies like creationism. Some shameless creationists and their supporters try to maintain those lies even if a lot of evidence disproved those theories. They try to ignore the existence of galaxies older than 13.8 billion years shown by the JWST. Also, their fine-tuning arguments show their ignorence.
Jack Foreman:
Hello, as a shameless creationist I do not quite know how to take your comment when it comes to a few of the ideas you mentioned. Do you have a thorough and comprehensive and accurate understanding into the nature of things broadly speaking that affords you a basis on which to discount certain ideas of others? Also, how do you qualify the reason for attribution of shame?
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Jack Foreman, Yes, some eastern knowledge and mathematical calculations helped me to understand some major processes in nature. Popular scientific explanations are using a lot of assumptions, principles, illogical hypothesis, wrong interpretations, and a lot of irrelevent arguments. And sometimes, they ignore and hide some facts to bend the mind of their students and maintain a set of lies to make the mindset they want to create and popularize through educated people. And they have made and popularized standard models to reject other models carelessly even if their models are highly speculative and incomplete. They directly or indirectly force people to believe the origin of time and matter in the observable universe showing their hypothetical models. They have lost their common sense and curiosity, and they try to do the same to others.
Why did the Buddha refuse to answer the question 'Is there a self or is there no self?'
Here is how the great Buddhist scholar and monk Thanissaro Bhikkhu explains this:
'[I]nstead of answering "no" to the question of whether or not there is a self — interconnected or separate, eternal or not — the Buddha felt that the question was misguided to begin with.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Dependent Origination (Paticca Samuppada) is the science in Buddhism. Everything dependently arises, exists, and dissolves from moment to moment instantly.
Whole Universe May Be Evaporating According To New Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEAKbL04bxQ
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Believing Hawking is not science. Black Holes become larger absorbing space matter into them. Matter and antimatter can make high speed material photons, and the Black Holes would absorb them. Hawking tried to support creationism while calling himself an atheist, and Anton tried to do the same sometimes. New evidence showed that Black Holes can increase their mass even without absorbing ordinary matter. Likely, Black Holes absorb Dark Matter and other hidden matter. Therefore, Hawking's radiation is a wrong concept.
Cosmic Queries – Black Hole Paradox with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Matt O’Dowd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcX7xpxOC2U
Suresh Wanayalaege:
Hawking's radiation is a wrong concept he likely created to end the universe to support creationism and reject Big Bounce theory. Hawking tried to support creationism while calling himself an atheist. Black Holes would emit neutrinos and produce gravity. Tyson tried to support creationism and ignore the Big Bounce model.
Ryan Earl:
@Suresh Wanayalaege tyson knows more than you so we'll take his word over yours. Thank you <3
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ryan Earl, Yes, he wants you to think like that. But the Buddha knew more than him, and his cosmology is better than Nasa's cosmology. Best of luck.
Ryan Earl:
@Suresh Wanayalaege I gotcha. So, you don't want answers, you'd rather just say anyone's ideas but the ones you believe are wrong.
My apologies, not that you don't want answers as much as when others want answers that aren't yours.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Ryan Earl, You said you believe Tyson. But you don't need to believe the Buddha or anyone else if you want. Hawking's radiation is a very simple concept, but you don't need to believe him to accept it. You can try to use your brain to investigate anything, without believing anyone to accept something. Hawking didn't think that large Black Holes can absorb both ordinary matter and space matter. New observations proved that large Black Holes can grow even without absorbing ordinary matter. Just ignore it if you want to believe Hawking.
@Suresh Wanayalaege You have to read more than a "headline" ya putz. Hawking did not believe in god or the supernatural. He said the creation or beginning was spontaneous and didn't require any thinking entity. It's not the religious idea of creation at all. He should have used a different word... for the cheap seats.
MSc Bijles:
@Suresh Wanayalaege so why do you say it’s wrong? You don’t really make a point, it seems.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@CaptainKirkDiggler, Hawking supported the Big Bang theory to support creationism while ignoring the Big Bounce theories. Hawking and some creationists tried to make an origin of time even if they don't know the origin of matter and time. Creationists would like to see an atheist promoting the Big Bang theory to make people believe it easily. But the father of the Big Bang theory is a catholic priest.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@MSc Bijles, Black holes can become larger even without absorbing ordinary matter because they would absorb space matter. A new scientific paper suggested larger Black Holes would eat Dark Matter too. If Black Holes can absorb photons, then the would absorb low-energy photons after the annihilation of low-energy matter and antimatter in space. Therefore, the Hawking's radiation concept doesn't have a good foundation. He has ignored other possibilities.
Suresh Wanayalaege the "Catholic priest" was a scientist and said that the "big bang theory" was improperly named and didn't prove a god.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@GameTimeWhy, The creation of all the matter in an infinitely small point called singularity sounds like creationism because it is not scientific. A true scientific explanation needs time to created matter from point to point. They have ignored the requirement of minimum volume for the ordinary matter and space matter to exist. And their inflationary expansion theory violates the laws of speed and distance. They didn't use the speed of light limit even if the density of the medium changes the speed. Also, they tried to make theories to ignore the conservation of energy even if they didn't observe a decaying process of a large Black Hole. The growth of large Black Holes continues in vacuum according to the observations. Seemingly, they eat the matter which space made of while attracting more particles of space, causing to expand the distance between galaxies. It is a proof against the standard model of cosmology. Most likely, the mainstream western scientific community doesn't like to talk against the standard model of cosmology because they want to support creationism on some political or financial reasons.
Life Has No Meaning - Alan Watts - Trust Nature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6yYi1E4DzI
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The purification of the mind makes the life purposeless, and liberates it from the body within 7 days, unless that person has a purpose to teach it to others, according to Theravada Dhamma teachings. Thank you. 👍
The Human world contains four continents and four different oceans according to the Buddhist texts. Jambudvipa is the lowest continent, and the other continents would exist on the Mahameru mountain around the earth. Uttarakuru is the highest continent. The cosmic rain called Sampatthi Maha-Megha filled the observable universe during the stable contraction period called Sanwattasthai Asankhya Kalpa, and they started to expand and make Sakwalas (world systems) during the Vivatta Asankhya Kalpa, according to the Buddhist texts. 🙏 Karma depends on greed, and they would work with gravity to bring supermassive Black Holes closer to each other while causing them to become liquid material energy due to their high-speed contraction. If supermassive Black Holes can absorb all the Dark Matter in space, then the density of space can reduce. And a reason like can cause the supermassive Black Holes to stop moving away from each other, and to start a big gravitational contraction.
How To Test Einstein's Relativity For Less Than $100:
Time-dialation is an illuson of quantum wave symmetries. High-energy muons are not normal muons, and they don't decay faster. But it doesn't show a time-dialation. They are just behaving differently due to their higher speed. Quantum waves have hidden symmetries that can make the illusion of time-dialation. Slowing down the decaying process of a muon due to their high-energy mass doesn't show a time-dialation. It only shows a different wave symmetry in a different type of muon. It is obvious that high-energy photons, muons, and protons can't behave like a low-energy photon, muon, and proton. Therefore, they have different lifetimes.
@smlanka4u : No, muons are inherently unstable and short-lived. Photons are stable. Protons may be stable too... no one has ever detected a spontaneous proton decay, even though people have tried hard,
@brothermine2292, High-energy protons are not the original protons because they have an extra mass. Also, high-energy muons are not the original muons because they also have an extra mass with their higher speed. Therefore, time-dialation is an illusion created by the stable symmetry of the extra mass and its speed. It is common sense, and you can use your brain to understand it if you don't want to be brainwashed.
Time-dialation is an illuson of quantum wave symmetries. High-energy muons are not normal muons, and they don't decay faster. But it doesn't show a time-dialation. They are just behaving differently due to their higher speed. Quantum waves have hidden symmetries that can make the illusion of time-dialation. Slowing down the decaying process of a muon due to their high-energy mass doesn't show a time-dialation. It only shows a different wave symmetry in a different type of muon. It is obvious that high-energy photons, muons, and protons can't behave like a low-energy photon, muon, and proton. Therefore, they have different lifetimes. High-energy protons are not the original protons because they have an extra mass. Also, high-energy muons are not the original muons because they also have an extra mass with their higher speed. Therefore, time-dialation is an illusion created by the stable symmetry of the extra mass and its speed.
Suresh Ran Rahas Muons are formed after the collision of the high energy cosmic rays and the air molecules in upper atmosphere. A muon particle has only 2.2μs average lifespan. They travel very close to the speed of light and guess what, even with that speed, muons won't travel more than 2 kilometers. Even high energy muons won't make it. Do the math. Distance = velocity × time. There is just no way muons can come to the surface of the earth. But they do come. How? Well due to the relativistic effects. Do some time dilation for a regular muon which will travel about 99.5% the speed of light and you'll see it will last 22μs relativive to us. Which is enough to travel about 6 and half kilometers. But still not enough. Do you know vast majority of muons don't make it to the surface of the earth?
Now a high energy muon which would travel about 99.995% the speed of light will have 220μs of lifespan relative to us. And it can travel about 67kilometers. All things are relative. And oh, what about the perspective of a muon? The high energy muon, relative to itself won't travel at all. In fact it's the earth and the atmosphere which are coming towards the muon at 99.995% the speed of light. The earth and the distance between the muon and the surface of the earth is contacted towards the muon particle. Do some relativistic length contraction math and you'll see it's about 1 and half a kilometer which actually a short distance for the muon. So it will surely come to the surface of the earth. We can see it from the detectors of the earth. Muon particle is a scientifically proof of time dilation and length contraction. Specially time dilation which has been proved through various practical experiments. So it's not an illusion or something. . Do you even know a muon is just like and electron but with at least 200times the mass of an electorn? So it's unstable and will decay so fast to an electron or positron and some neutrinos. *Very fast.*
Mahesh Fernando, The time of clocks slows down due to higher density of medium (space). Also, the time of clocks slows down due to speed of clock. Those two reasons change the clocks in higher orbits. But clocks depends on the nature of elementary particles and their medium. Therefore, clocks change depending on their location and speed. But it doesn't change the absolute time the elemantary particles in the clock experience.
Photons contain easily moving mass. Photons are not massless in reality, and they need free space to travel. Energy is a work that doesn't have a mass. But energy is an accelerated expansion of a 3-dimensional unit of volume relative to the density of mass in space. A mass changes its symmetry relative to the speed of its continuation, but it doesn't convert mass into energy. All the field waves have some type of mass, and that change doesn't make them energy. Prof. Albert Einstein's definition of energy only represents potential energy, and it is different from real energy. Matter and space are potential energy due to their moving mass. And a packet of mass should have a maximum density if it doesn't overlap with other packets of mass. But usually, the defined mass represents overlapped field waves.
The wavelength of light increases while traveling because light experiences time. Albert Einstein didn't care about what light experiences. Wave symmetry is changing relative to their speeds, and it doesn't change the absolute time they experience. Believing in Einstein's relative time is like believing in the creator God. Both of them don't exist in reality.
If the light has a mind, then it knows that has changed with time. Interpretations don't change the reality of time, and light itself is moving in time. Changes in both matter and space make time. If you believe in Einstein's geometric interpretation called space bending, then you have to ignore the quantum nature of space. Ignoring it is helpful for believers to make matter from a tiny universal singularity, turning General Relativity upside down with an unbelievable interpretation.
Mahesh Fernando, Scientists know that clocks change with their speed and their medium. But they ignore it even if it is a proven fact. You are believing fake science.
You Think You’re REAL?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4n34Izmk4I
The relationship between matter, feelings, identifications, emotions, and knowledge is the continuation of life, and that relationship can continue through blood or any other medium.
This is a very good video that explains a lot of what I'm talking about here but I do not believe that consciousness itself is created by the brain.... I believe the brain is just an interpretation of what we see of reality.... in other words our sensory perception, our five senses, the brain is being used as a tool to processing all of this information so our consciousness can understand it... this conscious energy that I see all around us... this conscious energy that is all around us is momentarily inside the shell that is Tom Pickett... using the brain to interpret and process the world around us...
What Happened to JWST Galaxies That Seemed Too Far to Be Real?
CMB radiation didn't show a Big Bang. The father of the Big Bang theory is a catholic priest. It is not a scientific theory. According to the Buddha's teachings, the cyclic process of this universe repeated more than the sand particles in the Ganges river. The duration of a cyclic period is called a Maha-Kalpa (Great Aeon), and it contains four Asankeiya Kalpas (innumarable eons). The period of expansion is called a Vivatta Kalpa. The stable expansion period is called a Vivattasthai Kalpa. The period of contraction is called a Sanvatta Kalpa. The stable contraction period is called a Sanvattasthai Kalpa. A cosmic liquid material rain called Sampaththi Maha Megha filled the early universe during the Sanvattasthai Kalpa. And then, the Sakwala (world/solar system) formed during the Vivatta Kalpa. And then, another rain of liquid matter destroys the Sakwala.
@smlanka4u And you're complaining about not being scientific?
@NuisanceMan, Yes, they included it to the standard model of cosmology as if they know it for sure. Science is not a their property, and they don't own it. Also, they can't make science. Sometimes, they don't care whether it is right or wrong, and they want to brainwash people. Sometimes, their shamelessness becomes limitless because of their blind faith or political reasons. A few people liked to believe that very massive and matured galaxies could form within 300 million years after the Big Bang to maintain the Big Bang theory in the standard model of cosmology even if it is not a scientific belief and they couldn't predict it before the JWST discovered them.
I am back to research field and I want to start again to research about universe. So I am interested to collaborate with your research paper if you have topic or wanna start new one.
Currently, I just try to quickly analyse some subjects to prepare to think spontaneously. Therefore, it is difficult for me to select a specific topic to think about. And somethings are not easy to analyse without using some tools and time.
There is something I was preparing to think and develop. You can see it below.
Probaby, most masses of quantum objects (standard elementary particles) have a relationship to each other because their masses have a strong relationship to a very few similar numbers. E.g., 59, 31, 3.
Likely, there is a fundamental building block with 31 points of existence. Perhaps, they emerged from 32 fundamental structures like 31 points of existence with a lost point of existence due to their interactions. Most likely, a structure with connected 31 or 32 points of existence can connect with another similar structure by sharing their points of existence with each other like this: ((32 or 31) + (-32 or -31) == 29+((1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1) or (1-1)+(1-1))-29 == 29+(x+y+z or y+z)-29. If x+y+z=3a or y+z=2a, and a=0, then 29+(3a or 2a)-29 == 29+(3x0 or 2x0)-29 == 59 points of existence with 3 or 2 potential gaps == 59×(built-in 3-3 or 2-2 symbolic gap) == 59(3/3 or 2/2 potentiality).
Arguably, 31 planes of existence could emerge if they depend on 31 types of possible connections between two connected fundamental streams of existence. If the three neutral gaps ((1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)) between the connected two streams of existence became a reason to originate a plane of existence like the third plane of existence, then two neutral gaps between two connected streams of existence (61(built-in 2-2 symbolic gap)) could create the second plane of existence. Similarly, four neutral gaps between two connected streams of existence (57(built-in 4-4 symbolic gap)) could create the fourth plane of existence, and so on.
You can select something like that to analyse and think more to develop it or disprove it yourself or with me. We can start a new research paper for it.
That's great analysis of interactions of fundamental particles. I would like to collaborate because it seems very fundamental and I am also doing some research about graviton. So this analysis will help me.
Actually something I found myself to believe that graviton does not exists. Because we can see other force carrier has an effects on quantum level but graviton has an effect on macro level.
It's really wired to know that a particle which exists at micro level has an effect on macro level.
Anyway First I will understand your concepts of this interactions.
Neutrinos are gravitons according to my theories and analysis. According to observations, Neutrinos change their structure when they travel without using any force from outside. They convert from Electron to Muon to Tau, and again to Electron Neutrino. It is called Neutriono Oscillation. Therefore, electron neutrino detectors could detect only 33.3% from the electron neutrinos emited by the Sun.
You can think about it more if it makes sense to you. Currenly, I don't like to discuss more about it with you. And I'll be busy from Monday to Friday.
No, the Universe ISN'T 27 Billion Years Old!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_45U7IjIJDk
How old is the Universe? Did we change your mind? Let me know 👇
I hope the Universe is much older. That would be exciting to me.
The moment that anyone says they know for sure how old the universe is, you can be 99% sure they're wrong. Nobody will ever know for sure
Cuan Tin:
Scientific theories should not be totalitarian, and that is the main problem with Big Bang models. Big Bang proponents function like a single totalitarian party in power that not allow anything else. The Big bang is wrong, and it does not allow other models
These people defend the BB mode llike those who were very sure that the earth was the center of the universe
Sky Darmos:
Exactly, Big Bang theory has made only one prediction, and that was wrong.
Big Bang is a lie, and her lies are big. Big Bounce is scientific because it is true even if Nasa ignores it. High-energy cosmic rays could collide and make matter and antimatter in the early universe from more than 20 billlion years. She is crying to protect the model of creationists. Mathematical theories didn't prove the Big Bang theory. This is the right time to start laughing out loud at Big Bang theorists.
This woman is a hypocrite
Amateur hour. Unsubscribed.
she knows nothing actually
Mario Power:
There is a big chance that there was no big bang at all. Maybe a big bounce theory is the right one?
Sky Darmos:
Big Bang never happened. The highest temperature was 6000 Kelvin.
The Big Bang has exactly zero legitimacy. Big Bang theory isn’t a theory, because it doesn’t predict a thing.
Big Bang theory has zero evidence.
She doesn’t realize that everything she has learned is just a pseudoscience model.
The way academia works prevents real research.
A theory needs to make predictions.
The only prediction was the abundance of light elements in the universe. This prediction was wrong. It is known as the lithium problem.
Literally everything in mainstream cosmology is utterly wrong.
Check the cooling curve of white dwarfs.
Sky Darmos:
SlamRN: exactly, white dwarfs take trillions of years to form and to cool to the level they have. 99% of white dwarfs are older than the universe/13.8 billion years. You can determine that only with white dwarfs.
They literally use a preset timeline of the universe to then use element abundance in stars to estimate the age of stars. It is totally ridiculous.
The notion that the universe can be formed like a ball is ridiculous.
The supermassive black holes with the largest masses have the largest redshifts.
Universities are basically indoctrination camps.
Sergei Kharebov:
Big bang theory on its way out
the universe is actually infinite years old
The Big Bamng Theory will not survive
Trevor Haryett:
i thought big bang theory was thrown out long time ago
Sky Darmos:
Big Bang theory is a silly theory that got replaced by an even more silly theory called inflation theory.
Inflation theory: inflate the universe by a factor of 10^60 because the chance to have a flat universe is 1 in 10^60. Very silly.
The universe’s expansion accelerates because the entropy of black hole grows quadratic too.
Principled Uncertainty:
Jesus, this is how it ends
andrew nicholas:
I don't believe any of you know. It surely isn't 13.8. Go back to the drawing board with your buddies.
Did Time Move Slower In the Early Universe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pUgMqB1tdo
The images of JWST disproved Big Bang theory. Density of the space/medium can change the interactions of matter. It is not a time-dialation. It is only a slowing down the speed.
@smlanka4u that's dilation. Matter dilates as well. "Stretches and compresses" The warping of the density of space-time is directly proportional to the density of the matter that inhabits it. Hence why clocks seem to increase in speed and compress in size when closer to the surface of the earth but slow in speed and stretch in size the further away and faster they travel. Purely an illusion that is the byproduct of relativity and being the observer. If observer A is the clock and observer B is the distant observation point, observer A would witness observer B slowing down and stretching and observer B would witness observer A speeding up and compressing. The twins paradox. This is precisely why time passed faster in the early universe not slower but we only perceive it to run slower when observing the early universe. It is an illusion of relativity because we are taking a measurement from within the system we are measuring.
@nighttrain1565, Time-dialation is an illusion in reality because clocks don't represent time. Planck time is a fixed time that continues without a delay.
@smlanka4u Planck units are subject to the same dilation as all other units of measurement or else light wouldn't bend with the curvature of spacetime. But I understand your train of thought. You are thinking of the analogy of catching up to the bean of light only to turn on another beam and have it travel away from you at the same rate the first beam you caught up too is traveling. But there is no catching the bean because the speed is a constant that is determined by the observer. Therefore everything within space-time and subject to its dilation, even matter itself, therefore even the smallest possible measurements of Planck length. The scale of passage of time, measurements of size and velocity are all relative. If we were to observe someone far away and in the past, the size, the speed, and the units of which we should be measuring them by, would all be stretched. This is just a byproduct of being the observer and not the experiencer. If we could measure a plank length at a distant redshift Galaxy it would measure larger in our current reality even though the unit is universal and constant as you stated. Just because that is true doesn't make it unaffected by dilation and relativity. It's just an illusion because of where we are. But it's still real and measurable or else clocks on satellites wouldn't be clicking at a slower rate than clocks on the surface of the ocean.
@nighttrain1565, The clocks in satellites have changed because of their speed. Therefore, they show a different time relative to the clocks on the surface. But it is a difference between clocks only. There is no change in the flow of time in reality. The mass of quantum elements change when try travel faster causing to change their specific charge. The decaying process and the speed of clocks can depend on the specific charge. Therefore, the speed can change clocks. And it is not a change in time. Relative time is only an illusion that created by the interactions of quantum fields. General Relativity is not a quantum theory, and it is only a geometric theory about mass and motion. Also, the gravitational force is not a force according to General Relativity. Therefore, it is a wrong theory. Spacetime depends on points of space and time. But General Relativity doesn't represent real space and time.
@smlanka4u You don't make much sense lol. Enough to sound like you do though. Do you understand what relativity is? Clocks are going to tick slower around gravitational bodies. A clock at the surface of the ocean is going to be clicking faster than a clock In a geostationary orbit around the Earth. It's not just about the speed but it's also the distance away from an object creating a gravitational disturbance. Relativity is simply an observational phenomenon between observers. This goes for traditional bodies and quantum bodies. Time always passes at the same rate and objects are always the same size relative to the experiencer. It is when we introduce an observer from a great distance away or at a very different speed when these changes in characteristics of size, internal time, even mass begin to change relative to an observer. The quantum field is not excluded from this phenomenon. If you could observe quantum phenomenon happening in a redshift Galaxy the quantum tunneling or whatever quantum mechanical function you are measuring would collapse or execute at a slower rate. This is literally the reason for the large hadron collider in Switzerland.. It is a quantum particle time machine. By sending particles 99% of the speed of light they are able to stretch the lifetime the particle spends in our dimension by orders of magnitude so that it can be studied. It literally works by time dilating quantum particles lol.. basically LHC is a relativity driven quantum microcope. Relativity is why it works.
@nighttrain1565, Gravitational time dialation must depend on the density of the space because the light slows down in higher densities. But it is not a time dialation. Slowing down the speed of light in water doesn't change the time light experience. Disturbances in water can cause light to move slowly. General Relativity doesn't mention the density of space (medium). Therefore, gravitational time-dialation is also a wrong assumption. General Relativity shows an output only, and it doesn't show the process of interactions. LHC or any other observation didn't show a time-dialation. Time-dialation concept is only an opinion that is been using to explain the slow decaying process while ignoring the changes in wave length and struture of material elements.
@smlanka4u You are talking pure gibberish. The refractive index of light through a medium like water has no relation to time dilation whatsoever lol. Just because light travels slower through water doesn't mean anything. Sound moves faster through water. Your analogy is nonsense. Light, and all objects for that matter, including time, in a condensed gravitational state "early universe" would travel faster.
If we had point A and point B on opposing sides of an early universe it's going to take less time to get from point A to point B when the universe is young and small rather than old and large. But this is only true for the observer outside of this universe. If you are point A or point B it's always going to take the same amount of time to travel between points and they will always measure the same distance. The ruler indeed shrinks and stretches. The metrics by which we measure the universe are not separate from the universe. Read a book. I have a good suggestion. The Black Hole War by Leonard Susskind. Read that and then come back and tell me how wrong I am 😅
@nighttrain1565, Leonard Sussking was a fan of General Relativity, and he knew that General Relativity doesn't explain the process of gravity. Therefore, he suggested a holographic model for gravity. If you read the title of this video, then you can see that the early universe was moving slower than now. Therefore, a normal person can understand that the early universe couldn't expand faster than light even before. Light represents the observable speed of causality, and its speed shows how a clock can behave in a high-density medium if the clock is completely open to the medium. You have a lot of things to unlearn. Right education can make people intelligent. But wrong education can make them puppets.
Why No One Knows If Photons Really Are Massless: What if they Aren't?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5BPZy2_7U8
Shouldn't we assume that photons have mass since light is affected by gravity. Also, photons can transfer momentum, making solar sails possible. Both of those phenomena would suggest the photon has mass.
Yes. Photons have mass like liquids.
Velocity= v = L/T. Momentum= p=mv. If, Kg work = m^3 =ℓp×ℓp×ℓp, and potential energy = pc, and E =(p/ħ) × cħ, then E = (mv/ħ)cħ = (ℓp^3 × L/T × c × ħ)/ħ. But if ħ = HWD, then energy E = (ℓp^3 × L × c × HWD)/(ħT).
E = ((ℓp^3)/ħ)cLHWD/T or E = HWD((ℓp^3)/ħ)c^2 kg^-1.m^8.s^-2 while ħ = J.s = kg.m^2.s^-1, or:
E = ((ℓp)/ħ)cLHWD/T or E = HWD((ℓp)/ħ)c^2 kg^-1.m^8.s^-2 while ħ = kg.s^-1. So If, D/ħ = 1, and mass = m = HWℓp, then: E = mc^2 kg^-1.m^8.s^-2 (m is not in Kg. m = the volume of the mass = 1×HWL/mass m^3.kg^-1).
Force (F) = the amount of volume relative to the mass × acceleration = n×(HWL/1kg)×a. So, E = n(HWL/1kg)c^2.
The E= mc^2 equation is wrong if energy is an accelerated expansion of a volume. A force/F is a linear acceleration. And a force is massless too.
Energy is massless, and Einstein's energy equation is wrong.
@smlanka4u prove it
@deilen, The E = pc equation was derived from this E = (p/h)(ch) equation. It means, it is a mathematical cancellation of mass from energy. But it doesn't cancel mass from energy in reality. E=hf, and E=mc^2 equations caused that cancellation of mass because they are wrong. Photons have mass. And real energy is a massless process like an accelerated expansion of the volume..
@smlanka4u what do mean 'it doesn't cancel mass from energy in reality'. It sounds like your claiming Einstein's equations don't match reality, and whilst I know that the theories of relativity have been updated in the intervening decades, I was under the impression they were broadly accurate
@deilen, Yes. Einstein's energy equation doesn't represent real energy. But we can say that his equations show a potential energy in mass. Also, the F=ma equation is also wrong in reality, and it only shows a potential force in mass. Real energy is only a work, and you can't measure it from Kilograms (Kg). But you can measure a work of energy with distances and time relative to the mass (Kg-1). It is a big confusion in modern science.
@smlanka4u right, so if I understand what you're saying correctly, you're claiming that potential energy can be measured as mass, but 'real' energy can't. So saying that a piece of wood for instance has so-and-so much energy in it, stored as mass, and when we combust the wood a percentage of that mass is converted to energy, and we can say how efficient that reaction is against a theoretical maximum, for example, is inaccurate.
If I may ask, what led you to this conclusion?, because no personal observation I can think of would lead to it, and mass equalling energy always seemed perfectly logical to me. Not necessarily saying you're wrong, it's just that your writing is the only statement of mass not equalling energy I've seen written earnestly since the 50's, so I'm just a tad surprised it's a position anyone still held
@deilen, Yes. A structural change doesn't reduce mass. And the volume of a structure is the only thing that can change in reality. Photons are only another structure of mass, and they are not energy. If the volume increases, then it is positive energy. If the volume decreases, then it is negative energy. Entropy increases due to positive energy. And the gravitational force is like negative energy.
@smlanka4u I'm now struggling with your definition of energy. It was my understanding that light-photons- was definitionaly what energy is. I get what you're saying about volume and stuff, but when for example, photons leave a fire and warm something, has mass not been converted to energy? When you warm something it gets lighter not heavier. The photons contact the particles in the object, causing increased vibration heat the increased vibration leads to increased average density of the objects particles, thus increasing volume, decreasing density, and reducing weight. What, if anything, do you believe to be wrong with the above statement?
Also the stuff about positive and negative energy were rather confusing
@deilen , Photons have a potential to make energy, but energy is not a mass or anything else in reality. Photons make energy when they change its volume like breaking high-energy photons into many low-energy photons or changing their wavelengths. Photons can change something, but photons just change its volume. And if something absorbs photons, then that process of absorbtion is a negative energy. If photons can burn something, then that process of burning is a positive energy.
@smlanka4u I almost understand you. I think if you defined positive and negative energy properly I might better understand what you're saying.
@deilen, The expansion of a volume of mass is positive energy. The contraction of a volume of mass is negative energy. Mass doesn't become energy like this mc^2 with these units Kg.m^2.s^-2 because energy depends on mass like this (volume^2)c^2/m with these units m^8.s^-2.Kg-^1.
@smlanka4u looking at this in context with your other posts, I think I understand you. It's certainly an interesting idea. Maybe you should publish a proper scientific paper on it, or write a book on it? I'm quite serious, the details and implications of this theory are worth exploring in greater detail than can be expressed in YouTube comments
@deilen, If you think that it is intersting, then I have a hope that others will understand it too. No one told me before that they could understand it, and no one tried to investigate it with me like you. I will think about promoting the theory. It is not a popular theory even if it available for the public through a research paper and a book. I was trying to explain the theory in detail and simplify it before I try to promote it. Thank you for your time and response. Have a nice day.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu. It seems, a Citta/mind arises (Uppada) during an existing (Titi) moment of a matter unit while producing Cittaja Rupa (mind-born matter) or converting the existing (Titi) state of matter into Cittaja Rupa, depending on the formations of material units. And then, the dissolving/vanishing (Bhanga) moment of a matter unit would host the existing (Titi) moment of the Citta/mind moment. Also, it shows that the existing (Titi) moment of the mind is not material, and it belongs to the Nama/Name category. Finally, the Ciita/mind dissolves/vanishes during the next arising moment (Uppada) of the matter unit. The next arising (Uppada) moment of the Citta/mind can happen during the existing (Titi) moment of on the same matter unit until the Citta/mind arises (Uppada) on another matter unit during its first existing (Titi) moment. Also, the previous Citta/mind moment could dissolve/vanish (Bhanga) during the arising (Uppada) moment of the new matter unit.
Neil Tyson on e=mc2: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QpVYwVWfBNU
Energy is a work, and it doesn't have a mass.
But it is directly related (and convertible) to mass.
@hudsoncaceres6820, mc^2 is not energy. Photon is another state of mass, and it is not an energy because energy is not a thing.
@smlanka4u a photon is pure momentum in a quantum form, it is not a thing either. It isn’t another state of matter because it’s not matter, it is energy.
@hudsoncaceres6820 , Mass moves too. Photons are just larger than mass. Energy is only the process of changing their volume.
@smlanka4u what? I don’t know if it’s a result of a language barrier but that didn’t make any sense. Photos have no size, so they are not larger than anything. And energy does not change an objects volume except in the form of pressure.
@hudsoncaceres6820, Low-energy photons have wavelengths higher than mass atleast until their wave function collapses. High-energy photons have a different state of matter because their density is higher than of low-energy photons. Einstein's energy equation is wrong.
Yes. The root cause of all our bad actions is ego because we use ego to justify our bad actions. A man has a man's ego. A woman has a woman's ego. We are trapped into our egos, and our addictions maintain our egos based on the body and place that we are living in. Ego/Delusion doesn't see the reality as it is, and it makes greed and anger. Greed wants things. And ego makes us feel that we deserve things. Anger tries to destroy things. We are not our greed, anger, and delusion or ego, but they take a lot of decisions in our lives. We must remove ego/delusion from our minds to remove greed and anger. But a lot of living beings try to maintain or develop their ego, using greed and anger.
What Time Dilation Actually Is In Relativity (Hint: It has nothing to do with time)
Any methods we can devise to measure time ultimately depend on the propagation of elecrromagnetic waves (yes, even mechanical clocks). If there's an "absolute time", we cannot observe it. Any clock we can come up with will experience "time dilation".
Excellent. Finally a video that presents a great start to a correct understanding of relativity.
Well explained. Superb.
In the sound clock world there is no twin paradox because some "absolute" velocity is well-defined as velocity relative to the air.
Unseen Fluctuations: Challenging Inflation | Robert Brandenberger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3xy-bEDJCY
We are at the center of the observable universe, and it took more time to cool than the edge of the observable universe. It expands in the Vivatta-Kalpa. Expansion of matter cooled this universe during the Vivatta-Kalpa. Expansion would be stable during the Vivatta-sthai-Kalpa. A contraction happens during the Sanvatta-Kalpa. And then Sanvatta-sthai. Maha-Kalpa is the duration of this observable universe. Gravity is a negative energy, and it will win soon after Black Holes finish eating matter and dark matter.
Researchers Prove the Universe has an End and it's NOT WHAT WE THOUGHT
@smlanka4u: The edge of the observable universe could cool earlier than the center of the observable universe. Dark Stars are the cooled and dead stars that existed at the edge of the observable universe. @archeewaters:
they're all big theories. if it expands, contracts, then expands again, how many times can it repeat those processes before it reaches fatigue?
It happened more times than the sand particles in the Ganges river - Buddhism. But the other parts of the entire universe could exist earlier. And the entire universe could begin from a nothing thing that grows from point to point with the continuation of time.
@smlanka4u mindblowing! i love it. :)
@archeewaters, There is nothing to worry about. :)
@smlanka4u i was kind of hoping someone could theorize the problem mathematically. would the rate of expansion/contraction degrade and if yes, would it eventually cease. 😶 it's interesting to me, like a puzzle.
@archeewaters , Observations confirmed that there is a relationship between the expansion called Dark Energy and the growth of Block Holes. This explains it https://youtu.be/yI1FksQwHHk, and some explanations are extremely logical even if they are not mathematically developed theories yet.
The persistence of a Cittaja Rupa-Santati (mindly matter-generation) for 30 mind-moments with extra 16 mind-moments beyond a Rupa-Kalapa (Matter-Zone) shows that Rupa-Kalapas normally make connected structures with around 30 to 33 mind-moments. Only a Samapaththi (transcendent) state of the mind can change it, and stop making more than 17 mind-moments. So probably, it is a natural nature of the smallest Matter-Zones that happens with or without a connection to the mind/Citta. These explanations are amazing, and sounds like much deeper than quantum physics. ❤❤❤
From the Big Bang to Big Brains: Brian Keating on the Abhijit Chavda Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItQtmy6cAmo
We are living at the center of the observable universe, and Buddhas appear only in the Sakwalas (solar systems) at the center of it. - Theravada Doctrine
Stephen Hawking tried to end the universe by making a theory to evaporate Black Holes. And that Hawking's radiation theory supports creationism. Also, he tried to support the Big Bang theory. But he behaved like an athiest. His colleagues can't measure his intellectual honasty because they can't see his mind.
Can we understand the universe? | Sheldrake & Hossenfelder go head to head on dark matter IN FULL
The mind is just a measurement of matter.
Lol, *nonsense*.
@greensleeves7165, The meaning of the mind called Mano (in Pali) is a measurement of the beauty/Cittan.
@smlanka4u I may have misunderstood you...I thought you were another Hossenfelder...
@greensleeves7165, She knows the measurement problem and the collapse of the wave function. The many-world interpretation is the well-known solution for the measurement problem.
Have you ever wondered why Electrodynamics is not affected by Relativity?
While reciting the current script in the shower, as I always do, I came to the part where I explain that every time a particle changes spin it emits a photon, in a similar way to how they emit photons when they stop and make the EM field vibrate, but I imagined someone objecting to my explanation, as I always do, and that person said that changing spin is not really movement, and they were right, so I realized what really matters are changes in momentum, and this is when it hit me
Velocity is relative, but acceleration is universal, and since changes in momentum are acceleration, and this is what creates photons, of course Electrodynamics would be unaffected by relativistic effects, because acceleration is unaffected by Relativistic effects
This also means that any local change of phase to the wavefunction is related to acceleration, which seems to point to a possible connection between the symmetries of Relativity and Electrodynamics that I had never noticed before, although I imagine this was probably discovered, probably by the same guy who discovered how to go from the Lorentz group to U(1) and SU(2), I forget his name, it starts with W, Weyl? No, that's another guy...
Anyway, whatever his name was, this realization of mine is probably contained within his work, but still, I had never seen things this way
Space can come into existence without using a previously existing ingredient (Prathya), and also, space element (Akasa Dhathu) emerges from the 4 existing ingredients called Aharaja (foodly molecules), Cittaja (mindly actions), Wruthuja (weatherly elements), and Kammaja (reactionly entanglements) according to the Buddha's teachings. Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Probably, the two forms of emptiness can behave like space (free points of space) and counter space (solid points of space). Space could increase due to the unstoppable flow of the absolute time from negative time (from zero-infinity) to positive time (to infinity).
The duration of a blink of an eye doesn't equal to a second because it can be the smallest time we use to observe something. Therefore, there are more than 2 000 000 000 000 000 Kshana per second. A second would have around 10^44 Kshana (1/Planck time).
What is Mahayana Buddhism in Simple English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6POtYJ5-mvA
Pure Land realm is a part of Theravada Buddhist Cosmology called Shuddhawasa (Pure-House/Abode) realms. Theravada Abhidhamma explains the process of everything superbly.
What is this pure land realm? Where is it?
@TheCottonChannel, The 5 Suddawasa realms are the 5 material Brahma realms below the 4 immaterial Brahma realms. Totally, there are 20 Brahma realms. They are based on low-density matter called Mahabhuta like heat (Utuja) or stable atoms. The 6 heavenly realms have matter with molecules (Aharaja) and atoms called Dhatu. The visible Human world contains high-density matter called Patavi Dhatu. The earth would have 2 hidden spiral arms called the Maha Meru mountain, holding some material realms. But the highest realms don't need the Maha Meru mountain.
Excuse my ignorance, can you explain it in very simple english, english is not my first language
i think i begin to understand, but what does all these got to do with mahayana buddhism in this video?
@TheCottonChannel , Mahayana Buddhism could develop with the influence of other indian religions and beliefs, and it changed from country to country. Therefore, it is not much reliable.
so this is what your earlier comment was trying to say, now I understand. I was confused.
@TheCottonChannel, Yes. Some things are complicated than we think.
@smlanka4u I agree, I too lean towards the Theravada side. But I do not understand the whole thing yet. In a way, the mahayana leans towards helping others, more on the bodhisattva way of life.
@TheCottonChannel, The fundamentals of Theravada are well explained in the contents of the international institute of Theravada. The process of the mind and matter explained in one discourse that has 42000 teachings of Theravada Buddhism from its 84000 teachings. You can't find the process of matter in any other tradition, and even modern scientists haven't discovered it correctly. Best of luck.
i agree with you. Where are the few places I can find good resources to learn theravada buddhism? In more laymen english.
@TheCottonChannel , Watagoda Maggavihari Thera's lectures are good. He explains the process of matter (Rupa) very well in his IIT lectures. Reading is not an easy way to learn those teachings. Therefore, lectures are better for the beginners.
@smlanka4u i think that more than half of the populations are not academic including myself. it will be better if there are resources that are more available for the uneducated followers. Its the same thing in my country, unless you are a scholar in literature, or else, its hard to learn the teachings, and that is also why, many people give up learning buddhism.
@TheCottonChannel, You can try to study Abhidhamma, but we need its commentaries to understand it better. Therefore, we need a good teacher.
@smlanka4u I think this really inspire me to try to make the basic things more accesible to normal people. Frankly speaking, if you listen to my Video, my English is not that good, so it is also very hard for me to understand most things in Buddhism. I hope one day I can make it into a series where underprivillege people can learn more.
@TheCottonChannel, You can try to study the fundamental teachings in Theravada and Mahayana Abhidharma to understand the similarities and differences. Ven. Buddhagosha Thero said that Abhidharma is necessary to be a Buddhist teacher. You can start from the basics first. But sometimes, systematic teachings are better than long stories. Have a nice day.
The Surprising Truth About the Higgs Boson "Discovery" at CERN
The Higgs boson would decay into matter and antimatter higgs objects first before they become Bottom quarks with a photon. Therefore, the Higgs boson can be the symmetry of those matter and antimatter objects, and they would share a virtual photon to be symmetric.
There is no self in the process of life because everything is just matter, feelings, identifications/signals, emotions, and awareness/knowledge (the five aggregates) that arise at the same time/moment. It is a scientific explanation about the nature of life called dependent origination. The four ultimate-meaningful realities (Paramartha Dhammas: matter (28), mental factors (52), Citta/mind, and Nibbana) and their interactions (89/121 states of mind) decide the continuation of life. Buddhism is the science of the life that removes the illusion called self, and helps to liberate us from the five aggregates of life. Fulfilling addictions using the body is not the real happiness because it brings bad results if we are attached to it from the mind. We can eat foods to remove the hunger without a desire to eat foods even if we have attachments to the taste of the foods. The mind is like a magician that doesn't work in the way we want, and makes us become different types of living beings with the process of Karma (reactional entanglements). Therefore, the mind is not reliable.
The animal realm is the second plane of existence, and the Jambudvipa continent can be a Human world in it. The other three continents can exist in Pretha, Asura, and Human realms. The Buddha went to the Uttarakuru continent to receive foods from Humans in that continent while visiting heavenly realm to teach Dhamma to the heavenly beings.
your explanation is a bit confusing.
we are bounded by the rules of six path nature ,
six path is referring to -
hell beings
preta beings
animal beings
asura tribe - “they are considered heavenly beings also bcoz they used to dwelt in Lord Sakra heaven prior the kicked out”
celestial beings
the teacher in the video above is talking abt Form heavens whereby consist of 18levels of form heavens n she divided the 18form heavens into 4plane or categories .
@jacap2362, The visible earth is a part of the Maha/Large Meru mountain, and the lower planes of existence are located on it. The first 4 realms are hell realms called Hell, Animal, Pretha, and Asura realms. The 5th realm is the Human realm. But according to the Buddhist cosmology, Jumbudvipa is the lowest continent of Humans. Therefore, some Humans would live in the animal realm in Jambudvipa. Therefore, we can say that some Humans evolved from Animals. Heavenly beings could come to higher Human worlds on the Maha/Large Meru mountain first. Therefore, they could have the mental qualities of Humans from the beginning.
human nature , remember.
some humans greed are bottomless without realisation n awareness.
greed for knowledge , greed for material things , money , bliss , titles , etc
me is better than you mindsets are everywhere.
according to the teacher ,
Ven. Xuyun of Chan or Zen school is a stream enterer n his meditation skill is very high level , can on for weeks nonstop.
to understand it the theory n to put into practice is a very different thing ,
form n formless beings surely hav tried their best n still they are stuck , juz like us , we hav tried our best but in vain.
another thing is , Theravada adherents argue abt non magic or spiritual ability in Buddha teachings but
certain sutra do mention abt certain spirits or ghost kings etc spiritual ability great power or magic like n so
the question is ,
the enlightened beings Buddhas n Bodhisattvas are without spiritual power juz like us ?
is it logical ?
another example is the stream enterers hav the ability to see a lot of things n entities in different dimensions whilst in meditation , yes.
@jacap2362, There are no arguments about spiritual abilities and other beings mentioned in Theravada texts. Some adherents make double meaning arguments to get attention of large number of people while teaching the core teachings of Buddhism in them. Theravada Thripitaka and commentaries have well explained the process of almost everything. Therefore, those teachings are very strong amoung the people who know Buddhism well. Dalai Lama have tried to reject the existence of Maha (large) Meru mountain. But it is the mountain that hosts the worlds of many living beings. Dalai Lama's statements show that he doesn't know where the other worlds are located, and he tried to insult Theravada Buddhists based on his assumptions. Some Buddhist like him make misconceptions amoung people, causing to misunderstandings. Also, there are a lot of non-buddhists who think like that. Therefore, it is a problem with their assumptions.
New Evidence For The Simulation Hypothesis? Donald Hoffman on The Simulation Argument:
The matter of objects and the matter of the body make the matter of the mind called Chittaja Rupa. There is real matter even if the observers make their own matter (Vingnana Dathu) when they observer something, using those matter that already existed.
Is creativity essential to understanding the universe? | Roger Penrose and Iain McGilchrist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF5vd7MQDVg
The mind is like the collapsed state of the wave function. There is matter outside the body that touches the body and make the matter of the mind called Chittaja Rupa (Mind-born matter/form).
A Hidden Assumption in Buddhist Abhidhamma? The Doctrine of Seriality
Mental and physical faculties cause the mind to have some qualities, but they are not parts of the mind. Those faculties work like processes of a soul, but they are not parts of a soul.
The Buddha's Encounter with Darkness: Aṅgulimāla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNCiB_CKae8
How do I make peace with chaos, is that even possible? And how do I desire not to desire?
Desire is a choice (Chanda in Pali), and it is not bad if it is not affiliated with attachment (Raga). Desired Attachment (Chanda-Raga) comes with the root cause called greed (Lobha in Pali). It is the cause of suffering/rebirth. Attachment is natural, but it should not be entertained with desire. We can eat foods without a desire to feel the taste of the foods. Removing all our addictions is the purification of the mind, and it removes greed and stops rebirth.
We, as general human beings are living in a limited range of vision, hearing,sniffing ,tasting,feeling and in images of them( as thoughts),then how do we make conclusion without going beyond the range?
Amila Agalakumbura, Maha-Meru (Large-Emerged) mountain would look like spiral arms around the earth acording to the positions of the four continents of 4 kinds of Humans mentioned in those texts. The Human world contains four continents and four different oceans according to the Buddhist texts. Jambudvipa is the lowest continent, and the other continents would exist on the Mahameru mountain around the earth. Uttarakuru is the highest continent. The 5 Suddawasa realms are the 5 material Brahma realms below the 4 immaterial Brahma realms. Totally, there are 20 Brahma realms. They are based on low-density matter called Mahabhuta like heat (Utuja) or stable atoms. Th 6 heavenly realms have matter with molecules (Aharaja) and atoms called Dhatu. The visible Human world contains high-density matter called Patavi Dhatu. The earth would have 2 hidden spiral arms called the Maha Meru mountain holding some material realms. But the highest realms don't need the Maha Meru mountain. The heavenly planes are located on the mountain called Maha (Great) Meru, and the earth is also a part of the it.
Amila Agalakumbura, Dark Matter contains a lot of hidden layers of reality. And likely, there is high-density space and dark/hidden matter (parallel matter) around massive objects. Also, the Buddha explained about habitable 31 planes of existence. So around 32 or 31 Planck constants could make those parallel worlds/planes.! There are 20 Brahma realms, and they are based on low-density matter (Uthuja) like the hypothetical dark matter. The 6 heavenly realms have matter with molecules (Karaja). The visible Human world contains high-density matter. The earth would have 2 hidden spiral arms called the Maha Meru (Large-Emerged) mountain, holding some material realms. But the highest realms don't need the Maha Meru mountain to hold them. The visible earth is also a part of the Maha Meru mountain. Therefore, it covers the sun at night according to Buddhist texts. The first 4 realms are hell realms called Hell, Animal, Pretha, and Asura realms. The 5th realm is the Human realm. But according to Buddhist cosmology, Jumbudvipa is the lowest continent of Humans. Therefore, some Humans would live in the animal realm in Jambudvipa. Therefore, we can say that some Humans evolved from Animals. Maha Meru mountain would look like two spiral arms around the earth because it has a part of the mountain on the earth and another part below the earth. Also, the positions of the four continents of the four types of Humans are located around the earth one after another even if they are located in four different planes of existence. Totally, the Human world contains four continents and four different oceans according to the Buddhist texts. Jambudvipa is the lowest continent, and the other continents would exist on the other parts of the Maha meru mountain around the earth. It is possible.
Understanding the Mind's Serial vs Parallel Potential in #Buddhism #buddhistphilosophy: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/inCy8X_QnnE
Mental activities are not the mind, they are the faculties (Indriyas) that cause the mind to have many different qualities from moment to moment. Also, the physical faculties give inputs to the mind. The mind can have a center that moves in each mind moment even if it is a result of many faculties.
Is Consciousness a Miracle? | Harvard’s Cognitive Scientist Prof. Steven Pinker & Sadhguru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCGDQPZYmQM
An observer is a detector like any detector, but the mind continues the observations repeatedly from mind-moment (Chittakhana) to mind-moment. Also, the mind can see the small light waves. Therefore, the mind is a very fast continuation of a process.
The Big fake Bang theory is a lie of fake atheists in western scientific community. The mind can depend in very small living beings, and it can easily survive after the death. Also, near death experiences have proved the posibility to separate the mind from the body.
The mentalist lior suchard can read and influence the mind. Pinker doesn't know about it or he doesn't like to accept the existence of people like that.
@smlanka4u Pinker will dismiss it off
No proof...no evidence...just claiming everything what he feels right & what can be absorbed by the large audience easily...is the key of success of Asadhguru from the beginning...
@Opinion_01, The Big Bang never happened. JWST showed galaxies older than 13.8 billion years. The inflationary big bang theory in the standard model of cosmology is only a belief. The process of the universe and life is cyclic. Sometimes, we don't feel pain in the body if we don't put our attention to the body. It proves that we need a mind to feel the pain. The five senses are not the only inputs in the body. The mind is the sixth sense.
The Concept of NOTHING Has BAFFLED Philosophers for Centuries
Islam Allows Muslims To Own Slaves And S*X Slaves 💀💀💀 (Ex Muslim Explains)
Carl Jung & Buddha On The Unconscious… ANCIENT WISDOM!
A mind-stream (Citta-Vithi) has 17 mind moments with many different functions because it depends on the smallest matter units called Rupa-Kalapa (Matter-Zones). Thank you.
Brian Greene: Does the Multiverse Actually Exist?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpsxH7mOopM
Binary Mathematical Physics theory is better than String Theory.
@smlanka4u ultimately is that not the last final one up on current evolutionary modeling?
That every plank length is allocated a qauntative value represented by vector or string or whatever want ?
@dadsonworldwide3238, 0x2 = 0+0 = 1-1. The virtual gap between two zeros can make relative existence because zero is not a constant, just like the infinity is not a constant.
What happens when we die? According to 5 Different Religions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgG9GC8ppbo
Natural reactions (Karma) depends on greed, and they cause the mind to continue spiritual/mental faculties (Indriyas) after the death. Ignoring the true nature of life is dangerous.
Why Quantum Mechanics Makes No Sense (But Still Works) - Collapse of the Wave Function (Parth G)
Beyond the Concept of "No Self" - Our Beliefs and Concepts are the Greatest Obstacles to Awakening
Connecting the Dots of Buddhism: Buddhist Cosmology, Reincarnation, Anicca, Karma & Nibbana
The Unsolved Case of Real Reincarnation
Chitta/mind catches another body once it leaves the existing body - The Buddha. It is a natural process of the mind (Chitta) and reactions (Karma). Some mental/spiritual faculties survive after the death because the mind/Chitta uses them even after the death of the physical faculties of the previous body. The mental/spiritual and physical faculties are not parts of a soul because they are parts and processes of nature.
The Schrodinger's wave equation doesn't use time correctly. Also, it only describes the potential locations and probability of collapsing the electron's structure within the left and right range of its width. Thank you so much.
प्लास्टर करवाकर मिटा दिया Samrat Ashoka के बनवाये प्रतिक चिन्ह | Chaneti Buddhist Stupa | Buddha
How do magnets work?
Electrons and all other quantum objects contain both matter and antimatter in their mass, and that is the reason why they have both electric fields and magnetic fields. The error is this: Maxwell's equations changed the real magnetic field into an electric field, and the real electric field into a magnetic field. Protons are the real cause of magnetism.
Dr Joe Dispenza: You MUST Do This Before 10am To Fix It!
Can The Measurement Problem Be Solved?
We are living in the 2nd plane of existence from the 31 planes. Humans live in 4 different planes with 4 different great oceans. Devas (gods) and Brahmas live in higher planes of existence in mount Meru, and the earth is a part of that mountain.
@smlanka4u are you a Hindu? 😊
@smlanka4u wrong channel man
@MustafaAlmosawi, A Buddhist (Ex-Christian). Theravada Buddhist Cosmology is richer than modern science.
@SBImNotWritingMyNameHere, The theory of everything is Abhidhamma (Higher-Nature) in Tripitaka. And I could make a mathematical theory to verify the process of matter (Rupa) mentioned in those teachings.
@smlanka4u can I see it?
What does "richer than modern science" mean btw
@SBImNotWritingMyNameHere, The smallest units of matter called Rupa (matter/form) Kalapa (zones) are the fundamental building blocks of everything according to those teachings. Observers depend on Rupa (matter) and Karma (reactions) in many different realms of existence. The smallest moment of consciousness continues 17 moments within the smallest units (Kalapa) of matter (Rupa). The states of consciousness have direct relationships to many different realms of existence. Therefore, observers have a responsibility about their life. But the process of life is unreliable on many reasons. We have to guide the mind to face the reality to prevent bad results.
@smlanka4u bless your heart
@SBImNotWritingMyNameHere, Heart is not me because it changes with time. But we can try to stop the continuation of consciousness to prevent receiving bad states of consciousness in bad situations and lower realms of existence. Bye.
Ananda Guruge - What’s the Meaning of Consciousness?
New Technique To Reveal Virtual Particles
Buddhism & Science | Ajahn Brahm
Pratitya Samutpada | (Part 1) | Buddhist Doctrine of Dependent Origination | 5th Sem Indian Phil.
Material things can have Vijnana (knowingness/consciousness) for a moment during their existing (Thiti) moment. Sense organs (Salayathana) are not life. Contact/Touch (Sparsa/Passa) is the start of life, but it is not the life. Sense organs (Salayathana) can exist without a life too. Feeling (Vedana) is the life we experience, but material things can feel something with a touch too. Therefore, feeling is not a life. Greed/Craving (Thrushna) is the first unique feature of life. Thank you.
Edgar Paternina The Big Bang never Happened Discussion Started
Erich J. Lerner has written an excellent book about how mankind, become so attached to a frame of reference, that is almost impossible, to make a real paradigm shift; in this case it has to do with the theory of the Big Bang, he writes:
The test of scientific theory is the correspondence of predictions and observation, and the Big Bang has flunked.It predicts that there should be no objects in the universe older than twenty billion years and larger than 150 million light-years across. There are. It predicts that the universe, on such a large scale, should be smooth and homogeneous. The universe isn't.The theory predicts that, to produce the galaxies we see around us from the tiny fluctuations evident in the microwave background, there must be a hundred times as much dark matter as visible matter. There's no evidence that there's any dark matter at all. And if there is no dark matter, the theory predicts, no galaxies will form. Yet there they are, scattered across the sky. We live in one.”
Why is it so difficult to make a paradigm shift even in science?
This was the case with complex numbers too, as is shown in “An Imaginary Tale The Story of sqr(-1), by an Emerithus Professor of EE, in the University of New Hampshire, Paul J. Nahim
Nothingness could grow with the unstoppable time while becoming positive and negative emptinesses of time relative to each other. Time is a moment of spacetime. A moment is a point of existence. A point of time is relative to the 6 directions and dimensions, and they exist relatively. Each point with time is like a baby universe. And they could make the relative existence relative to the directions and dimensions. Time could grow the universe, making and continuing the points of unstoppable time. The meaning of time is a continuation. Prof. Einstein can't change it using his principles. Everything experiences time, but sometimes it is not very obvious. Time could be the creator of everything, and time can move everything. It is extremely logical. Time is not a clock. The entire universe is completely new at each moment if time is the fundamental limit at each point. And those new points of time could make and maintain the limits of constants because the points of time are always new and relational to each other. Time could exist before space, and that is why anything starts and continues. Infinity is infinite if it is not relative. Infinite nothingness could be the infinite negative time in the completely nothing universe. And that moment of nothingness could be both infinitely large and infinitely small because it could not be relative to anything. And then, time could continue to the positive time from point to point because a small point of nothingness doesn't have a permanent location if time continues. Therefore, it could increase with time from point to point. Completely nothingness is also a thing even if nothing existed in the nothingness in the earliest universe. And time is the thing that must flow in the universe. The universe was a thing even if it was completely nothing because it was the only thing that could experience time. It is a simple logic. Time continues inside the Planck volume. And time is a fundamental reality even if it is completely new at each moment.
The entire universe had a start. But it doesn't mean that it had an infinite density and it started to expand like a balloon. It could start from a point, and it could expand from point to point. Therefore, the edge of the entire universe would expand forever. The eternal growth of the universe could start an uncountable time ago. Most probably, we only observe some parts of cyclic continuations in the observable universe. Real mathematics starts from zero, but some theorists tried to say that the universe started with strange mathematics that instantly jumps from nothingness to a point with an infinitely huge density. And they don't explain any reason for the growth of space after the formation of the infinite density. There is no reason to think that Black Holes make space (Dark Energy) while becoming more massive. Most likely, some Black Holes accelerate the flow of space materials between galaxies because they would absorb space materials to become more massive. A balloon expands somewhat uniformly when air comes into it, and space comes in while it is expanding. But it doesn't make extra material space. The earliest growth of the universe and some interactions could make both space and matter. The observable universe is not the entire universe as the nearest galaxy is not the only galaxy. And some theories only relate to the frame of reference. High-density space materials could come from all around the universe into low-density regions of space, causing an expansion if quantum gravity supported it. Space materials would travel faster or slower or at the speed of light depending on their interactions with forces and because the speed of light and other elements depends on the density of space (medium) and their wave symmetry (mass distribution). Presumably, light (photons) and similar high-speed waves represent highly symmetric cancellations of opposite dimensions while becoming. So then, electrons would represent an amount of widely effective uncancelled dimensions on its asymmetric structure. Thus, gluons likely contain overly cancelable dimensional structures that cancel dimensions in other materials too. Quantum fields can change mass and speed. Kinetic energy can't make mass, and it only represents high-speed mass.
Yes, I also think that the big bang never happened and that we live in a closed eternal universe, structured like a 3-sphere.
In this universe, star fuel gets recycled from black hole matter about after every 20 billion years. During that period a cosmic field, which warps the space to the 3-sphere shape, collects the energy needed for star fuel recycling via gravitational interaction from moving particles or photons.
The cosmic field compensates the negative energy density of gravitational fields.
The physical background of the theory is the fact, that the energy density of gravitational fields is negative and the fact that an absolute negative energy density cannot exist.
According to my analysis of the Buddha's teachings, a cyclic period of this island universe called Maha-Kalpa is approximately 1 trilion x 1 billion years or more than 2 trilion years.
In one explanation, there are four different lengths of kalpas. A regular kalpa is approximately 16 million years long (16,798,000 years), and a small kalpa is 1000 regular kalpas, or about 16.8 billion years. Further, a medium kalpa is roughly 336 billion years, the equivalent of 20 small kalpas. A great kalpa is four medium kalpas, or about 1.3 trillion years.
The Buddha said, "Imagine a huge empty cube at the beginning of a kalpa (a Great Aeon), approximately 16 miles (a yojana) in each side. Once every 100 years, you insert a tiny mustard seed into the cube. According to the Buddha, the huge cube will be filled even before the kalpa ends.
If you count the total number of sand particles at the depths of the Ganges river, from where it begins to where it ends at the sea, even that number will be less than the number of passed kalpas.
Were a man to take a piece of cloth of this most delicate texture [of fine cotton], and therewith to touch in the slightest possible manner, once in a hundred years, a solid rock, free from earth, a yojana [~14 miles] high, and as much broad, the time would come when it would be worn down, by this imperceptible trituration, to the size of a mung or undu seed. This period would be immense in its duration; but it has been declared by Buddha that it would not be equal to a Maha Kalpa."
The Citta/mind is an output of matter. Matter is not an output of Citta. Matter and Citta make Chittaja Rupa/matter. Vingnana is not the Citta. All the material interactions make Vingnana while making matter, but it doesn't mean that Vingnana is always a part of a Citta with a life. Only a Citta with a potential to be a life is the mind of a living being. 🙏
The Quantum Mind: Eastern Wisdom Meets Western Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyfjpGWzgTQ
Awareness (Vingnana in Pali) emerges with interactions of matter, and it doesn't require a life, but it requires to exist matter. Also, feeling (Vedana in Pali) is a result of a contact/touch, and a feeling is an intrinsic result of a touch. The first intrinsic nature of life is greed, and greed becomes clinging (Upadana in Pali) according to the teachings on dependent origination. Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta) is a later developed concept of Indians to copy the Non-Self teachings to get it into Brahamanism. But it doesn't align with the soul concept in Brahamanism. The priests of Brahamanism have copied a lot of teachings like that to maintain Brahamanism and caste system with the support of kings.
Caller Invites Matt Dillahunty To Buddhist Temple - Reaction Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMzq8ADurWo
The consistent flow of Awareness from moment to moment is the creator of the illusion of self. Awareness (Vingnana in Pali) is a part of nature, but we take it personally. The science of everythings is dependent origination (Paticca Samuppada).
‘Don’t know’ after challenging One God! Mustafa VS Buddhist Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQlOMtX8xmI
The process of life and the observable universe is cyclic. Awareness continues extremely faster, and it survives after the death. The duration of the cyclic pediod of this island/observable universe is called a Maha-Kalpa. The process of the universe and life continue from an uncountable time ago. JWST telescope is disproving the Big Bang theory because it discovered galaxies older than 13.8 billion years. Western scientific community tried to use their assumptions to support creationism. The true and best knowledge system in the universe is in Abhidhamma. But usually, absolute truth is not much popular.
"Just be silent, you will get everything" (Buddha's final teaching revealed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bje943SXrwI
Awareness is a result of 'reactions of matter' (Sankhara) according to the Theravada Doctrine. Therefore, the reality is real even if it is delusional and intrisicly empty. Awareness is a separation between everything, and the continuation of our awareness makes the self illusion. Awareness arises with the touch/contact of material energy with each other. Therefore, space contains points of awareness, and shows space between two objects. All the separations are results of separated awarenesses, and life is a continuation of generations of awarenesses from mind/Citta moment to mind/Citta moment.
🌝 Accessing the DIVINE 🌞 Metaphysics of 🤔: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnbJIiHqSx4
Spiritual faculties and physical faculties are not parts of a soul because they are just parts of nature, and they just influence the states of the Citta/mind. Therefore, understanding the nature of non-self to reject/remove the 'concept/view of soul' (Sakkhaya Dhitti) is the core teaching in Theravada Buddhist teachings. A soul doesn't exist because generations of the mind/Citta-moments are not generations of souls. The mind/Citta moments are different from each other all the time. Therefore, the concept of soul is 'meaningless' (Anatta). Our view (Dhitti) can be wrong, and wrong views are our ignorence. The Pali word Avidya doesn't mean ignorence because it is the first cause of the dependent origination of life. Avidya is like an uncontrollable or less controllable nature of reality, and it literally means the untheoritical or uneducated or unscientific (less predictable) nature of reality. But we can use right views/knowledge (Samma Dhitti) to reduce the bad influence of the less controllable and somewhat random/probabilistic nature of reality called Avidya.
The influence of Avidya/Avijja (unconscious activities) can happen to anyone because it is a natural process of nature, and it can influence any mind/Citta of nature. It is not a good or a bad process because it is only a process that continues until the end of rebirths of the mind/Citta. It is the first cause for the existence of every moment of life, but the continuation of the moments of life is getting power from greed and clinging. Probably, the Buddha called it Mara (the lord of death) because Avidya/Avijja (uncontrollable activities) can influence both the mind and body of a person spontaneously until the person recognizes it. Perhaps, the Buddha or some of his followers gave names like Mara and daughters of Mara (Thanha, Rati, Ranga) to mention the unfavourable influences of natural processes of nature. Probably, an uncontrolled body becomes uncomfortable naturally, and tries to make bad thoughts when the mind reaches deep states of consciousness.
Eric Weinstein: This makes scientists nervous…: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evBmuCNFnxw
Is the universe a product of Intelligent Design?
No, and unless you are willing to make a model instead of an argument, you have nothing to say on it.
The mind/Citta is faster than we think, and a well trained mind/Citta can change the body while moving through blood. Eye and other body parts are just receivers, and the mind is the observer. The mind/Citta doesn't need a creator God to change the body. The arguments on intelligent design of creationists depend on lack of knowledge. Creationists don't know the power and the process of the mind, and they search for a creator God outside the mind. Creationists and a lot of people don't know the value of the intelligent life of the Humans because they don't know what to do with their intelligence. The concept of creator God is an unintelligent design of Humans, and it makes people ignore the natural nature of reality, causing them to behave like slaves and robots. Religious politics use many concepts and stories of creator God, son of God, messeger of God, and Alien simulation theories to make people slaves and robots to run their businesses and countries. A lot of highly educated people have tried to make concepts like that with their very limited knowledge, but a lot of them were highly uneducated in many subjects. A lot of people don't know that they are just believing some concepts of some educated people who had a very limited knowledge.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gravity is not a force. But what does that mean?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3LjJeeae68
Gravity is a force, and space doesn't bend due to gravity. The density of space increases near massive object due to the gravitational force. The existence of Dark Matter shows that space is material. General relativity is not a quantum theory, and it doesn't explain the high gravitational force that make Black Holes during the supernova explosion. Neutrinos can be the cause of gravity because stars emit neutrinos from their 99% of energy of the supernova explosion, making pressure to make a small Black Hole.
@smlanka4u No, that's not how it works. You could use the density analogy, but what you are doing is just changing the metric of the fourth dimension, which we normally consider time, and which by the way, is the correct one. Because time does dilate when a mass curves the spacetime around it which means it is changing shape in the fourth dimension. Gravity is not a force, it is an energy gradient.
@paulmichaelfreedman8334, Time-dialation of clocks near massive objects is a result of the density of the medium. The speed of light slows down in water because of the high density in water. General Relativity didn't receive a Nobel Prize, and it is only a geometric theory. The concept of time-dialation is only an illusion of interactions of mass and medium.
Space doesn't bend and can't bend in reality, but the density of space can increase near massive object due to the gravitational force. Quantum objects like Neutrinos have a potential to make a force because they change their mass while traveling.
No, space actually curving was recorded over 100 years ago.
@lordgarion514, Clocks slow down due to high density of space near massive objects, and it is only an illusion of time-dialation. It doesn't change the Planck time. Light slows down in water due to the high density of water as same as the illusion of time-dialation. Space is material and space has Dark Matter. General Relativity is not a quantum theory, and it is only a geometric theory. No one has showed how space bends in a 3D model. Quantum objects in space doesn't bend because they are separated objects like sands. You can't put a ball into sand to say that sand bends.
@smlanka4u nope. You keep trying.
You can slow a clock down by reducing the gravity, and increasing the speed, just fine TYVM.
We did that back in the 70's, I think it was.
@smlanka4u This would means that space is an ether of some sort. It is an interesting ideea, even if for now, the paradigm seems to be against. However, there is another view, too: like time, space in fact is an energy, and only its local flow rate is change near a mass. Of course this flow is hard to grasp, like, from where to where, but this is another story. Cheers...
@lordgarion514, Speed and the density of medium are two different reasons for the time-dialation illusion. Speed changes the 'mass relative to the charge' (Specific Charge), causing to change the flow of chage in clocks. Scientific method requires to maintain the same conditions of clocks to measure a real time dialation. You can't remove the battery from the clock to say that time stopped.
But it does prove you wrong.
@smlanka4u Wrong, wrong and wrong. The only thing I may agree on is that it may not be quantum in the sense of Quantum mechanics.
@paulmichaelfreedman8334, The western scientific community will need to accept the existence of hidden planes (parallel worlds) of existence if they accept the existence of high density space near massive objects. Some people try to manipulate knowledge and social media algorithms to hide the truth.
@lordgarion514, Gravity increases the density near massive objects, causing the time-dialation illusion with the increase of density of the medium. Gravitational waves are movements of space because space is material. Gravitational waves have nothing to do with gravity because space moves due to fluctuations of density. Don't ignore the unexplained facts to believe your assumptions. But you can believe science like believing a religion if you want. A lot of people believe science like that, and they can't even see the different between science and technology. Modern science more technological than scientific. Real science must explain the truth even if it is untestable.
@smlanka4u "Real science must explain the truth even if it is untestable" )) You have a good science of humor. Google the definition of scientific method: observation/test/experiment is only criterion of truth in science.
@el-vado, Colors don't exist relative to blind people, and colors are not scientific for them if science entirely depends on individual observations. Cosmic Inflation theory is not scientific because it doesn't depend on observations other testable theories. But cosmic inflation theory is a part of the standard model of cosmology even if it is not scientific and unverifiable. It shows the shameless nature of some theorists and political powers who try to support their unscientific beliefs to convert both educated and uneducated people into their beliefs. Real science depends on natural and related processes. Therefore, real science is somewhat testable and compatible with good theories even if it is not fully testable using physical equipments.
The Ignored Key to Understanding Consciousness Buddhism's Perspective
The five aggregates called matter/form, feeling, recognition, emotions, and knowingness are parts of nature, and they arise with knowingness (Vingnana) due to interactions of material energy called Sankhara. Therefore, knowingness exists everywhere, and it separates objects. Also, knowingness continues like a living process in living beings.
Quantum Physics and the End of Reality | Sabine Hossenfelder, Carlo Rovelli, Eric Weinstein (2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RT50FTICrxI
Material energy (Sankhara) causes consciousness (Vingnana), and make material qualities (Rupa) and conceptual qualities (Nama). And they make sensors (Salayathana), causing touch (Passa) and feeling (Vedana) according to the natural nature of dependent origination (Paticca Samuppada). Consciousness exists everywhere, and it makes the points of reality.
Buddhist Mindfulness vs Christian Prayer. #christian #buddhism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePZU3nbqMTU
The mind lives in caves, and it depends on the body (cave) while behaving like a creator god. The smallest lifetime of the mind is called a Chitthakhana in Pali. The ultimate-meaninglful nature (Paramartha Dhamma) of everything is a scientific process.
Learnt something new. 🤩
@EchoedWisdoms, We can understand the process of life from the fundamentals (Paramartha) of nature explained in fundamentals of Theravada. The fundamental streams of measurements/creations (Chitta-Vithi) continue like the continuation of quantum objects.
Joe Rogan Drops Insane Hidden Evidence Of Reincarnation
Post-Vedic Sanskrit texts have made a lot of new Gods and Avatars, and those texts have tried to convert the Buddha into an Avatar of Vishnu. Pali texts contain reliable knowledge about rebirth and living beings in many worlds of existence. Thank you.
Science can't change truths because science is only an explanation of truths. The noble research called Arya Paryeshana is a research about the truths of life (the four noble truths), and it is the best research. The Pali word Sacca is truth. Truth/Sacca is true science.
A Sri Lankan sinhalese here. Ashoka is revered by us as a great buddhist emperor.
There're asura and sura rulers in every faith; occasionally, a country cannot function without violence. It's not possible for a ruler to expand his empire, defend and propagate a faith without violence in those days. Do you believe that the medieval rulers who followed islam and christianity were devout? Did they propagate their faith with ahimsa? I don't think so.
@Keerthihistory, Hindus came from Thakshila (Pakisthan), and they continued wars until the King Asoka ended the wars. They took India from early Buddhist leaders who spoke Prakrit languages. Maha Padmananda (Porus) tried to stop Alexander the great while Brahamana Chanakaya and Chandragupta killed early Indian rulers.
@world.employment.organization, Indians have developed new texts to promote Jainism and Hinduism with the influence of Brahamins. They could develop Mahayana teachings to ignore the original Theravada teachings because Theravada teachings don't support Brahamins. Purana texts have tried to change the history. Most probably, Asokavadana is a later developed text of Hindus. Hindus have made new stories to protect their power. Still, they are trying to change the history with their new interpretations while ignoring hard evidence.
@smlanka4u it is better you n others should go for Vipassana n learn Vipassana n Indian history.
Sanskrit culture was an Anti-Buddhist culture. Asoka's inscriptions are older than the later developed texts. Aryans came to India, Sri Lanka, and a lot of areas from thousands of years. King Asoka didn't go to war alone, and he was a king under the influence of Brahamanical power in Magadha before the Kalinga war. Asokavadana is a part of Divyavadana series of Sanskrt texts, and they contain Anti-Buddhist teachings. As an example, "the Buddha said to draw a painting of him to show it to a king." It is not like a Buddhist teaching. Surely, Divyavadana and Asokavadana are later developed anti-Buddhist Sanskrit texts. Sanskrit culture is not a reliable culture. But we can find reliable details of early Kings like Kalashoka from Sri Lankan sources. Some knowledge systems are much greater than other knowledge systems even if some scammers try to reduce the value of great knowledge systems. Post-Vedic Sanskrit texts have made a lot of new Gods and Avatars, and those texts have tried to convert the Buddha into an Avatar of Vishnu. Indians never heard of Ashoka till an East India Company employee James Prinsep.
Suresh Wanayalaege you are right bro… This “keerthi is making videos with BJP/SANGAPARIVAR PROPAGANDA..!!! They had already changing the Indian History…!!!!!! And theses buffoons doesn’t know that….!!!!!
The supreme Buddha's original Abhidhamma discourse was held in Tavatimsa heaven for three months, and the same time he gave a short version of Abhidhamma to Ven. Arhat Sariputta Thera. Vasubandu have studied Abhidhamma from Theravadins, and he was a Theravadin. But Vasubandu haven't mentioned the process of matter (Rupa) in his Abhidharma Kosha text. The original Abhidhamma Pitaka and early commentaries contain a lot of unique fundamentals and explanations about the process of life, matter and universe.
14 Ancient Scriptures on AYODHYA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Ksr7LQoSA
Ramayana is a myth which was developed to convert the Buddha into an Avatar of Vishnu. Rama-Pandith was a non-violent Bodhisatva, and his life story is available in a Jataka tale.
@smlanka4u bas kar pagle rulayega kya? Tum log Pakistanis se kam nhi ho jo har jagah conspiracy theories utha ke le aate hain, kuchh kaam karo. Aur tum to Bhagwan ko maante hi nhi to tumhe to Shree Ramchandra Ji se matlab hi nhi hona chahiye, haan Buddha hamare liye pujniya hain kyunki woh Bhagwan Vishnu ke 9ve avatar the.
New Sanskrit texts have made a false history to hide the history of the people who spoke Pali Prakrit languages to maintain caste system and political powers. Therefore, Pali texts are more reliable than Sanskrit texts. New Sanskrit texts like Mahabharat, Puranas and Bhagavat Gita contain Hindunized and modified stories with copied knowledge. Western and Sanskrit influences caused collapsing the early traditions and languages in Bharat after 3rd and 2nd century BCE (before and after the King Asoka's empire).
According to Bhagavat Giva, Krishna shared his knowledge on mindfulness during a war, and he said others to use it to be like him. It is an insult to mindfulness. Violent gods in Sanskrit texts share their knowledge while having weapons in their hands. It is funny. Sanskrit texts have used spirituality to promote hate and violence. Therefore, showing the violence and hate in Sanskrit texts and imaginary gods is not hate. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.
@rajgoyal108, Lankavatara Sutra (a Sanskrit text) mentioned that Ravana lived after the birth of the Buddha. Rama-Pandith could live in any other human world because Buddhism mentions four types of continents of Humans. Hindu texts are wrong about the evolution of Humans because those texts mention the existence of Humans millions of years ago. Hindus have tried to insult Lanka and Ravana on some reasons. Hinduism have developed a lot of fictional characters like Hanuman. Early Vedic texts didn't mention Rama, Krishna and Avatars. Prakrit was a spoken language in early Magadha, and it could disappear after the Chandraguptha's invation. Also, Jainism and a lot of Hindu texts developed after 3rd century BCE. They could develop those texts to prevent a Buddhist to be a king in Magadha. They have destroyed detail about Uggrasena and Maha-Padmananda (Porus). But greak sources and Buddhist sources have details about them. It shows that a big tragedy have happened to the Indian history after 3rd century BCE. Also, they have tried to change history and hide story using new texts with new stories. The later developed Sanskrit texts are not reliable.
@smlanka4u Sit down , lankan. Spread this WhatsApp gossip among the frustrated people of your bankrupt island.
@JacobWeber_10, Seetha/Sita was Rama's sister in the Buddhist tale. The developers of Jainism and other new religions have copied Rama from the Buddhist tale. The Jataka tale didn't mention Lanka, Ravana, Hanuman and many others. Also, there are no statues of Rama older than 500 BCE. Buddhist carving shows the Rama and Sita in the Jataka tale. The fist council of Jainism received support from Mauryan Empire. But Sri Lankan Thripitaka texts contain details of real Jainism and a lot of Indian religions. Tamil Prabhakaran killed a lot of Buddhist Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. And he removed Buddhists from northeast Sri Lanka. He was a Christian, and he used Tamil children and women to fight. Christian countries used slavery and a lot of violence to spread Christianity. Sometimes, Church insisted Tamils to convert into Christianity if they want to receive support to live during the conflicts. Buddhism and Sri Lanka had started to become more popular in the world (Eg: B.R. Ambedkar quit Hinduism to embrace Buddhism with 3,65,000 of his followers in 1956). Theravada (written by Arhats) Buddhist texts were compiled in Sri Lanka. Indian tamils came to Sri Lanka to work because Sri Lanka was a somewhat rich country. So, some groups of people needed to continue conflicts in Sri Lanka to reduce the Buddhist power in Sri Lanka.
@smlanka4u jaake kaam karle, berozgaar aadmi hi aisi behaki behaki baatein karte hain.
@rajgoyal108, You don't have good answers. But you know how to insult people because your culture has developed a lot of ego in you.
@smlanka4u I insulted you because you have no other other work besides to poke your nose in our affairs.
Ayodhya is not your city, I am a Suryavanshi, the descendant of Shree Ram through Maharaja Kush, and you think you will keep insulting my great great great grandfather and I will ignore it? That's not going to happen.
@rajgoyal108, Prince Vijay came to Lanka (Thambapanni) with his army from north India, and they could have a relationship with Singh people in India. They made Sinhala/Sinhalese culture. But likely, some Indians have tried to change that history with a new story about prince Rama and Lanka. Prince Vijay took Lanka from Ravana because Ravana lived around 5th century BCE according to Lankavatara Sutra. But the Lankavatara Sutra have tried to insult Theravada Doctrine. Some Indians could write Lankavatara Sutra to reduce the power of Theravada knowledge. Also, they could use the story about Rama-Pandith in Jataka tale with other incidents to make a good history while trying to hide their violent history. Some texts about history are not reliable if we can't compare the details in them with verifiable incidents. Obviously, political powers and religious powers have influnced to hide and change history to control people and develop their power. So, we shouldn't blindly believe a history book or a religious book. A lot of poor people don't try to check the facts behind some texts. And they believe those texts, and insult the people who tell the truth. Your useless insults don't prove anything, and you are using them to waste our time. Bye.
Buddhist Master VS Buddhist | Shiva Kailash Shambho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLc17RfTlYY
@smlanka4u: The supreme Buddha said that he can't even give an example for the suffering of living beings during unfavourable rebirths. The profound knowledge of him helps to stop rebirth. The supreme Buddha discovered the fundamental ingredients and process of everything, and he taught it to his dead mother who become a male god in Tavatimsa heaven. It is the greatest knowledge in the universe.
Was the Big Bang the Beginning? Reimagining Time in a Cyclic Universe
@smlanka4u: Beams of material energy could fill the early universe, making it hot somewhat smoothly. It is logical more than hypothetical cosmic inflation theory. Dark Energy is a product of Black Holes, and the expansion (Dark Energy) can stop if Black Holes can't absorb ordinary matter and dark matter.
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