* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
චූටි කුකුChalana Perera , ප්රශ්නය පැහැදිළිව අහන්න. හේතු ඵල කියල දෙයක් මේ විශ්වයේ නැහැ කියලද ඔයා කියන්නෙ. ඔයා හිතන්නෙ භෞතික දේවල් වලට විතරක් හේතු ඵල අදාළයි කියලද? ඒ කියන්නෙ සිත හේතු ඵල වලට අයිති නැද්ද? ඔයාගේ විද්යාත්මක පරීක්ෂණ වාර්තා හොයන පිපාසයට මේ හේතුව හොදයිද බලන්න: Near-Death Experiences – Academic Publications: https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/publications/academic-publications/near-death-experiences-academic-publications/ Check the bottom of that page to see the next pages. There are Academic Publications about Near-Death Experiences from many scientific Journals like 'Consciousness and Cognition', Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Humanities, Journal of Near-Death Studies and etc. According to Buddhism there are 6 types of consciousness: The six types of consciousness are eye-consciousness (that is, consciousness based on the eye), ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness and mind-consciousness. Mind is a process, and it can survive even with only one consciousness, so that is why after the death it can travel from one body to another body.
Near-Death Experiences - Academic Publications | Division of Perceptual Studies
චූටි කුකුChalana Perera , කට උත්තර නැති නිසානෙ හිනාවෙන් හෙළුව වහගන්න යන්නෙ. මාත් කැමතියි ඔයාට ඉපදෙනකොට ලැබුණු ආගම මොකක්ද කියල දැනගන්න. ඔයා මගේ blog එක බලල ඉගෙන ගන්න. ඔයා එක ප්රශ්නයකින් පැරදුනාම ඒක වහගන්න අහන අලුත් ප්රශ්න වලට උත්තර දි දී ඉන්න මට වෙලාවක් නැහැ. හොඳ නරක සම්මුතිය නිසා සහ ස්වභාවික කාර්ම ඵල නිසා ඇති වෙන්න පුළුවන්. සම්මුතිය නිසා ඇති වීමේදී සමහරුන්ගේ ඇස් වහ වදින ක්රමයට විවිධ පුද්ගලයන්ගේ චේතනාවන් වල හේතුව නිසා කෙනෙක්ට බලපෑමන් වීමට හේතු ඵල වලට අනුව ඉඩ තියනවා. එයත් ඇතුළුව විශ්ව න්යාම ධර්ම 5 ක් බුදු දහමේ සඳහන් වෙනවා: According to Buddhism, there are five orders or processes (niyama) which operate in the physical and mental realms. They are:
Utu Niyama - physical inorganic order, e.g. seasonal phenomena of winds and rains. The unerring order of seasons, characteristic seasonal changes and events, causes of winds and rains, nature of heat, etc., all belong to this group.
Bija Niyama - order of germs and seeds (physical organic order), e.g. rice produced from rice-seed, sugary taste from sugar-cane or honey, peculiar characteristics of certain fruits, etc. The scientific theory of cells and genes and the physical similarity of twins may be ascribed to this order.
Karma Niyama - order of act and result, e.g., desirable and undesirable acts produce corresponding good and bad results. As surely as water seeks its own level so does Karma, given opportunity, produce its inevitable result, not in the form of a reward or punishment but as an innate sequence. This sequence of deed and effect is as natural and necessary as the way of the sun and the moon.
Dhamma Niyama - order of the norm, e.g., the natural phenomena occurring at the advent of a Bodhisattva in his last birth. Gravitation and other similar laws of nature. The natural reason for being good and so forth, may be included in this group.
Citta Niyama - order or mind or psychic law, e.g., processes of consciousness, arising and perishing of consciousness, constituents of consciousness, power of mind, etc., including telepathy, telaesthesia, retro-cognition, premonition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, thought-reading and such other psychic phenomena which are inexplicable to modern science.
Same Karma (action) can give different results on dependant origination (Patichcha Samuppadaya).It’s nature, nurture, genes & karma that shape our future.
According to Buddhism "There are 3 Habitable World Systems around a WORLD INTERVAL (Black Hole)". But there can be more Solar Systems around a Black Hole (inside a Galaxy) which are not habitabe. "A thousandfold minor world system (Galaxy) can have around 1000 habitable World Systems" too.
දිව්ය ලෝක 7 ක් පිළිබද ඉගැන්වීම් ජුදා සහ හින්දු ආගම වලත් තියනවා (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Heavens). සුර්යයා පසුපස චන්ද්රයා ගමන් කරනවා කියලත් කුරානයේ තියනවා (By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour; By the Moon as she follows him; [Qur'an 91:1-2-1]). පොළව ගෝලාකාර බව හෝ කැරකෙන බව කුරානයේ කොතනකවත් සදහන් වෙන්නෙ නැහැ, එත් පොළව ස්ථාවර තැනිතලා ප්රදේශයක් බව කුරාණයේ බොහෝ තැන්වල සදහන් වෙනවා. "දවසක අපි කදු ඉවත් කරනවා, එවිට ඔබ දකියි පොළව පැතිර පවතින සමතලාවක් ලෙස" (One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch). "දෙවියන් කදු පුපුරවල හරිනවා [2:105], සහ ඔහු පොළව සමතලා විදියට තබනවා [2:106], කිසිම දෙයක් නැවි හෝ වක්ර වී නොතිබේවි" [2:107]" [Qur'an 2:105-107]. "ඔහු පොළව ස්ථාවර වාසස්ථානයක් බවට පත්කර, ගංගාවල් එය මැද්දෙන් තැබුවා" (Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst [Qur'an 27:6]). ගංගාවල් පොළව මැද්දෙන් කව්රුවත් තබන්නෙ නැතුව ස්වභාවික හේතු නිසා නිර්මාණය වෙලා තියන බව නොදන්න අය ඒ ගැන දන්න කෙනෙක්ගෙන් අහල දැනගන්න තියෙන්නෙ. ඔයා කියන විදියට යුසුෆ් අලිගෙ පරිවර්තනයේ දිව්ය/අහස් තල 'මැද්දේ (midst)' හද තියනවා කියල තියන එක වැරදි පරිවර්තනයක් කියල කියමුකෝ, එත් අනිත් අය කියල තියෙන්නෙ දිව්ය/අහස් තල හදල 'එහි (therein)' සද සහ හිරු තැබුවා කියලයි. ඉතින් එහි කියන්නෙත් දිව්ය/අහස් තල තුල හද සහ ඉර තැබුවා කියන එකනෙ. පහළම අහස් තලයෙ තරු තැබුවා, කියල විතරයි තියෙන්නෙ [Qur'an 37:6], පහළම අහස් තලයෙ සද සහ හිරු තැබුවා කියල කියන්නෙ නැහැනෙ. "ඔහු පොළව සයනයක් කර, දිව්ය ලෝක වහලයක් කර, දිව්ය ලෝක වලින් වැස්ස එවනවා" කියලත් තියනවා (Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your dome; and sent down rain from the heavens; [Qur'an 2:22]). වැස්ස දිව්ය තල/අහස් වලින් එවනවා කියන එකෙනුත් අදහස් වෙන්නෙ දිව්ය තල එකකට වැඩි ගණනක් මේ විශ්වය තුල ඇති පෘතුවිය, හිරු සහ තරු අතර තියනවා කියන එකයි. දිව්ය තල කිහිපයක් සද, හිරු සහ තරු අතර තිබෙනවානම් ඇයි පළලම දිව්ය තලයෙ තරු තියනවා කියල කියන්නෙ. ඒක නිසා, 'සද සහ ඉර දිව්ය තල අතර තබා, පහළම දිව්ය තලයේ තරු තැබුවා' කියන එකෙන් තේරෙන්නෙ තරු තියෙන්නෙ හද සහ ඉරට වඩා පහළින් කියල කුරාණය ලියපු අය හිතාගෙන හිටිය කියන එකයි. https://bauddha-tharka.blogspot.com/2014/05/bauddha-tharka-islam-bakthikayan-samaga.html
චූටි කුකුAccording to various social media posts (eg one and two and google search shows many results with the meme), Ibn Baz said the following in 1993:
Transcript: "The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an atheis deserving of punishment" - Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baaz, supreme religious authority of Saudi Arabia, 1993
I found an Independent Newspaper article about Ibn Baz which says:
චූටි කුකුMuhammed Azad, "Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the SUN, he found it GOING DOWN into a MUDDY SPRING…" (Quran 18:86) "And the sun runs [on course] toward its STOPPING POINT." [Quran 36: 38]) (Then Prophet (SA) replied, “After setting, the SUN REMAINS PROSTRATED under Allah’s Aro’sh and waits for Allah’s command for RISING AGAIN in the East. Day will come when SUN WILL NOT get permission to RISE AGAIN ..” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421]). "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the EARTH as a LEVEL STRETCH," - Verse (18:47) 'He flattened it (earth).' (Quran 79:30) By the sun and its brightness, And [by] the MOON when it FOLLOWS IT" Al-Quran 91:1-2. "Who has made the earth as a FIXED ABODE, and has PLACED RIVERS in its midst" - (27:61) "Who has made the earth your COUCH, and the heavens your dome; and sent down RAIN FROM THE HEAVENS; [Qur'an 2:22]" "Indeed, We have ADORNED the NEAREST HEAVEN with an ADORNMENT of STARS" (Quran 37:6) (*"made the MOON a light in their MIDST" - Quran 71/15-16 (MIDST in SEVEN HEAVENS!)) For 1350 years, Islamic Scholars insisted the earth is flat. There are YouTube videos on that (https://youtu.be/TmetQD1q4bY). This is based on at least 5 verses in the Quran that clearly say the earth is flat like a rug, carpet, bed, and spread. All this changed when a man landed on the moon in the 1960's.
"Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819) (*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole)
"Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,819 there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))
"A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)
A category about central philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism called 'Upanishads' were made using Veda, after the time of the Buddha. These Hindu Books were written after the time of the Buddha (Buddha lived within 6th century BCE): Vishnu Purana (1st millennium BCE to early 2nd-millennium CE. actual author(s) and date of its composition are unknown and contested. Some proposed 400-300 BCE. Vishnu Purana, like all major Puranas, attributes its author to be Vyasa.) Mahābhārata (not much older than around 400 BCE, and the text probably reached its final form in 4th century CE) written by Vyasa Bhagavad Gita may have been composed in or after the 3rd-century BCE (3 centuries after the Buddha) Valmiki's Ramayana (500 BCE to 100 BCE) The Hebrew Bible were also wrttern after the time of the Buddha, because the Hebrew writing was thought to stretch back no further than 6th century B.C., (Buddha lived 6th century BC). According to Louis Ginzberg's Legends of the Jews, the twenty-four book canon of the Hebrew Bible was fixed by Ezra and the scribes in the Second Temple period. [The Second Temple period in Jewish history lasted between 516 BCE and 70 CE,[1] when the Second Temple of Jerusalem existed.] 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks wrote Buddhist Tipitaka in the Pali language around 100 BCE. And the Buddhist Tipitaka was prepared 3 months after the death of the Buddha. They chanted it to remember it. So the Buddhist Tipitaka is older than 5th Century BCE.
Buddha mentioned about Brahma and Brahmins, but Buddha didn't mention about Vishnu, Rama and Krishna, because at that time the Rama and Krishana was not Avatars of Vishnu. And the Vishnu was not considered powerful than Brahma (Maha Brahma). But later new Hindu Books made Vishnu powerful than Brahma. In Vedas you can't find a creator God, but there were 33 Gods in Vedas. Brahamins believed that the Brahma was a creator, but Buddha rejected it. I'm just saying that we can't prove that the Oral Sanskrit Vedas were 100% same as the Written Sanskrit Vedas which was written after 500 BCE. I'm not saying that there were not any Written Sanskrit Vedas before 500 BCE, but we don't have any evidence to prove that Written Sanskrit Vedas existed before 500 BCE, because we can't find the original copies of the Written Sanskrit Vedas before 500 BCE. So you can't prove that the word Avatar and the Avatars of Vishnu in Vedas existed before 500 BCE, and I'm saying that they added it into Vedas after 500 BCE. But I can accept that there were many other Oral Sanskrit Vedas (knowledge) before 500 BCE.
"'The word avatar does not appear in the Vedic literature, however it appears in developed forms in post-Vedic literature, and as a noun particularly in the Puranic literature after the 6th century CE. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar)"
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