* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
Albert Einstein සාපේක්ෂතාවාදය | The Theory of Relativity ගොඩනැගූ හැටි: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HAujrr3WSA
Space doesn't bend because gravity is a force. Einstein's gravitational concept violates quantum physics. The density of space increases near massive object due to the gravitational force, causing to reduce the speed of clocks.
My scope is relatively, not quantum mechanics. For quantum mechanics I have dedicated a separate set of videos. My intention is to teach the thinking of Einstein in way of theory of relativity.
I have not said that Space bends since gravity is a force. Therefore, I can't respond to other concerns of you too.
Sorry 🤝
@MadujithSagara, Please don't mind. It was not about your explanation. You explained it very well. But General Relativity theory is only a geometric theory, and Einstein didn't receive a Nobel Prize for it. Thank you.
24: Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
27: Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. 28 He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace.
29: So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.
Lot and His Daughters:
30: Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”
33: That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.
34: The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.
36: So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[a]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[b]; he is the father of the Ammonites[c] of today. - Genesis 19:24-38 New International Version.
The Citta/mind is an output of matter. Matter is not an output of Citta. Matter and Citta make Chittaja Rupa/matter. Vingnana is not the Citta. All the material interactions make Vingnana while making matter, but it doesn't mean that Vingnana is always a part of a Citta with a life. Only a Citta with a potential to be a life is the mind of a living being. 🙏
The Quantum Mind: Eastern Wisdom Meets Western Science: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyfjpGWzgTQ
Awareness (Vingnana in Pali) emerges with interactions of matter, and it doesn't require a life, but it requires to exist matter. Also, feeling (Vedana in Pali) is a result of a contact/touch, and a feeling is an intrinsic result of a touch. The first intrinsic nature of life is greed, and greed becomes clinging (Upadana in Pali) according to the teachings on dependent origination. Non-Duality (Advaita Vedanta) is a later developed concept of Indians to copy the Non-Self teachings to get it into Brahamanism. But it doesn't align with the soul concept in Brahamanism. The priests of Brahamanism have copied a lot of teachings like that to maintain Brahamanism and caste system with the support of kings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why suddenly the Catholic father Malcolm Ranjith tried to reduce the powers of Police while Police and spacial forces have started a special (justice) mission (Yukthiya Meheyuma) to arrest poisonous drugs dealers? Did he worry about those criminals or his supporters?
Batahira udaw athuwa Bamunan magadaya aakramanaya karala ehe mul budu dahama athurudahan wenna wada karala thiyanawa. E nisai uthuru indiyawa thula Bamununta hithawath aagam saha rajawaru indala thiyenne.
@smlanka4u දන්නෙ නැති දේවල් නොකියා ඉන්න
@sankadarshana9290, Chandragupta Maurya and Brahamin Chanakya captured Magadha, and killed Buddhist kings while Buddhist kings were trying to stop Alexander the great. Maha-Padma nanda (Porus) could be the person who tried to stop Alexander with the help of his nephew Ugrasena. But Indians don't have details about them. Greek sources and Sri Lankan sources have a lot of detail about early Magadha. Porus had a nephew and sons with armies. Padmananda had a nephew called Ugrasena, and he had eight sons. Ugrasena was the first Nanda king. Porus (Padma Nanda) could be a regional king because Magadha had a lot of Nanda kings.
@sankadarshana9290, The later developed Sanskrit texts contain teachings of Buddhism because Aryans have tried to adopt Buddhism to develop their power against the natives. But they have caused disappearing Prakrit languages rapidly, causing to decline early Buddhism. The royal support for early Buddhism reduced after the end of Nanda Dynasty. But some Aryan kings supported Buddhism later. Also, they have made a their own Buddhism (Maha/Great Yana/Vehicle) to protect their power against the power of Buddhism. Also, they have tried to hide a lot of things, and they have tried to change history with their later developed texts. But the Sri Lankan text called Mahawamsa contains detail about early kings and invations. Also, greek sources have detail about the Nanda king called Porus (the greek name for Padma-Nanda), and his nephew. They have developed new texts in their universities, using other knowledge systems. Therefore, those texts don't contain knowledge of their Rishis. Their bad actions could cause destroying their universities later. Still, they are trying to hide the truth. Hindus/Aryans came from Thakshila (modern Pakistan). Prakrit was the languages of the native people. Study the history from reliable sources.
A normal Chitta-Vithi and Rupa-Kalapa continue for 17 Chittakhana (mind-moments). It means that the lifetime of a Rupa-Kalapa is hosting a Chitta-Vithi. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.
Instant Relaxation: 5-Minute Guided Breathwork for Nervous System Regulation
Breathing meditation is like an observation of feelings (Vedananupassana), and observing the feelings in the body while breathing in and out makes it a both mindfulness (Vipassana) and relaxing/tranquizing (Samatha) meditation. But the consistent state of concentration called Samadhi is like automatic concentrations on a single object. Feelings are the main objects of the breathing meditation. The mind becomes less attached to stressful feelings when it focuses and changes its attention like this: "Breathe in naturally and feel the feelings from nose to the entire body like allowing the mind to feel all the feelings at once. And then, breathe out naturally and feel the feelings at nose. Also, think that feelings are not mine." It helps the mind to take the control of feelings, and reduces painful feelings of addictions and stress. It is very helpful to develop concentration (Samadhi), and prepare the mind for a good rebirth and enlightenment.
Udesh, Most probably, Dark Matter contains a lot of hidden layers of reality. And likely, there is high-density space and dark/hidden matter (parallel matter) around massive objects. Also, the Buddha explained about habitable 31 planes of existence. So around 32 or 31 Planck constants could make those parallel worlds/planes.! There are 20 Brahma realms, and they are based on low-density matter (Uthuja) like the hypothetical dark matter. The 6 heavenly realms have matter with molecules (Karaja). The visible Human world contains high-density matter. The earth would have 2 hidden spiral arms called the Maha Meru (Large-Emerged) mountain, holding some material realms. But the highest realms don't need the Maha Meru mountain to hold them. The visible earth is also a part of the Maha Meru mountain. Therefore, it covers the sun at night according to Buddhist texts. The first 4 realms are hell realms called Hell, Animal, Pretha, and Asura realms. The 5th realm is the Human realm. But according to Buddhist cosmology, Jumbudvipa is the lowest continent of Humans. Therefore, some Humans would live in the animal realm in Jambudvipa. Therefore, we can say that some Humans evolved from Animals. Maha Meru mountain would look like two spiral arms around the earth because it has a part of the mountain on the earth and another part below the earth. Also, the positions of the four continents of the four types of Humans are located around the earth one after another even if they are located in four different planes of existence. Totally, the Human world contains four continents and four different oceans according to the Buddhist texts. Jambudvipa is the lowest continent, and the other continents would exist on the other parts of the Maha meru mountain around the earth.
Sri Lanka is one of the places that has certainly had a very significant impact on my life, directly and indirectly, despite having visited this country for the first time only today.
In fact, my first contact with Buddhism was through the Sri Lankan Buddhist temples located in Italy, in my hometown. I was lucky to meet, already at a very young age (let's say 18, 19 years old), kind, willing and generous monks in sharing their knowledge and introducing me to the Buddhist world and knowledge. In fact, I don't think I would have been lucky enough to learn about Buddhist wisdom if it weren't for them. For this reason, I have always felt connected to Sri Lanka in the same way that it reunited me with Buddhism (I use the word “reunite” because I firmly believe that in some way I was close to Buddhism in past lives).
I learned Buddhism, learned Sinhalese, learned who I really wanted to be.
In fact, I had already wanted to become a nun since those times, even if I didn't think it was possible in the near future. I thought it was too good to do to be true. Life ultimately reserved some incredible surprises for me. Then, that life moved me and directed me a little further east like Myanmar, is another story. However, the memory of how I became a Buddhist is unforgettable.
Globalization and our inevitable karma makes us so united with each other despite the distances and apparent differences that everything becomes possible in this samsara, including knowing distant people and reconnecting with past people more easily.
Abhidhamma-18, රූප කලාපයේ සංයුතිය
As I can understand, Suddattaka (Shuddashtaka) and Ashtaka Kalapa are two different things. But sometimes, people use the word Suddattakata to mention Avinibboga Ashtaka Kalapa. As I can understand, an Avinibboga is an indivisible Rupa-Kalapa.
Echoes of Enlightenment – Bihar’s Timeless Tie to Buddha
A reminding/mindfulness (Smruthi/Sati) meditation: "Materials are not mine. Feelings are not mine. Perceptions/Ideas are not mine. Emotions are not mine. Consciousnesses are not mine."
Not " ordinary effort" but " Right effort" is the key to open the door of enlightenment. The problem is effort on what and what kind of effort is " Right" . The missing link between " principal" and " practice" of Buddhism. How to combine and corelate with Four Noble Truth and Four foundations of Mindfulness is essential.
The effort (Viriya) to gain ownership comes from views (Ditti) and sensual wishes/desires (Kamacchanda) with a pain until we remove the craving to gain ownership of something from our minds. The removal of ownerships from the mind with the help of the four noble truths is the right view.
CHAPA on Geopolitics! Buddhism! Norway Kleppe Ariyamagga කළු මෙහෙයුම! March 26, 2024
Habitual attachments/addictions reduce when we are prepared to stop giving good (Subha) identifications (Nimithi) to imaginary (conceptual/unreal) material qualities like beautifulness(different colours), rareness, movingness, and sadness etc. 🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu🙏Sadhu
Sukhi Hontu
@englishmonk, We should behave as if we don't have the six senses to be enlightened according to Nagasena Arhat-Thera.
The Eternalist View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL84rQQds0w
If the literal meaning of the word Anicca is unloving/disliking (An+Ichcha) due to the misleading greed (Lobha/Thanha) and misleading views (Ditti) in love, then impermanence (Anithya) is only a derived/hidden meaning of the word Anicca.
Gravity is not a force. But what does that mean?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3LjJeeae68
@smlanka4u: Real science must explain the truth even if it is untestable.
@smlanka4u «Real science must explain the truth even if it is untestable.»
It is not "real science", but "speculative science". The "truth" as a food for parrots. The models (representations) of reality are infinite, and are not equivalent to what they represent.
@voltydequa845, The truths that were discovered and verified don't change with time even if all the discoverers died.
@smlanka4u «The truths that were discovered and verified don't change with time even if all the discoverers died.»
This one of yours does not make sense. There are no "truths", since "discovery" is not a synonym for "truth", and since "discoveries", along with "verification", are (re)interpreted along the spirit of times. "Discoveries" do not "die". You'd better go with metaphysic truths and discoveries.
@voltydequa845, You can believe your interpretation of truths if you want. The great discoverers like supreme Buddha and his great disciples discovered great truths. Check your senses if you can't understand it.
History Of The Codification Of “THESAWALAMAI” Law.
The Portuguese did not codify the Law of Thesawalamai but presumably applied it as they found it. It is to the enterprise of the Dutch that we are indebted for the existence of the Thesawalamai Code.
The Dutch Government appears to have acted on the suggestions of Zwaardecroon by taking immediate steps to codify the law of Thesawalamai. Thereafter, on the orders of Governor Simons, the Thesawalamai was codified by Claas Isaaksz, the Dissawe of Jaffnapatam.
After the task was completed, in a letter dated the 30th January, 1707, Claas Isaaksz says “The above laws and customs of Jaffnapatam were composed by me in consequence of my experience obtained by my long resistance and intercourse at that place. I have written the above laws and customs after a strict inquiry into the same, by order of His Excellency the Governor and Doctor of Laws Cornelis Joan Simons, and I hope my endeavours will satisfy His Excellency the Governor’s intentions.”
Slavery as it existed under the law of Thesawalamai has become extinct. But the student of the social sciences will not understand the structure of Tamil Society unless he has studied the Law of Slavery and the Caste System prevailing in Jaffna.
Even a student of Law will not understand the legal institutions and the law applicable to the Tamils in its proper setting unless there is a discussion of this subject. Hence, an attempt is made to deal with the incidents of slavery under the Thesawalamai.
Under the Law of Thesawalamai, the master had the right to the slave’s services and the slave was regarded as his property. The Slave appears to have been maltreated by the master. The inhuman practice of maltreating and killing slaves was abolished by proclamation dated 3rd January 1821.
—- Extracts from the book “The Laws And Customs Of The Tamils Of Jaffna.”
Page Numbers - 26,27, 74, 75, 76.
Published by Women’s Education and Research Centre.
History Of The Codification Of “THESAWALAMAI” Law.
The Portuguese did not codify the Law of Thesawalamai but presumably applied it as they found it. It is to the enterprise of the Dutch that we are indebted for the existence of the Thesawalamai Code.
The Dutch Government appears to have acted on the suggestions of Zwaardecroon by taking immediate steps to codify the law of Thesawalamai. Thereafter, on the orders of Governor Simons, the Thesawalamai was codified by Claas Isaaksz, the Dissawe of Jaffnapatam.
After the task was completed, in a letter dated the 30th January, 1707, Claas Isaaksz says “The above laws and customs of Jaffnapatam were composed by me in consequence of my experience obtained by my long resistance and intercourse at that place. I have written the above laws and customs after a strict inquiry into the same, by order of His Excellency the Governor and Doctor of Laws Cornelis Joan Simons, and I hope my endeavours will satisfy His Excellency the Governor’s intentions.”
Slavery as it existed under the law of Thesawalamai has become extinct. But the student of the social sciences will not understand the structure of Tamil Society unless he has studied the Law of Slavery and the Caste System prevailing in Jaffna.
Even a student of Law will not understand the legal institutions and the law applicable to the Tamils in its proper setting unless there is a discussion of this subject. Hence, an attempt is made to deal with the incidents of slavery under the Thesawalamai.
Under the Law of Thesawalamai, the master had the right to the slave’s services and the slave was regarded as his property. The Slave appears to have been maltreated by the master. The inhuman practice of maltreating and killing slaves was abolished by proclamation dated 3rd January 1821.
—- Extracts from the book “The Laws And Customs Of The Tamils Of Jaffna.”
Page Numbers - 26,27, 74, 75, 76.
Published by Women’s Education and Research Centre.
BUDDHA's Guide to Understanding EMPTINESS and Reality
Dark Matter seems empty to us, but hidden/parallel worlds exist in Dark Matter. Subjects and objects are just actions that continue to exist between points of emptiness.
He never had anything, man proclaimed philosophies and doctrines of demons. Suffering can only be ended through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ by grace through faith
Your beliefs already made you a dead person with a damaged brain because you really did't want to know the truth.
Unloving/Disliking/Undesiring/Impermanent (Anicca) nature makes suffering (Dukka) due to attachment/clinging. Therefore, attachments/addictions (lovely things) are meaningless (Anatta) if we don't like to suffer in any lifetime. Best wishes from Sri Lanka.
Pre-Historic Mega Structures of Japan & Unexcavated Giant Tombs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kknPtZsfhVg
A few Humans from another realm (higher plane) came to the earth, but they couldn't return to their realm again according to Buddhism. Perhaps, they could make those prehistoric mega structures.
The alien Humans who came from another plane of existence didn't have a technology to return according to texts.
The science of Buddhism is explained in the scientific paper - Verifying the Origin of Everything. God is unscientific.
@smlanka4u Name the paper
@smlanka4u which paper, which journal ?
@NishantKumar-ry9rp, It is a personal research of me to verify the origin of the universe. You can see it's name there.
@smlanka4u there is nothing like personal research. Anyone can say anything in his personal research. Show me scientific research. You are not a scientist . So instead of claiming extraordinary things, show any scientific research which proves your claim.
@NishantKumar-ry9rp, Mathematics can prove things, and make predictions. But I don't care whether you like to read it or not.
@Mani-my8ob, It is already mentioned. Verifying..... Don't ignore that the 4th Buddhist council divided Buddhism with new concepts called Mahayana, and the people who sponsored it used Sanskrit and Urdu/Hindi languages in Kashmir. Probably, the people in western India could invade eastern India in 4th century BCE, and make new religious texts agaist the people who spoke Pali Prakrit languages. You can ignore it if you don't like to know the truths of nature.
@smlanka4u For your kind information I want to remind you that prakrit has also came from Sanskrit, so according to your logic Buddhists were also invaders .
@NishantKumar-ry9rp, Prakrit is based on natural sounds and fundamental meanings. Sanskrit words have added/extra sounds.
@smlanka4u No any language is natural, all languages are man made . Prakrit is came from Sanskrit and it is accepted by all prakrit grammarian like hemchandra etc. you don't know about linguistics. You are just claiming what neo Buddhists claim without any knowledge about linguistics. The name " Prakrit "is so called because it has originated from Nature and the original Nature is Sanskrit. This is not said by me but by the Prakrit grammarians.
@NishantKumar-ry9rp, Some sounds make negative, positive, and active feelings. The ocean makes a sound like oce or ose. And a meaning of the word Prakrit is also 'natural'. Early Indian common people used Prakrit languages, and Sanskrit was not a spoken language. Sanskrit could develop separately with the inflence of western Indians and Brahmanical knowledge. Take a time to understand the influence of political powers to understand the true origins even if you don't like it.
@smlanka4u Kuch bhi lol sanskrit is older than prakrit
@smlanka4u you are not giving any scholar 's reference. You are just claiming. You are not a historian or linguist. I am also not a historian or linguist but I am telling what historians accept but you are just claiming without any reference of scholar.
@Mani-my8ob , The Pali meaning of the word Sanskrutha is 'modified'. Prakrit languages existed and evolved in north and south India.
@NishantKumar-ry9rp, Sanskrit is like a modified format of Prakrit to write, and Sanskrit means modified. Use your brain.
@smlanka4u Sanskrit doesn't mean modified,we have sanskrit inscriptions and Vedic elements before Ashoka how can you claim that,if you use your brain which you seems like you don't have one,then you might know the answer and yeah come to the stream to prove your claims too.
@smlanka4u I think YouTube is deleting my comments
@Mani-my8ob, The word Sanskaran means edition, refinement, improvement, etc. Some words have direct meanings and indirect meanings. You said that I don't have a brain, but I can understand you and the restrictions of this platform. But you don't like to accept the direct meaning of the word Sanskrit.
Prakrit Vs Sanskrit: Which Came First?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96ZNlYTHVvY
I remembered in our history books it was written prakrit came before sanskrit... Thanks for enlightening
Sanskrit means modified, and its words contain additional sounds. Prakrit was basic languages.
I know about Magadhi Prakrit which gave languages like Bhojpuri, Maithali, Magahi, Bengali, Odia and Assamese.
This man is blatantly misguiding and lying about simple things. There were a bunch of dialects in north India that were called Prakrit (Prakrit means 'Natural') collectively which evolved into various directions giving birth to modern north Indian languages. The word Sanskrit itself means constructed/refined*. For the religious purpose and maybe for other reasons too scholars artificially constructed/did 'sanskar' a language named *Sanskrit
The true meaning of the word Yoga is also not the popular physical postures called Hindu Yoga. The Pali meaning of the word Yoga is usage, practice meditation, involving, meditational effort, etc.
Sanskrit is so old, then why did not a single word of Sanskrit appear in Ashoka's inscriptions?
That's a correct observation, this YouTuber is spewing unresearched halftruths with confidence.
51. Paṭiccasamuppāda Bhavacakka (The wheel of life) & Intro to Paṭṭhāna (Conditionality)
Karma uses and makes craving (Tanha) to make a rebirth, and Avijja is not a part of the mind. Avijja is an influence in the body. The influence/cause (Avijja/Asava) is different from the result (Moha/delusion). Tanha (craving) is the builder of good and bad rebirths even if Avijja/Asava is responsible for it. 🙏
What did Buddha Realize when He Achieved Enlightenment? The Universe Shook When He Revealed It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzps1z62X2Y
no Buddhist can explain this to me yet.. but if there is no self, no soul, and according to Buddhism rebirth is basically the 5 aggregates coming together again, why should I bother achieving Nirvana? Why do I care if the current life's 5 aggregates come together in the next life, with completely different consciousness and no recollection of the past life?
You don't become you again, but also you don't become someone else. Long term pain is not good for any person.
@smlanka4u What pain though? If I am leading a fairly decent life and have no real frustrations or sufferings, then why should I care what or who is born again after I die?
@PR-tq8yo, You are already a robot with a mind that recreates the idea of a self. And the mind can remind things if you deserve it.
@PR-tq8yo but your illogic is paradoxical since it's assuming you to exist when it doesn't.
@sabbe.dhamma.anatta if I don't exist and you don't exist, then who among us is striving for Nirvana? None of these are satisfactory answers.
@PR-tq8yo neither, how could mere illusions attain Nirvana? Nirvana is caused by the understandings. A wrong view caused a wrong question, the answer to a wrong question is the question is wrong.
@PR-tq8yo, You can try to reduce or remove the mental pain within this lifetime if you think that you are not prepared to live without your favourite things within this lifetime. Our happiness depends on time. And nature can punish the mind at anytime. Therefore, we can try to be prepared to leave everything within a second to make the mind independent.
Girimananda I - Impermanence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CQWwvok8t8
The word Anicca literally means unloving/disliking/undesiring, and it is like an equanimity. So, it can be a mouth/gate of liberation. 🙏 Satipatthana meditations move the mind away from body and emotions, and prevent them controlling the mind.
Buddhism: Can You Truly Achieve Awakening? What The Mind Can Do?
Three characteristics of world are Anicca, Dukka, Anatta means undesirable, Suffering, meaningless
May i know how do u come into conclusion that Anicca is translated as undesirable; Anatta as meaningless?
@simsonmails , An+Ichcha is literally Un+love/desire or Un+like (No greed/Tanha). It leads to equanimity. An+Artha is Un+meaning.
@smlanka4u hmm, i dont know where you get the references from. Language creates reality. Be aware for what the meaning will give impact
What common translation for Anicca is impermanence, while Anatta is non-self (it doesnt mean no self, totally different implication cmiiw)
While the result of Anicca could be undesireable, it is only because of the main characteristic of Anicca is keep changing, arising and ceasing (for the materiality and mentality)
Anatta itself is not meaningless, it states that the things we think are the self, are not.
The approriate way to look at this 3 world charactistics is upekkha/equanimity point of view, i guess, not cling to and not rejecting it.
Through penetrating the truth, hopefully one day, we could see, understanding, proving and accepting the keep changing nature of 5 aggregates and let go the concept of self as a single permanent / eternal entity (not meaningless)
@simsonmails, Aniyatha means not permanent and impermanent. Anicca is like unloving/disliking/leaving/uncontrolling and not existing (disappear/cessation/cancellation or Anicca between existence or Dukka/duality/co-origination and non-existence or Anatta). Self means one.
Negative time could be the beginning of time with an infinite nothingness. The separation of it is a necessity. 🙏
Anicca or cessation is a disappearence between Dukka or existence and Anatta or non-existence. Samuppada is Dukka. Anicca means unliking/unloving/disliking or leaving/uncontroling. Anicca Lakhana means not continuing (disappearing) or not existing due to cessation. 🙏
Awakening Mind Film Part 2 -"The Mind Unveiled" (Official Trailer)
Dowsing Rod Q&A | Talking to Buddha
Dowsing Rod Q&A | Questions for Spirit
It/Karma/reaction is a collective intention/consciousness/entanglement with spiritual faculties. The tree (network) of knowledge (Kapruka) gives answers.
Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏 The mind and some other senses directly depend on Karma, but hearing is a direct observation of the hearing sense according to Abhidhamma. Therefore, I think listening to Satipatthana meditations from morning to evening is the easiest way to ignore the uncontrollable forces of Karma. Usually, the mind forget to be mindful, and becomes tired when it thinks many things.
Buddhism in Southern Asia with Rebecca | The Change The Map Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjLgLhuknb0
Some Sri Lankan and foreign creationists with the help of high caste Hindus used low caste Hindus (or generations of Tamil/Sinhala Ex-Buddhists who spoke Tamil) to fight against Sinhalese while trying to convert Hindus and Buddhists into creationism. They didn't want to end conflicts, and didn't accept political solutions because they were trying to stop Buddhist power in Sri Lanka. Still, they try to create lies to insult Buddhism and Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Some religions like Christianity made and used conflicts to divide people and introduce Christianity.
A smallest Rupa-Kalapa contains 24 Upada (co-originated) Rupa on 4 Mahabhuta (major-invisible) Rupa. And collections of it would have a potential to make 21 larger Rupa-Kalapas. Thank you.
Waking Up Is Not Enough Episode 21 - Why Early Buddhism Matters N...
Mentality bends action/Karma in somewhat unpredictable ways like an infinitely large number removes another infinitely large number to make 1, 0 or -1/12, preventing superdeterminism. Thanks.
Exactly.🙏 🙏 🙏 I studied Dhamma from a long time, but I didn't know that attachment (Raga) itself is painful until I understood the true meaning of the Pali word Anicca (disliking/unloving because not continuing) in year 2024. Usually, people think that attachment is a requirement of happiness, but the pain in attachment makes the mind uncomfortable first and uses the mind to process bodily actions.
Knowingness is a necessity to originate matter (Rupa) with feeling and action. Vingnana is a special knowingness. 🙏 An infinitely nothing universe could exist like a non-existing thing from an infinitely large and small moment. 🙏
Many hindu teachings contain in later developed texts, and a lot of hindu teachings are copies of buddhist teachings on the nature of mind and matter.
So upanishada are post Buddhistic ??
Then why there is a 1000 years legacy of debate between the different nastika schools
And the the astika schools
Even don't you know the entire mahayan Buddhism and was built by Hindu Brahmin scholars like :
Vasubandhu etc
And what about the stream of argument of attack against some Buddhist schools , mainly Mahayana ,sunyavada school by adi sankara in bhramasutras and others works like aparokshanubhuti
It's very easy to say that the different Indian philosophycal schools copied each other,
Yes it seems superficially a baby statement
But thats factually and academically not the case
They seem similar because they share the common heritage ang origin of intellectual culture the Upanishads
And the common goal of "Dukha nivriti "
Ref.1 dr Radha Krishnan Indian philosophy
2.das gupta history of Indian philosophy
3.k srinivas
@shatabdabasu505, Brahmin Chanakya removed early Buddhist kings. Hindi/Urdu language and Sanskrit made Hinduism, etc.
according to neo - ambedkarite scholars chankaya did not existed 👍
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