* Bauddha Tharka *~ Buddhism is the greatest religion in this world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings.. Researching on memories of some children who remember previous life, about Hypnosis, Near-Death Experiences, Ghosts, Meditation and Buddhist Abhdhamma teachings help us to prove Rebirth. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Buddha Dhamma by writing the words of the Great Teachings in the Pali language around 100 BCE. ~ බෞද්ධ තර්ක
The universe should be a process of symmetric mathematical probabilities. The 6 main directions make dimensions. A non dimensional zero (0∞ - zero infinity) should be equal to dimensional zeros ((+-0)^6) and it should be always based on the 6 main directions to be symmetric. And it should be equal to (+-1-+0.0+-0.0-+1)^3 as well. Then it can become 64 x 4 symmetric probabilities of formations. According to Buddhism there are 4 periods of 64 distructions within an aeon (Maha-Kalpa).
This is about the beginning of dimensions and the universe. There are quantum superpositions according to experiments and theories of particle physics. But this is not about particle physics.!
This is a new theory. The universe should be a process of symmetric mathematical probabilities. The 6 main directions make dimensions. A non dimensional zero (or zero infinity - 0∞) should be equal to dimensional zeros ((+-0)^6) as a separation from the infinity, which makes a density in dimensional zeros while going back to infinity. And it should always be based on the 6 main directions to be symmetric. And it should be equal to (+-1-+0.0+-0.0-+1)^3 as well. But it should be a 4 symmetric formations of existence:
1st formation:
2nd formation:
3rd formation:
4th formation:
When a formation is active between 3 standard dimensions using the 6 directions of it, with the plus (+) and minus (-) probabilities, it can become 64 cyclic probabilities as a symmetric continuation of dimensions between up and down (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0) without changing it for 4 times, and also between symmetric left and right (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0) without changing it for 4 times, while changing the dimensional probabilities between forward and back, [as symmetric forward and back (-+0.0+-1-+1+-0.0), and then forward and back (+-0.0+-1-+1-+0.0), and then forward and back (+-0.0-+1+-1-+0.0), and then forward and back (-+0.0-+1+-1+-0.0)] allowing a total 4 symmetric probabilities. And same like that there are 4 dimensional probabilities for symmetric left and right with 4 symmetric forward and back probabilities for each. And same like that there are 4 dimensional probabilities for symmetric up and down with 16 dimensional probabilities for each. Then it can become 64 x 4 symmetric probabilities of formations.
According to Buddhism there are 4 periods of 64 destructions within a great aeon (called Maha-Kalpa). And it sounds like a process of cyclic mathematical probabillities too. Can you imagine how mathematical probabilities become endless cycles like that? - This is from W. Suresh Madusanka, who is the author of the book "Finding The Entanglement Of Binary Mathematical Structures Of The Elementary Ghosts".
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Mathematical Science And Buddhism With Cyclic Probabilities Of The Universe
It was not a win because there was no fight to win because America just left without fighting. It was a loss of freedom for Muslims to learn democracy. Now some Muslim animals control Muslims (especially Muslim women) and minorities like slaves which again shows that Islam is the main cause of Muslim terrorism. And there is no big difference between Muslims and Terrorists who follow the fundamental teachings of Islam. Mohamad invaded countries, so he was like a terrorist too (https://wikiislam.net/wiki/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Supported_by_Muhammad). However, No religion (Atheism) is growing faster than Islam. The modern world is laughing at Muslims a lot, but they can't understand it.
Most Muslims supported violence almost without any strong resistance, and it made a worse situation in Afghanistan because some stupid Islamic groups kill minorities to stop discrimination, against the majority of Muslims. It seems some Muslims want to remove minorities (Activists, Ex-Muslims, Atheists, moderate Muslims) to practice Islam without minorities because if there are no minorities there is no discrimination against minorities. They need terrorist groups to remove minorities, and It happened for hundreds of years because of that religion. Islam is not peaceful with majorities and minorities, but unfortunately, some good Muslims can't understand that Mohamad was a bad person and he used a fake creator God called Allah to make a fake religion called Islam. It is madness if people think that a violent religion can help to go to heaven.
List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad - WikiIslam
Bazeer Irhan, Bazeer Irhan, If you are selfish and you don't care how good a God should behave sometimes you can't understand the suffering of others (including Muslims). If you are not selfish then you can understand that just because you and a group of people (Eg: Christians, Muslims, etc) want to get forgiveness from that God to go to heaven you can't accept violence and hatred of that God towards other groups of people. I think only a highly selfish person who has done a lot of sins in past can forgive that intolerant god just because that person wants to get forgiveness to go to heaven. Even if God kills all the humans and animals that person doesn't care about it just because of the fears about the next birth of that person. That type of selfishness is not suitable for humans. There is no evidence of a creator God (YTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb6MOo1dFH0). The universe is mathematical (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-D0E8E2Lz4). Nobody exists without using existing materials or energy.
Elementary Magics & Mathematical Structures Of The Entangled Dimensions (The Theory Of Everything?)
Ahamed Rahman, Yes, I can understand. And he doesn't have any other choice in Islam. But if he can accept the truth and leaves Islam then he will be able to see how some Muslims become monsters.
elyas ahmadzai (YT vid: Grcej1Eobiw): Mashallah may Allah guide more people towards the truth, Ameen. Suresh Wanayalae: A creator God doesn't exist. This is the proof (Y o u T u b e - V- ID:) 7ctZcT9S4hw That is about the existence of everything. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The Chinese Communists created Covid-19 to prove virus is real, but God in Islam still compete with God in Christianity in 1400 years, but God in Islam still could not appear or incarnate in Man like Jesus Christ. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , There is a way to prove that we don't need a creator God to create us. My name can help you to investigate about it, because social media blocks some information. My previous comments can help you to find the truth as well. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , The followers of Allah bombed and killed around 170 people in Afghanistan. Was it respectful? So Atheists must question the existence of a creator God. It is not about freedom. It is about removing wrong beliefs which leads to violence in the name of God/Allah. Just investigate the source I sent to open your eyes. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , China announced that they will reprint Quran after removing bad teachings in Quran in December 2019. And Some people put coronavirus to china in December 2019. Can you imagine who created the virus? Qurana? elyas ahmadzai: @Suresh Wanayalae are you an expert on the quran or your just ignorant like any other islamophob, give me you instagram anything for me to educate you on islam and violence. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The current China is an atheist and communist regime that is more or less aggressive and terrible than Taliban. Now, The China Communist regime is trying to control the world to replace the USA , and it is brainwashing people with their atheism. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Don't forget the history. The Bible (West) and Quran (Muslims) (Eg: Mogal empire, Hitler) were horrible. Don't forget about nuclear bombs. Just keep your illogical arguments with you. Suresh Wanayalae: @elyas ahmadzai , There is no one true Islam. Can you tell me why Most Muslims are happy about the Taliban controlling Afghanistan? Most Muslims know that the Taliban and most violent Muslim groups follow many interpretations of Islam. Ex-Muslims know more about it (YouT.-V-id: i.) reBj2YMhcSo ii.) i9V9oikbIKg). Don't try to use Al-Takiyah to tell lies.
Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - The nuclear bombs were created by Man (not by God in the Bible), and it can be "boomed" to finish your life and Mecca immediately! But "holy wars for Allah's sake" were created by Allah in the Quran when it violated God's command "NO MURDER". So holy war for one mysrical being is the dumbest and most horrible thing for human right. So people should PREACH their belief only, NOT MURDER for their belief. Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , I can understand you. But you should try to understand that something is wrong with the teachings of Abrahamic religions, not only with humans. However, I just wanted to say that I know that a creator God doesn't exist because I made a theory to explain the existence of the Universe and the atoms, and interactions of subatomic particles, etc. I don't like to use my time to explain it to you personally. Best of luck. Bye Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - How can atheists explain why the Biblical God or the Universe appeared in man to talk to Abraham, and appeared in flame to talk to Moses in the past? Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Do you know that everything you see is just Electrons, Up Quarks, Down Quarks, Photons, Gluons, Quantum fields, Mathematics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc? Fundamental Elementary particles, fields, and interactions of those things tell us the process of the universe and life. The most important thing is discovering the origin of the elementary particles and fields to explain the existence of everything we see. Can't you understand that? Maybe you can't understand that. Bye Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae Can you understand why these things exist? Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , Yes, I could understand the existence of dimensions of the universe to build a mathematical explanation about the universal process of those dimensions. Dono Sago: @Suresh Wanayalae - How did the dimensions of the universe exist and come from? Suresh Wanayalae: @Dono Sago , The universe was a THING, even it was infinitely nothing (zero infinity), and that THING should have 6 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Back) which go to zero and infinity while making dimensions (+6-6 dimensions) as moments of directions of the universe. I used the properties of the start of the universe to calculate the process of the Universe.
Killing any living being is a sin according to Buddhism. Killing Ex-Muslims is a Sin too.
Suresh Wanayalae:
Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth. More than 12 countries allowed punishing or killing ex-muslims legally. And some Muslims kill ex-muslims illegally too. Listen to this conversation: A conversation with Rishvin Ismath, spokesperson for the Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRiMXauRXA
Another video: "Sri Lankan Ex-muslim Rishvin Ismath man who survived an ISIS attack"
Don't be blind or don't tell lies.
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae So yes, I do not support the punishment for apostasy today, because the conditions have not been met that would warrant its implementation. Not because I disagree with the Law or believe it’s not part of Islam. No, but because it would be unjust to not fulfill the conditions in accordance with our Law. When those conditions return, then we can apply it. However, what I do support is that we educate our brothers and sisters and bring them back from the temptations of atheism and other religions. I also support that we establish Islam in our own societies before punishing our own for being un-Islamic. Blaming a young Muslim man or woman for leaving the religion when they live in societies which don’t even encourage them to remain Muslims – teaching them the sweetness of faith – is an injustice. Most of the time, it is we Muslims who are at fault for the conditions of our brothers and sisters, as it is our responsibility to make sure they don’t have an excuse to leave our beautiful religion. Instead, we call to the punishment in social media posts, scaring those who are confused and in search of real answers. We indirectly threaten their lives when they don’t even know why they’re Muslim to begin with. And we do so all in the comfort of our rooms, behind a computer screen, living in societies where deviance and sin are everywhere, and in some places the norm. We expect these people to remain Muslim when we haven’t even given them any reason why they should.
share the book and watch latest video on my channel it's about Sharia law
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , Some mafia groups do the same thing. Leaving the group and talking against the group is a human right. But some Muslims can't understand it because they follow Islam. That is a problem with Islam, and it is not a problem with Muslims. However, I know that how the universe evolves and runs because I investigated it and I wrote about it too.
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae can't read english I urge you to go back and read properly what I've commented and stop making strawman arguments
Bad Boy:
@Suresh Wanayalae you are pretending to be a some sought of a scholar of Islam the. Tell me what is islam if you'll give wrong answer then you'll accept you're ignorant person I've clearly showed that there is no fixed opinion on apostasy in fiqh 😂 you jahil
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , All your replies show that your religion is not good for Ex-Muslims, and also to Non-Muslims in Muslim countries, because Muslims say that we all are born Muslims and we must follow Islamic rules in Muslim countries, but Muslims take all the human rights in Non-Muslim countries. Don't behave like blind people when Muslims around the world kill people (75% of the attacks in the world were done by Muslims).
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , If you want to know about Islam learn Islam from Ex (left) Muslims. There are a lot of Ex-Muslims. who teach about the bad side of Islam. Most Muslims ignore the bad side of Islam because they don't have any other choice in Islam. Just talk against Islam to see how your own people will attack you. Most Muslims and Ex-Muslims behave like slaves in fear of Muslim gangsters who try to control the Muslims and non-Muslims. I don't want to argue with you. I just wanted to tell you that I know about the reason to exist the universe on my own mathematical research.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Bad Boy , I guess a Muslim friend who liked your comments maintains this comment section and deleted some comments of mine. These were the comments:
Deleted comment 1:
All your replies show that your religion is not good for Ex-Muslims....(75% of the attacks in the world were done by Muslims).
Deleted comment 2:
If you want to know about Islam learn Islam from Ex (left) Muslims. There are a lot of Ex-Muslims....... However, some groups of Muslims bring heroin and many other types of illegal drugs to non-Muslim countries. Last week (Sep 2021) some Muslims from Pakistan and Iran tried to bring around 600 Kg to Sri Lanka, and it happens every month. It shows how some Muslims do Business with non-Muslims. And some people bring illegal drugs from Afghanistan too. And they just want to make an Islamic world doing all the bad things in the world to damage non-Muslim societies. That is the truth about Islam which is based on the concept of the creator of God to help Muslims do anything they want, and think that they can go to heaven. The problem is with the concept of creator God/Allah that makes it happen. And I'm very sure that it is just a concept only, and a lot of bad Muslims will go to hell.
@SPORTS Hub , Did you know that after the migration to Medinah, Muslims took part in 62 raids and battles in 10 years under the leadership of Muhammad. That translates to the Muslim army taking part in a new raid or battle every ~2 months. Muhammad personally took part in 27 raids and battles. He dispatched another 38 raiding parties. Out of the total of 62 only 3 - 5 raids or battles show Muslims fighting in self defense and the enemy taking the initiative to fight. That means 92 to 95% of the battles were proactive attacks where Muhammad and the Muslim army took the initiative. The more you read Muhammad's seerah, the more you realise why he said "I have been made victorious with terror (bukhari/56/186)" - Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka (Website: cemsl.org | Facebook Page: facebook.com/cemsl.org | Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/CEMSL.ORG | Twitter: @cemslorg)
Suresh Wanayalae:
The Lustful Prophet (Muhammad's Struggle With Women): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-7ixLHS_UY
Muhammad: Women are Stupid and go to Hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_IPujht79E
@SPORTS Hub , The Scientific Mistakes of the Quran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yMD99gyr14
43 Scientific Mistakes in the Quran: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=677lMXleqWI
After the Scientific Errors Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grl0XcH2yM4
One Mistake Destroys Islam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n6-CrsZbfo
Absolute Proof The Quran Is Wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNKWBD3k77s
The Most Ignorant Quran Verse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYCwVcaBUlk
Flat earth in Islam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrUlO7VLaIE
"Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the SUN, he found it GOING DOWN into a MUDDY SPRING…" (Quran 18:86)
"And the sun runs [on course] toward its STOPPING POINT." [Quran 36: 38])
(Then Prophet (SA) replied, “After setting, the SUN REMAINS PROSTRATED under Allah’s Aro’sh and waits for Allah’s command for RISING AGAIN in the East. Day will come when SUN WILL NOT get permission to RISE AGAIN ..” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421]).
"One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the EARTH as a LEVEL STRETCH," - Verse (18:47)
'He flattened it (earth).' (Quran 79:30)
By the sun and its brightness, And [by] the MOON when it FOLLOWS IT" Al-Quran 91:1-2.
"Who has made the earth as a FIXED ABODE, and has PLACED RIVERS in its midst" - (27:61)
"Who has made the earth your COUCH, and the heavens your dome; and sent down RAIN FROM THE HEAVENS; [Qur'an 2:22]"
"Indeed, We have ADORNED the NEAREST HEAVEN with an ADORNMENT of STARS" (Quran 37:6) (*"made the MOON a light in their MIDST" - Quran 71/15-16 (MIDST in SEVEN HEAVENS!))
For 1350 years, Islamic Scholars insisted the earth is flat. There are YouTube videos on that (https://youtu.be/TmetQD1q4bY).
This is based on at least 5 verses in the Quran that clearly say the earth is flat like a rug, carpet, bed, and spread. All this changed when a man landed on the moon in the 1960's.
Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Muslims debate Douglas Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali:
Final Result (from audience): Islam is : 55% - 'not a religion of peace'. 36% = 'a religion of peace'. 9% - undecided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghr-JMq1VT0
@Suresh Wanayalae brother! not only YouTube channels! there is many books. a lot worst comments about The Messenger of Allah. but God is (the) greatest. more then 1400 years a go now. But still he is the number one! (Masha Allah) "God has willed" and try to find truth.😊
ආගමක් නැති අය (බුදු දහම ඇතුළුව) තමයි ලොකයේ වේගයෙන්ම වැඩි වෙන්නෙ. - 'No religion' (including Buddhism) is the fastest growing religious classification in the world : http://bauddha-tharka.blogspot.com/p/no-religion-including-buddhism-is.html
simple example. world most memorize book. do you know about that? read this Al Quran verse (And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?) now all world only one book completely memorize. that's holy Quran. brother! Islam is the top level in the all world. faster growing up religion in the world Islam only.
According to the time series data released with the 2016 census, the fastest growing religious classifications over the ten years between 2006 and 2016 were:
No religion – up from 18.7% to 30.1%
Hinduism – up from 0.7% to 1.9%
Islam – up from 1.7% to 2.6%
Sikhism – up from 0.1% to 0.5%
* Buddhism is the fastest-growing religion by percentage in Australia.
Suresh Wanayalae: There was an issue about rewriting some religious books. Some muslims were talking against even about rewriting the Bible. And probably Muslim extremists could be angry when Chinasaid that they wanted to do the same with the Quran too. A Muslim presenter talked about that issue in Jan 22, 2019 (on China Uncensored channel): "China Rewrites the Bible?! 10 Ways China is Targeting Christians and Catholicshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ytsu95pt_4". It may not be a big issue for Christians, but it seems that it was a big probem to some muslims. And they were talking about that on behalf of Christians. I hope you can imagine how it could impact Muslim extremists when China was preparing to rewrite Quran with a few modifications.
Do you think that there is a force-carrying particle for the gravitational force which requires to explain the quantum gravity?
And if you think that the mass of objects makes the curvature of space as an interaction of a dimension can you explain the reason for that process?
Just imagine the process of gravity as a cyclic force in an elementary particle that occurs with an oscillation of that elementary particle.
There is an oscillation in neutrinos that cause changing the flavor of neutrinos from electron neutrino to muon neutrino, and then muon neutrino to tau neutrino.
If everything in the universe emits neutrinos then neutrinos can become a candidate for the gravitational force as a cyclic partial force.
The mass of objects like the earth, stars, black holes makes the gravitational force. And interactions between those objects make gravitational waves too.
Merging Black Holes and merging Neutron stars make gravitational waves on the curvature of space around those objects while moving.
Albert Einstein was right about the curvature of space that can interact and make waves in space,
but if that curvature is a result of a quantum force that can increase the density of space,
then that gravitational wave is a space wave that originates on the quantum gravitational force.
And if the elementary particles like neutrinos generate the gravitational force,
then neutrinos can make a counter gravity on each object after going through that object.
And that process can hold the objects in space at the same place for a long time.
If neutrinos can eat the space then that can happen.
And according to that possibility, Black Holes should emit those elementary particles to make the gravitational force.
And those elementary particles can come out from Black Holes making the gravity.
And if some neutrinos are invisible then it is difficult to calculate the quantum impact of that force.
That possibility can help us to explain the bouncing nature of the universe, and that can change the theory about the Big Bang too.
If neutrinos have a 0.5 spin as 0.5+0.5 between 3 standard dimensions, then it can take only one 0.5 for a spin, and then the other +0.5 should try to be stable making dimensions like +1-0.5.
And again it can become unstable because it has created another unstable -0.5 dimension too. So it should try to be stable again making dimensions like -1+0.5.
And finally, that extra -1 dimension can try to annihilate the previous +1 dimension making a void in space and increasing the density of space as making the gravitational force while becoming the +0.5 dimension again with the spin 0.5.
And when neutrinos travel neutrinos can make 3 types of neutrinos for each dimension increasing the standard dimension from 1 to 3.
So the nature of neutrinos is almost enough to explain the quantum process of the gravitational force.
And that shows the first layer of the elementary particles called Up Quark, Down Quark, Electron, Electron Neutrino in the standard model should generally be based on only 1 main standard dimension.
And generally, there is 1 more standard dimension in the second layer. And same like that, there are 2 more standard dimensions in the third layer.
Quantum Gravity Explained With Neutrino Oscillation By W. Suresh Madusanka
NASA X-ray Telescopes Find Black Hole May Be a Neutrino Factory - Nasa (Nov 13, 2014 RELEASE 14-169).
There are no very large objects around the Sun with a Big core inside preventing traveling elementary particles through it. And if there were very large planets like that then the graviton (Eg: the partial force in neutrinos) can interact (eg: bend) at the core of those planets increasing the force between the planet and the Sun. And then those planets fall into the sun very soon. So that must be the reason for the fine-tuning of gravity for the small planets and planets with a dead core. Therefore we don't need a creator God or a Multiverse with different types of gravities to explain the fine-tuned weakness of gravity. And if the neutrinos take dimensions of space out while going out from the galaxies then neutrinos can increase the density outside the galaxies causing move the galaxies away from each other like becoming the reason to exist Dark Energy.
I have studied your declarative type of information. And studied one of the comments given in this page regarding the same. So if you don't mind, I like to discuss this issue with psychological point of views.
1. These type of concepts are formed by more the individuals who have more experiences and having ability of predictions. Further, your genuine interest and similar types of mental schema also affected.
2. I believe this type of predictable ability is only on particular area or aspects. Because your long term memory may be filled with plenty of schema.
3. Very opposite to the above, people who have schitsoprenea may act and behave like in this manner because they may suffer from dilution and illusion.
4. Very contrast to all the above some people have superficial power like predictions about the incidents which could happen in the future, tentatively.
~ Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions)
~ Egypt – illegal (3 years' imprisonment)
~ Iran – illegal (death penalty)
~ Jordan – possibly illegal (fine, jail, child custody loss, marriage annulment) although officials claim otherwise, convictions are recorded for apostasy
~ Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging)
~ Mauritania – illegal (death penalty if still apostate after 3 days)
~ Morocco – illegal to proselytise conversion (15 years' imprisonment) Only country not listed by Pew.
~ Oman – legal in criminal code, but according to the family code, a father can lose custody of his child
~ Pakistan – illegal (death penalty since 2007)
~ Qatar – illegal (death penalty)
~ Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions)
~ Somalia – illegal (death penalty)
~ Sudan – illegal (death penalty, although there have only been recent reports of torture, and not of execution)
~ United Arab Emirates – illegal (3 years' imprisonment, flogging)
Saman Sandakelum, Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment; [quran 16:106]. * The Prophet said, "The blood of a Muslim, who confesses that Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (there is no god but Allâh), cannot be shed except in three cases: 1. Life for life; 2. A married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse; and 3. The one who turns renegade from Islâm (apostate) and leaves the group of Muslims. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam)
Saman Sandakelum , Some individuals do terrorist activities on few personal reasons, but "organized terrorist groups" have strong foundations based on Islamic extremism.
"we can say that the percentage of the Koran that deals with hatred aimed at infidels is somewhere between 45.8% and 59.6%."
106/201 (52.7%) is hatred aimed at infidels:
50/201 (24.9%) deals with believers:
23/201 (11.4%) deal with Allah:
10/201 (5%) deal with the Day of Doom or the Day of Judgment:
4/201 (2%) are anti-woman:
4/201 (2%) deal with giving to the poor in some way
2/201 (1%) deal with some kind of Muslim custom or etiquette, for instance:
1/201 (0.5%) Disapproves of a man who murdered someone, for it was for the wrong reason to kill someone.
1/201 (0.5%) says it is OK for people to have their religion while Muslims have theirs.
Source: "Islam on Trial: The Prosecution's Case - Amber Pawlik, November 20, 2010"
Did you know that after the migration to Medinah, Muslims took part in 62 raids and battles in 10 years under the leadership of Muhammad. That translates to the Muslim army taking part in a new raid or battle every ~2 months. Muhammad personally took part in 27 raids and battles. He dispatched another 38 raiding parties. Out of the total of 62 only 3 - 5 raids or battles show Muslims fighting in self defense and the enemy taking the initiative to fight. That means 92 to 95% of the battles were proactive attacks where Muhammad and the Muslim army took the initiative. The more you read Muhammad's seerah, the more you realise why he said "I have been made victorious with terror (bukhari/56/186)"
Paradise Lust:
SM 1:172 The Prophet observed: There is none who affirmed there is no God but Allah and died in this state and did not enter Paradise. I (Abu Dharr) asked: Even if he committed adultery and theft? He (the Prophet) replied: Yes even though he committed adultery and theft.
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